Touch of Flame

Chapter 324 The Gathering (1)

Ares was putting the finishing touches on the party preparations when Ephraim arrived, exuding elegance in his carefully selected attire.

"Do you need help?" He offered.

"No. We're almost done."

"Is King Richard coming?"

Ares flashed a knowing smile. "I believe you're more interested in whether his daughter is attending."

Ephraim returned the smirk. "True, but I have a need for the father as well," he confessed, settling comfortably into a seat. "I plan on proposing tonight. I'd like to get his permission first."

Ares abruptly turned to him, his interest piqued. "Indeed? Have you planned something special for the occasion?"

"I..." Ephraim hesitated, then shook his head. "Nothing much."

Ares chuckled warmly. "I promise, I won't laugh."

Taking a deep breath, Ephraim began, "I intended to show her the future I …. built for us."

Ares raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Ah... you mean, you've built everything in your future?"

Ephraim simply shrugged in response.

"You certainly doing everything to impress her." Ares said.

"Well, I've had many years since I first saw her, and in that time, I've kept building. The first thing I crafted with her in mind was a frame for a mirror."

Ares mused, "A romantic at heart."

"Do you think it's too much?" Ephraim asked, uncertainty tinging his voice.

Ares waved his hand dismissively. "Not at all, especially if you're aiming to move her to tears."

A small smile graced Ephraim's lips. "Then perhaps the final touch might be excessive. I wanted your opinion on this." He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box adorned with familiar carvings.

Ares accepted the box and opened it. Nestled within was an exquisite emerald ring. The stone, crafted meticulously, evoking the vibrant hues of a lush forest. The metal band, though simple, carried intricate carvings resembling intertwining vines, lending an air of elegance to the piece.

"I made it," Ephraim admitted, a hint of pride seeping into his voice.

"In that case, you don't need the father's permission. She would elope with you regardless."

Ephraim chuckled at the remark.

A sudden flurry of voices from outside drew their attention. "It seems our first guests have arrived," Ares noted, returning the box to Ephraim.

Both men moved to the entrance, eyes scanning the arriving crowd. Ares' gaze was immediately drawn to Nazneen. She was resplendent in an olive-green dress, the white lace and ribbon embellishments accentuating her figure. Her hair, meticulously styled into firm locks, was pinned back, with a few loose strands adding a touch of softness. Pearly earrings added a touch of elegance to her appearance. Nothing more was needed.

Dressed more formally than he usually saw her, she was still as captivating. She was accompanied by familiar and unfamiliar faces, including the vexing witch, Sylas, Jonathan trailed by a set of maids, Eric walked with Tenzin and Noah was at the back, having brought a female dragon with him. Interesting. 

As Nazneen approached, Ares extended his hand, aiding her ascent up the few entrance stairs before placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "You look ravishing," he complimented.

"And you, Captain, are equally as impressive," she responded with a smile.

Nazneen made introductions as Ares and Ephraim met the fresh faces she brought along. In response, Ares had readied himself to play the role of a wingman, engaging the women in conversation and introducing them to his crew members, whom he'd primed to be exemplary hosts. As the guests made their way into the party, Ephraim, Nazneen, and Ares stayed outside, ready to welcome the rest.

"We're in need of more women," Nazneen leaned in and whispered close to his ear, nodding at Eric and Tenzin. 

"They can dance with each other," Ares proposed with a playful smirk.

"Ares!" Nazneen lightly elbowed him.

"Fortunately, Ephraim's crew should be arriving soon. You have a balanced proportion, don't you?" Ares looked to Ephraim for confirmation.

"Indeed," Ephraim affirmed.

The party continued to fill as Ephraim's crew, a blend of half-dragons and humans arrived. Dragon-slayers attending a party together with dragons hosted by a man who manufactured weapons to kill dragons? What a peculiar gathering! Such a situation would have seemed implausible merely two months ago, and yet here they stood.

Ephraim took his turn to introduce the members of his crew, each one curiously studying their leader, many laying eyes on him for the first time.

Soon after, Malachi and Ravina, accompanied by their kin and friends, arrived. With these arrivals, the introductions were fewer. The motherly Araminta greeted them warmly.

"We're grateful for the garments you gifted us," she thanked him.

"My pleasure entirely. And thank you all for attending tonight," Ares replied. 

She offered a well-practiced curtsy. "Ravina worked hard to teach us," she added, her statement drawing a smile from Ares.

"Well, I hope none trip over their feet and inadvertently squash a human," Ares quipped.

Joel responded, "Better pass that message to Saul and Malachi."

"I am sure that Malachi has mastered his moves by now, but..." Ares glanced over at Saul. "Couldn't you have practiced a bit, especially after I gifted you that pistol?"

