Transmigrated into a Female-Oriented Card Game

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

It had been a while since they were here, and he finally got to the point. Ectors enthusiasm had left him completely speechless. Swallowing a low sigh, Cadel grabbed the stubborn Lydon by the collar and proceeded to spout his theory that the demons were on the move to attack the Empire.

Unable to explain the systems progress markings, the most obvious evidence, he used Kunras presence to bolster his theory.

Derek and Ectors faces darkened as they listened to Cadels theory. Ector crossed his arms and made a distressed sound as he checked the reports from around the world via [Ullo].

Certainly, things are very different in foreign nations, Your Majesty, and its strange that theyve suddenly shifted their target to the Empire, but.

If the enemy has only retreated for a short time, its hard to send a request for assistance. You never know when theyll resume fighting again.

But by the time we see that Sir Cadels words are true, it is already too late. Even if we send a support request right now, Im not sure if well get help in time or not.

Where is Insel?

Derek summoned the Captain of the Guard, Insel, who was outside, and explained the situation. As the Emperor, Ector, and Insel discussed the situation, the voices of the Imperial knights from [Ullo] grew increasingly urgent.

We wont get enough support, Your Majesty, unless we can prove that all demons are turning against the Empire. The loyalty of a temporary ally is too shallow to move troops in the middle of a battle.

Loyal or not, if they dont send support now, the Empire will be under heavy attack. The balance is quickly shattered when the center falls. We must demand enough troops, Your Majesty, even if it means threatening them. If were wrong, well send them back, and if our allies are attacked in the meantime, well send reinforcements from here to save face.

You know we cant travel back and forth so easily, Ector. We dont have enough magicians at the moment to use traveling magic to its fullest extent.

Why would you care about someone elses country when your own is falling apart?

If the war isnt going to end all at once, we have to think about the future.

If we fall here, theres no future to think about, Captain.

Dereks gaze shifted from their discussion to Cadel, who had been watching them from a distance. Cadel had no intention of getting involved in the argument between Insel and Ector. With a calm look in his eyes, as if he had already made up his mind, Derek raised a hand to silence the two men.

What do you think? You have come because you are convinced that the demons are headed for the Empire. Do you share Ectors opinion?

The question drew the attention of Ector and Insel. Cadel glanced at Ector, who waggled his eyebrows at him, as if trying to get him to agree, and then shook his head firmly.

Forcing support is unlikely to get us useful numbers of troops, and just like the Summit, where we had to prove the existence of the great magic circle, there will be no cooperation without hard evidence.

So, Sir Cadel, youre saying we should wait until after the Empire is invaded to ask for military support?

The problem with that choice is that the Empire may not be able to hold off the invasion until reinforcements arrive. Isnt that right, Sir Ector?

Thats right.

Then all we have to do is withstand their attacks.

If it were easy, why would we be fighting like this here? In the face of Ectors grim expression as he spoke, Cadel spoke lightly as if he was handling a simple matter.

If we create a barrier around the outer perimeter of the Empire, and then go on the defensive, we can withdraw the troops guarding the gates, and use the barrier to hold back the incoming demons. We can hold out until reinforcements arrive and no one gets hurt.

Your plans are too abstract. We dont have enough magic tools to build a barrier that encompasses the entire Empire. Neither do the magicians who would create it.

Insel expressed his disappointment at Cadels seemingly unrealizable plan, but Cadel was undaunted and instead pointed to Lydon, who was leaning against the wall and twiddling his fingers freely.

If its my subordinates, its possible.

Huh? Me?

Lydon tilted his head in question at Cadels bold declaration. Sure, it was possible to create a barrier of ice to enclose the Empire. But maintaining it was the problem. With Lydons current mana, the ice barrier would collapse in less than a minute.

He blinked innocently, not wanting to say it out loud, and Cadel inflated his power once more.

Ten hours at most. Isnt that enough time to call in allies, wait for reinforcements, and hold out?

Lydon had said it didnt matter what happened to the humans as long as Cadel lived, but that was not true for Cadel. Lydon, who was concerned for a moment by Cadels deceptive behavior without even blinking, smiled brightly and said as if he was okay with it.

Just ten hours, darling? Thats easy!

* * *

Starting a defensive battle with only Lydons mana was practically suicidal. Lydons mana, and even his own, could not maintain the Empires barrier for ten full hours.

