The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 998

Chapter 998: Ester

Aurora, reborn within the Shadow Realm, found herself reincarnated within Dimension Orin. Remnants of her previous body laid in the ruin of opened wounds and exposed innards. Needless to say, the sight was levels beyond what Rosespian cinema could depict. Her dulled expression (a sword left untouched) bordered the edge of surrender. She scattered looks of confusion. The mind remained a shell, ‘-my body, my soul,’ the grayed-out area was unlike anything she’d felt, ‘-I’m close to the first progenitor’s bloodline... I was bested so easily, taken out as if trash. Now this,’ she blinked, ‘-the air felts empty, I don’t feel my legs, everything’s weightless. One move and I could possibly eat find myself within hell, or something along those lines... I shudder to move; I shudder to look. The world’s no compromise of normal, we have higher beings taking reigns, and we have greater entities doing battle being the scenes. What about the fate of the worlds, what about heaven and hell, what does it mean in the end, are gods bored, are demons greedy, are nightwalkers weak?’

“Nightwalkers aren’t weak,” said Igna, “-and I’m not reading your mind,” her expression ironed out, “-we’re the only race of people able to harm greater beings. In a way, we’re like a virus that plagues the natural order and balance. Look now,” he stood arms crossed and eyes on the defeated Aurora, “-this feels nostalgic.”

“Ha...” her freckled nose rose, “-obvious it’s nostalgic, your uncle had his sadistic way and tortured me into submission. You think it’s fun becoming the plaything of an insane individual...”

“Ah, my uncle and his charm,” said an added air of sarcasm, “Aurora, we truly are on the edge of great change. The enemy’s undefined – the flow of events has stagnated, it’s the calm before the storm. I’ve worked to create a kingdom and built my empire to run even if I were to disappear. Centralization has many advantages as they are plenty more disadvantages,” her expression shifted a little, Igna stopped his speech, took a stride, and knelt beside the nightwalker, “-we ought to evolve. Push the harder decision onto a rational entity, one who thinks with true or false, not pretenses. The Sister System’s the perfect example of a complete being. Granted she has no emotions compared to her counterpart – the system itself is beautiful.”

“Why tell me all this?”

“Because, from what Alta said and from what I just saw – nightwalkers are on the target list. We must gather our strengths and look forward.”

“Igna, you speak as if you’re to die.”


“Circumstances and precaution,” he elaborated, “-Artanos is a being more fearsome than it’s apparent. He comes across as nonchalant and unimpressive – there’s a sense of familiarity and care. Behind the scene, I tell you, there’s no argument – he’s amazing.”

“Praising another, that’s new.”

“Well, never had someone who could keep the game fresh,” a flick of the wrist dispelled the Domain – the corpse burnt into fine ash.

“Master,” the door tapped, “-it’s me, Alta, are you there?”

“Yeah,” he returned, “-have news sent that Aurora is fine. The attack was to test the town-halls security.”

The stewardess pressed her palm at the table, ‘-a little on the nose,’ she pushed and scurried into the distance. One could audibly track the path, sure enough, her imposing voice thundered outside. “Aurora,” Igna horned his regard upon the revived lass, “-tell me, why was I summoned?”

“Vampires have been around for a while. With that comes greater boons such as influence, power, and money. We’re known to the world as a legendary race of people who keep themselves hidden. Truth is, most of those legendary people are noble-ranked walkers living in Noctis’s Hallow or scattered through the world. Our vine encompasses the world, you know much seeing as thy uncle founded one of the greater factions. We called for an immediate council because of web – it’s being cut slowly. We’ve lost contact with many of the nobles – industry leaders and hidden wealthy families. Arda’s our stronghold. Together with Queen Courtney, we’ve been able to rebuild the province on the strength of our people. Glenda’s a great example of the economic boom. People move into Arda to live, it’s astounding – there are more nonhumans. While consolidation of the stronghold is important – neglect of the distant benefactors led to much. Reports of deceased heirs – wounded faction leaders and assassinated heads. The attacks are an affront to our prestige. It went even as far as to have one of the greater leaders be frightened into signing a deal,” her voice stopped and carried to a nearby table, “-here’s the reason why you were summoned.”

A scroll unfolded and read, “-to whoever it concerns, we of the Clockwork Faction have sworn to destroy those who may get in our way. As courtesy dictates, we’ve sent a word of warning. Take this to your king and say, we are present and ever watching,” signed the Clockwork Faction.

“We did battle against them,” she continued, “-a mild squabble between our respective covert units. The result was telling – we lost, only to be saved by a passing Baron.”

“And, what now, will the nightwalkers yield?”

“No, we’ll fight.”

“Good, then,” he teleported shy of a few millimeters away from her face, “-look here,” blood flowed from his index, “-take my blood.” Her face changed, the power behind her strength altered – the mind darkened, her body fell backward and nastily slammed against the table, “-have fun dealing with her,” said a passing comment. Down the window spoke a confident Alta, “-everyone, there’s no need to panic. Our troublesomely whimsical ruler came by for a visit. The show was little more than magic – he wanted to test our security in the strangest of ways. From the results, we know that there’s much we must improve upon,” the instructions trailed into the bright starry-lit sky. Motion beckoned, a smirk appeared on Igna’s face.

