The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 502: A little clue

Chapter 502: A little clue

Whether it was Tang Qixu or other members of the military, the first time I heard the word zombies, I didnt believe it. After all, this kind of thing sounded incredible and without any basis.

Only when I saw Wu Guzhangs corpse and hurt his comrades in person, he also convinced the talents of the third army of the corpses corpses, but it was also incredible.

How can a good person suddenly become irrational and only know that he can eat a zombies?

Are they also in such danger?

What if they suddenly became zombies one day?

Or what about the people around them who turned into zombies and hurt themselves?

This one after another problem is constantly flooding your heads, no matter how you can shake it, everyones mood is very flustered, worrying about yourself and alerting everyone around you.

Rao is a soldier who has such a strong psychological quality and has such panic. If the zombies really spread to the ears of the masses, the panic caused will be more than just this scale. Zombies may not have erupted by then. Humans mess up first.

This is one of the main reasons why Jiang Zhentao is unwilling to inform the masses now.

However, after all, soldiers are excellent talents selected through rigorous training in all aspects. Although they were very flustered and panicked at the beginning, they soon calmed down under the leadership of their superiors because they had more important The task is to protect the federal masses.

Because it is not known how the zombies actually appeared or where they would appear, the members of the military corps were divided into a small team, responsible for focusing on the major fortresses and important places of the Capital Star. Patrol, kill the zombies as soon as they are found!

Other planets also have soldiers stationed and patrolled.

Such a large-scale and high-intensity patrol naturally aroused the suspicion of the masses, and the reason given by the Military Department was that the spies of the United States Empire took the opportunity to mix in the Federation. In order to ensure the safety of the broad masses of the people, the patrols were strengthened to identify spies.

The US Empire had previously planned to invade the federal land, even sent spies and terrorists to capture Marshal Jiangs family, and constantly tried to find ways to get rid of their God of War, although these were discovered and beaten by the Federation. Back, but the impression of the US Empire in the hearts of the federal people has completely rotten.

Therefore, this time to give the US empire another pot, the federal masses did not have a hint of suspicion, and even continued to go over the wall to yell at each others national forums, but were even more grateful and moved by the patrol and protection of the military.

The prevention here can only be done for the time being. The main and most important thing is that the research on the unmanned planet must come out quickly so that the zombies can be fundamentally solved.

Yu Jinli this time was the whole process of watching Wu Guzhang attacking the White Tiger and being killed. He also saw what the zombies were doing. He silently compared with the zombies in the novel. There are similarities, but there are many differences. The appearance of places, especially zombies.

Although the zombies in the last-day novels are also changed after death, the flesh and blood on the body will not dry out, but what will happen before death, and they will remain the same after death, so most of the zombies in the novel are actually very looks Disgusting.

But zombies in this world are different. Their flesh and blood seems to be drained. Rather than zombies, they are moving corpses or zombies.


I dont know if the methods used to deal with zombies from previous lives are useful?

Are the zombies here afraid of glutinous rice? What about black dog blood?

But even if zombies are really afraid of glutinous rice, they are afraid that they dont have so much glutinous rice to waste, after all, that is very precious food.

It would be nice to have a very effective energy card that can deal with zombies, than it would be more convenient than the ability can only use the ability attack to explode their heads.

Energy card? Energy card? Yu Jinli kept searching in her mind for energy cards that could be used to deal with zombies, preferably the kind that could hit with a single hit.

However, he took a look at all the types of energy cards that existed in the interstellar, filtered all their attributes and skills in his mind, and failed to find a suitable one.

Suddenly, a familiar game name appeared in Yu Jinlis mind, making him look bright and felt that he had found a method. Although he was not sure whether this method was really useful, it was worth a try.

Previously, he tried to make a Pokmon card. As a result, the Pokmons skills from the energy card are similar to those shown on the anime. If he draws all the plants in Plants vs. Zombies as energy cards, use To deal with these zombies that look like zombies, I wonder if it will be effective?

Whether or not it works, Yu Jinli decides to draw the cute plant attackers in Plant Vs. Zombies. If it really works, he will teach these energy cards to other card makers. The zombie tide has broken out, and humans will be more favorable to deal with zombies.

Anyway, he cant help other people now, so its better to take the time to study and draw the plants in these Plants vs. Zombies.

So, Jiang Zhentao and Jiang Mosheng were busy in the military, and Yu Jinli was constantly trying to make various plant shooters in the small laboratory at home.

The most common attackers in Plants vs. Zombies are pea shooters, potato mines, nut walls, etc., and there is a Xiang Yue sunflower that recharges them.

