To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 96 - 91 Official Release (Four Updates) !

Chapter 96: Chapter 91 Official Release (Four Updates) !

Even though it was time for the award ceremony, they were still chatting and laughing.

Every year, the Comic and Game Expo would present various game awards, including Best Music, Best Graphics, and the most coveted of all, Best Game.

The prestige of these awards wasn’t particularly high. In previous years, sponsoring the organizers could pretty much guarantee an award for any game with a bright spot.

However, this year, everyone knew that one award could not possibly go to anyone else.

That was the Best Game Award.

This award was the pride of the Comic and Game Expo. While other awards could be tainted by commercialism, this one could not.

After announcing the various subcategories, the person in charge of the event picked up a small card and said helplessly to everyone, “Usually, I would play coy and tease you a bit. I really enjoy this process – it’s like the vinegar I came to eat with my dumplings.”

After a pause, he sighed, “This year, well, everyone already knows the results. There’s no point in playing coy, so let’s just skip to the end. Mr. Fang Cheng, congratulations. Your game ‘Healer’ has shown us the proper way to unfold a VR game and the limitless possibilities of VR gaming. With impeccable integration of console performance and in-game environment, the only flaw of ‘Healer’ is that it leaves us with too little time to play.”

Amidst applause from the crowd of industry giants, Fang Cheng stood up, nodded to those around him, and then made his way to the podium.

He took the gold-plated trophy and shook hands with the host to express his gratitude.

Knowing he had to give an acceptance speech, Fang Cheng smiled and said, “Sorry, I might not have much insight to share. I still don’t really understand why games are fun, but I will continue striving towards making them enjoyable.”

“Abrief speech, but I quite like it,” the host nodded. “Congratulations again to Mr. Fang, and thank you for the enjoyment he’s brought us over the last few days.”

After the predictable award ceremony, Fang Cheng accepted an interview with the reporters, concluding his four-day trip to Mo City.

That evening, the team from Fang Cheng Studio took a flight back to Rong City with the VR integrated machines they had acquired, along with a wealth of player feedback, ready to make targeted improvements at the company.

When Fang Cheng returned to Rong City on Friday night and rested over the weekend, he found that the previously vacant first floor had already begun to be occupied as he walked towards the studio on Monday.

Workers were moving goods, employees were organizing computers, and the person directing the work looked familiar—it was Gao Tianyun, the CEO of Kirin Industry he had met in Mo City.

As Fang Cheng observed him, Gao Tianyun also felt Fang Cheng’s gaze and immediately approached him, saying, “Mr. Fang, what a coincidence.”

“…Do you think I’m that easy to fool?”

“Hehe. Alright, I came here for you. Since Mr. Fang didn’t want to come to me, I thought I’d come to you. I’ve moved the company’s tech department here, and I’ll stick to my previous offer – Head of Tech, Vice President of the company, and a 30% stake.”

“How did it become 30%?”

“Oh, I’ve bought back some company shares recently, so I can offer more now. Mr. Fang shouldn’t feel any pressure; just come to me if there’s anything. I know some people in Rong City and have some influence here.”

Fang Cheng found the young CEO’s words half credible at best.

However, Fang Cheng had already realized the impact of combining VR with his own games.

VR amplifies the player’s experience and allows the player to better connect with their emotions. The discrepancy in understanding between each other can be reduced with VR, making it easier for him to convey his own feelings to the players.

So, he nodded and said to Gao Tianyun, “Alright, you can ask me if you have any technical problems.”

This promise made Gao Tianyun overjoyed, and he quickly thanked him, “Thankyou, Mr. Fang. I won’t disturb you further.”

At 9:30, other members of the team arrived one after another, and they were all curious about the company set to move in downstairs.

When they learned it was Kirin Industry, they all expressed that this man had determination and persistence – truly a warm-hearted guy.

Moreover, regarding the integration of games and VR, the studio members also felt it was quite an exciting prospect.

“The Healer” had already proven the exceptional compatibility between the game and VR, so what kind of changes would occur if other games from the studio were placed into it?

Continuing to chop trees in “The Forest’s Second Son,” making diligent leaps in “Towards Death and Life,” galloping through “Princess Dungeon,” slaying demons in “Quiet Cultivation,” and fighting with real swords in “The Nameless.”

The gameplay would undergo a revolutionary change with the advent of VR, which made Huang Ping and his colleagues see the day of game-changing revolution was approaching.

Consequently, they were even more eager to work overtime!

As for this, Mr. Fang’s answer had always been unified: No.

Amidst the employees’ dilemma, the game improvements began to proceed in an orderly fashion.

Although a specific launch date had not been set, the discussion about “The Healer” remained hot, and Gao Tianyun reached an agreement with Fang Cheng: moving forward, each Kirin VR Integrated Machine would come preinstalled with five games from Fang Cheng Studio, each game purchased at full price, but the price of the VR machine remained unchanged, effectively providing players with a bit of a discount benefit.

And after confirming that these perks would increase sales of the integrated machines, Gao Tianyun finally made up his mind to expand the production line to keep up with the production of the VR integrated machines.

Finally, the time came to the end of October.

The release date for “The Healer” was finally set.

The associated gameplay was revealed one by one, and the collaboration with Kirin Industry was confirmed; the studio’s five games not only had standard versions but also VR versions, an arrangement that immediately sparked heated discussions among players.

Some players expressed disbelief, as VR adaptation is not such a simple task.

The VR version of “Biohazard 4,” although very successful, required substantial changes, lowering its difficulty level.

The VR versions of many other games, however, ended up being a tragedy, as, without sufficient technical prowess, a game’s VR version could encounter all sorts of bizarre problems, further driving up the cost of the game.

Thus, there was another surge of online discussion regarding Fang Cheng Studio’s arrangements.

On one hand, some thought Mr. Fang’s approach was a misstep, biting off more than he could chew.

On the other hand, some argued that “The Healer” had already proven the studio’s capabilities, and that Fang Cheng must have had his own considerations; we players shouldn’t worry about anything else, just play the games.

Although both sides were fans of Fang Cheng Studio, they clashed again due to differing philosophies, highlighting the diversity of players once more.

But regardless of the players’ opinions, at the end of October, “The Healer” went live.

Upon release, the download count on the Steam platform shattered the two million mark. The flat price of 128 not only didn’t deter the enthusiasm of the players but instilled in them even more confidence in the quality of the game.

Game journalist Chen Rang also purchased and downloaded the game at the earliest opportunity, eagerly awaiting what was to come.

With the official launch, Fang Cheng Studio stated that only a portion of the data would carry over, but it was not disclosed which parts would be inherited.

Chen Rang had no interest in the accumulated merits from before, he was only interested in one character, that was Mukuai.

During the time away from the game, he reminisced daily about Mukuai in the game, then realized he had actually developed feelings for a virtual character.

Every Mukuai was unique, they were the envoys of Heavenly Tao, responsible for assisting the healers in curing the entire world and protecting the Human Clan living there.

If possible, Chen Rang hoped that his Mukuai could be passed down, even if she had forgotten him, that didn’t matter.

His Mukuai was a gluttonous, somewhat cheerful girl. He still hoped to explore the world of “The Healer” with her, to see the vast and limitless lands together.

When the game was fully installed, Chen Rang, sitting in the VR integration chamber, took a deep breath and put on the helmet.

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