To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 67 - 67 Truly Adorable l

Chapter 67: Chapter 67 Truly Adorable l

Ready to present a need, Fang Cheng originally planned to have Xu Qingling work overtime, offering triple the overtime pay while allowing her to take the next day off, but saw Xu Qingling returning to her desk with elegant steps, and then finished the recruitment notice with octopus-like speed.

Noticing how capable the other party was, Fang Cheng sighed.

Again, there wasn’t an opportunity to spend money.

Money not spent is just a pile of waste paper, a burden when left in an account.

Only by constantly spending money can one promote the circulation of currency, stimulate consumer spending, thereby driving domestic demand and fostering the internal development of the economy.

People’s standards of living will improve as a result, and then there will be more time to play and develop games, and maybe even create games that one finds enjoyable.

After all, “video games” were the opportunity that led to his success, whether it was making them or playing them.

But no worries, when the new employees arrive, paying them high salaries is also a way to spend money.

After Xu Qjngling posted the recruitment notice, it wasn’t long before Fang Cheng received a phone call.

It was from Mr. Shen.

Upon answering the call, Fang Cheng found the usually thick-skinned Mr. Shen acting somewhat coy.

Empathizing with him, Fang Cheng asked with concern, “Mr. Shen, has your hair loss gotten serious again?”

“How did you know that!”

“I saw that at three in the morning you ‘liked’ a video by ‘Sweet Little Cat’ and shared it on your Moments. Staying up late is the main culprit for hair loss, so I figured you must be experiencing it lately.”

“Do you need me to send you some tea leaves?”

“Thank you. There’s also a favor I’d like to ask of you. A friend’s child of mine has been out of university for a year now. They became very interested in your studio upon seeing the recruitment ad.”

“Then let them come over.”

“…She entered the e-commerce department after graduation and worked there in business operations…”

“…And then?”

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Shen sighed, each breath filled with helplessness.

“You know, many from the e-commerce department pick up some bad habits. I owe that friend a favor, so I can only act as a mediator this once. Anyway, let her stay for a day or two, and if it doesn’t work out, just let her go. That’s the least I can do.”

Puzzled but agreeing, Fang Cheng hung up the phone and turned to Huang Ping, “Mr. Shen referred a candidate from the e-commerce department. What do you think?”

“E-commerce department!”

Huang Ping couldn’t help but rub his chin, each newly grown beard bristling with indecision.

There was once a talent from the e-commerce department in Tianyi who had even been recruited by Zhang Ping, the general manager of Tianyi Rong City, with an annual salary of a million.

During that person’s tenure as director of operations, the operating costs of each studio increased five to sixfold, the efficiency of the studios plummeted, and everyone was miserable.

After considering his words, Huang Ping cautiously said, “Those from the e- commerce department have some bad habits. They make really good PPTs, use lots of industry jargon, and love to perpetuate ‘involution.’ Working overtime until eleven or twelve at night is the norm, and sometimes they even send out requirements at one or two in the morning.”

“That sounds like it doesn’t match the style of our studio; we might as well have them leave after one day.”

“Right… wait a second.”

Biting his lip, Huang Ping started thinking hard.

The boss doesn’t do overtime.

E-commerce people really love to work overtime.

If they could balance the two, they might be able to work overtime themselves.

Placing “Alibaba colleauges” and “can work overtime” on the scales in his heart, Huang Ping carefully weighed the options and then said, “Actually, making contact with the other party is not out of the question. After all, coming from a major company, their vision and patterns of thinking must be unique. There will definitely be new gains.”

Huang Ping’s inconsistent attitude was a bit odd.

However, Fang Cheng didn’t want to read into Huang Ping’s thoughts. After all, a good boss should be tolerant, and for an Immortal to read minds every day would truly be too bothersome.

After nodding his head, Fang Cheng decided to let the other party come in for a trial period, test the waters with “The Nameless” first, then hone his skills with “Quiet Cultivation,” and finally help him refine player feedback to aid his own understanding of the “Heart of Entertainment.”

Hmm, perfect.

The next day, the person Mr. Shen had introduced arrived.

What surprised everyone was that it turned out to be a woman.

She had a pretty appearance, but had deliberately put her hair up and her makeup leaned towards mature. Her suit also seemed to be carefully pressed, giving off an air of meticulousness.

Walking into Fang Cheng Studio with a brisk stride, she glanced around at the office workers. Her eyes revealed a hint of amazement when they swept over Fang Cheng, but she quickly reverted to her prim high-powered businesswoman demeanor.

And upon seeing Xu Qingling, dressed casually and exuding a mix of youthfulness and innocence, she felt somewhat threatened.

Adjusting her glasses, she walked up to Fang Cheng and extended her hand, saying, “Hello, Boss Fang. I’m the operations lead introduced by Mr. Shen. You can call me Qu Fangfang.”

“Hello. But you don’t need to call me Boss Fang, calling me boss or Fang Cheng is fine.”

“Alright, Boss Fang. Where is my workstation? I’d like to start getting familiar with my duties right now.”

After introducing herself, Qu Fangfang didn’t waste any words. Under Xu Qingling’s guidance, she headed to her workstation.

Xu Qingling led her to the workstation and was about to continue spying on her own boss when she heard Qu Fangfang’s cool and slightly dissatisfied voice ring out, “How can I sit on this kind of chair?”

“What’s wrong with the chair?” Xu Qingling asked curiously.

“I’m the operations director, my rank is different from those in admin and planning. My chair should be of a higher grade. How much is this chair?”

“Twenty-seven thousand, with a built-in massage feature. It can recline into a folding bed and is particularly comfortable to sleep on.”

The price of the chair gave Qu Fangfang a jolt, but she stiffened her neck and said, “Equip me with a fifty-four thousand yuan chair. A director’s chair should be double the cost of an ordinary employee’s. It’s common sense.”

Watching the assertive Qu Fangfang, Xu Qingling nodded slightly.

Her grandfather was a businessman, her maternal grandfather was in politics, and her parents were always busy. She was raised alternately by her two grandparents.

Being around two such exceptional people, Xu Qingling had absorbed a great deal of insight and acquired a bit of skill in reading people. She immediately recognized the little office politics game the other party was trying to play.

Heh, how adorable.

Perfect, I’ll play along a little and see what sort of talent this so-called e- commerce culture really has.

So, Xu Qingling showed an innocently harmless smile and said, “But our chairs are all uniform, even the boss uses this type.”

Hearing that Fang Cheng was using the same chair, Qu Fangfang’s mind crashed.

In e-commerce, chairs are a symbol of status, and different job levels must not have identical chairs. Otherwise, it would be seen as not knowing one’s place, followed by a cold shoulder from colleagues.

But having a chair more expensive than your superior is an even bigger taboo in the workplace; it could lead to demotion at best, or being forced out at worst.

So, what should I do?

Looking at Qu Fangfang, who was breaking out in a cold sweat, Xu Qingling found her truly adorable.

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