Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 183: Encounter

Chapter 183: Encounter

< Chapter 183: Encounter (3) >

I carefully placed the map I received into my pocket.

Dont you have any more questions? You never know when youll get another opportunity like this. Ask everything now.

So I cant meet you again? You said the current you has no restrictions?

He frowned.

I might not have restrictions, but remember I said theres an interferer.


If we have these meetings too frequently, theres a higher chance of getting caught.

Can you explain my ability to me?

Didnt the future me explain your power?

No. Hes trash, isnt he?


He didnt respond.

There were some hints about my abilities. My abilities evolved a bit when I did the time leap. So I havent been able to fully grasp them.

Hmm. Evolution.

He stroked his chin.

Let me check for a moment.

Go ahead.

First, he grabbed my right hand. Probably to inspect the visible mark of the spirit tribe on the back of my right hand.

Hmm. Take off your top. I want a detailed look at the other marks.


Nonchalantly, I took off my outer garment.


Interest gleamed in his eyes. Not because he had any ulterior thoughts about my body, but because he seemed to admire the form of my marks. He was probably looking at the elf mark on my shoulder.

The mark has grown this much.


So, is this truly the mark of a high elf?

No. Its not a high elfs mark.

Its not? So, youre saying the Dragon Lord was mistaken?

Mistaken well, be it the Dragon Lord or any deity, they might be ignorant about the marks. Mistaking this kind of mark for a high elfs isnt implausible.

I see.

Got it.

Then, what exactly should this be called?

I havent named it specifically since its unique to me, but for convenience, you can call it the Mark of the Superior Elf.

Is it superior because its the third change?

Yes, it goes in the order of lower, middle, and superior.

The Elf mark has changed twice.

From the original World Tree, through a denser World Tree, to its current form. A total of three stages.

So, is the next one the ultimate stage?

There isnt an ultimate. After superior comes transcendence.


Yes, for the Elves, it would mean becoming a High Elf.

High Elf

So Im still one stage away.

Is transcendence the final stage?

It is.

That means the mark has a total of four stages.

But why call it transcendence? Couldnt you just call it ultimate?

The term is quite literal. When the mark undergoes its fourth evolution, it transcends the limits of its race.


Is it based on a transcendence system, like with ability stats?

Its similar. In any case, its the only way to exceed the racial values.

Hmm, its still hard to grasp.

I should have seen a High Elf in person. They didnt even appear in the novel.

If I were to put it in a way thats easy for you to understand, the stature of a High Elf is on par with a Dragon Lord.

My eyes widened in surprise.

So youre saying an Elf, not just any dragon, but the pinnacle of dragons, a Lord, is equivalent?

Yes. Thats the power of racial transcendence.

Thats insane.

Now that he put it that way, I understood instantly.

If the Elf races mark reaches transcendence, then the Dragon races mark

Thats why the Dragon Lord, thinking I was a High Elf, showed such favor to me.

Because he saw a formidable ally.

The Dragon Lord said that?

Yes. He asked about something that happened a thousand years ago

What did he mean by that? Well, its not of my concern right now.

Anyway, I understand the stages of the mark. Next question: The colors, activation and deactivation, are as I believe, right?


White is active.

Black is inactive.

As for the ancient relic the longer its used, the longer the deactivation period, right?

Thats correct.

That was another of my assumptions confirmed.

Then, whats the detailed ability of the mark?

As the rank of the mark increases, you can use the higher traits of that race.

Thats it? What about the change in ability stats?

Of course, your stats will also increase. As you unlock the higher traits, your stats wont remain the same.

So, unlocking traits leads to an increase in stats.

So theres no separate increase in ability stats aside from traits?

Not when using the mark.

Only when using it?

He smirked.

What I mean is, when the mark evolves, theres an increase in stats. Its a phenomenon that occurs as the mark fully adapts to your body.

Ah! Full assimilation!

Full assimilation, thats a good name.

So, full assimilation was still in effect.

But, I dont really feel much of a difference.

Even though the Elf mark has become superior, I dont feel much change.

That makes sense. The power contained in the Elf mark relates to charm and empathy. You wouldnt notice it that much.


Even if the rules changed, the effects of full assimilation by race remain the same.

