The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 955

Chapter 955: Gateway to Draebala

Gateway to Draebala, on a date not so important in the greater state of things. Cora, Kaleem, and Yuria, students under tutelage of the four guardian deities, arrived northeast at Zayan D’olsak, one of two fragments forming the north and northeastern barrier against the rough ocean. Viscounty of Inux, a military stronghold and port-town for the few livings on Zayan’s rather lax farmland and infectious nature of prowling demon beasts.

Salty to the nose, fresh on the skin, and chilly at the feet, such were the feeling after touching down in a foreign world. “-Kaleem, we ought to head southwest,” proposed Yuria, the trio were dressed in adventuring clothes. Two suns took quite a while to assimilate.

“Demon beasts,” narrowed Cora, “-I feel them,” he scanned a nearby tree line – an unused trail climbed deeper into thick forestry. A worn-out sign read, “-Inux,” on one side and pointed to an abandoned lighthouse perched atop the farthest northeastern point, atop a cliff of rampaging waves abled to reach dozens of meters. They climbed, following the path, and arrived at a hallway of overarching foliage and menace. Yuria stopped and turned, reflecting on the landscape they’d traversed for what felt like hours. The sharpness of the climb, steep slope, and unhinged rocks led to a damp cove. Gray in color and cold in look, waves fought wars at the horizon, and the sea didn’t look pleased. Kaleem grunted, “-fine,” she let an exasperated sigh, “-Kaleem’s more of a pain today...”

“Of course, he is,” returned Cora covering his head with a hood, “-we didn’t get to greet the master.”

“Right,” Yuria calmly reached her backpack and snuck out a wand. Kaleem’s stance took much on his master, Intherna. Sparks flew, the body steamed, and white fumes exited the limb.

*GROWL,* a monstrous beast leaped; Kaleem rushed, Cora side-stepped and summoned a rifle meanwhile Yuria blessed her teammates with magical enhancement – a dagger made of pure flame slit the beast’s head, leaving him willingly exposed, two more beasts pounced, a click and two shots echoed. Skulls blew to smithereen, “-damn, that was close,” gasped Cora.

“Yuria!” a sneakier figure, humanoid in nature, rushed Yuria, her expression widened in terror, *Azure fist,* jaded scales covered her fist which instantly blasted the beasts into the cold ground, a shake of the hand shook the blood, “-man,” her head shook in disappointment, “-aren’t they supposed to be strong?”


“Get out,” ordered Kaleem, “-who stands there?” Cora shot into the foliage, and a shriek and thud returned.

“Please wait!” said a traumatized voice, “-my name’s Esh, I hail from Inux.”

“Demi-human,” observed Cora, stepping in front of Kaleem, “-what’s a boy doing out in the woods?”

“N-nothing...” he broke eye contact – whistling of an arrow halted by a simple catch, “-an ambush?” he rose a frown at the shooter. Yuria conjured a wide-area imprisonment spell, “-there, there,” laughed Cora, “-ambushing visitors isn’t such a good idea, now, is it?” the forest answered her whims, veins grabbed those sat in bushes and flung them into a cage of thorns. Cora asked for a huddle, “-what do we do now?”

“Blow them to bits,” answered Kaleem.

“They have military outfits,” observed Yuria, “-should we investigate?”

“They’re strong,” said Cora, “-I can barely sense their auras. It must be unimaginably high.”

“Actually,” Yuria squinted in thought, “-no, we didn’t sense because there’s nothing to sense. Mana’s been sucked from the world. Inhabitants have evolved to live without it.’

“Hello?” waved the demi-boy, “-are you guys done? I sense monsters approaching...”

The shooter, a tall but timid human grabbed Esh’s shirt, “-my friend’s getting scared,” said he aloud, “-let us go or the demonbea-” a shadow loomed behind the cage. Yuria rose her head to an amalgamation of torn limbs and lustful murder, “-RUN!” Paws as large as a child rose at the idle pray, and it swung – the stench of its breath and hairs forced Yuria to pinch her nose. Kaleem vanished, only to be spotted a few meters away.

