The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 980

Chapter 980: Choice

‘No,’ she scanned her hands, her legs, her body. The palms frantically patted her torso – stray images of the prior ‘v-shape’ piece had her in quite the frantic state. ‘My symbol, my body, my soul. It feels pure, I feel better, this body,’ she clenched and relaxed, ‘-feels more powerful. What’s this strange power?’ she blinked, and her mind faded into the empty white room.

By the flick of his hand, the altered dimension disappeared. A little bird, in shape only, fluttered across worlds – spanning wings and gaining distance. The world changed for the demented, uniquely Draebala atmosphere.

“My lord,” said a voice in a thickly somber fog, “-I bring a message,” said a one-eyed giant.

“Leave it here,” said a few scattered groans, accentuated by moans of a higher pitch.

“Check the letter?” stuttered the female voice, “-y-y-y-you s-should check,” her pauses came in time against another methodical tap, one of a headboard’s melancholic adventure. Its greatest foe, new couples.

A loud exhale came to a stop, “-I’ll check the letter,” he scurried over, and had his feet on a colder floor. A strange package laid upon the table. He leaned with a smile, ‘-I know it’s him.’ the scroll opened, “-Greetings Artanos, how goes it my friend... are we considered friends? Well, I apologize in advance – perhaps this letter came at an inauspicious time, the kind where one needs much stamina to satisfy another. Carnal pleasure aside, I must say, I’m impressed. Embedding a Clockwork Shadow within a goddess’ soul – sending said goddess at my doorstep knowing I couldn’t refuse someone of great influence. Well played. Saddens me to say, she’s alive. Not so much the shadow, I found it fitting to use the fragmented soul as an energy boost. Hope it doesn’t come with much surprise. Consider this from a friend, or the words of a competent foe – I wouldn’t waste time in pursuit of unknown means. Eipea and Aapith won’t stand idly. My faction will abstain from greater political or military action. You know how it goes – a strong foundation and all. Hope the letter reaches thee well. Send my warmest regards to Gophy,” signed Igna.

A puff of dust brought a little shudder, “-what’s the matter?”


“Nothing to worry about,” he returned, gently making his way onto the bed, “-a letter from an interesting chap. We’ve to reach an agreement – seems my test wasn’t in vain,” behind the cordial smile laid a deeper secret, ‘-you replied my favors in kind. Good, Igna, good. I was right to listen to Persephone. Will you bear or falter, time will tell, time will tell.’

Dawn clambered over the silent night. A faded sense of reality wrote across the current skyscape. Stars were dotted against the cold morning hues of a frosty day. Wind wept, “-cold,” shivered Syhton, “-couldn’t you have conjured clothes?”

“Shut it,” he abruptly held upon a pillar, “-I need a few moments on my own.”

‘I’m out of energy,’ he stumbled, “-Igna?” hailed a distant voice, “-where are you?” golden locks erupted from the lower floors, her kempt expression slowed, “-Igna...”

“Hey,” added an awkward Syhton, “-good to meet you?”

“What’s happened to him?”

“I don’t know?” they rushed to the feverish cheeks, “-we need a doctor.”

“No,” interjected a weaker voice, “-I just need some rest. Have éclair handle tomorrow’s details, I need sleep.”

Just like that – he was carried with the aid of the palace guards. A new addition, Empress and Goddess, was offered a guided tour of the capital city. Charmed by Asmodeus’ dashing entourage, they could but accept said offer.

As for Igna, consciousness dove deeper into a familiar arena. A weight carried his body deeper – a furious struggle to maintain afloat, bubbles of air escaped, the light dimmed and the world slowed, “-awaken,” thundered a lowered voice, “-awaken, thy mistress calls,” it came from the deeper blue, a stranger light.

“Who are you?”

“I am you,” said the all-encompassing voice, “-you are me, we’re all us. Awaken, for the sun has set and risen anew.”