Sigh. That means I have to figure out the full assimilation effects of other races again.

It was becoming quite bothersome.

Do you really need to do that?

As I sighed, hyung laughed slyly.

Here you go.

Another piece of paper appeared in front of me, fluttering and falling. I quickly grabbed it.


I was surprised as soon as I checked the beginning of the paper.

[List of Racial Full Assimilation Abilities]

The exact information I wanted was recorded there.

Is it okay to give me this?

Of course. I can give you this anytime.

Wow hyung, youre really different from the useless future version of you. Is this why they say Adam, Creator God Adam?

Hyungs expression became ambiguous. It was a look that couldnt decide if it was a compliment or a mockery.

Anyway, Ill make good use of it. Thanks.

I carefully tucked that paper into my pocket.

Ah, one more thing. What are the evolution conditions for the mark? I roughly understand that using a variety of relics is a condition.

I want to know the detailed conditions.

Depending on the rank of the relic, the growth rate of the mark varies slightly.


Do you mean it varies by grade?

Usually, yes. The higher the grade, the higher the rank.

Okay. So, using high-grade relics more frequently accelerates the evolution of the mark.

It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest. Its so joyous to get definite information.

Goodbye to the speculative and hypothesis-filled content in my mind.

Hmm. It might be better to provide separate documentation on Adams mark.

Oh, really?

Yes. Its tedious to explain from one to ten, so its better to transfer my knowledge in its entirety.

Wow. You truly are a god.

Its amazing that such a thing is possible.

Impressive indeed.

Give me a moment to concentrate.

Hyung closed his eyes and began to focus. Simultaneously, a white magical light shimmered, and shortly after, a small notebook of about 30 pages was created before my eyes.


I eagerly grabbed and hugged the notebook.

Read it from beginning to end later.

Thank you.

My face seemed to dance with joy.

Ah, I really love this hyung from the past.

Such a generous tree, always giving.

How did such a wonderful hyung turn into the garbage Kim Shin of the future?

Truly ironic.

Any other questions?


I cant think of anything off the top of my head.

Seems like most issues are already addressed?


For now?

Usually, after sessions like this, Id regret forgetting to ask something.

But I cant recall anything for now.

Then lets conclude the questions here.

Yeah, that seems okay.

Its been a while since I felt this refreshed.

Just before you leave

The God, hyung, handed me a small tablet.

Whats this?

An item that allows you to check your abilities accurately.

Huh? Such an item exists?

It didnt, but Ive just created it.

On the spot?



The name Creator God Adam is not just for show.

I made it after checking your state in detail, so it should be almost accurate.

My state?

It refers to the peculiar state where, despite completely deviating from the systems law, you still have one foot in that systems rules.


What does he mean?

As I tilted my head, hyung sighed softly.

Im talking about the traits. Whether or not you have a system or status window, arent the traits working normally?


Thats the state of being ambiguously within the system. Probably, because Adams mark plays a firewall role, such a backend connection could be made.

Hyung shook his head back and forth.

I can imagine how much my future self must have struggled.

I see.

I dont understand what he means at all.

Anyway, using this tablet, I can visually check my abilities, right?

Yes. It should match up to 99%. I designed the item that way.



This means I can objectively analyze my power.

Is there anything sweeter than this?

Take good care of it. Dont lose it. I cant remake it easily without the raw materials.

Of course. Im not a child. Why would I lose something like this?

I held the notebook about Adams mark and the tablet close to my chest, smiling brightly.

Ill soon release the spatial freeze. An hour has already passed.


Wait a second.

Spatial freeze?

Youre not telling me that the time inside here flows the same as outside?

Why wouldnt it? If I had messed with time and got caught, who knows what could have happened

That makes sense when I think about it.

So youre saying more than an hour has passed outside?


Im supposed to meet with others in 30 minutes. This isnt good.

Whats the situation outside? Do I appear missing? Or

Most likely, the area is sealed off with a strong barrier. This seemed like the safest method.

Oh my God.

So, that means

If someone tried to enter the room looking for you, they might think there was an attack.

Outside must be chaotic.

Having a barrier suddenly erected in the heart of Riperiel without anyone knowing would surely cause a state of emergency.

