The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1018

Chapter 1018: Skarla

Between the booze, the drugs, and the fun times; Igna found himself waking the next day inside a bathtub. Lights from last night yet flickered, ‘-what an awful stench,’ a scan showed puke and a troubled maid coming to her daily duty. She arrived and peaked through the ajar door, similarly to when Igna opened his eyes and scanned – the mess of semi-nude men and women – all of whom were handsome, model in their own way, laid in self-made bodily puddles.

An exasperated gasp followed, “-celebration sure was hectic.”

“My apologies,” said Igna, “-we had a little too much last night,” understatement of the year. A casual stroll led outside through the balcony archway; still open from last night. The balustrade sadly gave downward, ‘-seriously?’ he cringed at someone’s half-digested dinner.


“Julius,” he returned, “-I see you made it, how was your night?”

“Painful,” he pinched his forehead and slowed pace, “-I feel like death. About the creation of subcores and said business, I’m in.”



“Yes, you wouldn’t have asked if it were impossible.”

“Catch on very quick, don’t you brother? I must warn you, my plan will definitely affect what is to happen in the future. The thirst for knowledge and power’s driven my motivation.”

“Why now?”

“Look at Hidros, look at us, we have the world in our palms.”

Julius took a strained stance, “-brother?”

“Not being conceited,” he returned, “-Orin’s exhausted its purpose. Freedom comes at the price of meandering through life. No destination makes the journey, long and eventful as is, worthless. I’ve decided what I want – I’m set. Come what may, brother, I will make sure the world remains safe.”

“You mean the Shadow Realm?”

“...” Igna smiled silently.

As celebrations and overall confidence ran the Rosespian Castle; per Igna’s leadership and smart negotiations, the time of the eventual conflict increased. A lack of weaponry following the passing days greatly affected the Rebellion’s call to arms. Morale was already low before the start of the battle, an advantage Hidros would gluttonously exploit.

Operation Wied, headed by the King himself, sprang into action later down the week. Konak’s relative architecture muddled between modern and ancient. The stark definition of having and have nots was impaired by a lack of disparity.

Laughter and alcohol livened the town center. An uninteresting visitor came to town weeks prior, her curly hair and skills with a blade, not to mention a Silvery colored tag round the neck, “-Skarla,” cried a drunken warrior, “-over here,” he hailed loudly.

“You shouldn’t be so loud,” she ambled dressed in light armor, “-do we have work?”

“Not really,” returned a priestess, her robe and crest reflected allegiance to the healing god Neos, “-idiot’s been drinking ever since the last job.” A cooler, more composed shorter fellow kept his distance, he kept a rifle and gulped massive amounts.

“Skarla, I tell you, we’ve been looking for a skilled rogue... man, to have a silver ranked on our team, I can’t believe it.”

“I’m the one shocked. I thought Estral wasn’t much...”

“Can’t judge a book,” a loud crash followed, “-and he’s out,” followed the priestess, “-I’ll take him to his room. You should get some rest,” she smiled, “-Daniel here should provide good company.”

And in a sudden fashion, the priest wrapped the muscular warrior in a bundle and carried him effortlessly. Whistles and cheers came from adjacent tables, “-the princess out again,” they laughed, by which the priestess winked and carried forth. Rogue and marksman crossed gazes and fell into a cycle of drinks and orders. Night settled nicely in a small harbor town. The smell of freshly cooked fish; the sea breeze and mildly damp air, “-Daniel, you shouldn’t have come.”

“I had to,” he said with a little imbalance in the set, “-Yud ordered, have to follow.”

“Didn’t expect my guild assistant to recommend working in Estral.”

“I know. Estral’s advent of the monster plague has given rise to monster towns. People still can’t live without the fear of becoming turned.”

“Hiring monster slayers to kill one’s own kin... I wouldn’t have chosen this job if I knew any better.”

“Skarla, you’re a good person, I admire the morality. It’s something most of the hunters have lost or forgotten. I wonder if I’ll ever regain my humanity.”

“Daniel,” they arrived at the less-populated part of town, “-the disparity between having and have nots isn’t apparent. Estral’s leadership is the responsibility of the various guilds.”

“...” he stopped and brandished his weapon, “-Skarla, word of advice,” the rifle rose, “-don’t talk politics, it’s a taboo,” *bang,* the bullet whistled past her cheek and cleanly impaled a darkened figure, “-drunk or not, my aim’s the best.”

“Great display of skill,” they jumped and stood back-to-back, “-we’re being watched. Who do you think they are?”

“I don’t know,” he aimed, “-there was a report of hunters going missing the next town over. Is it them?”

“I don’t know,” said a chilling whisper, “-it’s not them, it’s me,” a dagger dug into the back, and he instantly fell silent. The fallen figure rose, “-good job, Wendy,” winked pure crimson pupils, “-they don’t know what hit them.”

“Skarla,” she narrowed, “-I got blood on my armor. Do your magic, Ergon.”

The blood levitated from the corpse and clothes, “-killing with a dagger is silent and satisfying.”

“Get’s me dirty... I want to use my pistols.”

“There’s a job to do,” he conveniently dropped on the ground and crossed his legs, the hands pressed in prayer and swiftly rose corpse, “-keep up the good work. I’ll leave the next move up to you.”

“Ergon,” she sighed, “-you’ll die a painful death one day.”

“Not at by your hands,” he chuckled, “-half-vampiress.”

“Shut it,” her eyes rolled with a hint of disgust, “-always the preacher,” she leaped onto the nearest roof and glided across the houses until one of the cheaper inns, “-Laps’ Mao,” read the sign. Entrance gave straight into a brothel, “-Skarla,” waved a suited gentleman, “-how was your night?”

