The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 993

Chapter 993: Birth of a new hero?

“No extension, wake up master.”

Pure white hair smeared with crimson rose. Rachie waked in awe, ‘-he’s,’ he pause and examined, ‘-he’s,’ the mind could barely think, ‘-he’s... ordinary.’

“I’m here,” yawned Igna, “-was having the greatest of dreams. I dreamed that you and I were on a trip. Was fun, well, until you took a random lass as your playmate...”

“Still going on about that?” reference drew to the escapade with the Wracian Empress.

“No, definitely not,” said a childish tease, “-so, who’s the new face?”

“Rachie,” he stepped forward and bowed, “-it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Right,” the gestures slowed to a very observant pace, “-not from this dimension, are you?”


“No, sire, I’m not.”

“Looking at Starix, you must be one of the people working for him, yes?”

“Actually, master,” Starix moved forward, “-Rachie and I had an agreement. I would grant him a wish and a question if he were to tell me more about his past and secret agendas.”

“Right,” Igna rose and painfully navigated his labyrinth-like desk, “-here’s a gun,” it flung into the man’s hand, “-before you stand the leader,” he proclaimed now stood in front of the desk, legs crossed and posterior against the ledge, “-there are three choices, shoot me, shoot éclair or shoot Starix. Gun has one bullet – you ought to choose who to slay with the ultimate goal of gaining influence.”

‘Trick question,’ narrowed Rachie, ‘-there’s no way this gun can injure any of those present.’

“Wrong,” added Igna to Rachie’s perplexed surprise, “-the gun can definitely kill one of us. Now, choose, who ought thee to kill?”

He rose the revolver at Igna, “-sire, what purpose will kill you bring,” he lessened his grip, allowing the barrel to tip downward, “-or killing the two gentlemen present. Influence isn’t won with sheer violence or force of action.”

“Well, I said you had to kill one, choose.”

“I’d choose master Teng.”

“Master Teng?” Starix and Igna both rose conflicting regards at éclair, who, by the sudden pressure, dropped his shoulder and breathed, “-and, what would killing master Teng bring to the table?”

“You’ll lose a valuable asset,” added Rachie, “-and if the scenario is as I think it is... by which I refer to my troops having invaded the stronghold, I’d assume the other guards are restricted. My lord wouldn’t be able to recruit another just like him.”

“Killing my right hand,” Igna paused and lowered his chin in thought, “-good idea, I like it,” he rose his face and nodded, “-Starix, the man’s a good find. Keep him around.”

“What about the question?”

“Ah, you wish for the answer?” he tilted his head, “-there’s no answer. What’s the point of a problem with a standalone resolution. I’ve said it time and time again, adaptability is the lifeblood of any military organization. Anyway,” he horned onto éclair, “-care to explain the Master Teng debacle?”

“My apologies,” he moved into the front, traded places with Starix, and stood at the receiving end, “-allow me to introduce this fellow. Rachie, an orphan I mentored a long while ago, back during the time master decided to have a nice trip to Marinda. It was there, as I sought to find what to do, that I can across a particular orphanage reputed to be the worse establishment within the city. Curiosity got the better, I might have killed a few people to become its director and see the happenings of the city from within. Rachie came as a surprise, he held the same lifeless eyes master has. The same dejection for the world around, the same hatred, and the same will to use any and everything to his means. I tutored him and established relations with the Aapith nation, seeing you founded the land way back in the days of the gods.”

“Guess it’s alright,” narrowed Igna, “-tell me, chap, what brings you to our domain. I’m sure seeing your old instructor must have come as a shock – let the shock be a lesson. I’m your master’s master. Tell me, why did thee wish for an audience?”

“To experience firsthand what so many unknown enemies had faced prior to their defeat. I wanted to see it for myself... I want someone to be my guide.” Before much longer, Starix joined and explained the situation to his fullest abilities. The schemes employed and the torturous means of conquest – the sheer amount of blood and slaughter, a vile, yet charming smile propped, “-SPLENDID!”


“The scheme is nothing short of excellent. I wish I could have been there to ravel in the complete victory. It goes without saying, the conquest of the world is not so easily done. Rachie,” he locked onto the boy, “-as Devil, I extend a welcoming hand. However, the story Starix conducted will one day be forced to bear the burden of proof. People will need to see action; enemies will scheme and plot, they’ll want one simple thing – evidence. To see if the mantle of king suits the invader. Tis an uphill battle,” he placed a hand onto Starix’s shoulder, “-care to hear the words of an old man?”

“You jest.”

“My thoughts are based on the various assumption I made. Don’t take my word for I’ll only expose your greatest weakness going forward. A puppet leader is a good plan, and under ordinary circumstances, I’d have done the same. However, as I recall, Rachie proclaimed the title of le chevalier noire, else the black knight – not a person, but a thought. One of a peerless warrior with no equal in battle, the epitome of chivalry and the art of slaughter. The fictional character came about in tales from bards and olden poems. The title of the black knight, once revered, is now lost to the ages – and here, within the technologically advanced Hidros, the need for a knight’s only to the extent of an artist’s imagination. Draebala’s different. The world battles, swords, and magic are the best counter against gods and demons. To be powerful there is to have the ability to rival even the gods. Put this way, understand how Rachie’s spur-of-the-moment announcement triggered a domino effect. The result is far off into the future – when the time comes when a god or a demon comes knocking, you’ll have to answer. Don’t count on my men to support for it’ll be under the shade of the dark – between the silence of nightfall. If Starix’s plan is to wage war – you’ll need a lighthouse, a character so radiant it’ll draw in new allies,” he glanced at Starix, ‘-seems he’s gotten an idea.’