“Weakling,” he commented, the bear was sliced clean down the middle, falling apart around the cage into deep bellows. The body puffed into a black mist and large purple crystal. Yuria cracked her knuckles and stood peering over the captive, “-we give up, serious,” begged Esh, “-you guys are crazy.”

“Now then, Esh,” Cora’s demeanor changed, “-tell us more,” shackles made of vein tied a party of five, all gaged expect Esh. Race differences ranged from demi to humanoid, depending on what race, the outfits seemed better or worse accordingly. An hour and a half’s walk later, foiled by impromptu ambushes by beasts and inhabitants alike – a massive stronghold stuck younder. A pimple on the face of the land, a tube of pure mass, rigid and strong.

“There’s Inux, good luck getting in – the fortress asks for cash.”

“And that’s why those bandits ambushed us?”

“Yeah,” nodded the boy, “-it’s survival of the fittest. By the way, what’s with the clothes, why don’t you guys have armor or something, I thought mercenaries wore them.”

“We’re not ordinary mercenaries,” Yuria replied smugly.

“We’re heroes of another world,” said Kaleem, a line that had both Yuria and Cora in tears.

“Such conviction,” commented Cora, “-we’re heroes of another world,” he gave an overdramatized recreation, garnering muffled laughter from the captives and even Esh.

“There, there,” they eased, Yuria dispelled the restraints, “-no more fighting,” frowned Cora, “-scurry on home.”

“You guys are strong,” said Esh, “-a little bit weird but strong. Follow me,” he marched, “-heroes of another world or whatever, the strong rule to protect the weak,” he reached into the dirtied shirt and removed a tag, “-I’m an ungraded adventurer. This hear are my friends, we’re part of the Childeo guild, a band of orphans who support one another. Ken here, the archer, is our second strongest member, he’s E-ranked,” Esh smiled to introduce his friends until a sudden shake of the ground caught all off-guard, a giant worm leaped from the ground and swallowed three out of the five and dove again – Ken skillfully pushed Esh, turned on his back and fired, the worm gobbled his leg and burrowed.

“Yuria, heal the boy,” ordered Cora, “-Kaleem stand guard, I’ll cast a protective barrier,” pentagram lit, a barrier summoned, and Yuria’s healing spell stopped the bleeding.

“Ken...” sniffled Esh, “-you idiot...” the worm leaped to be struck by a jolt of lightning – bells rang from the fortress – horse riding armored guards galloped, “-lady, can you heal his leg completely?”

“I can try if we get the limb back, I doubt it,” the fried worm wailed, each flip of its linear body shook the very ground – throwing boulders the size of cars.

“Well,” young Esh’s body changed, fangs and claws sharpened, “-I’ll get back his limb, don’t worry,” he morphed and howled.

“Werewolf,” commented Cora, “-Kaleem, Yuria, let’s retreat.” Another barrier rose for good measure, “-ahoy!” screamed one of the scouting guards, “-leave the demon to us, head on inside.” Loud cries resounded in the distance, and a platoon of horse-riders, chevalier – galloped through the meadows.

“Jump NOW!” cried Kaleem, another, thicker skinned beast leaped diagonally and burrowed, “-what the fuck is this?” cried Yuria, “-Ken, explain boy!”

“Wormies. Demon beast native to Zayan D’olsak. One bite and its death. I lost my leg, please, help Esh instead.” The full sprint arrived at the fortress’ gates.

“Ken!” said a guard, “-what happened to you?” the party handed the soldier.

“Wormies,” he said, “-boss, tell the kids I’m sorry.” Yuria walked into the touching scene and tapped Ken’s head, “-look down, I’ve already healed your leg, dumbass,” she rolled her eyes and joined the two who stood peerlessly at the destructive scene. Men bit in half; others swallowed whole – a ray of light shone onto them in said moment.

“Give us the order, Cora,” said Yuria.

“We’ll show them hell,” smirked Kaleem.

“Right comrades,” he moved into the vanguard, “-release the first limiter and give ’em hell.” Symbols of their respective masters shone on the neck; the Shadow Realm’s insignia glowed on their forearms.

