This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Yu Shu took her parents' ID cards and bought a luxury four-bedroom apartment outright. She quietly made this big deal on her own.

The apartment was one she had taken a liking to at first sight yesterday. It was a luxury apartment with a large terrace, already furnished, with a layout of four bedrooms, two living rooms, and three bathrooms. It occupied the best view in the county seat, and the location was also excellent. Just across the street was the county's largest square. It was a five minute walk to the commercial district, and transportation was also convenient. The County People's Hospital would also be relocated nearby next year.

Yu Shu had heard that this apartment was originally left for the developer's relatives. But the relatives had gone abroad with their children to settle down, so the apartment became available. Not many people in the small county seat could afford such an expensive apartment. The developer was worried about being stuck with it, so they gave a discount. The original price was 1.5 million, but after a 12% discount, Yu Shu paid full price.

In a sense, Yu Shu got a bargain, saving nearly 200,000 yuan.

After finishing all the paperwork, the salesperson shoved a bunch of hammers tied with big red bows into her hands, enthusiastically inviting her to break the golden eggs, explaining that the top prize was ten years of free property fees, and there was only one winner.

"Your prizes are really substantial," Yu Shu joked, and casually smashed the golden egg closest to her.

She didn't care about the top prize. She felt that all her luck in life had been used up when she won 300 million yuan, and she would be satisfied just to win a bottle of peanut oil.

The salesperson picked up the paper slip in the egg shell, staring at it in surprise. "First...first prize."

Yu Shu: "............"

Stepping out of the sales office, Yu Shu took a deep breath, but before she could finish exhaling, her mother called to say there were guests at home, her second aunt had come, and asked her to hurry back for dinner.

On the way home she passed a fruit stand with lots of fresh, juicy strawberries on display, each as big as a baby's fist. It was rare to see such high quality fruit in the small county seat, so Yu Shu bought 5 jin to let her family try.

But when she got home, she was told to go straight to the restaurant. Entering the private room at the restaurant, Yu Shu was suddenly struck by two lightning bolts - besides her parents and second aunt and uncle, there was also a middle aged couple and their son in his early 20s.

No wonder her stingy mother was willing to eat at a restaurant.

Yu Shu maintained a polite smile and obediently greeted everyone before sitting down as a vase.

As the food and wine were served, the elders chatted. Yu Shu kept her head down eating, only responding politely when addressed, taking meaningless small talk to the extreme.

"What work does Shu Shu do outside?"

"Odd jobs."

"You must have made quite a bit of money?"

"Barely getting by."

After a few rounds, the topic turned to the male protagonist, Zhou Yan. Compared to Yu Shu, he handled himself slickly and effortlessly.

From their conversation, Yu Shu learned that this 29-year-old Zhou Yan worked at a listed company. He owned an apartment and a car, a BMW, while his apartment was a 3-bedroom in Rong City. He was praised to the skies by several elders as a dragon and phoenix among men.

Yu Shu was quite impressed. She didn't think she could achieve owning an apartment and car at 29. But Zhou Yan's temperament made her very uncomfortable. He had an expression on his face every moment that said "Look at me, I'm so handsome." His every move was pretentious and exaggerated. Especially the shameless roving gaze that lingered on Yu Shu gave her goosebumps.

Oily but unaware of it.

Yu Shu couldn't help downing a cup of barley tea to get rid of the oil.

When the dishes were almost finished, the waiter brought in a plate of freshly washed strawberries. Their sweet aroma drifted past everyone.

Zhou Yan's mother immediately cried out, "We didn't order these strawberries! Don't think you can make us pay for them!"

Before the waiter could speak, Zhou Yan's father interrupted her in a commanding tone, "Once brought to our table, there's no taking it back. Be generous and just give them to us."

Yu Shu: "............"

The waiter smiled awkwardly but politely, "The young lady bought these herself and asked us to wash them for dessert."

"You didn't sneak a bite did you?" Zhou Yan's mother stared at her face.

The waiter chuckled "Ha" and said, "No need for that, I'm not so desperate to steal a bite."