Similarly, as the night turn dawn and hurried into rush hour, the modestly dressed Syhton approached an enormous array of buildings. The roads were clean, the trees lush, and the grass greener. Claireville Academy wrote upon a golden plate – her silvery white car entered the campus and stopped at a magnificent roundabout; it held a sculpture of Syhton pouring water from a pot. She exited, internally judged the statue, and ambled forth. The halls were complicated, the arrangement difficult and the layout and flooring – decadent. The ancient style of decoration was very rustic – students of multiple backgrounds walked the halls to the director’s office.

*Tap, tap,* a harsh, female voice replied, “-enter.”

Red lipsticks and glasses settled upon the director’s seat. A memorial of Josiah was placed as a frame beside the many other directors. The sternly-faced lady rose scrupulous regard, “-my, who do we have here?”

“The name’s Synthia,” she returned “-I’ve come here to meet a certain man by the name of Ester.”

“Oh, another employment request?” she brushed off the arrival, “-if it’s Ester, the boy’s at the arena fighting. Discuss the matter directly with him,” said an exhausted sigh.

“Pardon, but by chance, are you Sophie Mirabelle?”

The red lipstick and frameless glasses glared heavily, “-lady Synthia, you have my full attention,” the fountain pen laid quietly.

“Good,” her walk carried a sense of dignity, “-as I said, my name’s Synthia and I represent Igna Haggard,” she pulled a seat and settled, “-this boy, Ester, had the gals to antagonize the king. I’m sad to say I’ve come for payment.”

Her chin lowered, gaze firmed onto an empty piece of paper, “-Ester’s a strange person. I don’t know how or why he’s the way he is. There’s a sense of relatability with him. at first, I thought he was a loner, uninterested in how the world worked and how the country followed... however, he reached a particular age – something changed, he became more courageous. He seemed mature for his age and easily grew to surpass those at the academy. I was particularly interested in how he used magic spells and incantations that have long pass dated our curriculum. If it’s not much to ask, give the boy breathing space. He’s a hard character to grasp.”

“Well, the weirder they are, the more the king seems to take a liking.”

The office shut, leaving the director to her work, ‘-the gamble’s paid off, Ester,’ said a conniving smile, ‘-you did catch the eye of Igna. Why wouldn’t you just say who you are, why wouldn’t you just let me establish a line of communication... I suppose you truly were a man of action,’ in there, a memory came to mind, “-I won’t accept favors nor will I use the connection to earn his respect. I’ll do it my way, I’ll prove myself. For some reason, I feel like, I don’t know, I have to show that I’m more than just some guy, I need to show who I truly am. Only when he acknowledges me, only then, and only then will I reveal the truth.”

The arena was lit with a thousand flames. Holographic displays showed the fight within – chants from the crowd and display of magical affinity had long fallen into the realm of sports. ‘-Spellcasters,’ she stopped at a display, ‘-have long evolved into their own kin. Scholars or the famed Magicians. Like the olden days, users of magic are renowned for their prowess in not how they kill but how they fare against others. Truly amazing... here I thought magic had died out, I guess they’re only getting started. Using the ancient arts to battle and fairly display their strengths against others – I’m impressed.’

“Ester, Ester, Ester,” feet stomped and chants roared; the solitary figure of a fighter rose in aftermath of destruction. Opponents laid in waste, “-and the winner’s Ester!” cried the announcer, a beckoning roar followed.

“That’s him,” came passing comments, “-we should recruit him to represent our company in the next Magician’s Tournament.”

“It’ll be tough,” added another, “-I heard he’s rejected every offer that’s come his way.”

“Not a shame to shoot for the stars.”

The end came with the rise of an up-and-coming band performing their hearts out. The victor, Ester, had his face under a cold-flowing tap outside of the arena, “-congratulations are in order,” said a figure.

“Who are you?”

“I represent Igna Haggard,” she said, “-and you, my friend, have been chosen to work at the capital.”

The tap turned, “-and, must I accept?”

“Would be best,” she said, “-don’t get me wrong, I was sent here to recruit, however,” she looked at a growing crowd of businessmen, “-seem your hand is filled. Even saw some big conglomerates. Your talents are best used within the context of sports. Working for his majesty is a scholar’s game, not an athlete. Guess your formal application had an impression,” she approached, “-impression alone is not enough. Also, I lied. I came to personally reject thy application. The king’s no time to play mentor. Thus, Ester, we best part ways,” she left... or so she thought.



“I’ll work for the king; I don’t care what I have to do. I’ll clean the dishes or become a butler; I don’t care. Give me a chance, I only need a chance.”

“What about your career as an athlete?”

“I don’t care for it,” he added firmly, “-I just want to be by the king’s side. I want to see him change the world, I want to see everything with my own eyes. Please, allow me the honor.”

“Well,” she turned, “-how about working for me instead,” she tilted her head, “-you’ll be close to Igna and I’ll have a butler to tend to my needs.”

“If that’s what is required of me, I’ll do it.”

“Excellent,” she clapped her hands, “-I’ll be expecting you at the capital in three days. Take that time to say goodbyes.”


The engine roared, “-how did it go?” inquired the driver.

“Pretty much as he said,” her windows rolled, “-how far can he see...”


“Nothing... was thinking aloud.”

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