The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Star Tower

On the outskirts of Vlaiwia, the prince’s car drove. A few hours had gone by, both had a lovely conversation. Above, in the sky, a plane as black as the night sky wreaked havoc. The sound of the engines could have made one deaf. It came from the south, which meant Hidros.

“A bit weird to have that thing fly so far away from the airfields,” he added whilst looking outside the window. “Did you forget,” Lucy jumped in, “-that there lives another noble not so far away. The man is pretty reserved and we don’t know in what business he deals in. One thing is certain, that man is wealthy, super-wealthy,” the conversation ended for the imperial mansion came in view.

“Everyone, back to work,” the supervisor stood on stage. The testing was completed, most wanted another song to be played – sadly, that would have to come at another time. Sugar left a few minutes prior, Staxius now sat in an empty room. Aceline could be seen a few steps in front. People were taking care of her appearance. On a seat next to him, the bloodstained guitar was placed with utmost care.

Scott bought the instrument. The reason remained unknown but said guitar belonged to them. “Staxius,” the door opened, the manager arrived at last. “Over here,” he waved for the place was dimly lit.

“I was right to purchase that guitar,” the tone filled with excitement and confidence. “What about it?” uninterested, he asked without much care for the answer.

“The way Sugar looked at the instrument before leaving the stage earlier. It became obvious that he wanted it. And to my surprise, his manager contacted me asking if we would sell it,” a smirk, he laughed.

“We are not selling that instrument,” Aceline stood, she overheard the conversation. “Why not?” he fired back confused, this was a quick way to make a profit. “I don’t see why not, tis but an instrument with no particular interest. The permanent bloodstain that for some reason won’t go away is the only thing standing out,” the player saw no reason either. Selling it was the correct course of action.


Her eyes filled with disappointment, “you guys don’t get it?” she sighed. “That thing you called worthless has now changed into something legendary. The Bloodstain guitar that a man played till he bled; doesn’t that backstory motivate you to play?” her eyes lit.

“I see,” Scott got the idea. As if a sword wielded by a hero of old, this one was wielded by a hero as well. “I won’t argue that the story isn’t enticing,” Staxius spoke, “-however, today was the first and last day I ever pick up an instrument. I haven’t the right, my battlefield is someplace else, far away from the world of entertainment.” This trip began to change how he thought. The world was seen through the eyes of someone virtuous. One who saw everything as a good thing, an optimist. For him, this change of mindset could prove to be detrimental later on. Imagine having to end a person’s life but hesitate due to said ideas – it would not work.

Both the manager and idol didn’t want to cause any more problems. The red-eye told more than enough. Not to mention, Adete stood on the shoulder with her arms crossed. It was her way of saying to not force the man into something he didn’t want. “Anyway, what is done is done,” he stood and the guitar was handed over to Aceline. “Though Scott owns it, as the one who bled; it gives me the right to choose an heir,” the voice serious, Scott accepted.

“Do what you wish, it belongs to us all,” he took a step back. “Do you have a pen or something that one can write with?” the body faced Scott who now searched. “Will this do?” a marker was handed over.

“Perfect,” Staxius sat and took the guitar. “What are you doing?” Aceline took a seat to the left. “Something to give it more character,” the hands moved as if gliding on air. Each stroke perfect and smooth. Symbols, pentagrams, and many more ancient letters were written. “Each one of these symbols has been enchanted with my mana. Every time a note or chord is played on here, these symbols will light up.” To prove it, a single string was plucked.

“Awesome,” her mouth opened in shock. “Aceline is now the new owner of Daisy.” A name that randomly popped inside the mind. “Lovely, now lady Aceline has a goal to work towards. To turn Daisy into her muse.”

After that, Daisy was placed inside a case. The tour ended hours ago; only the caravans remained to be checked. It took around fifteen minutes, but everything was now complete.

In the distance, a car approached. “Our next destination is an interview for Radio Star,” Scott voiced out the schedule. The car stopped, “-time to work,” she entered. The journey took around another few hours. In the end, all arrived safely. A ten-story high building with a Star as its stood. “This is the entertainment district,” Scott mumbled, buildings were everywhere. People moved around as if robots, a familiar scene.

“Not exactly, this is the business district for the entertainment side of things,” a random bystander corrected the clueless manager.

“Thanks for the clarification,” the accent snobbish, Scott was grateful.

As opposed to Akhtar’s welcome; this place felt cold and oddly sinister. The smiles were fake. All these signs made Staxius raise his guard, an attacker could strike at any given time.

“I guess we need to enter,” she took charge and climbed up the staircase.

“Miss Aceline,” the receptionist called out, “-please head to the fifth floor,” she pointed at the elevator.

“Must be hard to live that life,” both Scott and Staxius sat in the corridor. A massive windowpane separated the idol from them. A sign above the door lit with ON AIR written. “Not really, some may see it as work. Aceline doesn’t work that way, she views it as something fun.” During the entire interview, the face held a smile – Scott spoke true.

‘What is this,’ a sinister aura came from outside. Bloodlust was in the air, Staxius sensed it. The feeling beforehand was a premonition about things to come. “Scott,” he stood, “-I’ve got things that require my attention.” No further question needed to be said, Staxius had a job to do and so did Scott.

The pace increased; the elevator door opened. Eyes closed, nothing out of the ordinary could be seen, the auras most were white with little fluctuations. “I need the All-seeing eye.” From people to people, the sight jumped around.

Outside, hidden from view, a gang of hoodlums approached. “Alright people, today is the day we bring down Star’s industry. Orders came from our Masters. People who don’t listen are disposed of. Useless people; belong to the void,” a total of ten individuals. Each one cheered, they rode inside a harmless-looking van.