Speaking of the sunflowers in Plants vs. Zombies, Yu Jinli remembered the cardmaker competition he had participated in in the virtual world a few years ago. He remembered that he seemed to draw a piece of Xiang Yuekui s energy at the end. Card, but was accepted before it had time to test it.

Therefore, Yu Jinlis first attempt to practice drawing was sunflower. After all, this is the core of all plants. Most plants need it to provide energy.

Yu Jinlis side is actively trying to draw the energy card of Plant Vs Zombies, but the unmanned planet has returned the preliminary research data on the zombies.

After studying the condition of Si Paohui last time, apart from the power-enhancing fluid, there were no other viruses that could cause mutations in humans, so those researchers began working overtime to start studying those younger brothers of Si Paohui.

Because these younger brothers were strangled and infected by Si Paohui, the components in their bodies will be relatively easy.

It should have been this in theory, but who made these kidnappers usually do not know what they have eaten or what they have contacted, resulting in the complex content of the components in the body.

There are many difficulties. Almost all of the components need to be tested again, and then the results of all peoples research are combined for investigation to find out which part of the element or virus is common in all people.

Although the amount of engineering is huge, fortunately, the federal research equipment is very advanced and powerful. Before they worked overtime for several days, before the new experimental materials arrived, they finally found out what everyone had in their bodies. Those ingredients.

As a result, the main person in charge of this study did not dare to delay, and immediately passed the latest information to Jiang Zhentao.

Because people in the entire military department now know about this, Jiang Zhentao is not prepared to hide them either. The information is also collected and analyzed by senior military officers.

However, the information sent by the researchers is more complicated and many people do nt understand it. Fortunately, the researchers have summarized the final information very carefully. In a word, all people contain chloropotassin, but they Not all of them have taken Power Booster.

What does this mean? Some of the admiral didnt understand, even the final vernacular summary didnt understand.

Jiang Zhentao and Tang Qixu understood, but because they understood, they became more worried and dignified.

Pyrohydrogen is a substance with slight toxins. It is not fatal even if it is ingested. It is extremely rare and rarely used for making. However, it is one of the main raw materials for making power-up liquid. One.

One of the reasons why the power-up liquid is difficult to produce in large quantities is the scarcity of chloropotassin. The research leader also specifically said that not all of them took power-up liquid.

This shows what?

How can there be chloropotassin in the body without taking the power booster?

If the existence of chloropotassin is not contained in the fluid through taking the power, and it is contained in the body of all the corpses of Yihao, then the problem can be explained very well.

You mean that chlorohydrogen causes people to suddenly become zombies and loses their mind to attack similar ones? This is ridiculous, chlorohydrogen is one of the main raw materials for making power boosting fluids. If this kind of thing can induce Humans have become zombies, so why hasnt there been a case of zombies in so many years? One admiral did not believe this conclusion at all, and even more did not believe that the power-enhancing fluid caused humans to become zombies, because he had taken it before Power Booster.

Regardless of whether or not something like chloropotassin is the culprit, at least the power-up liquid must not become the culprit, otherwise or he really dare not imagine what the consequences will become.

Admiral Liu, dont be excited first, this is only the result of the current preliminary research. Whether this kind of thing is induced or not remains to be verified. Tang Qixu gently appeased the emotional general.

In fact, he doesnt want to be the problem of power-up liquid. After all, the emergence of power-up liquid is regarded as a gospel of the power person, so that people who have difficulty in improving power can be promoted through external means. Powers are not as powerful as they have been through practice, but they still make many power enthusiastic.

If it is not that the power-up liquid cannot be mass-produced, I am afraid that many people want to upgrade through this method. After all, it is convenient and simple, and there is no need to eat so much pain. There are always more people who are happy and miserable.

I remember that Wu Guzhang has taken the Power Enhancement Solution before, right? Said another general who had not spoken suddenly and was not sure.

As soon as this word came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became more subtle and tense, and those who had taken the power-enhancing fluid at the scene were even more worried and followed.

The amount of power booster production is very small, and it is generally given to senior generals in the military and those who have a greater contribution to the federation.

Jiang Zhentao and Jiang Mosheng also had power-up liquids, but neither of them took them. They both felt that the powers raised through power-up liquids were not as solid and step-by-step.

But not everyone thinks like this father and son.

If there is a problem with the power booster, then the military and government will be the first to be affected. If these people become zombies, the entire Federation will not know what it will become.

I immediately asked people to intensify their research. It is not yet clear whether the power-up liquid is the problem, and even if it is the cause of the power-up liquid, when will it break out and under what conditions? It s a problem that needs to be determined. You do nt have to panic. There will be a solution. Human beings will never perish. Jiang Zhentao said forcefully, like a shot of the heart in the hearts of everyone, letting the original Some turbulent moods calmed down.

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