Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1251 The Annexation Of Hungary

Ever since the end of the Last Crusade, a war which broke the Catholic Church and reorganized Europe beneath the then newly established German Empire's rule, Hungary had been slowly but surely developed by the man who had been named King. Who just so happened to be Noemi's older brother. 

However, in recent years, Kaiser Hans von Kufstein had begun applying pressure to the Hungarian Nation, specifically in the form of ongoing Germanization. After all, the German language was now spoken across all of Europe as a secondary language, and was in many ways replacing the native tongue of the inhabitants. 

This was also the case for German culture, which was being emulated across the board. With Hungary going so far as to replicate the German architectural style with the Reich was so well known for. Despite a lack of access to modern technology, such as electricity. 

Thus, after several years, of this ongoing process. Hans decided now was the time to bring the Hungarian Nation into the German fold and annex it as a colony. One which would thoroughly begin the process of Germanization.

Thus, today he sat in the Hungarian Royal Palace, with Noemi by his side. Noemi's brother gazed upon her beautiful face with a hint of pride on his own. It had been many years since he had sent his sister away to the German Reich to have a better life, and he had never thought at the time that she would one day be a wife of the next Kaiser. 

In fact, he just wanted her to survive, unlike their sibling, who had passed away due to sanctions that were placed in the Kingdom of Hungary following its alliance with the Catholic Church. Noemi seemed rather indifferent to her brother. It had been so many years since they had last seen one another that they were practically now strangers, even if the man himself did not feel that way. 

Yet this indifference did not deter the King of Hungary from speaking to his sister as if they were still as close as ever. 

"Noemi, you have grown so beautiful, you truly are the spitting image of our mother. It has been far too long since we last spoke to one another, but I am wondering why now have you finally come to visit your old home? Is everything alright?"

Noemi did not immediately speak, and instead sipped from her tea. She allowed her husband to do the talking, since this was his idea. And Hans was glad to do it. 

"Viktor, I suppose by marriage we are considered brothers. So, I decided to give you the courtesy of telling you in person. I plan to annex the Kingdom of Hungary and incorporate it into the German Reich as another state. It won't be a quick process, but in two generations, when the people of Hungary are considered German enough, they will be officially be given status as a German state. 

By all means, you can continue to call yourself King for the time being, and as of this moment, the Kingdom of Hungary will remain an independent state in name only. But, from now on, my soldiers will be stationed in your borders, my people will immigrate to Hungary, and we will develop your Kingdom into a proper modern society."

Victor looked at Hans in disbelief, before shifting his gaze to Noemi to see her reaction. Contrary to what he was expecting, the woman appeared entirely unphased by this declaration, as if she knew about it beforehand. And he was quick to interrogate her for her opinion. 

"Noemi, you can't be serious? You would hand Hungary over to the Germans? Why?" 

Noemi glared at her elder brother with a cold gaze. It was almost as if she were speaking to an inferior as she said the reason why she had decided to go along with her husband's plans. 

"Because I wish to be a Kaiserin, and not a mere Princess of Hungary. If Hungary is incorporated into the Reich as a German state, then I have the right to call myself Kaiserin, as do Anne and Veronika, which means my children will be able to fight for the crown.

This isn't about you and your petty kingdom, brother. This is about establishing a new line of succession. My children deserve to be called Germans just like those of my sisters, and I refuse to let you, and your primitive thinking, stand in the way of that. 

The Germanization of Hungary will go as planned, and your people will love you for it. After all, we will bring with us the technology that we are so renowned across the world for. You can't say that is a bad thing, now can you?" 

Viktor could hardly believe his ears, and he was quick to shift his sights to Hans, who was drinking from his teacup with a smug smile on his face. He suddenly began to plead, like a child before his parents, as he begged for Hans not to go through with his plans. 

"My Kaiser, I have done everything you and your father have ever asked of me. Surely that is worth something? You're talking about annihilating centuries of culture and heritage from the face of the Earth. You can't allow this to happen!"

However, Hans remained entirely indifferent to his brother-in-law, and instead spoke some rather harsh words in retaliation. 

"A thousand years ago, this was German land, ruled over by the Gepids, the Lombards, the Goths, and the Vandals. That is before your ancestors came from the east, and invaded. We are simply taking back what is rightfully ours. 

You can either agree to annexation, or we can fight to see whose claim is rightful, but I trust you know how that would end for you and your people. In fact, I doubt your men would even fight for you, knowing that you denied them the prosperity that comes with joining the Reich. My father established a new era for this world, through sweat, blood, and tears. It is the German era now, and those who do not wish to obey our commands are free to fight to the last man. 

You have a choice in the matter, of course, but for the love that I bear your sister, I suggest you choose wisely. Because it would pain me to break her heart..." 

Noemi's expression showed that she was almost laughing at her husband's last words. As far as she was concerned, she was as German as Veronika was. Both came from lands that had previously belonged to the German people, and both were thoroughly Germanized. She should have every right, as Veronika, to call herself Kaiserin, and she was willing to let her people be converted in order to make this happen. 

When Viktor realized that his choice was to either willfully accept the death of his people's culture and heritage, or take up arms in its defense. He realized he had no choice at all, for waging war against the Reich and winning was nothing more than the fever dream of a madman. 

Thus, the Hungarian King sighed heavily, before submitting to the German Kaiser, and his demands. 

"Very well... I understand my position quite clearly. I agree to all of your demands. Hungary is yours to do with as you wish..."

Hans's lips curled into a cruel smile as he heard this, before nodding his head in agreement with his brother-in-law's words. 


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