This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything

Book 1: Chapter 31: I Want It All

Book 1: Chapter 31: I Want It All

After strolling through West-Resisting City, my mood improved a lot.

While the city was still dilapidated, the expression on everyones faces had vastly improved. Some people who recognized me as the new City Lord took the initiative to come over and greet me. I returned a smiling nod to them while thinking in my heart, thanks for your familys radishes and cabbages, Ill order the entire city to not grow these two vegetables next year.

After a complete loop around the city, I temporarily returned to the City Lords mansion.

I dont really understand internal affairs and I also wont be able to learn it all in a short time.

But just because I dont understand doesnt mean I wont plagiarize.

Reform, political reform. Currently, the resistance to political reform has greatly lessened due to vested intereststhe old aristocracy class has already had their heads chopped off by me. After a bit of recalling, I wrote down several large words onto the blank sheet of paper before my eyes:

Transform Fields, Taxation, Peasant Nobility, Meritocracy, County, Collective Punishment, Magnanimity, Civil Service System.

These eight aspects are the same eight that the Qin State in those years used to grow from weak to strong. Its the summarized experience of a certain sage who was born in Wei State and ran over to Qin States political reform.

Pondering for a bit, I crossed out County. All I have is a city, what nonsense county do I need.

Magnanimity also wasnt needed, Eternal Heaven State had long since unified metrics, currency and so on.

As for the so-called Transform Fields, it was just to recognize that the land within West-Resisting City was private-owned and was permitted to be freely bought and sold.

Taxation, agricultural tax and trade tax need to be paid; in simpler terms, its individual income tax. Considering how the current period is mainly for recovery and recuperation, these taxes can be lowered a bit. Im not particularly short of money as of now.

Peasant Nobility is what is commonly referred to as rewarding the land-worker. Although lessening the taxation is a good deed, itll be very problematic if the masses dont work after eating their fill. For this reason, I must give them a way to climb up the social ladder. If theres extra grain, I will purchase it and also give them corresponding rewards.

Theres no need to mention meritocracy, since everyone pays money, I wont be stingy with the nobility titles.

Collective Punishmentshould I implement this?

I rubbed my temples.

Its better if I implement it. Even if it is a little cruel and unreasonable, West-Resisting Citys people arent wise enough. If I dont implement some special methods, then accidents will occur when trouble stirs. Felitas case is a lesson to be learned from. In the future, bullying wont just be a crime that one person commits. If one person commits the crime, the bystanders who tacitly accept it happening will also be treated as guilty. This is the most effective method.

As for the Civil Service System, lets first use the current system for now.

As the saying goes, entirely trusting books is worse than not having books. Apart from these necessary things, I plan to add a few more things to the list.

The first one is Industry. West-Resisting Citys city wall is very shabby, which greatly raises the difficulty of defending the city. Some places are even just some temporary fixes after being broken through, so theyre brittle like paper. In these circumstances, I felt that continuing on with the previous millstoning of the wall was very stupid. It was completely possible to fire up some bricks, then use cement to build the wall; this way, it would guarantee that the Demons wouldnt have an easy time breaking through the walls.

But the problem was that I currently didnt have a brick kiln or a cement workshop.

This wasnt a problem, though. In those days, I was also a bricklayer, so it was a walk in the park for me. If placed in an ordinary world, these two problems would be a bit troublesome, but this world had magic and martial skills. Theoretically, the process of manufacturing bricks should be able to be drastically sped up. Felitas fire magic should also be helpful.

While I was at it, I wrote down brick kiln and cement recipe on a sheet of paper, then afterwards bit on the writing brush as I continued thinking.

This still isnt enough. Although these methods will strengthen my city, there still isnt a way to generate revenue.

But what channels does West-Resisting City have for money-making?

After giving it a bit of thought, several methods came to mind.

First, the roads must be repaired. Currently, no matter where you walk in West-Resisting City, its all on dirt roads. After the cement situation is resolved, the road to Yun Hai Territory in the south needs to be opened up first. Didnt they want to do trade? Alright, then well set up the road. This way, we can import some necessary stuff while simultaneously exporting some things in return.

For example, the materials dropped from a Demons body.

Last time when I went to save Felita, I examined the types of Demons in the vicinity of West-Resisting City.

Goblin, low level Demon, can dropBone Claw,Rotten Tongueand other materials, and will also occasionally drop the rareCursed Skull.

Horned Rabbit, the little brother of goblin, can dropRabbit MeatRabbit Horn, and will occasionally drop the rareSolid Pelt.

Demonic Wolf, a Demon that lives in packs, can dropWolf FurCanine Teeth, and will occasionally drop the rareWolf Kings Fangs.

Ekans, a bewitching creature filled with dj vu, can dropTailVenom, and will occasionally drop the uncommonSnake Pupil. 1

Apart from these, there are still the Three-Foot Deer, Orcs and so on. There were too many types of count and their quantity was enormous.

From a statistical point of view, suppose the chance of uncommon material dropping was 1%, that would mean you could only hope that 1 uncommon would drop after killing 100. Although reality showed that the probability was actually as high as 36.6%, this percentage would definitely get closer to 1% the more Demons are slain. With Felitas magic bombardment, the output of common and uncommon materials should still be very considerable.

One shouldnt think that theres no market for these things; whether its forging weapons, equipment, manufacturing medicine or other things, many of these industries use them. If there were no sorcerers, the average hunting efficiency would be very low. Not only would there be various kinds of casualties and so on, it could be very possible that the gains dont make up for the losses.

But with Felita, everything is different.

As the trading begins with the current biggest commerce territoryYun Hai Territory, having them eat up these materials isnt difficult, it could even be said that supply doesnt meet demand.

Besides the materials, theres many more things.

Distilled liquor? Of course Ill introduce it, if I dont then what use is it for me to be a transmigrator?

Glass? Gladly, even if Ive never eaten pork before, Ive seen pigs walk.

Poems and songs? Ink paintings? Ill do it, Ill do it all.

A child can choose; I want it all.

But the problem lies in how troublesome it is

Land reclamation, establishing factories, research and development, invest and devesting materials, advertising, opening markets, auctioning

Thinking about it all makes my head hurt.

Well, I should first write it all down, first write it downfrom what I saw in Aleyas report, the first round of Demon invasions should be happening tomorrow. When the moment comes, Ill first observe the situation of the materials dropping, then plan how to move on from there.

  1. Pokemongotta catch em all

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