To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 87 - 87 Inspiration for a New Gamei

Chapter 87: Chapter 87 Inspiration for a New Gamei

The soul remnant’s speed was not fast.

But Fang Cheng was neither impatient nor hasty, casually following behind. In this Mirror Universe, the laws of the Heavenly Tao were somewhat ambiguous and unclear; in many places, even with Divine Sense, it was difficult to investigate, so following the other was a shortcut to finding its true body. After crossing thousands of light years, the soul remnant finally stopped in a star system.

The structure of this star system was similar to Earth’s, but what was different was that in Earth’s orbit, there were actually four planets scattered.

Within the central star, a Demon Lord sat, occupying almost the entire star.

His body was shrouded in black mist, tinting the star a blackish-red color, with Demonic Qi rolling nearby and his appearance exceptionally loathsome.

The flying soul remnant cheered, instinctively merging into the Demon Lord’s body, becoming one with it, then began to rapidly integrate.

The Demon Lord within the star was the true body of the Disease Demon Lord, and as it merged with the soul remnant, the sound of the Grand Dao burst forth from his body, spreading throughout this world.

His innate Dao was the Path of Disease, so every place tainted by his Dao inevitably fell ill.

Animals began to fall sick, humans likewise, and even the Heavenly Tao was contaminated with disease qi, becoming bizarre and inscrutable.

And the true body of the Disease Demon Lord was particularly thoroughly diseased.

His body was full of hideous wounds, and under the rotting skin wriggled countless tiny worms.

His face wore a strange smile, taking pleasure from the world’s sickness yet pained by his own illness.

By his side, cultivators indistinguishable from their festering bodies beat drums and shouted, their hoarse voices full of weakness and exhaustion, which did not hinder the spread of their sound to every corner of the world.

As the other was merging with the soul remnant, Fang Cheng observed him.

The other’s body was dead; some mysterious being carefully collected his body, slowly piecing it together, and used an entire world to nourish its soul remnant all to revive this demon.

For the righteous, such revival would be troublesome, but for the Demon Lord, it was somewhat easier.

And the Demon Lords of the Demon Sect almost all looked like this, choosing not to follow the proper Dao, but rather these deviant and heretical paths. Their progress was faster and their means were many, but their strength, compared to the righteous path, was as different as heaven and earth, hardly warranting serious opposition.

When the soul remnant entered the body, the Disease Demon Lord’s body finally shook slightly.

The huge, pale eyeballs rolled about, the black pupils flipping from the back of the head to the front, finally bringing some vitality to his face.

Disease qi was not death qi but a force that constantly decayed and degraded; under the influence of disease qi, the Disease Demon Lord’s body was always in a state of sickness, and it continuously released disease qi to its surroundings. And now with the soul remnant, he finally awakened the scarce vitality within him, and the dead flesh truly came to life.

Reaching out his hand, he grabbed a cultivator who was beating the drum and shouting.

The captured cultivator, far from panicking, instead revealed supreme joy, praising the name of the Disease Demon Lord before being swallowed by him in one gulp.

Before long, all the drum-beating cultivators around were consumed one by one, acting like miraculous medicines, bringing an aftertaste of enjoyment to his face.

Only after relishing did the Disease Demon Lord exhale a long breath of turbid air, joyfully stating, “It is indeed better to be alive; when dead, there are no diseases. This world, after a thousand years, is really quite delightful. And with Heavenly Lord Fang now gone, it’s even more enthralling.”

“Thinking about me?”

The Disease Demon Lord turned pale with shock upon suddenly seeing Fang Cheng appear beside him, and he exclaimed in a lost voice, “Heavenly Lord Fang! How are you still alive!”

Upon seeing Fang Cheng, countless Divine Skills emerged, numerous magical weapons went awry, and the sky-darkening Immortal Spells swept in, carrying the might of world annihilation towards Fang Cheng, only to be blown away into nothingness by a bolt of his Palm Thunder.

Looking at the stunned Disease Demon Lord, Fang Cheng sighed.

As I’ve said, the Demon Sect’s Demon Lord is just like this, if not for their overwhelming numbers, the Demon Sect really wouldn’t amount to much.

What use is a good-looking scene if a single Palm Thunder can solve everything?

Fang Cheng doesn’t lack sophisticated techniques, but against trash like the Disease Demon Lord, he really can’t take it seriously.

The Disease Demon Lord wanted to say something, but was then killed by a palm strike from Fang Cheng, and his Primordial Spirit was extracted once again.

The Primordial Spirit of the Disease Demon Lord was riddled with diseases, with millions of illnesses devouring each other here, evolving into even more terrifying plagues.

Although most of the diseases were crushed by Fang Cheng’s palm, this world had already been deeply contaminated by the Disease Qi, and it wouldn’t recover in a few years.

Looking at the four planets here, Fang Cheng silently lamented their misfortune.

The area of the four planets was vast, with countless habitable spots, and the inhabitants were descendants of the Han people, but their combined population was just over four hundred million.

The Disease Qi of the Disease Demon Lord infected not only living beings but even plants and the land, rendering this world uninhabitable.

The land was polluted, resulting in a surprising lack of fertile fields, causing habitable areas to shrink increasingly.

Some creatures even fed on the Disease Qi, turning into ugly, bloated monsters that then attacked the Human Clan, making the living environment here even worse.

From this, one can see that the sins of the Demon Sect are immense and vile and even dead members of the Demon Sect are unforgivably wicked and must be killed twice.

As he sifted through the information in the Disease Demon Lord’s Primordial Spirit, Fang Cheng knitted his brows.

Just like the history of light, the information within the Disease Demon Lord’s Primordial Spirit had been erased, not a single piece from a thousand years back remained, which made Fang Cheng feel the other side was quite cautious. Dead, they can’t spit out any information, and while alive, it’s even less likely. After slicing the Disease Demon Lord’s body and Primordial Spirit into slivers and burning them all, Fang Cheng began to address the world before him.

He extended his hand, and mana began to spread, his surging mana enveloping the world and starting to attempt to Repel the Disease Qi.

However, the world had been too deeply contaminated by the plague.

The Disease Demon Lord’s strength wasn’t up to par, but he was quite skilled at contaminating the world.

The Little Heavenly Way of this place seemed to be still functioning, but it was actually riddled with holes; the entire Law was maintained in a state close to collapse but could still barely operate, and a hasty repair would only make it deteriorate faster.

Fang Cheng could only infuse mana to temporarily maintain the balance, but

the finer points needed gradual repair.

Feeling Fang Cheng’s goodwill, the dying Heavenly Way manifested as a little girl, giving a sliver of merit with trembling hands to Fang Cheng.

This sliver of merit was also full of Disease Qi, and the Little Heavenly Way realized this, holding the merit, unsure whether to give it or keep it, and almost ready to burst into tears.

“Alright, I’ll take it, but this place is badly infected, and it needs to be adjusted slowly. Unless someone can enter your world and gradually repair it from within… wait, why not?”

Staring at the grayish world, Fang Cheng began to think.

Doing good deeds accumulates merit, and I also quite enjoy the process of gaining merit; the whole process is quite fun.

So let the players enter this world, then they can start doing good deeds, earning merit, and I believe they would find joy in it too.

After all, this world is severely afflicted, and there’s a lot of merit to be had; as long as we restrict certain behaviors of the players, preventing them from ’ doing evil, that would suffice.

And since the land here is full of Disease Qi and unable to be farmed, they can only diligently do good deeds.

I was still worrying about what theme to make for a game next, but who would have thought that the theme would present itself like this.

I’ve decided, the name of the game will be “Healer”!

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