Saul shrugged, his countenance sulky. "Too much hassle, and these clothes aren't exactly designed for mobility."

Aaron shoved his brother aside, "Well, I've got my moves all set."

The man looked dashing in his suit and even had his hair meticulously styled to match.

"Good. I'm certain some ladies will be eager to test your dancing prowess," Ares retorted.

Malachi scratched the back of his head, awkward in his suit, while Ares was worried it might rip at the slightest stretch.

"Has father arrived yet?" Ravina asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"Not yet," Ares replied.

She wore a creamy white dress that together with her lengthy pale hair made her look angelic, while Malachi's attire was all black. except for the crisp white shirt. 

With them came a few more guests, Malachi's cousins, Kayla, Brenna, and Georgia came with their husbands. A few other friends that Ravina had invited over and some court members attended as well. The maids, Mara and Nako, had also come, bringing along their partners. 

Among the crowd, Ares also spotted a few human males lingering at the back. Ravina introduced them as the Pythagoreans, the captain of their army, a man named Walker, having decided to join forces with them.

Indeed, things were progressing well.

A harmonic chorus of melodious female voices drew everyone's attention. The crowd parted, revealing Aletta making her entrance alongside two other women. Like Aletta, they possessed captivating wavy hair and hypnotic eyes. Dressed appropriately for the occasion, they had a penchant for glitter and shine, embellishing themselves with fine jewelry and donning dresses that mirrored the gentle hues of the ocean, sparkling under the moonlight.

While dragons were exotic, these women appeared enchanting. With gazes following their every move, they sauntered down the path toward Ares.

"I invited a couple of friends. I trust that's not an issue," Aletta cooed in her melodious tone.

"I'm glad you did," Ares responded warmly.

"I couldn't resist witnessing this unusual spectacle of dragons and humans uniting," she added.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ares saw Nazneen inch closer, tension rippling through the air as Aletta's gaze shifted toward her. "We meet again, dragon," she said, her tone neutral.

Feeling the tension spike, Ares placed a calming hand on Nazneen's back before she could react impulsively. She forced a smile onto her face. "Indeed."

Aletta introduced her companions, Esmeralda and Zoeva. Ares welcomed them, guiding them inside. The remaining guests stood dumbstruck for a moment, unaware of the existence of such sea creatures, and likely to remain in the dark. He ushered them inside as well.

Once they were alone, Nazneen seized the back of his coat, pulling him towards her. "You didn't tell me you invited her," she accused.

The fact had genuinely slipped his mind. "I forgot," he admitted.

Nazneen jerked his coat again in annoyance. "So you met her without me?" she uttered through gritted teeth, lowering her tone as if Ephraim wouldn't hear.

"I had some questions, and you were occupied. It's nothing," he assured her.

"It's not nothing, Ares. I'm a woman and I recognize that look in another woman's eyes. And you invited her!" she fumed.

Ares noticed Ephraim trying to suppress a smile. "Well, my eyes are only for you, so there's no need to worry."

"She can hypnotize," Nazneen cautioned.

"So can you, darling." He smiled. Besides, I am sure she wouldn't want trouble with you." 

"She better not!" Nazneen released his coat. "I'm heading inside."

Once she was gone, Ephraim and Ares exchanged a knowing look but remained silent as they awaited the arrival of their final guests - King Richard and his entourage.

After waiting for a good while, Ares began to wonder if Richard would arrive at all. He hadn't responded to his letter to tell him he could come. Ares had already guessed that perhaps it wouldn't be that easy with Meredith and Andrew. 

They waited for a while longer and then Ares looked Ephraim. "Perhaps they won't be able to attend." He said. 

He could see Ephraim's expression fall. He had waited, longed for Darcy all this time although he didn't say it. Ares just knew. He had also planned his proposal so he was probably even more disappointed by the turn of events. 

"I am sure you will see her soon," Ares tried to cheer up, giving him a pat on the back. "Come now, let's enjoy the party." 

When they went inside, the party was already alight and his men showed to be good hosts as he had instructed, already some of them dancing with a few females. Some were sitting at the tables and being served while they chattered but still within their familiar groups. That needed to change, others walked around wondering about the interiors or talking about the difference in the food they ate. 

Some talked about the music and why it sounded so odd and those who didn't know about the dance stared at those dancing on the floor. Aletta and her two friends seemed to observe curiously and one of them even imitate the dance alone in the corner where they stood, as if preparing to dance. She wasn't bad in her imitation. 

And then to some people's surprise who were staring at the strange creatures, one of them took her friend to try out the steps on the dancefloor. Now two females were dancing together. This would surely be an interesting night. 

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