The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 146: Evolution

Chapter 146: Evolution

My four candidates are High Human, Demon, Shadow, and Newtype.

Unlike the other Evolutionary Paths, they have relatively less disadvantages and retain my original appearance of a human.

Demons seem to grow a horn or two during battles or when they experience strong emotions, but I can just say that its due to a skill.

That should be enough to deceive the others as Rikka-chans eyes also turn red when she activates Berserk.

Considering the amount of skills that I have, becoming a High Human sounds quite nice as it would save me a ton of points.

But then again, thats the only benefit of becoming a High Human.

It sounds a bit lacking compared to the other three.

As for Shadow, I can expect Shadow Manipulation and my collaboration with Momo to improve, but Im concerned since nothing is written about how my appearance would be altered.

The other three have the sentence Appearance would remain the same as regular Humans attached to their descriptions, but Shadow does not.

Newtype appears to be weaker than the rest at first glance, but Im intrigued by how it could increase my potential.

I explain about the characteristics of each race to Ichinose-san based on what I learned through The Right to Question before beginning our discussion.

I If possible, I wish to convert to a race which can cover for my shortcomings in terms of stats and skills. Then are you thinking of being an Amazoness, a Demon, or a Cyborg? If we only consider the merits, they seem like the best option. Hmm

Ichinose-san ponders for a while with her hand on her chin.

From your descriptions alone, they certainly sound impressive, but I cant imagine myself becoming an Amazoness, a Demon, or a Cyborg. Like, it doesnt suit my character Hmmm

True. The races mentioned previously do not fit the image of Ichinose-san.

When it comes to Cyborgs, Im not even sure if they can be classified as humans anymore.

The fact that it comes with a fixed status also means that we wont be able to expect any growth in the future.

Dont you think Ricchan would be more suitable for being a Demon or an Amazoness? Oh, thats for sure. She fits the image perfectly.

I can already picture Rikka-chan swinging her hatchet with red eyes and a horn.

If she becomes an Amazoness, that means her sexual desires will increase considering that body of hers Secretly, I imagine myself being assaulted by her.

I believe that maintaining ones image is extremely crucial. Its similar to how Kudou-san and I both chose skills and occupations based on what felt right for us. Ah, she has a point.

Although some of my decisions were influenced by the advice of Momo and Aka, I normally pick my skills and occupations based on my intuition.

And then theres the thing about Cyborgs losing their ability to reproduce Dont you think it would be a shame if you cant do that with the person you like? Pardon?

Ichinose-san nonchalantly says something very outrageous, and she realizes this only after her words have come out.

