Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System

Chapter 5: The Enchanting Bath

Chapter 5: The Enchanting Bath

What? Dont tell me Aunt Liang came back home! Not a moment early, not a moment late; she just had to come back at this time? If Aunt Liang saw me coming out of the bathroom while Elder Sister Zhu is taking a bath, Even if I had ten lives to explain, it wont be enough, Ah!

At this moment, Su Lins one foot was inside the bathroom while the other was outside. Since Ye Xingzhus mother had just entered the house, Su Lin was forced to shrink back into the bathroom, closing its door. He was going to hide here until he had a chance to escape or explain.


As soon as the door closed, Ye Xingzhu, who was inside the bathtub behind the curtain, knew it couldnt be her mother. She had just heard her mothers voice from the entrance. Taking a shampoo bottle from nearby, Ye Xingzhu came before the curtain, lifting it lightly.


As soon as Ye Xingzhu lifted the curtain, she yelled.

Elder Sister Zhu, dont shout, please! Otherwise, I

Su Lin hurriedly went forward and covered Ye Xingzhus small mouth. If he got discovered by Aunt Liang, then even if he was innocent in the matter, he would be charged with the crime of mad peeping tom!

Lil Lin? You stupid brat, appearing and disappearing mysteriously. Were you trying to frighten your Elder Sister Zhu into getting a heart attack? You Elder Sister was taking a shower You What are you doing, running in? Go out immediately After confirming it was Su Lin, Ye Xingzhu immediately felt her heart relax. But suddenly, she remembered she was taking a bath, Ah! She was still naked, and even though she treated Su Lin as her younger brother, he was also a man now, Ah!

Immediately, Ye Xingzhu used the curtain to cover her privates, while telling Su Lin to get out hurriedly.

Not good. Ah! Elder Sister Zhu, right now I cant exit now

Su Lin replied with an awkward expression. He also wanted to go out, but Ye Xingzhus mother was just outside the bathroom, thats why he had entered in the first place. If he went out now, it wasnt possible to not get caught! However, no matter how anxious he was, Su Lins thief eyes werent idle. Although Ye Xingzhu had covered her private parts with the curtain, her visible smooth skin and the intoxicating fragrance in the air made Su Lins heart jump fiercely.

Cant exit? Why cant you leave

Ye Xingzhu hadnt even finished speaking when she heard her mothers voice from the bathrooms entrance, Zhuer, what happened? I just heard you call for me


Su Lin shrugged his shoulders helplessly and pointed towards the bathrooms entrance, whispering lightly, See, Elder Sister Zhu, Aunt Liang is right outside! How am I supposed to go outside?


Ye Xingzhus complexion turned red. Being looked at by Su Lin so unscrupulously, she felt a bit embarrassed and awkward. With her temper, she would have already been hitting and scolding Su Lin savagely. But now, she must first deal with her mother who was standing right outside. Otherwise, if her mother found them, then the misunderstanding would only get bigger.

Mom, you dont need to be worried. I just saw a cockroach on the ground, so I yelled your name

It was an old excuse, but still credible. After Liang Guizhu heard Ye Xingzhus words, she didnt ask further. Instead, she said, Is that even a reason to be scared? We live in these old houses. Having cockroaches here is normal!

After hearing her mothers words, both Su Lin and Ye Xingzhu relaxed, but who would have known Mother Ye suddenly twisted the knob while saying, Zhuer, how long are you going to take? Mom needs to go to the bathroom; its very urgent.

Ah! Liang Shu wants to come inside the toilet? Arent we going to be discovered then?

Su Lins brain churned fast. Before Mother Ye could twist the knob completely, Su Lin locked the door from inside.


Mother Ye couldnt open the door so she knocked on it and said, Zhuer, you silly girl, why did you lock the door while taking a shower? You dont lock the door usually, Open it, Mom needs to go to the toilet

This Mom, you you wait for a while

Ye Xingzhu was getting anxious with every second as she heard her mothers words. Fortunately, Su Lin had already locked the door.

I cant wait! You little lass, hurry up and open it! Whats there to hide from your mother? Open the door, if you dont open it, Mom will open it with the key!

