The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 55: Crash Course

Chapter 55: Crash Course

The girls were sitting in a safe cavern, nervously biting their lips. Anna was busy healing Mina’s leg. While Mana was holding the bags. They were pondering whether they should head back and look for Margret when they heard Victor clear his throat.

They looked nervously at the entrance while raising their daggers, but they quickly brought them down while tears slowly crept down their cheeks when they saw that it was Victor, who was followed by Margret. She seemed to be cursing at him.

Victor looked at them and shook his head. They were careless. They should have kept one of them to guard the cavern’s entrance. “But their skills are not bad at all.” He thought as he used his appraisal skills.

; ;

NAME: Mana/ Mina


CLASS: Sword Maid


Strength: 36

Agility: 26

Intelligence: 20

Luck: 11

Charm: 21

Order: 10


Yin/Yang Sword Arts, SS

Spotless Cleaning, B

Dagger Arts, C

Cooking, F


NAME: Anna Brown


CLASS: Healer


Strength: 20

Agility: 22

Intelligence: 25

Luck: 12

Charm: 35

Order: 10


Healing touch A

Medicine brewing, C

Minor Drugs analysis E

Quick Learning S


With those skills, the twins are fit to be his maids, and those SS Ranked sword skills would come to good use in his hands. As for Anna, she was a healer and that surprised him, healers are not very common. He should take her to Tom ASAP so that he would lose all hope sooner.

“Margret, Are you alright” Anna stood up and ran to Margret then hugged her tightly, they were best friends. As for the twins, they bowed slightly to Victor saluting him before checking on Margret, they were really worried about her. She risked her life to save them after all.

Victor didn’t mind, he just went inside the cavern and found a place where he placed his backpack then took a small portable folding chair from it, set it up then sat on it watching the relieved girls chatter about what happened after they split up.

It took them a few minutes to finish their stories. Margret had told them how much dangerous her situation was and how Victor saved her. When they looked back at Victor, they had an admiring look in their eyes, but the admiration all went away when they saw him sitting on his chair drinking a can of soda with his legs crossed. Was he carrying that camping chair with him all this time?

“What are you looking at, come and sit around me, I have to tell you a few important things,” He shouted at the astonished girls.

They looked at each other then hurried to sit down. They knew what he is going to tell them about, and they had many questions.

“First things first,” He said, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by girls with curious eyes. “Did you tell each other your classes? Tell them to me,” he ordered.

The girls quickly nodded and told him what their classes were.

“Fools!” He scolded them. “Never reveal your class casually. That would put you in grave danger. And if you had to do that keep a few of your skills a secret for contingencies.” He said, making the girls bow their heads in shame. “Why did he scold us, he was the one who asked us to tell him.” They thought,

Victor looked at them and smiled, “OK, now I will tell you about the system,” He said as he began to explain their situation to them, the same way Tom did to the other group.

After he finished, he looked at the astonished girls and asked,

“Are there any questions?”

“Young master, do our life experiences affect our Class and attributes?” Asked Mina after remembering Margret’s theory,

Victor looked at her in surprise, not because of the question, but because she addressed him as "young master", and the other girls did not find it strange. so he knew that they told the others the truth about being his maids. But it was not a secret, so he did not care.

He nodded his head responding to her question.

“Yes, The classes would be granted based on bloodline, potential, fate, and life experiences. In a dungeon awakening your class would be chosen automatically,” He said.

“Are those Classes useful in real life? Can we use the skill in modern society?” Asked Anna. she wanted to use her skills to help people.

“Yes you are free to use them, but know your limits and be sure to disguise them as something else. For example Anna, you should try to go to a medicine or a nursing school, later in your work you can use your skill in secret to help the patients.” He answered, making Anna nod her head. It seems like she has already decided.

“What about me and the twins? Are our classes valuable?” Asked Margret as she wondered if she had to find a job in some shady industry.

“The twins are my maids as I believe they have already told you,” He said making the twins avert their gaze in shame. “There classes are valuable for me and they would use it to serve me.” He said arrogantly making the twins' ears turn red, “As for you Margret, It would depend on who you would work for.” He said with a smirk, as if he understood her concerns, and made her want to slap him.

“Don't worry. After leaving here, you would be asked by some people to join their factions. They may be already there when we leave or they may come to you later. You are free to decide, but I have some advice for you.” He said as he looked at the girls seriously.

“Anna, you should not reveal your class, and try to join the medicine valley first. It is a reclusive power that does not limit its members’ freedom. With their assistance and experience, you would have a great future. I will send you the way of contacting them after we leave here. Their test is a little troublesome, but with your skills, it would be a breeze, a young healer like you is always welcomed there. If you joined any other faction you would be under many restrictions as Healers are a precious asset.” He said making Anna nod.

