Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 132 To Shoot Oneself In The Foot.

Scarlet often wondered about the importance of a hospital in a world where med beds fixed seventy percent of the health issues. There were no diseases like cancers of any kind here, broken bones could be healed instantly, burns, poison, fevers and the like. It should have been the ideal world indeed. But med beds could not treat the darkness, mental illnesses, common colds, cough, the mysterious coldness and some other strange old and new diseases which required research. Some of these things required physical pills which were not many in supply since they came from herbs and plants that were rare in this world. Another key point she kept in mind was that med beds worked best if the disease or injury was attended to in a hurry. For example they could not regrow a new limb if the injury was beyond repair which had made advancements into artificial limbs leap far and wide. To cure a severe burn mark one needed basic treatment first for three days before the med bed could be used. Some operations were also done by hand and they required skilled doctors. Opening a hospital without a single doctor was something not quite right, she would not call it useless but it was not right. But at least they had three available nurses and the communications department had already put up ads searching for doctors and nurses. 

As she was given a tour of the fully equipped with interstellar machines eighty floor hospital, she admired the spaciousness and organization of the building. It was large enough to remind her of an airport, it had transparent screens which for now were giving some health advise and directions. A few were showing television content. It did not have that common antibacterial hospital smell yet. 

"These are the first floor wards." the head nurse Shelley showed her ID to the camera ahead and the doors slid open.

"Will the patients and visitors require ID's to get in?" Scarlet asked. 

"Yes," nurse Shelley nodded, "Wards are private areas and it is not necessary for anyone to randomly walk in. This is a rule on the planet because a few years ago a man tried to set is wife on fire. She was taken to the hospital and he followed, he tried to finish what he started inside a private ward. For the safety of all patients only vetted family members, doctors and nurses can enter the wards since then." 

"What happened to the man?" Scarlet asked curiously. 

"He is probably serving time on the Red star." nurse Shelley replied but she was unsure and the shrug of her shoulders told Scarlet that. "Governor we have heard that your sister used to be a nurse, will she be coming to work at the hospital?" 

Scarlet shook her head and indicated that it would not be happening. It had been her first thought as well but when she made the request Carolyn turned her down. "My sister is very happy managing the factories, they are expanding rapidly which keeps her busy." 

"It's also a good job," the nurse commented, "I heard that they have been able to manufacture one solar powered car. This means we can finally start driving, I for one am looking forward to it." 

"Driving on the road is different from flying a car." Scarlet reminded her. 

"The school is giving virtual driving lessons, that class is the most attended on our planet because everyone has signed up. There was a rumor that you would be teaching some things personally. Will you?" Nurse Shelley looked at Scarlet curiously. 

"No, my brothers have that covered. Most of the ex mecha warriors catch on pretty quickly too, I am sure that they already have half the skills. Those that are willing to become driving teachers after passing their tests will stay on to teach others. Anyway, thanks for the tour, I love everything. I have a supply of medicines coming in so the pharmacy will be stocked, med beds too. You can cross those off your list of worries. I am of the suggestion that two of the floors should be used as a temporary school of medicine, you three nurses can teach other young hopeful nurses what you know so far as we try to recruit professional teachers of medicine." 

 " Meet the heads behind the food is poisonous movement celebrating their war on food by eating fries and deep fried shrimp with ketchup!

In all words, some jobs remained the same, especially in the entertainment business. The paparazzo that took a picture of the heads of three nutrient solution company owners celebrating their big win carefully looked for who would pay the most for the picture. Between these three men and their enemies, the enemy would probably pay more. 

Lo and behold!! half of the picture was sent to Scarlet with an explanation about who the men were and a request for two hundred thousand star coins. She spoke to Rodney who advised her to pay the full amount and contract the paparazzo to spread the picture at a fee of one thousand star coins. So, as she toured the hospital, the picture made it's rounds on star net very quickly. 

Rodney was an expert in this field and he paid two mediocre live streamers to push the issue but he made a few calls and pushed their live streams to the top on different platforms. 

"Why they don't want you to eat food!" one live stream had that big title. 

"The war between food and nutrient solution companies!" another was titled. 

The live streamers who had been provided with dozens of snacks carefully broke down the issue while eating snacks and drinking, which also promoted whatever they were eating. 

News like this was not the kind that could easily be squashed because many people were interested in it thanks to the energy invested by these nutrient solution companies to keep articles about food in the news and on the people's minds. All the citizens were paying so much attention since this was related to their health. It was safe to say that these companies prepared the table for Scarlet and food to come and sit. 

It took only thirty minutes for some news companies to begin changing their tone. 

"Food vs nutrient solutions, could this be and economic war?" 

"Exposure of three hypocrites, food is not bad after all." 

Samael Rogan was in his office when his secretary came rushing in to show him the new unfavorable news that was picking up speed. "Kill the articles." he yelled, "Kill them immediately." 

"It's too late sir. the RGB has released an official statement declaring approved food harmless. The Agricultural bureau has said that two of their professors are on the blue star researching food. They have also released a list of foods that have been approved for consumption so far. I think it's better to retreat right now, if those three idiots are arrested they could mention that you instigated their actions, we should be looking for a way to shut them up." 

"You are right, hurry up and offer them some money, if it won't work then perhaps a little accident could happen in which all three die."

"That doesn't mean the rest who were at the meeting won't talk. I think calling them together was a mistake." his secretary lamented. If word got out that Origin nutrients was involved in this smear campaign the royal family that has always been looking for a way to reduce the influence of the Rogan family will not sit back. This was a disaster, they had shot themselves in the foot by being over zealous. 

Someone else came into his office rushing, "Sir, it's not good." 

"Now what?" he barked. 

"Nutri has released a snack made from food, it's trending all over as the capital's first produced food product."

Samael watched the news and he saw the president of Nutri giving a speech at a press conference. There was a table before him on which a variety of purple, red and green packaged snacks sat.

Angry, he hurled smashed the secretary's small terminal against the table and continued hitting it until it was all broken into little pieces. 

"It's too late, they have been taken into custody." his secretary showed him his own terminal from a small distance away. "We need a contingency plan now."

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