It seemed Mother Ye really needed to go to the toilet and twisted the knob twice. Inside the bathroom, both Ye Xingzhu and Su Lin were even more anxious.

Mom, just wait a while. I will get out soon!

So, you wont open? Good, Mom will bring the key and open it!

The two could hear the sound of Mother Yes footsteps going farther from them.

Time Stop Stop Time

Su Lin whispered a few commands for pausing time in his mind, but none of them worked. The bright red 0 in the corner flashed, showing that the amount of time Su Lin could suspend was 0.

If he really couldnt pause time, and Aunt Liang discovered him, then his life wont be very easy!

Lil Lin, hurry up and hide! If my mother found out, then What, just what is happening, Eh?

Hearing her mother say she was going to open the door with a key, Ye Xingzhu was even more anxious.

Hide? Where Where am I supposed to hide?

Su Lin was also covered in sweat. Looking all around, there wasnt any place to hide in such a small bathroom. How was he going to hide? Was he going to hide inside the toilet seat, go through it and enter the sewer? Even if he wanted to, it was impossible!

Hide As Ye Xingzhu looked all around, she realized that the bathroom was indeed too small. Just a glance was enough to see everything inside. Where was someone going to hide? If only

Right! Lil Lin, you get inside Hide in the bathtub, yeah, hide in the water. Go

As it was an emergency, and they had to get over it, Ye Xingzhu steeled her heart, hurrying Su Lin to enter the bathtub!

Eh, what? Hide inside the bathtub?

Su Lin stared towards the bathtub. The bathtub could indeed hide a person, but Elder Sister Zhu was still inside the bathtub, that too, stark naked.

Fast Hurry and hide! Ah! My mother will be back soon, come in immediately

Just at that moment, the sound of keychain sounded at the door. In her anxiousness, Ye Xingzhu extended her smooth, jade-like hand from the bathtub and grabbed Su Lin, pulling him with all her force.


Being pulled like this on the slippery bathroom floor, Su Lin was stunned by Ye Xingzhus action and lost his balance. He actually fell upside down into the bathtub; his head inside the bathtub while his legs outside.


At this time, Mother Ye finally turned the key and opened the door. Ye Xingzhu hurriedly drew the curtains and covered the bathtub, simultaneously pulling Su Lins legs, dipping them into the water.

Mom, why did you come in? I was just going to open the door for you

In order to cover Su Lins whimpers, Ye Xingzhu intentionally splashed water to produce noise and also started to speak with her mother.

You little lass, taking a bath and not letting your mother go to the toilet! Do you want your mother to pee in her pants?

Mother Ye said with anger.

At this time, Su Lins condition was very awkward and complicated. He had just gripped the bathtub, yet he still fell into it head first. Immediately afterward, Ye Xingzhu shoved his legs into the bathtub as well. Right now, he was lying inside the bathtub horizontally. His head, at this time, was being squeezed between two soft lumps of meat.

So slippery! So smooth

Such softness! Such mellowness

As his body was under water, Su Lin couldnt maintain his balance. He naturally needed support, so he reached his hands to hold something. Unexpectedly, his hands held onto Ye Xingzhus flexible and soft thighs.

Hah! Being able to get this advantage is great. Elder Sister Zhus body is so intoxicating, and her skin is so smooth. Su Lin had seen her grow together with him bit by bit. Although Su Lin called Ye Xingzhu his elder sister, the two werent related by blood at all. In addition, the arousal caused by the tumultuous hormones of puberty had made Su Lin use Ye Xingzhu as an object of his fantasies more than once.


The two people were stuffed inside the small bathtub, making the bathtub full. The water inside it was already overflowing a lot. Ye Xingzhu could feel Su Lins head on her chest, making her feel an inexplicable itch due to his breath. In addition, Su Lins filthy pig trotters had grabbed her thigh forcefully, and Unexpectedly, the bastard was still caressing her, trying to touch what was up!

Brat, keep your filthy paws to yourself

Ye Xingzhu was unable to endure being caressed like this by Su Lin. Just now, she had already been pleasuring herself in the bathtub, and now, being teased and touched like this by Su Lin, Ye Xingzhu felt her body was on fire, and her mind would go blank.