“As for you Margret, you are free to join some faction or stay a free player. Your class does not need much training, and it is quite useful if you knew how to use it. Mina and Mana, are already considered part of my family as my maids.” He said.

“What are the benefits of joining a fraction, isn’t being free better?” Margret asked

“Not necessarily, Although a free Player is free of many of the rules that govern sects and families, he can be killed easily as he has no background, and he has to suffer a lot to gain sufficient resources to level up. There is a free players guild though, they established it a few years ago. But I have no idea about their work,” He lied. The free guild would grow to be one of the great powers in the world thanks to all the Scions who joined it seeking freedom. But it was full of opportunistic people and its internal struggles are more intense than those in the families.

“If you join a faction, you would lose some freedom, depending on its rules. However, you would gain a lot of resources and information. If you are talented, your growth would be only a matter of time.” He said.

"There are many factions and player organizations some are small while others are big. The most prominent ones are called the three sects and the five families." He added.

“What about You and Tom?” She asked curiously.

“Tom should be a free player, but I didn’t investigate him yet so I don’t genuinely know. As for me, I am a member of the Von Weise family." He said proudly.

“Are your family that powerful and full of players?” She asked as she already knew that he was super-rich.

“Yes, Between the top Five families, It is ranked second. In fact, My family owns an entire country, and half of Vein city is under the jurisdiction of my family." He said arrogantly, making the girls gasp in surprise. they didn't think that he was that powerful.

"But as a friend, I have to advise you against joining any family, Families are the worst thing to join, as they have a lot of rules and internal struggles, and it’s very hard to be promoted without having their bloodline. That's all I can tell you about them.” He said. Making the girls ponder.

“Is there a way to leave the young master's family?” Asked Mana anxiously. If they can't leave how can one of them marry Tom? and what if another monster like Nick used the family's rules to assault them?

“Not easily, But you are this young master’s maids. So you will stay with me. and you don't have to worry about anything else. I will not limit your freedom, and I can let you leave the family if needed. although I would have to pay a certain price.” He said making the girls feel relieved, as they haven't decided about Tom yet.

“Can I work for you without joining your family?” Asked Margret with interest.

“Yes, but we have to talk about that later when you make your decision,” Victor said making Margret nod. The girls didn’t get which decision he meant.

“Now, We rest for two hours. I know where the others are, but you are in no condition to go as the path is full of goblins.” He said as he relaxed on his chair and closed his eyes. He wanted to let the twins massage his shoulders but they needed to rest as he intends to make them take a mandatory intense crash course in dungeon conquering later.

The girls sat down to rest and eat something.

“You don’t need to ration the food, just have a good meal, we should be able to leave tomorrow.” He told them as he saw them eating just a little. The girls nodded and continued their meal.

Margret was tempted to molest Victor a little but she was tired and needed some rest so she took out her sleeping bag and took a little nap.

After two hours they left the safe cavern and started to head to where their friends were under Victor’s guidance. He arranged them into a fighting formation and began to teach them how to fight efficiently while he tanked in the front.

They didn’t know it, but Victor took them on a roundabout road trip making them visit every goblin gathering he can spot on the map. He needed to train them, and he can’t let all those experience points and GEMs go to waste.

Soon they got how to fight efficiently with their classes and skills. Victor stayed on the front only letting a certain number of goblins pass by him. With his attributes and fighting experience, he could have cleared this dungeon alone if he wanted to.

When the goblins got past Victor, they would encounter the twins who would engage with it, while Margret would act as a distraction and sometimes would lure a goblin away to kill it.

Anna stayed in the back and only went to the front to heal injuries and sometimes to kill a weak goblin, under Victor’s guidance. He told her that she needed to do so, in order to gather experience.

The experience points and rewards would be distributed, once the dungeon was cleared, on basis of clearing contribution. So they didn’t feel any change for now.

After five hours of continuous fighting, the girls were very tired, They began to doubt whether Victor knew where their friends were, or if he was deliberately taking them through an army of goblins. This was a literal crash course.

Their gains were not small though, their bags which used to be full of food a few hours ago were now full of GEMs. And they could now kill a goblin as if it was a chicken.

They did look miserable though with their clothes ripped and various healing scars showed on their skin. while Victor still looked clean and tidy, as if he was here for sightseeing.

They didn’t know how he did it. But those goblins would miss him every time. That’s the difference between beginners and a professional they thought.

“Look ahead” Victor's sound brought them back to reality. They looked ahead of them to see that Tom and the others behind him were walking from the opposite direction.

They met in front of a great gate. The boss’s room.

Tom who was inspecting their ripped clothes seemed to be in a lot of pain though.

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