*GASP,* he shot upright, ‘-that feeling of fear,’ a shiver shook his limbs, ‘-this premonition of dread. What’s going to happen?’ blond locks left awry, a peacefully sleeping Katherine at his bedside, ‘-did she stay here all day?’ a look told of a few hours passage, of which secretly hid the date which read the following morning.

“Good morning.”


“Did you spend the night at my bedside?”

“No, I woke up a little after midnight and couldn’t seem to sleep. Before I realized it, I was in your room. It was strange to see you so defenseless. There are so many barriers around, I don’t know how to express them... we live on different planes, I don’t know why you’d ever bother...”

“Ah,” he grabbed her hands, “-it must have been troubling, yes?”

“...” she nodded, “-I know,” he added, “-seeing your fiancé in the company of other women. I’d be furious – such is the temporary feeling of mistrust and doubt. I don’t expect a saint. It’s fine to feel that way,” he patted her head, “-I’m a man of my word. When I said you were the one, I meant it. Don’t worry, okay?” he threw a kind smile, “-no one will do harm, everyone here is a friend. There’s no need to worry, okay?”

“Ever the smooth talker,” she said with an alienated tone, “-don’t treat me like a kid,” she held his wrist, “-I know I’m insecure, I know I’m needy, and I know I’m weak. I don’t care if you sleep...” she trailed, “-around or whatever,” and regained her strength, “-everyone knows how great the king of Hidros is. Would be weird if a man as accomplished as he didn’t have a few mistresses, am I right?”

“My,” he tapped her forehead playfully, “-are you practicing lines?”

Her shoulders dropped, “-how did you?”

“Ah,” he laughed, “-I asked my cousin to send over any paper you are to sign; including scripts and other work material. The burden of a royal is hard to carry. You needn’t worry about how it reflects, understand?”

“Feels like I’m adding more work...”

“You’re not,” he leaned and gave a warm embrace, “-congratulations on your first photo shoot.”

‘He did pay attention...’

“Yes I did,” he winked.

“Stop reading my mind...”

A subdued feeling of tranquility washed. In the moments he spent recomforting Katherine, her awkward reply and acceptance of weakness strangely filled his step with energy and emotion. Prior night’s bad dream seemed a little more than a distant past.

Time passed, clothes changed – and Katherine, with a sudden change, asked for Igna to join her in the showers. Warm waters rushed, “-Is this necessary?” he asked, to which she firmed her stance and fired, “-shut up.”

Tender fingers ran along with his hair, “-was the bench a necessity?” he asked for it seemed weird to bring furniture, “-stop talking already,” she added strongly, though her voice failed to convey said intention, “-my mother use to do this when I felt on edge,” her fingers warmly washed and massaged his hair. At that moment, Igna felt himself be freed, ‘-there’s nothing I can do,’ he thought, the shower washed, ‘-what am I suppose to say to repay her kindness?’

“Don’t bother,” she gave a back embrace, “-don’t pay me back,” said a mild whisper. He laughed, “-I see you’re a mind reader now?”

“No,” they laughed, “-I just wanted to say it.”

“Man,” the shower ended, thus the duo dried and sprawled into newer clothes, “-what am I to say or do with you,” for the first time in ages; Igna’s always stressful inner thoughts released. Fleeting as those moments were, ‘-I have to protect her.’

*GONG, GONG,* ‘-this feeling,’ he held his chest, ‘-this pain...’

A jolt threw Syhton’s rest ablaze, “-not now...” a scanning hue brightened, reality shattered into an ever-growing fissure, “-IGNA!” the room tore apart.


“WHAT’S THE MEANING OF THIS?” the door opened, “-GET OUT,” he fired, “-SYHTON, GO, NOW!”

“HELL NO,” she sprinted and held his arm, “-not until I get to pay-” the vortex swallowed all to be hurled on the other side.

Artanos waited upon a throne made of black steel, “-welcome to my realm,” he said, backdropped by a red cliff and overall darker colors. A smoldering pit of lava, distant screams of the tormented, “-the land of judgment.”

“Looks like hell,” commented Igna, “-why?”