How should I explain when I go out? Im already getting a headache thinking about it.

You dont need to worry too much.

Its easy for you to say.

Thats not what I meant Well, youll see when you go out.

Hyung smirked mischievously.

Seeing this side of him confirms hes the Kim Shin I knew.

Anyway, thanks. This has been a tremendous help. I feel like the weight Ive been carrying for ten years has been lifted.

What are you saying? Initially, I was the one who asked for your help. Assisting you as best as I can is the least I can do.


I kind of like this version of hyung.

Ah, of course, I wish the future version of him would just disappear.

Alright, Ill really unfreeze the space now.

Okay, I appreciate it.

Hyung and I exchanged a brief glance.

Dont forget to search for the Time Dragon right away.

I know.

Dont unnecessarily strain yourself trying to defeat Demon God. As I said, in this era, its very hard to change destiny.

I know that too. The future of a main character like me acts as a big barrier to changes in the past, right?

Thats not the only reason In any case, never overdo it. Hope lies not in the now, which has already become the past, but in the present, where causality is still uncertain.

I dont quite understand the specifics, but I get the gist.

He means dont push yourself too hard and find a way to return as quickly as possible.

Okay. Ill keep that in mind.

There must be a reason he says that. I was convinced right away.

And lastly

He looked at me with serious eyes.

Thank you.

Whats this all of a sudden?

Just saying what needs to be said.

With an inscrutable expression, he continued, From your perspective, youre making sacrifices that arent even necessary, striving to protect this world. A thousand, ten thousand thanks would still not be enough.

Why is he being so embarrassing all of a sudden? I scratched my cheek, feeling awkward. He smiled slightly at my reaction.

If it makes you uncomfortable, Ill stop expressing my gratitude.

Id appreciate that. Hearing such things from you now feels odd

I clenched my eyes.

Whether Im hearing gratitude or a plea for forgiveness, thats something Ill get from the future you.


He laughed.

I truly wish that was the case.

There was a hint of sorrow in that laugh.


Well, Ill really unfreeze the space now. From what I can see of the situation outside if we delay any longer, it might get problematic.

You can see the outside?

I can. They seem ready to break into the barrier at any moment.

then unfreeze it right now! What are you waiting for!

Doing that now would be a headache.


He radiated magical energy, and at the same time, the space began to warp.

Then, I look forward to the day we meet again. If fate allows, we will meet once more.

Yes. I too will await for the day we meet again.

I gritted my teeth, thinking about the future encounter with him the nefarious Kim Shin. I harbored the anger within me, recalling the moment.

Take care.

With those final words, the space split like a mirror.


Soon after, I was back in the room where I originally was. The stone tablet and notebook in my arms, along with the map in my pocket, seemed to affirm that everything that happened wasnt a dream.


Kang Seo-yul

Anyway, the situation around me is quite tense. Everyone looks as if theyre ready to go to war any moment, fully armed and prepared.

Its not just the people from Reperiel and Alfheim. Even Ai and Dragon Lord are in battle stance.

Were they analyzing the spatial freeze?

The only reason for Dragon Lord to be here must be that.

How on earth should I handle this atmosphere? How should I explain the spatial freeze?

As I was lost in thought,


The Dragon Lord murmured with a shocked expression.

Did you meet Adam?


I was also surprised at the same time.

How did he know?

Haha Unbelievable

Dragon Lord laughed.

Everyone around us had their eyes widened in astonishment.

That tablet. Its the Stele of Eden.


Edens what?

Hahaha! That makes sense! Of course, the barrier couldnt be analyzed! Its his power after all! Ahahaha!

Regardless of my confusion, Dragon Lord roared with laughter.

After about 30 seconds, the laughing ceased. Dragon Lord, with a serious expression, looked at me and said,


A creation of Adam greets the apostle of Adam.

She knelt on one knee and bowed her head to me.

Snap, snap!

Ah, I greet the apostle of Adam!

I greet the apostle!

Everyone else did the same.


Except for the bewildered Ai, everyone followed the Dragon Lord and bowed their heads to me.


Whats going on here?

My confusion only intensified.

< Chapter 183: Encounter (3) > End.

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