The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026: “Devil, for your own sake, don’t fight.”

“Devil, for your own sake, don’t fight.”

“Serpent, it’s about time for silence to settle,” a considerable aura circled, Igna made way forth, the weather seemed to hide their rays into scarce lighting. Golden light emanated. Vengeance held his own, a circle of both gold and darkness locked in a battle for control.

Earlsa thrust her sunken cheeks, bearing wide pupils sternly, “-have thee come?”

“Earlsa,” Igna paused beside Vengeance, “-care to explain?”

“We intervened to put an end to the prophecy. Bringer of Chaos, thou shan’t be allowed life any longer. Consider our offer as thy requiem – for if the heavenly realms were to strive – the mortal realm would suffer. Without a guardian to protect Orin, seeing as Death, Time, and Creation are missing, seems to me the picture is best allowed to speak for itself,” both auras flickered as the diameter to the circle of control – gold sparked against dark, each blow trembled the ground. Neither gust nor outside interference would shake the growing battlefield, none save a single entity, “-Igna, I’m telling you, don’t be an idiot.” To which he turned and blinked, “-And?”

“Stop being a fool,” echoed Cruse, “-take the fight outside of here,” he turned and wailed at the chaos, “-don’t you see the destruction, don’t you see the bodies, there are people who’ve died, there are wounded being taken to the hospital. Igna, don’t be an idiot, help them, it’s the proper way of one with much to account toward. You should take responsibility... am I the only one who sees the trust and faith the people put in you, am I the only one, or are you just a pretender,” a kid told off the king, such an idea would have never crossed anyone’s mind. That being said, despite the small stature, Cruse held his own against Igna for the serpent was he who’d laid the curse of misfortune upon the Death Reapers. By so, the fierce look of embarrassment cut harshly at Igna’s bravado.

“Are you serious... they came for us, I have the right to fight, I have to fight to take them for all they have.”


“You must not!”

“If it’s repercussion, then it doesn’t matter, I can fend off the attack easily.”

“THAT IS THE CORE ISSUE!” a realization hit, the screams blew harshly, “-get it, don’t you?”

‘If I win, nothing changes, they’ll have more reason to fight and take Orin down the path of Draebala. I can’t allow the mortal world to die... protection. Who’d thought such a hypocritical thought would cross my mind.’

“Excuse me,” narrowed Earlsa, “-are you done playing around?” an air of disgust and unpleasantness rose – holy weapons faced Vengeance.

“Master, best you look forward.”

“...” Igna curiously scanned, ‘-I’m talking to myself...’

“Yeah, they can’t see, hear, or sense me,” whispered Cruse, “-this is why I said listen, Igna. We forged a control and I swore on my name. Best not forget the agreement.”

“Igna Haggard, by order of the god of justice, you are to be brought forth before Tharis herself!”

“First it was Zeus, now it’s Tharis?”

“... By their order, you are to come with us,” she clapped at one of the angels, “-else we ought to result for more violent displays. The Theater is but an appetizer – if our demands aren’t taken seriously – we’ll hold the whole of Hidros hostage.”

Igna kept a cynical expression, “-and by the look on thy face, Igna, my words must have come across foolish and unintelligent. How in the world could a weak demi-goddess take my continent as a hostage?” she paced with a sarcastic tone, “-not a matter of how, but when. You see, the world isn’t so simple – the gods have influenced the mortal world’s development, Syhton, Lucifer, demi-gods, heroes of tradition – the tapestry of destiny is woven through the loop of action and reaction. You no longer hold power over us,” she smirked, “-we hold power over you,” her fingers rose, “-what will it be, Igna?”

‘She’s right,’ he sighed, “-take this message to the ministers and my sister. Hidros are under threat of higher influence. Do what is must, Elixia’s creation was so on the day of my departure, she’d amassed enough knowledge to rule our kingdom. She’ll become queen reagent. éclair’s revival ought to be performed by a priest to Athena. I’m unsure as to when I’ll return, time flows differently. The empire’s faith is in Eira’s hand, the rest will be distributed according to the relevant orders issued upon the time of this message.”


“Yes,” he blinked, “-I’m resolute. Cruse, don’t disappoint me.”

Golden colored handcuffs locked onto Igna’s wrist – a heavenly gate opened, “-you there, the spirit of the demented, take a message to the new leader, the heavenly realm will abide by the conditions laid. Dimension Orin will be spared,” she took one step, “-for one,” and disappeared.

A myriad of rescue vehicles stormed the area. Sirens cried with a downpour from the firefighters. “Disaster strikes the inauguration,” read headlines, “-during the inauguration of the Royal Theater of Arts and Culture, a massive explosive brought down the amphitheater by the time the prime ballerina Ulgra would have made her debut as the ambassador of the Wracia’s empire’s art. Investigation point to a terrorist attack. By the witness report, many high-profile individuals were at the center, more than twenty people are missing, and five were confirmed dead including the name: Syndra Lordon, Lizzie Haggard, and Ulgra Essin. The kingdoms at a standstill – no official reports have come from the castle, King Igna’s counted amongst the missing.”

An emergency meeting of the Haggard Dynasty followed as soon as Courtney Haggard landed a short while after the news. Her white hair and military uniform stormed Rosespire castle, melancholic listlessness of the retainers and works brushed aside, “-where are they?” she ordered, to which Midne led the angry queen upstairs.