“To play a game,” he laughed – two crosses rose above the lava, one of which threw restrains at Katherine, “-like you, Igna, I don’t like to play fair. And because of her little escapade,” he narrowed onto Syhton, “-I’ll make sure my word isn’t disrespected again.”

‘Not playing around, is he. I’m not fully recovered. Syhton had to jump in like an idiot. If push comes to shove, I can teleport someone, that’ll leave me defenseless.’

“Igna,” he teleported before the crosses, “-on one side lays Katherine, thy lover. On the other, my lover,” he winked, “-make noise for my girlfriend, GOPHY!” no applause, nothing save a distant eruption, “-choice,” he paced to and fro, “-an option available to the strong. I respect your powers and intellect, however,” they locked eyes, “-I won’t stand for someone indecisive, unable to make the harsher decision when matters. Tell me, Igna,” clockwork items slowly skinned Katherine alive, “-AHHHHH.’

“How does it feel?” Gophy suffered a massive blow from a whip, “-to see people so close be harmed, tell me,” said a sadistic smile, “-I want to hear the cries for mercy, they beg for their lives. I’m a god by title, therefore, I’ll agree to one’s safety. Make no mistake,” he pointed at Gophy, “-she’s worthless; lass thought she’d help by infiltrating my camp. Oh no you don’t. Her treason was staged from the beginning and now,” he looked at Igna, “-so was your defeat. Sending Syhton... I knew of your relation, didn’t take long to dig up paperwork. You’re exhausted, unable to conjure powers. My realm’s a bastion for knowledge, any spell, symbol, or ancient words spoken shall be recorded. On top,” he smiled loudly, “-you have no way of dealing against my attacks,” paper airplanes flew and crashed, destroying part skin and shattering bone, “-this feeling of unrelenting sufferance, how about it,” a clap froze time for everyone except the prisoners. “-Take how long you need,” he said, “-I will return later.” Before he laid a problem, one simple solution – pick one and be done.

“Pick her,” said Gophy, “-I failed my mission, I rather die...”

“Igna,” sniffled Katherine, “-I c-c-can’t,” she screamed, “-no more pain... I c-c-c-can’t t-t-take it,” she cried.

“This is my fault,” said Syhton, “-I’ll make up for my mistakes.”

“Not going to happen,” *Ancient-Arts: Cross dimensional Teleportation!* a flash and silence, “-IGNA...” familiar ceiling, familiar walls, ‘-he used the last of his strength,’ her fist clenched, ‘...’ where naught remained, inspiration came in the form of, ‘-Have éclair handle tomorrow’s details,’ a quote, “-maybe, just maybe!”

He breathed slowly, Katherine’s torture amplified. There was nothing to be done, ‘-I’m weak, always have, and always will be weak. Katherine, I’m sorry, I can’t help you anymore. For convenience... my only kindness is to end the sufferance,’ he struggled from the frozen cage, “-Katherine,” he leaped, grabbed a blade from Gophy’s cage, and halted shy of her neck.

“Why did you stop,” she mumbled, “-do it, Igna...”

‘Don’t look at me like that,’ he clenched, ‘-Shanna, Alicia, Aceline, now you... must I always lose those I try to open my heart to?’

“Igna,” interjected Gophy, “-don’t do it, trust me, don’t kill her. Without proper support, I can’t imagine what’ll happen to you, Igna. Pick me instead, have Artanos kill me instead... trust me, Igna, don’t worry, just pick me.”

*Clap, clap,* a forceful pull flung Igna across, “-I said no moving,” ordered the god, “-tell me,” he faced the bloodied Igna, “-who doth thee pick?”

“Release Kathrine...”

“Wrong,” cackled Artanos, “-SO PREDICTABLE!” a slew of iron rods impaled her would-be relieved expression, “-for tis only the strong who can choose, not the weak. Igna, you’re weak and have lost.” Her body fell for what seemed hours, ‘-no...’ a burning sensation tore. ‘-oh fuck,’ the line between sanity and monster snapped, ‘-it’s over.’

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