“A chain’s as strong as its weakest link,” narrowed Igna, “-Starix, do you have the courage?” the tactician dropped onto his knees and prostrated before Igna, “-master, please, I need assistance.”

Igna heartlessly firm his stance, “-and, why must I answer. What good will it bring me?”

“Master,” he rose his head and narrowed, “-I ask for thy assistance, consider it a loan.”

“A loan?” the expression eased, “-go on, I’m intrigued.”

“Rachie bears the blood of a goddess. He can slay demi-god rank and lower entity. He wields the holy spear of Jupe but, due to master éclair’s teachings, has decided to keep a low profile. I partly agree with keeping one’s card close. Alas, the battle we fight is one of life or death – we’re clambering from the pits of destruction and alienation. There’s nothing but up, and even if we lose – there won’t be many repercussions.”

“No need to elaborate; what is your request?”

“Grant Rachie the powers a nightwalker. Allow him a place in the Nox’s curse.”

“A nightwalker,” he paused, “-and, what will I gain in return?”

“Anything his majesty asks.”

“So be it,” he pushed off the ledge, summoned a cage of ice, and imprisoned Rachie – the pillars materialized such a way to expose his neck. Igna bit, blood spurred and the cage faded, a heavy thud marked Rachie’s unconscious fall.

“Master, what have you done?” narrowed éclair, “-will he be alright?”

A thought suddenly crossed his mind, to which Igna stopped midway at the desk and fallen Rachie. Starix threw damning regard, “-master?”

“My bad,” he exhaled, “-I forgot to mention my status as nightwalker no longer remains so. My blood has transcended what is considered normal – and by rank, my title of Prince within the vampiric faction has shifted to host of the Daeirq Empress of Luna. I might have gone beyond the powers of the first progenitor... to the true progenitor.”

Facepalms resounded like claps, “-SERIOUSLY!” cried Starix, “-MASTER COME ON!”

“Hey, I was lost in the moment,” he exhaled, “-I can always turn back time and revive the boy...”

“Won’t work,” narrowed éclair, “-Kronos’ sickle is undergoing a great change. As a core, its power has risen to a place where I can’t even imagine. The Shadow Realm is about to evolve, and we’re yet to know how strong it’ll become.”


“Vesper,” he said, “-her faction’s been shifting dimension and devouring lesser worlds, adding their power to ours. Obviously, the destruction of a whole domain is easier said than done – instead, lady Miira proposed the annexation of those little dimensions into our greater universe. Sound insane when voiced... no matter.”

*Cough, cough,* scraping noises came from the carpet, “-I’m h-h-here,” bright blue pupils looked at Igna, “-I survived the return,” he coughed specks of crimson, latter of which evaporated soon as it touched the ground, “-Master Teng, lord Igna, and lord Starix, I made it back...”

“Hey, hey,” a great ol’ smile surfaced, “-good on you,” Igna hastily took the boy by his shoulder and stood, “-survived the Empress’s test. Welcome to the family.”

“Welcome to the family?”

“Yeah,” said Igna, “-he survived her wrath and showed true heart when her sadistic ways of torture tore his very being. It’s impressive,” to which he grabbed Rachie’s left arm and pulled, “-look here,” he pointed, “-the curse of the devourer, the curse bearer of Glutt. Whoever thee kills and devours, their power and skill are automatically absorbed. One condition is that the being is lesser than a mid-tier god. Anything below said rank is easy pickings. The more the bearer of Glutt eats, the stronger they get until they become shells of their prior selves and lose control. Once your consciousness is overtaken, the curse activates and instantly swallows thy life-essence and power to the Empress. It’s powerful and hard to master,” placed on the nearby couch, “-Starix,” a book summoned atop Igna’s palms, “-all information pertaining to his power is written here. Consider it a welcoming present. I’ll leave the decision if he’s worthy of becoming a member of the Shadow Realm to you, mentor. Teach him the ways of conquest. Best thee returns – it’ll take a few weeks until the power settles. Trust me, the process going to be painful. Have fun,” he smiled, snapping open a portal, “-until we meet again.”

Quiet. éclair’s looming shadow waited in the corner, “-care to speak?”

“The curse of Glutt is the worse gift a person could inherit. I mean, the ancient tales speak of it as the destroyer of talent, the widow maker.”

“Ancient idiots were foolish to the curse’s true potential. It’s up to the host to decide what power he wishes to acquire – a perfect test to determine the strength of character of a person. Does he fall to the greed or become wise and learns his power before use. Rachie’s an interesting fellow. Heroes always rise from the ashes of the fallen, the resentment and frustration of their fallen peers joined into one. He’ll take Draebala by storm,” said a conniving half-smile, “-can’t wait to see where his journey follows.”

*Tap, tap,* a moderately dressed Serene entered, “-Riaz’ here for the visit.”

“Guess it’s your turn,” two taps puffed the air from éclair’s lungs, “-have at ’em. Leave the acquisition to me, I’ll meet with the lawyers instead. Better thing to tend to.”

“Suppose it’s time,” a sharp pull straightened his jacket, “-let’s see what the empire has in store.”

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