Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 121: Hey, don't tell me I guessed right!

Chapter 121: Hey, don't tell me I guessed right!

Chapter 121: Hey, don’t tell me I guessed right!

Ethan fought the urge to immediately use his skill, Void Dick, deciding to wait until she turned around.

Otherwise, if Abigaile suddenly saw a 10-inch dick appear out of thin air, she’d probably faint from shock.

“Abby, you’re a celebrity, right? Why do you seem so free?”

“I don’t have any gigs lately.” Abigaile sat down by the hospital bed, set down some fruit, and picked up an apple to peel. “Fighting tooth and nail for those opportunities, dealing with all the insinuations and the unspoken rules, it’s just easier to hang out here with you.”

“Oh, got it, you’re just letting things slide.” Ethan watched her finish peeling the apple and reached out to take it.

Abigaile casually popped the apple into her mouth instead: “Yeah, so got anything fun planned for today?”

“There aren’t that many bizarre incidents to chase after.” Ethan casually withdrew his hand and started peeling another apple for himself.

“Oh, that’s a shame.” Abigaile bit into her apple, her gaze drifting elsewhere.

Ethan could tell she wasn’t really here to get involved in any peculiar cases,she just wanted a place to hide away and zone out.

It’s a common feeling, wanting to escape, finding a spot away from your usual social circles.

But Ethan wasn’t the least bit interested in exploring the inner world of a celebrity. He wasn’t one of those tender-hearted anime protagonists.

The two of them chatted sporadically.

Today, Abigaile was dressed very casually, almost homely, a stark contrast to the extravagant cosplay outfits she’d worn before.

Of course, with her looks and figure, even in plain clothes, she was still a sight for sore eyes.

Her pleated skirt swayed as she crossed her legs, giving off a girl-next-door vibe.

“Ding ding ding.”

The tranquility was broken by the sound of a phone ringing.

Abigaile pulled out her phone, her expression complex as she saw the caller ID, and turned away to answer, “I’m not at the office, sorry. I’m at the hospital visiting a friend, yes, the same guy you met last time. Ah, no need, I’ll drive myself. Around noon.”

As she turned away, Ethan knew his chance to test his skill had come.

It wasn’t that he was perverted.

But he needed to fully understand the mechanics before he could master the skill.

He silently invoked, “Void Dick.”

In the next instant, he felt his pants go empty.

But Ethan still felt the sensation, as if it was in some strange space.

“It really works!” Ethan leaned back slightly.

With her back to him, the fabric of Abigaile’s pleated skirt at her thighs bulged slightly, as if something was pushing against it from inside.

Ethan experimented with the skill, subtly shifting his hips, only feeling the fabric and its unusual softness.

“What?!!” Abigaile screamed sharply, clamping her legs together, dropping her phone, and turning around in panic, her hand pressing down on her skirt.

She saw Ethan on the hospital bed about 5 feet away from her, clearly startled.

Ethan looked concerned, “Abby, is something wrong?”

Abigaile looked around,sunlight streamed in through the hospital windows, and the sound of nurses walking could be heard outside.

In broad daylight, it wasn’t the kind of setting that made you think of ghosts.

“It’s nothing.”

She felt as if she had trapped something thick and hard between her legs, but now there was nothing there. It must have been an illusion.

Abigaile turned back around and continued her phone call, “It’s nothing, I just accidentally bumped into a table.”

That strange sensation hit her again in an instant.

“?” Abigaile quickly jumped away, and just like before, it felt as if her skin had touched something hard, and then it suddenly disappeared.

Turning her head, Ethan was casually lying on the bed playing with his phone.

This time, Abigaile turned to face him while on the phone.

But this time, the sensation moved from the inside of her thigh to the front, which was even more embarrassing.

Abigaile quickly covered her skirt with her hands, but again, she caught nothing.

Ethan had figured out the mechanism,he could retract the skill within a second.

Using the skill consumed some energy, and after using it three times, he felt noticeably tired.

While the skill was active, it used less energy.

“Abby, what’s up with your voice?” Felix sounded worried.

“Oh, it’s nothing, just a bit of a cold,” Abigaile quickly responded.

“Oh?” Felix sounded uncertain.

Ethan took advantage of her distraction to use his skill again. With the experience from the previous attempts, he got the positioning just right this time.

“Mmm?” Abigaile let out a low, ambiguous moan.

“What’s wrong!” Felix exclaimed.

Ethan immediately retracted the skill, fearing he couldn’t control himself.

He also realized the importance of another skill, Dick Control. Without it, he could only nudge against his underwear.

Of course, he could go all out and create a real spectacle, but that would just turn into a ghost story.

Abigaile hung up the phone and stood still for a while, looking puzzled and cautious as she approached.

“Abby,” Ethan tilted his head, looking perplexed, “you seem really off today.”

“It’s… it’s nothing.” Abigaile quickly regained her composure as the strange sensation disappeared.

In broad daylight, it really couldn’t be related to ghosts.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Ethan suggested, pointing outside where the sun was shining brightly.

“Sure.” Abigaile put on her sunglasses, eager for some sunlight.

The two left the hospital room one after the other.

Ethan felt the skill wasn’t very practical. Not being able to become invisible was a major drawback, and there was still the issue of the underwear unless he combined it with another skill.

Because his waist had to move with his body, if someone saw him thrusting, they’d think he was a pervert.

The only use he could think of was on a crowded train, where people’s attention wasn’t on him, and the victims wouldn’t dare to scream out loud. That would be truly perverse.

They reached the hospital lawn, which was always set aside for sunbathing.

“Was that Mr. Felix on the phone just now?” Ethan, noticing Abigaile’s unusual demeanor, initiated a conversation.

Abigaile relaxed as the warm sunlight hit her face: “Yeah, it was him.”

“Why do you seem so troubled, Abby?” Ethan asked, his gaze wandering across the lawn, hoping to spot some patients who looked like they were about to keel over.

Abigaile didn’t answer immediately, her hands clasped behind her back: “Kid, don’t try to act all grown-up.”

“Let me guess,” Ethan said offhandedly. “Is it because Abby doesn’t like him, or maybe sees him more like a brother? That’s how they always play it out on TV shows.”

He had just finished speaking when he noticed Abigaile’s peculiar expression.

“Hey, don’t tell me I guessed right!” Ethan chuckled.

“Whatever.” Abigaile shrugged. “You should watch fewer melodramatic series. Love is just about two people who click coming together. The whole ‘seeing him as a brother’ thing is just an excuse for some women to keep their options open while still taking advantage of what they’ve got.”

As they were talking, a voice hurriedly approached.

“Felix?” Ethan was startled.

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