“Boring. Have them bring dinner to my room.”

“Got it,” he said, she walked past, “-wait,” and stopped.

“If it’s a job, have it sent with my meal, I can’t be asked to wait.”

“As you were,” he nodded, “-please enjoy tonight’s specialty.”

The ever-present moans and screams faded somewhere around the second floor. The place bore home to surprisingly good insulations. The room buckled from the corridor, ‘-finally back,’ the armor and weapons dropped into a basket. A press toggled the television, she slipped into her underwear and scurried into the showers.

“On the subject of recent deaths of hunters, the guilds,” said the cause of death was unknown. No connection has been made though the mysteries triggered the imaginative minds of the younger folks. Tim Hael, guild leader of YWC, the peacekeeping faction, had this to say, “-we’re currently expanding our search for weapons or anything that may relate to the mysterious death. There have been reports of disappearances too. Investigation has ruled out the possibility of a conspiracy to the detriment of some station’s narratives. Many of the bodies share signs of Transformation, they were killed by the Turned.” Mr. Hael refused to comment further. Slayo’s been in a state of shock, many hunters have turned toward Dehnzo for work,” the shower deafened, the news’ volume lowered, “-poor Slayo, they don’t realize the town’s slowly turning.”

*Beep,* “-the door is opened,” she shouted.

“Evening Skarla,” came a friendly voice, “-watching the news as usual?”

“Making small talk as usual?” snapped back, “-food and go.”

“Fine, fine,” he smiled, “-always the teaser, aren’t you.”

“I’m no client,” she side-glanced, “-go tend to the adventurers, I’m sure there are more who seek after the hangman, or sorry, the hung-man,” the mix of sarcastic remarks dulled at the sound of a click.

Dinner was served alongside a chip, and a press toggled a holographic display, “-good evening majesty, rare for you to call.”

“Wendy, stop playing hard to get,” returned the king, “-I know you’re angry about what Aurora did, don’t pull it out on me, I’m only asking for a favor.”

“Yes, yes, I know my liege, what is it thee wish?”

“I’m sending over the details on your phone. There’s good reason to believe the information. Check on your end just in case. Operation Wied is crucial to the war, don’t forget.”

“Yes, yes,” she exhaled, the television displayed battle footage, “-I’m curious, why the personal interest. I know my king to be whimsical and forgetful.”

“I’m not forgetful, just driven,” he chuckled, “-let me bribe you,” a swipe of the palm summoned a box over the table, “-new and improved. Consider it a present from yours truly.”

“I do wonder why I got involved in this mess sometimes. It will be done, my king, please don’t worry,” the chip vaporized. A briefcase laid upon the table, “-food first,” a mental battle between food and case broke loose, ‘-I’m hungry... but also curious...’ Skip two minutes later – a half-empty plate and opened case told much.

“RatX,” she held two pistols, ‘-the best GateSix has to offer. Why did the king send such powerful weapons?’ a sea-serpent design slithered from grip to unusually long barrel. ‘RatX, Pesticide,’ was engraved on the side, the on her grip was one of a rat with two swords behind, ‘-seriously?’ she pressed her forehead and laughed, ‘-always with the jokes. The name does sound like a pesticide.’ Details of the next mission laid on the phone, ‘-I have to abduct a royal, kill their entourage and send a message. This goes beyond plausible – killing the entourage will make certain those factions are on edge,’ a small comment said, “-and about the killing, who do you think the targets were until now, hunters? No, my dear Wendy, the targets are personal guards to many hidden elites.’

The headline of ‘-World War I,’ wrote across the television, ‘-the army is recruiting.’ The half-full plate eventually emptied. The morning sun rose over Dhenzo, ‘-morning already?’ drool covered the pillows, ‘-must have dozed off.’

*Tap, tap, tap,* “-Skarla, you in there?”

“Coming, coming,” palm around the handle, “-what?” she gazed listlessly, “-what is it?”

“Emergency, a hunter was found dead earlier this morning.”

“Do I care?”

“You should, it was Daniel. The YWC is here for questioning... we’re in a bind.”

“Right, I’ll get changed. Have Ishta work his charms.”

A painful silence filled the brothel. Workers peered through their rooms, and the host, Ishta, stood courteously at the entrance – his entourage, sexily dressed ladies, and muscular blokes waited patiently. The collective sensual energy expelled a sort of aphrodisiac.

“Why have you so rudely encroached on my property?”

“Ishta,” said a stuffier, less attractive fellow, “-YWC has found many issues with the establishment. As such, we demand the place to be searched on orders by the guild leader.”

“I forgot to mention this property belongs to a guild founded in Hidros. YWC’s jurisdiction doesn’t influence us or our businesses. Far is concerned, this place is a lounge. Find another excuse.”

The representative curled his fist then exhaled, “-Skarla, a member of your guild, is under suspicion of murder. Bring her, or we will have to settle the matter the old fashion way,” a group of medium-ranked hunters gathered.

“Don’t get your panty in a twist,” fired an unimpressed Skarla, she skipped past Ishta and landed before the representative, “-the name’s Skarla, and I’m innocent. I rather this place remains,” she scanned the hunters, “-and I doubt we’ll have much trouble dealing with these idiots. Thugs for hire posing as hunters, such blasphemy, I wonder what the news would have to say.”

“We get it,” the tension hung, “-still coming with us.”

“Yeah,” thus they carried on deeper to the town hall.

The priestess and warrior had their faces to the ground. The impending silence was unbearable, “-leader,” voiced Skarla, “-what happened?”

“It’s Daniel, he’s dead...”

“Don’t talk,” said a YWC member, the media swarmed and flashed photos, “-who informed them?” he cried.

“Don’t know and don’t care, bring them in and lock the doors.”


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