I cant go on like this! Ye Xingzhu maliciously twisted Su Lins arm, making his advance stop.

Having his arm twisted, Su Lin almost yelled. Both of his hands slipped from Ye Xingzhus thighs, trying to find some support. Just when he was looking for support, Su Lin felt a rod-shaped object in his hand. As he grabbed it and looked towards it, it was actually a green cucumber.

Why is there a green cucumber inside the bathtub? Hmm, it sure is weird.

Su Lin felt strange looking at the cucumber, but he dared not ask Ye Xingzhu about it. All he could do was to push forward and squeeze his head between Ye Xingzhus soft valley.

It was very soft and warm. Besides that, the water temperature was also perfect, making Su Lin very comfortable. Su Lin just wanted to sleep with his head on her soft pillows.

Damned lass, what are you whispering? Cant you see Mom needs to go to the toilet urgently? Yet you arent even

Mother Ye didnt think too much. She was already very anxious, so she immediately took off her pants and sat on the toilet seat.


What Mom? You stinking lass. Didnt I just ask you to open the door? Not only did you not open it, now you wont even let Mom go to the toilet! Can I not even go to the toilet in my home now?

You can indeed go to the bathroom, but we have other people here right now. Theres a full grown man here, Su Lin!

Ye Xingzhus innermost feelings were stirring, but she had to make sure not to reveal them before her mother. She wasnt very uncomfortable. On top of that, the fire in her body, together with having Su Lin tangled with her in such a small bathtub, she couldnt help but moan faintly.

Soft and slippery everywhere. That was the only feeling all five senses of Su Lin right now! It was simply too arousing. From Su Lins current point of view, the water vapors were smashing against a pair of plump and small jade rabbits, with a bright yet appetizing cherries on top.

Gently producing waves with his hand, Su Lins courage skyrocketed. He knew Ye Xingzhu wouldnt dare make any noise with Mother Ye on the side. Su Lins big, rough hands held onto Ye Xingzhus thighs, stroking them lightly.


Being stroked like this by Su Lin, Ye Xingzhus whole body trembled, yet all she could do was to glare at him furiously. She had no other choice.

Pitter Patter

The sound of water could be heard. Mother Ye didnt know that Su Lin was inside the bathtub, so she didnt care about it. Ye Xingzhu was getting irritated and hot. Su Lin was already getting all advantage from her body, so she didnt want him to get any other advantage. Extending her jade hands to her chest, she covered Su Lins ears.

You cant listen!

As her hands clamped onto his ears, Su Lin was squeezed deeper into the two jade rabbits on Ye Xingzhus chest!


So soft and big!

Su Lin was unable to endure the excitement! His two hands went around Ye Xingzhus back and started to stroke and caress her bright and clean back gently. Feeling his gentle strokes, Ye Xingzhu couldnt help but moan in pleasure.


Although she tried her best to suppress her primitive impulses, being aroused like this, Ye Xingzhu couldnt help but moan in a low voice.

Hmm? Zhuer, what happened? What are you doing? Could it be You couldnt be unable to endure loneliness, right?

As Mother Ye heard Ye Xingzhus moan, she knitted her brows and said, Its not that Mom wants to lecture you, but you have already reached adulthood! Yet you are still satisfying yourself like this? Mom has been telling you to quickly find a good man! We are just a widow and an orphan. If you found a man to support you, you wouldnt need to do this in the day either!

Mom What You, what are you talking about? I wasnt

At this moment, Ye Xingzhus face was crimson and hot. Instinctively, she lowered her head. But it was right then when Su Lins looked up, and their four eyes met. Ye Xingzhus vision landed on the green cucumber that Su Lin just held in his hand underwater. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole and bury herself inside it. This It was too disgraceful.

Satisfy yourself? Cucumber And those faint sounds I heard before Elder Sister Zhu was inside the bathroom Could it be

Thinking till here, Su Lin finally had an enlightenment. His blood started to rush as he got inexplicably excited. But just at that moment, Su Lin noticed the number in the right-hand corner of his line of sight. The 0 was increasing at an unexpectedly rapid rate now.



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