But that didnt mean he was scamming the humans out of their lives in such a desperate situation.

What is this, Cadel? It looks nasty.

Something you need to eat.

Under the pretense that he needed to prepare for the spell, Cadel asked for space to be alone with Lydon. Once everyone was out of the room, Cadel held a small lump out in front of him.

Im supposed to eat this? No! It looks yucky!

It was a translucent mass that looked so pure white it was almost pale, and inside the bumpy, unkempt mass, intricate mauve lines ran like veins.

As Lydon expressed vehement disbelief that the lines seemed to be pulsating, Cadel thought to himself.

Hes quick to spot.

It didnt feel like it was pulsating, it was actually pulsating. The mass was called the [Frozen Core]. It was obtained by Lumen when he defeated Elvie in the main quest The Tower of the Demon Realm. The game described it as a replica of Elvies heart.

You have to eat it even if you dont want to, Lydon. I proposed the defense with the idea that youd eat it.

The [Frozen Core] could be consumed by anyone, but this time, Lydon had to eat it no matter what. Eating it would temporarily allow someone who couldnt handle ice mana to gain access to a high level of mana. If Cadel ate it, he would become a 4-attribute magician for the duration of the items duration.

However, a magician who is already an ice magician can increase his stats sevenfold by consuming the Frozen Core. At Lydons current level, seven times his power was enough to keep the Empire safe until reinforcements arrive.

As long as you manage your mana consumption properly, you can dedicate all your energy to its protection. That said, the survival of the Empire depends on this mischievous fairy.

Its not enough that I have been eating darlings cooking every time, and now you want me to eat this hideous lump?

Why is my cooking appearing here?

Anyway, no!

Cadel thought hed eat it after a little coaxing, but Lydon was more rebellious than he thought.

Did he instinctively sense the demonic energy?

The heart of a demon, even if it was a replica. Lydons aversion to demonic energy would have made him reluctant. Cadel briefly considered other methods of persuasion but soon gave up thinking. There was no time left. The danger was too imminent to be appeased.

Having made up his mind, Cadel unhesitatingly placed the [Frozen Core] in his mouth. And then.

What is it, if Cadel is going to eat it, why.

Cadel turned his head lightly and locked lips with Lydon. Clenching his jaw, Cadel pressed his lips to the parted lips that had been talking and passed the Frozen Core onto his tongue.

Lydon flinched, his tongue lolling at the tip of his tongue as if the presence of the lump in his mouth was more of a shock than Cadels sudden kiss. He looked like he was about to spit the lump out again. In response, Cadel kissed him firmly on the lips and moved the hand that had been clutching his jaw to squeeze the nape of his neck.


His slick tongue curled over and over again, somehow managing not to swallow the lump. Cadel pushed Lydon back until he was in front of the desk, then casually pressed his shoulders down on him. Pressing their upper bodies close together, he flicked Lydons tongue root with his body weight. Then a lump that couldnt hold the incline slid down Lydons throat. Lydon gurgled and squirmed on the ground beneath him as the assault took hold.

Good boy.

Cadel rubbed the nape of Lydons neck ticklishly and whispered to him. Atop Lydon, who eventually swallowed the lump with a loud gulp, Cadel chuckled softly and raised his upper body.

You eat well.

Knight Lydon has consumed the rare item [Frozen Core]!

Knight Lydon s mana is temporarily greatly increased.

Youre so mean, Cadel.

Lydon wheezed, his face red with frustration. The tears at the corners of his softly sloping eyes and the whimpering red lips stirred a strange sense of human immorality. Cadel stared at Lydons face for a moment, mesmerized, then coughed and pulled away.

You should have eaten it when I told you so.


You dont remember what you did, do you? I can still taste the candy you fed me.

I gave you something tasty!

Lydons voice rose in indignation, and he suddenly stopped talking and poked at his stomach. He narrowed his brow and remained still, then lifted his stiffened head to look at Cadel.

I dont feel right.

Dont worry. Its an elixir of sorts which temporarily boosts the mana within you. It will naturally wear off over time, but until then, enjoy the overflowing mana.


Lydon nodded obediently, though he rubbed his stomach as if he didnt want to admit it. Lydon nodded, trusting that Cadel wouldnt feed him anything harmful.

With Lydon in tow, and Elvies heart now consumed, Cadel set to work on the construction of a barrier across the continent.

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