*Gasp,* Cora wiped his brow, remainder of the wormies fell at his side. Yuria rose her arms in dismay, none survived the ordeal. A fatigued Esh fell headfirst, “-got you,” said Kaleem gripping the boy’s collar, “-let’s go,” he walked, dragging the boy. A round of applause welcomed the trio, “-pray tell, who are you people?” coughed an older man.

“We’re heroes of another world,” affirmed Kaleem, this time, none dared laugh. Actions spoke of their caliber, “-take us to your leader.” Thus came to pass the Shadow Realm’s first steps into an unknown world. For the months to come, none could have expected the level of cruelty and dishonesty amount the people, in a town set against a backdrop of crime and death. A place where the strong truly ruled with an iron grip – only time would tell.

Night rose over Rosespire, Igna just left the Shadow Realm physically and mentally exhausted. He dropped on the office couch, “-Lilith is ruthless,” head to the ceiling, “-let’s hope they make enough of a mess to draw heaven’s intruder’s attention.”

*Tap, tap,* “-enter.”

“Pardon the intrusion, brother.”

‘Brother?’ clambered to a stand, “-ah, Lizzie, how are you?” she stood taller than before, her picture plastered on a few advertising billboards, “-you seem to be doing well last we met.”

“Actually,” she sidestepped, allowing another lady to pass, “-Igna, long time no see.”

“La virtuose de Hidros, Syndra Lordon, what brings a high-profile celebrity to my humble office?”

“I need help,” she bowed.

“No need to bow, take a seat,” he offered. The intimidatingly amber-lit office tugged onto lesser found bravado. Igna took a stern stance, completely observant of her plight.

“It’s Kyle,” she sniffled, “-look,” she rose her long sleeves and showed scars, “-I can’t live with him anymore. I’ve refused the advances – told him to leave me alone, but he doesn’t listen. When I made it as a conductor, the harassment stopped, but now... but now! He’s threatening to kill my family. Kura’s Trading corporation has grown influential in Wracia.”

“I’m sorry, we can’t help. Kyle Darker’s a world-renowned chef. The Darker dynasty is strong. New found alliance has made them quite the powerhouse. What can I do, what should I do?”

“Brother, isn’t there anything we can do to help?”

“Lizzie, my dear little cousin, we can do quite a bit, but I’m afraid not this time. Syndra Lordon, Kyle Darker’s wished to marry you for decades – why not accept?”

“I WON’T!”

“Don’t raise your voice.”

“I’m sorry, I need a solution, I need to do something, anything.”

“Bring him to justice? I mean, as king, I can’t really act for the sake of a single person. Wouldn’t look great, especially since we’ve reached a tranquil stagnation. I’d prefer to ride out the silence. Don’t worry,” he scribbled on a piece of paper, “-take this note to my friend, tell him I sent you.”

“Odgar Codd?”

“Yes, a private investigator. Build a strong case and formally file the matter with the department of justice.”

“We have a department of justice?” inquired Lizzie.

“Right, we don’t. Well, from the case, by the time it’s complete, we’ll have the department instated and ready for action.”

*Incoming call – Yui,*

“Master, good news.”

“Don’t shout, it’s late.”

“Marinda’s ambassador on her way to the palace.”

‘Marinda’s ambassador,’ he covered his mouth, ‘-I forgot she was here.’

“It’s Marinda, they’re willing to join Hidros.”

*Tap, tap,* “-may I come in?”

“Yeah, open,” the handle clicked.

“Hello Teach,” said the princess of faes, “-long time no see.”

“Tania, my,” he offered a seat, “-how’s Rosespire, to your liking?”

“It’s fun,” she smiled, “-got to have a lot of fun. I spent most of the time with prince Julius, I asked him for a job – couldn’t sit around. Man, I met a lot of stars, people who Mariane would die to meet.”

“Glad it was adequate.”

“King Igna of Hidros, as an ambassador of Marinda and representative of King Gustv, we’d be honored for our kingdom to formally join the council of Hidros.”

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