Her face turns beet-red.

~~~~No! I-I didnt mean it in that sense! Yes! O-of course! I know! Ichinose-san desperately tries to defend herself as I repeatedly nod my head.

Why am I also raising my voice?

Ichinose-san turns her head and faces another direction.

Im a girl, so I also have my fantasies Ill pretend I didnt hear that.

Its not like I cant understand what shes saying though.

As a man, it would be tragic if I lose my ability to do that.

That said, its not like Ive ever done it Kuun?

Whats going on?

Momo tilts her head in a questioning manner.

Its nothing, Momo. Dont worry about it.

Anyway, Cyborg is a no-go! It might be compatible with my Weapon Craftsman occupation, but its still off-limits! OOkay. Ichinose-san, youre a bit close to my face. Oh, s-s-s-sorry! Her blush deepens.

For some reason, Im also getting embarrassed watching her behave like this.

Ichinose-san is holding her head and trembling.

Honestly, she looks quite cute.

We take a few minutes to calm down, resuming our discussion only after we have cooled our heads.

In the end, Ichinose-san and I decide to use The Right to Question to ask for some clarification about things we are still curious about.

This includes information on what type of unique skills we will obtain, by how much our stats will increase for each race, the impacts converting would bring to our existing skills, details about how our appearance will change, whether we will be able to reproduce, etc However, we arent told much aside from what weve already learned.

Apparently, The Right to Question will only provide us with the minimum information necessary.

Its unfortunate as we could have narrowed down our options considerably if we knew what kind of unique skills we will be given for different Evolutionary Paths.

What a nasty system it is leave us hanging by only telling us half the information.

Whats wrong with going all the way and telling us everything?

Whatever, complaining wont get us anywhere.

We would have to decide on our Evolutionary Paths based on what we know.


After wracking my head for a little while, I make my choice.

Ichinose-san, Ive decided. Same here.

So Ichinose-san also selected one.

Which one did you choose? This one over here. Ichinose-san points her finger at one of the Evolutionary Paths listed on the paper.

Are you certain? Yes, Im positive. What about Kudou-san? Mine is this. I also point at one of the Evolutionary Paths written on the paper.

Ichinose-san opens her eyes wide and giggles.

The same one. Yes.

Ichinose-san and I have pointed at the same Evolutionary Path.

We have matched.

As I thought, we can read each others thoughts quite well.

But will this be okay for you, Ichinose-san? I believe this option wont cover your weaknesses that much. Its fine. Rather than being influenced by what little information is provided to us, I would much rather make a choice based on my instinct and not regret it later on. Ichinose-san who says so without hesitation appears very cool in my eyes.

Then I wont have any regrets either.

Then shall we evolve? Ah, wait a minute. I stop Ichinose-san who tries to bring her finger closer to the status plate.

Whats wrong? I suddenly remember something important.

Just in case, lets ask Momo and the others for their opinions as well. I look over at Momo and Kiki who are lying on the floor.

What is it?

Momo and Kiki come near us and rub their bodies against me, asking for a patting.

Ichinose-san stares at me with envy in her eyes.

Do you want to switch places and mofu-mofu them?

I refuse.


Im sorry. I was just kidding. So stop glaring at me while pouting. Its quite cute though.

The two of us mofu-mofu Momo and Kiki and puru-puru Aka for a while.

Now then, lets return to the matter at hand.

Do you guys have any recommendations? Kuun?

Furu furu.

Momo tilts her head before looking at the paper with the Evolutionary Paths listed on it.

Aka also releases its mimicry and land on one side of the paper.

For the decisions so far, Momo and the others have helped us in various occasions.

I believe its something beyond simple intuition.

For a few seconds, the trios eyes remain glued to the Evolutionary Paths written on the paper.

Then, they look up at each others faces and nod.



Furu furu.

Momo and Kiki stretch their front legs while Aka extends a part of its body to point at a single race listed on the paper.

Its the same as the one Ichinose-san and I chose.

Everyones opinions are the same then. Ichinose-san laughs.

Now, shall we go for real? Yes.

With determined faces, Ichinose-san and I tap on the new race.

Evolution In other words, I will no longer be human.

For a moment, such a thought passes through my mind; however, I am not worried.

Because I am not alone.

Because the person I trust most has decided on the same race.

I do not feel worried. I do not feel afraid.

I can evolve without any hesitation.

Kudou Kazutos race will evolve from Human to Newtype. Confirm? I do not waver as I click on Yes.

Evolution will commence soon after. ConnectingConnecting Success. Commencing the reconstruction of the individuals body. Informing the creation of a new race. Increasing various stats of the individual. Commencing Evolution. Everything in front of me begins to get distorted.

Moments later, Ichinose-san and I collapse onto the ground.


Unannounced Announcement. Confirmed the first evolution of the human race. Specifying the targets. Kudou Kazuto. Ichinose Natsu. Creating bonus privileges for the two individuals. ZazaZaza ZazaZaza. ConnectingConnectingFailure. Target individuals have not satisfied certain conditions. Skill creation has failed. The skill will be put on hold until the target individuals satisfy the conditions. ******

Scheduled Report Named Monsters: 48 Occurrences. Subjugation of Named Monsters: 5 Occurrences. Manifestation of Unique Skills: 27 Occurrences. Death of Individuals with Unique Skills: 12 Occurrences. Specified Unique Skills The Seven Deadly Sins Pride, Gluttony, and Envy have been confirmed. The Six Kings Wolf King, Dragon King, and Sea King have been confirmed. The Five Great Skills Precocious, Resonance, and Search have been confirmed. None of the categories have reached their target values. The continued expansion of Chaos Frontier has been confirmed.

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