Elvira, Julius, Eira and the just arrived queen were subject to said discussion. The news played upon a holographic display, silence held the room in contempt, “-Eira, Elvira, Julius,” Courtney opened the door, “-did I hear correctly?” she dropped on one of the seats, Midne pulled the door softly, “-Julius?” Nothing came, her vision turned anti-clockwise, “-Elvira?” same again, the latter’s attention seemed more on her tablet against the bare emptiness of Julius. She continued, “-Eira?” the minister held shards of ice in between her palms and fingers, the frost laid a cloud of white, “-WAKE UP!” she slammed.

“Aunt Courtney, my apologies,” nodded Julius.

“See you’ve made it.”

“Grandmother Courtney.”

“Where’s my foolish son?”

A separate pair of footsteps clopped. A flustered Cruse marched into the lion’s den beside Vengeance, they stopped to the side and waited. Courtney dragged her gaze and briefly scanned the intruder, “-Cruse, I take it?”

“Allow me a proper introduction,” he tightened his stance and bowed, “-I am Cruse Ortun, a student at Modie’s private academy and noble son sent to learn the ways of the Hidrosian courtship. Thus ends my introduction if it were concerned with my identity in the mortal realm, my true title is Curse of Misfortune. I have plagued the Death Reapers for millennia and watched as each heir chosen to carry Death’s burden failed miserably. My true form cannot be witnessed nor can it be experienced for it is only through my will and the Devil’s magic that I’m able to stand here today. The Haggard Dynasty is in grave danger, without the proper steps – a legacy forged by the Founder might see itself crumbled akin to the Essin Dynasty. ‘Twould be a shame really.”

“Why are you here?”

“To answer questions,” one step forward, “-the attack is confirmed to have come beyond human comprehension. The gods launched an attack targeting Igna Haggard. Angels descended on the land after said destruction. If not for my interjection, the one revered as King of Hidros might have slaughtered and incurred the wrath of the gods. As the Guardian of Nexsolium can attest, the heavenly Vanguard, else known as the Evangelic Guards, would have made certain Orin paid.”

“He would have easily defeated them, what’s an angel compared to a devil?”

“Upon the wings of the Vanguard’s flutter upon the mortal realm, scatter those in her wake and shriek and destruction which lays in the despair of the righteous,” added Eira, “-an exert from the Holy book of Eyeeo.”

“Meaning the Vanguard come when victory is assured.”

“Hidros’ unsteady as is. If we crumble now, everyone else will feel the pressure. Hidros’ fighting a war on behalf of the Empire, it had to happen now...”

“Lucifer’s taken power in Alphia,” said Eira, “-he’s vengeful. The ploy must have been a part of his scheme. Once Igna’s out of the picture, I’m sure he’s certain of his victory. The fool could be no less wrong.”

“Haggard is as Haggards do,” followed Julius, “-I’ll create more hosts to help with logistics. Eira, the ministers, and Hidros’ leadership is in thy hand, yes?”

“Correction,” she rose her palm, “-Hidros’ under Elixia’s command. Brother decreed her to become regent.”

“And?” Courtney tilted her head, “-doesn’t matter who’s regent and who’s not. Work ought be done regardless of one’s rank. Eira, you have Arda’s backing. The people need to see a Haggard on the throne in times of need, I’m sure that’s what my son forgot to mention.”

“Actually,” Cruse rose his hand, “-I have a letter addressing this very subject,” the paper slid over.

“When did he have time to write then?” narrowed a suspicious Julius.

“When he left.”

“I see,” they took turns, “-to my dearest family, I’m sure my sudden disappearance comes as a shock. Don’t worry, the letter is mine, have it verified through the blood seal(speaking to you, aunt). To the strange situation, it came from nowhere, and I guess it was a surprise. I planned for a day like this to come, I planned for when everything eventually ended – Hidros would be made to suffer. My job as ruler is to plan, and even if I’m gone, I’m confident the Kingdom will run smoothly. It’s baffling, I couldn’t keep my own realm in check and I’m here boasting about how this will keep Hidros safe. Elixia is the key to the future, she holds everything I ever possessed. True power is knowledge, she’s the culmination of my efforts during the years I spent working at the castle. I dare say she’s everything I’ll leave behind. Elixia’s the key, her entourage is the lock, what’s a key without a door to open? Mother, I know you’d rather have Eira on the throne, believe me, going by my own description, she should be on there... however, it mustn’t happen. No Haggard should be made to carry the burden that comes with leading an entire Kingdom. Elixia is breakable, replaceable, and ever-evolving – I know how hard it is. Sister, you’re more suited for controlling the ministers and leading the politics from a distance. I know Julius is there as well. Brother, if it’s not too much to ask, I request for thy aid in keeping Raven and her associated businesses safe and prosperous. My old pal will be joining the table soon. All the pieces have been painstakingly crafted and placed – I believe my intentions will be made very clear after a certain point. éclair will need convincing before he returns... and about Lizzie’s death, Julius, I’m sorry, take my warm wishes to Shanna. No one should experience to loss of their offspring, no one.”

“What now?” they shrugged.

“We follow the path,” echoed Courtney, “-Arda will handle any internal dispute that may result from the attack. Let’s focus on what we can accomplish, where’s Elixia?”

“Right here,” a newly awakened replica entered, “-the explosion sure was loud,” she laughed, “-and I’ve brought éclair.”


“Yeah, I’m here,” he walked into the frame of which was the doorway, “-no need for convincing, she explained everything.”

“Guess we’re ready,” Elvira clapped, “-shall we?” A new united leadership sealed their resolve on that very night.

‘The heavenly realm,’ came a cold smirk, ‘Don’t underestimate me.’

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