"What attitude is that! Call your manager! I want to complain about you!" Zhou Yan's father slammed the table angrily.

The young waiter also had a temper. She rolled her eyes, "Go ahead, feel free."

Zhou Yan frowned, "Is this how you treat customers?"

Zhou Yan's family sang in chorus, refusing to let up on the waiter. She didn't want to bother with them anymore and just left, closing the door behind her.

Zhou Yan's mother was still cursing, "A mere service worker with ideas above her station! Disgusting. Trash born to be beneath others, destined to kneel and serve people her whole life."

Yu Shu's temple twitched happily. She saw the frozen smiles on her parents' faces stiffen into fake smiles.

The blind date could be easily resolved, but her parents were the real problem. It seemed she didn't need to go to the trouble now.

Seeing things going wrong, her second aunt quickly smoothed things over to pacify the indignant couple, urging everyone to eat strawberries.

Yu Shu had barely finished one strawberry before Zhou Yan's mother had eaten three, and put another five or six on Zhou Yan's plate, eating while still scolding the waiter, then shifting to Yu Shu, "These strawberries aren't cheap right? A young girl's mouth is too greedy. Those clothes you're wearing aren't cheap either. Earning a little money and spending it all on food and clothing, no self-restraint at all."

This was almost the same as pointing at her and scolding her for being lazy, greedy and vain.

The corner of Yu Shu's mouth twitched. Before she could speak, her wise and brilliant mother took the lead, "My daughter is young and somewhat ignorant, she needs to stay by my side so I can teach her for a few more years."

I will teach my own daughter, what's it to you.

Zhou Yan's mother said, "Yes, she needs proper teaching, or else whichever family she marries into will suffer disaster."

Ye Ping said, "Don't worry, she will never bring disaster to your family in this lifetime."

Yu Shu secretly gave two big thumbs up to Madam Ye.

At the counter paying the bill, Zhou Yan's family stood aloof to one side, watching coldly with noble disdain.

Yu Shu didn't like calculating trifles. She briskly paid the bill, and took the remaining strawberries.

Zhou Yan's mother made snide remarks on the side, "Oh, hiding away every last strawberry, how petty."

Yu Shu imitated her tone, "Oh, still not enough with a whole plate? A middle-aged long-tongued woman is too greedy."

Zhou Yan frowned and said in a deep voice, "How dare you speak to my mother like that. She suffered raising me. What's wrong with eating some strawberries?"

When Yu Shu heard this she almost vomited. "Your mother's suffering is from sins you and your dad committed, what's it got to do with me? If you're such a dutiful son, go buy some strawberries for your mom."

They and his mother had eaten most of the strawberries. Her parents had just a taste. And now he was self-righteously lecturing her?

Really treating her like a side dish.

If her mother wasn't glaring at her, Yu Shu really wanted to spit in his face.

They parted unhappily.

"Look at the kind of people you introduced, that girl is no good either. Dressed weirdly and provocatively, in all new clothes. I heard she has a younger brother too, and her dad is a cripple. I was against this from the start."

"You have to take responsibility, introduce a good one to my son, only daughter whose parents can provide for her."

The couple blamed the second aunt.

The second aunt was too lazy to bother with them. She regretted not looking into this family's character beforehand.

"I don't have the ability to find a match for your son. Look somewhere else."

Yu Feng walked slowly with his cane. Yu Shu and Ye Ping followed behind. Ye Ping spoke softly, scolding her for talking back to them just now. Gossiping tongues would ruin her reputation.

Yu Shu was completely indifferent. Good reputation can't be eaten. Damaged reputation wouldn't cost her any flesh.

She didn't rely on reputation to eat.

Yu Feng stepped on a loose paving stone and lost his balance. He caught himself with one hand on a parked car to avoid falling.

Before Yu Shu could breathe a sigh of relief, the shouting behind immediately made her see red.

"Get your filthy hands off, can you afford to pay if you damage it?!"

- It was Zhou Yan's mother.

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