Switching from people to people, nothing could be seen. Since the ability was new, Staxius could not control it as he wanted. That disadvantage proved to be more than he could handle. Precious time was lost, *BANG,* gunshots came from below.

The men rushed in; guards were killed. The heist began, five people came from the front and five in the back.

“WHERE IS THAT DAMN AKHTAR,” they rushed in and demanded answers. The receptionist and workers were held at gunpoint. Many who didn’t comply were shot without exception.

‘I’ve lost precious time. But no matter,’ the eyes finally locked onto the people responsible. The elevator reached the bottom floor, the doors remained shut. He scouted the area first, ‘-my job is to protect Aceline. Who cares if a few people die in the process,’ the eyes changed; the aura grew from casual to emotionless. The pentagram on the hand lit. ‘The sight of blood,’ he saw a father get executed before his family, for standing out. The loss of someone precious, “I’m done,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,*

In a snap, he appeared in a blue mist. “WHO ARE YOU,” the men all pointed their guns. The hostages were put in a circle. “Death,” he added with a smirk. “FIRE AT WILL,” bullets raged on, the noise echoed till the recording studio.

“SCOTT, WHAT IS HAPPENING,” Aceline ran out, the interview finished. “Stay up here, Staxius is taking care of business,” the head faced the floor.

*Death Element: Absolute Barrier,* the victims cried out in fear, in a circular motion, all the bullets stopped in mid-air. The aura changed, ‘killing them would not be advantageous. I need information before they die, else I could just perform necromancy,’ the mind thought about the best possible course of action.

The attackers were left speechless, nothing could be done nor said. The bullets were stopped as if being rubber toys. “REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY,” only one person spoke for the entire time. The leader, hidden behind a mask. Threatened, he continued to shoot whilst the others stopped.

“P-papa?” in that instant, a child walked out from underneath a desk. The father that died earlier had two kids, both girl and both twins. Before everything began, both children played hide-and-seek.

“DON’T COME OUT, KARINA,” the mother yelled. It all happened in a matter of seconds.

Out of reflex, the man dashed over and held the girl. “If bullets can’t kill you, I guess her head will be what we take,” the voice unfaltering, the leader stood. The hostages could not but watch in pain, the mother cried her heart out. The other sister, remained in the crowd, her eyes blank and face emotionless. She stared emptily at the man she once called father. He bled out from the head, nothing could be done.

“Go ahead and shoot,” Staxius spoke, the voice monotonous. “I care not for these people here. I’ve said this countless times; I’m not a hero nor will I ever become one. My task is to protect one person only.” Hearing those words, the hostages could not but think that hope was lost. The mother continued to cry, she begged for her daughter to not be killed.

“LADY SHUT UP OR ELSE,” Karina’s eyes teared up, she cried in turn. “Honestly, those sure are thoughtless words for someone who appeared out of nowhere,” the leader added with a touch of confusion.

‘What am I even doing,” Time slowed down, ‘this is no time to think about what is good or what is bad. Killing is what I do best. There isn’t a need to worry about a title such as a hero or no.’ Xula’s face appeared to which he smiled.

“What are your demands,” Staxius spoke, it took only a few seconds. “We want Akhtar, that man is wanted dead or alive. We prefer the former option, simpler and easier,” he smirked, the gun continued to press against the girl’s head. “Is that so,” the eyes cold.

*Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, from when you were born and till you die, I, the god of death, hold in my hands the strings which binds you to this world, by my authority, I order thy chains to be severed, spell: Tactus Interitus.*

A single snap sufficed, the elevator opened, Aceline and Scott rushed out. One after the other, the attackers fell. “W-what d-did you d-do,” the mother desperately tried to get an answer. Everyone heard the incantation, Staxius remained neutral. “You better check on your daughters,” he walked over to the father.

“Someone’s lucky,” he sighed. *Rare Scroll: Healing Magic,* If it had been a few minutes later, saving him would not have been an option. Though the wound wasn’t healed completely, the injury was brought to a stage where a small surgery could save his life.

Meanwhile, outside, ambulances and the guards arrived. People were taken out, some traumatized. The bodies of the lost guards hidden by white sheets. A television crew rushed over to cover the news.

The father was taken to the hospital, a few minutes went by. Staxius stood with Scott and Aceline.

“I detect a faint trace of magic,” the guard in charge walked over. “You there,” he pointed at Staxius who stood outside, the camera rolled, the reporter got close enough to hear the conversation. “-Care to answer some questions?” To that, Staxius glared back.

“Is that how you look at someone who upholds the law?” he approached; the tone filled with animosity. “Uphold the law,” Staxius chuckled. “-don’t make me laugh. The only law you’re upholding is a thing of fantasy. Have you seen how many people are left dead? Where was the so-called law then? I was honestly happy when I heard this continent had people who endeavored to save the life of their citizens. Alas, from what I’ve seen, tis naught but a scam,” the tone remained dignified, it had more impact than expected.

“How dare you,” the guard could not but glare back.

“Uphold the law,” Staxius stepped closer, “-I hail from Hidros. A place remote and not known to many, a place where we all live in constant fear of death. Tis a place where kids have to learn to fight at a young age. I can say without restraint that if such an incident were to take place in my continent, not a single victim would have gotten hurt. All who could or could not fight would have raised up; in no way are we heroes. We uphold one thing, and that is justice – not some glorified thing call law.”

“That’s enough, Staxius,” Scott grabbed his shoulder. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” Aceline held the other shoulder. “Let’s go,” they left, the camera remained on that trio.

“Scott,” out of sight, he whispered. “How did you like that speech, any publicity is good publicity,” Staxius chuckled. “Honestly,” Aceline sighed.

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