Triple Blessings: Mr. Fu's Passionate Pursuit

Chapter 532: 528: We are No Match for Richelle Dunn

Chapter 532: 528: We are No Match for Richelle Dunn

Translator: 549690339

Roy Lewis and Richelle Dunn were temporarily separated but their relationship was as sweet and strong as ever.

In fact, their relationship was even more intimate and their hearts were closer than before.

In Lordon, Harris Dunn had been staying in his own apartment for several days because of Jayden Dunn’s rash decision to team up with Sebastian Lewis and kidnap Richelle Dunn. He hadn’t gone back to the Dunns to see Jayden.

Over the past few days, Jayden was trying hard to appear normal, going to work at the Dunn Group and leaving on time.

But the fear in his heart grew stronger day by day.

Although he was very careful, it seemed impossible for the police to find any solid evidence against him.

However, just because the police couldn’t catch him, it didn’t mean that the Lewis family wouldn’t seek revenge on him.

In fact, he thought this operation was foolproof.

If they still had Richelle, there would be no fear of retaliation from the Lewis family.

But now, Richelle had escaped, and the Lewis family had even abandoned their own, Sebastian Lewis.

What did this mean?

It meant that even without Roy Lewis, Richelle’s status within the Lewis family was extremely important.

It was even more important than Sebastian Lewis, a legitimate member of the family.

This was something Jayden hadn’t considered before kidnapping Richelle.

What kind of charm did Richelle possess to make Mr. Lewis value her so much?

Was it because of her medical skills?

But Roy Lewis was already dead, and her medical skills no longer held any value for the Lewis family.

Or was it because she was the mother of the three Lewis children?

In the long run, shouldn’t Mr. Lewis get rid of Richelle, and while he still had a few years left, quickly cultivate Timmy Lewis and his siblings?

Anyway, Mr. Lewis’ actions in recent days were baffling.

This made Jayden, who was determined to fight Richelle and the Lewis family to the end, suddenly lose his sense of direction.

If he continued to fight, Richelle, who had Mr. Lewis’ support, would be extremely difficult to deal with.

If he gave up the fight now, he wouldn’t be satisfied.

After all, if he couldn’t take revenge on Richelle for the blood debt of his wife and daughter, he would never find peace in his life.

However, it was obvious that seeking revenge from Richelle was extremely difficult.

His son Harris Dunn, who had always been his confidant and strategist, was actually at odds with him over Richelle.

This meant that he had temporarily lost his most reliable ally and adviser.

Jayden had tried to make peace with Harris at the company a few times, but Harris kept everything strictly professional and left as soon as his work was done, seemingly trying to draw a line between them and not get involved in personal matters.

This afternoon, after the regular meeting, Jayden finally caught Harris in his office.

“Harris, the situation is a bit serious this time, and I need your advice and counsel.”

There was still no news from the Lewis family, but the quieter they were, the more afraid Jayden was.

Harris’s expression was serious. “Dad, I’ve warned you countless times before you decided to do this. There are no benefits for us in doing this, only angering the Lewis family.”

But Jayden was still obsessed. “That’s because Richelle got away. If she were still in our hands, everything would be easier!”

Harris scoffed, “Dad, do you think the Lewis family is easy to deal with? I can only say that you’re too naive. If Richelle were really in your hands, not just us, even the Lilliputs would probably be wiped off the face of the earth by the Lewis family.”

Jayden insisted, “If she were in our hands, would they dare?”

Deep fatigue appeared in Harris’s eyes.

“Dad, it’s important to know oneself. After so many encounters, do you still naively think that Richelle is just an ordinary person? Admitting that she is powerful isn’t just building up someone else’s prestige, but also telling yourself what can and cannot be done.”

Jayden was unhappy.

“What’s so great about that damn girl?”

Harris was drained.

“Dad, do you think Roy Lewis is powerful? Kiara spent five years trying, but Roy never gave her a second glance. But within a few months, everyone could see how Roy treated Richelle. Powerful people attract other powerful people, that’s the truth. And in the past few months, you’ve fought her countless times, have you ever won?”

“Which time didn’t she lead you by the nose?”

“Which time didn’t you end up worse off?”

Bluntly analyzed by his son, Jayden’s face turned red and then white, “Harris, just tell me, what benefits did that bitch Richelle give you?”

Harris never expected his own father to have such a thought, his last hope for his father to come to his senses vanished.

“Dad, I’ve said all I have to say. I don’t care what you think. In the end, I’ll advise you one more time, Mason Lilliput is not a good person, and you can’t outplay him. Richelle is no easy target either, and you can’t outplay her! Back off now, or our family will be truly ruined.”

Jayden, who was reprimanded by Harris, left with anger in his stomach. He called Mason Lilliput to discuss the countermeasures, but the phone prompted that the other party had shut down their phone.

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