This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything

Book 3: Chapter 19: My Aleya Indeed Studies Swordsmanship For Killing People

Book 3: Chapter 19: My Aleya Indeed Studies Swordsmanship For Killing People


I probably dont need to worry about what Moon plans on saying to Bai Huang. If he remains in West-Resisting City, no matter his capability or qualifications, its enough for him to be the head of internal affairs. Furthermore, hes also very good at dealing with interpersonal relationships. Even though his mouth might say that hes worried about retaliation, Im sure that hes probably already had some way of solving it.

I asked Moon:

Apart from marrying her and clinging onto her fame, what other use does Little Huang have? I cant always really support her for nothing.

Moon grinned as he replied:

Theres no need to be anxious. Ive already thought about it.

He brought me over to the window and looked outside the lofts window at the scenery of the city within the walls. West-Resisting City had already withstood its most difficult phase; now, the long-standing pressure from the outside world had instead aroused the sense of urgency within the populace. Adding on the fact that West-Resisting City currently had relatively lax policies, relatively less taxes, and everyone was immersing themselves in the ambience of labor, the entire city seemed to give off the breath of a thriving place.

Moon sighed with emotion:

West-Resisting City is truly quite unfathomable. But upon closer inspection, everything starts making sense. The people here are uncivilized, yet still maintain their ignorant and conservative side. Even after so many years, they havent collapsed under the threat of the outer Demon Race and inner nobles. Now that we treat them like trusted aides, henchmen, subordinates, whatever you name it, theyve started displaying their strong resilience. This year will probably be a good year.

Moon shook his head and continued:

Two days ago, a brawl incident occurred within West-Resisting City. There was someone who had opened up an underground casino, causing a noisy dispute as a result. The inhabitants within the city gathered together to form several big groups to get rid of them. By the time our soldiers arrived at the scene, the culprits had already escaped the scene. Two young and vigorous young men died as a result with another severely injured one that couldnt be saved.

I pursed my lips, responding with a not particularly cheerful tone:

The reason why we lowered taxes was to allow them to eat their fill, not to make them eat their fill until they burst.

Moon shrugged, returning:

But we cant control them. These fellows are in the gray zone away from the reach of law and order. Moreover, the law isnt aimed at the populace, so a large-scale brawl like this is really headache inducing. I intend to establish a specialized department for patrolling the city collectively known as Overseer Guard. The position of Overseer Guards chief can be given to Bai Huang since shes always been acting as a female hero who upholds virtue and condemns evil in Yun Hai. Patrol work for her is a walk in the park for her.

After obtaining my nod of approval, Moon went over to have a talk with Bai Huang.

I yawned and began heading out, but then I suddenly heard an ear-splitting explosion from the direction of the back garden.

I quickly ran over and saw the thick smoke permeating the atmosphere. It felt as if a factory making military goods had exploded.

The sound of someone coughing while running could be heard, then suddenly a cold sword wind blew and scattered the dust. Aleya was half-kneeling on the ground as she held her sword that was deeply thrust into the ground. The ground seemed as if it had been overturned and all the flowers that I painstakingly planted were also overturned as if a horse stampede went through the place. Heji grasped a greatsword with both hands as he looked at Aleya sternly. After seeing me, the taut expression on his face eased a bit.

Aleya spit out a mouthful of blood and continued her half-kneel in my presence, lowering her head to say:

Sorry, young master. Its Aleyas fault

Heji interrupted her words and declared:

Its not her fault. It was me who was unable to control my own strength. I originally said that I wanted to compare notes, yet I was the one who accidentally blew the place up.

I remarked:

Why are the both of you trying to take the blame off the other. Its nothing important, I actually hope its your fault, Heji, that way I can justifiably ask Little Huang to compensate me. But before that, tell me whats going on.

Heji gave me a simple rundown of what had happened.

Truthfully it wasnt anything big. During the time I was speaking with Moon, Aleya invited Heji to compare notes with her. Heji felt that he was very strong since he was a Level 6 Swordman in the perfection realm and felt that he would be bullying Aleya, who was a newbie to the realm of a Level 5 Swordsman, so he suppressed his own realm down to Level 5 Swordsman to match with Aleya. What he didnt expect was that after around 20 to 30 moves, he was nearly killed by Aleyas sword, so he hastily released the shackles he placed on himself. In that split-second, he wasnt able to control his power well, so he consequently blew up my garden.

Alright, youre the only one to blame here.

Heji said with a bitter smile:

Although this was supposed to be a notes-comparing session, young lady Aleyas rather a littletoo aggressive. Its probably more apt to say that every move she took seemed to be in order to take my life.

I spread out my hands in response:

Whats the problem with that. My Aleya trains in murderous swordsmanship, aka swordsmanship meant for killing people, so every move she makes is naturally an optimal choice for killing people. She uses an unconventional, more practical approach, completely different from those who aim for a once my sword is pulled out, the world will tremble feel. You dont understand any of this, yet still suppressed your realm to fight with her? Within the same realm, theres no opponent that Aleya cant kill.

Heji frowned, saying:

The sword is a noble persons weapon, its not for such reckless behavior.

Aleya swayingly stood up with the support of her sword, not saying a word as she stood by my side.

I said to Heji:

Youve suppressed your realm to Level 6 for quite some years already. I assume youre trying to lay a solid foundation before rushing straight towards the top? How leisurelynot having to worry about suddenly meeting someone much stronger than yourself. Once you die, your realm wont ever rise again, yes? I can smell a faint medicinal fragrance on you; youve probably consumed your fair share of heavenly treasures, hm? If I havent guessed incorrectly, you shouldve once been a child of one of Yun Hais rich families and this should be the reason why you have wiggle room. In your eyes, the sword is a noble persons weapon. But to us, people who our own grandmothers dont take pity on and people who our uncles dont even show affection to, it is merely a sharper weapon for killing people.

I patted Aleyas shoulder and smirked as I comforted her:

It doesnt matter if youve lost. There are many more opportunities to fight with him during this period of time, itll be helpful towards promoting your realm.

Heji waved his hand in a hurry:

No fight, no fighting. We should peacefully coexist. Im no match for her if I suppress my realm and I might accidentally break things if I dont suppress my realm. The wages I earn arent enough to compensate for broken things.

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