The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009: ‘-life matters,’

“No, I didn’t.”

“I heard my name.”

“Was a matter of speech.”

“What was?”

“Calling your name.”

“...” Vengeance vanished; two hours passed. Sathanas waved a friendly smile and disappeared into the Shadow Realm. Theon and Igna followed the sound of agony. Dungeon opened to static energy, a feeling that’d raise one’s hairs held the atmosphere in limbo. “-Intense mana,” said Igna, “-did something happen?” a slow methodical tap slithered into focus. A ball of light replaced Theon’s lantern, “-this feeling,” added the master torturer, “-don’t mind it, majesty, tis how Yelp expresses himself. The more joy and pleasure he feels, the more static electricity is unleashed. I wouldn’t worry, it’ll go soon enough.”

Blood, sweat, and tears. Cleopatra’s face was mushed into the arduous grit-like surface, Yelp shook violently, her skin was no longer present, and muscle and blood were glimpsed. Her jaw hung unnaturally, the sheer look of terror and pain in the sunken gaze; Theon strode forth, slapped Yelp’s shoulder, and spoke, “-good job, apprentice. Go on, I’ll take it from here.” The muscular beast unlocked itself from his prey, spun, and bowed at Igna before leaving in a portal. Without the demon’s shadow shielding the light – her expose back and painful wounds came into view. There laid no skin on her back, her nether regions were nothing save a tangled mess, a dislocated knee, a dislocated shoulder, and a protruding fracture of the wrist. The left hand, relatively intact, rose at Igna, gesturing for mercy – her plea snuffed by a swing metal baseball bat, slamming the palm against the stone slab. A nauseating crack muffled into a guttural screech, “-don’t beg for mercy,” fired Theon, “-no one here is going to save you, no one. I heard what happened, I heard of the betrayal – two-faced bitches ought to die more than once.” Igna entered the frame, grabbed her hair, and pulled back, cracking a few bones in the process, “-drink this,” blood fell on her tongue. Her disfigured visage and painfully lethal wounds rejuvenated. The spotless coffee-colored complexion returned, and her feline gaze and handsome figure reset to a healthy standard.


“Cleopatra, how was the lovemaking, did you enjoy it?”


“No response?”


“SPEAK WHEN MASTER TALKS TO YOU!” a nine-tail whip crashed against her back; “-AHHHHHHH!” Igna lifted her chin and slapped, “-listen here, Cleopatra. You’re not worth being sold as a slave, not worth being the plaything of a beggar. You deserve the seed of a beast; you deserve to be placed upon Judas’ chair. Coming to the mortal realm wasn’t such a great idea. Not only did you have the audacity to visit my kingdom, but you also had the nerve to step in a precious moment. What did Lixbin say, ‘go visit the mortal realm? I’m sure you can find a way to bring back old memories?’ he stopped and stared, “-I was right, wasn’t I? Congratulations, the job was duly fulfilled. You awaken feelings that had best been remained hidden. You will understand the meaning of pain,” he leaned into her ear, “-you won’t die, that much I promise,” the neutral expression moved away, her face locked against his, “-NO, NO, NO, NO!” impending doom, the anticipation of pain, the fear of the unknown, the devil had set the stage for the long-awaited retribution.

“Majesty, she won’t die right?”

“No, she won’t. The blood of a nightwalker runs through her veins. She won’t inherit the powers, only the immortality. Drop some blood on her tongue if you go too far, she’ll recover.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes,” he smiled and sat, “-consider her a gift. Your very own canvas.”

News of the newest addition reached Minerva’s office. Minister of Defense threw her hands on her chair and stood – night moved into the following day.

“Minister, about the war conference, will Phantom be attending?”

“Take the matter to Elvira,” she said, strutting her way towards the dungeon, “-I heard the king’s been having fun,” her band of trusted associates stopped at a restricted part of the castle. A barrier took in biometric identification, “-I’ll return soon enough,” she said, disappearing into an ominous doorway.

“My god,” her jaws dropped, “-what have you two been up to?” Theon’s guest was placed on the wheel that extended limbs, “-just having some fun,” added Theon, “-this device here comes from the middle-ages. My, people back then knew how to make a spectacle. She’s gained a few inches in the process.”

“Good morning, Minerva,” mumbled Igna.

“Majesty,” she stopped at the entrance, “-what in the world,” her king stood with a sadistic expression, bloodied vest and an arsenal of surgical tools at his side, “-is that?”

“Oh yes,” he said, “-this is the first iteration of a dental chair. Once Theon’s done, I’ll have my chance to play.”


“Really?” Igna shrugged and dropped blood into her mouth, her body rejuvenated, the machine disengaged. Theon nonchalantly went to the back, grabbed a bucket of boiling water, and poured it onto the exposed stomach, “AHHHHHH!” she screamed, her skin pealed and bubbled, by which he sprinkled salt and dropped a mass of ice, “-AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the head dropped from shock, the lass transferred from one device to the next. Igna dawned a brownish red apron, additional drops fell, and the wound disappeared.

“Majesty, please,” Minerva entered the room and held Igna’s hand, “-don’t fall to the dark side, this is no way to treat another,” Cleopatra’s naked frame jumped from a splash of ice-cold water, she shivered, “don’t you feel pity for her?” inquired Minerva, Igna kept a neutral stance. Cleopatra moved her hand and warmly cupped Minerva’s. She bore an innocent look of repentance, her shiver muffled, ‘-i-i-it’s fine.’

“No you don’t,” Theon stepped in, pulled Cleopatra’s palms, and placed them on a chopping board, he pulled a pair of nail clippers and snapped, “-AHHHH,” the chair shook vehemently, Igna rose an open palm at Minerva.

“You should sit this one out,” he said, turning towards the rusted tools, “-her screams will only get worse from here,” Theon performed the manicure of dread whilst Igna prepared his tools.

“Igna, please,” the king ignored the cry and forced his fingers into Cleopatra’s mouth. A metallic restrain dug into her gums and held the jaw open – blood, pain, Minerva winced, clenching her fingers. Laughter escaped, Igna casually placed pliers on her molars – Theon snapped another nail, she screamed, any movement of her jaw plunged the restraints deeper, “-welcome to hell,” Igna grabbed and pulled, stopping midway through taking out her tooth. Nothing would make her pain any more relatable, there was nothing to be said about how Cleopatra found herself. The pain would only amplify.

“Scott’s untimely death,” wrote various news outlets. The procession carried the manager to his lover’s side. They both were buried next to each other.

‘Despicable,’ narrowed Julius, ‘-what a disgusting sight.’ In a moment’s grief as Scott’s body was taken to Aceline’s side – the prince spotted Laia sneak away with Darwin. There needed no explanation, a shadowy figure materialized at the edge of the crowd, “-Laia’s having intercourse with Darwin in some nearby bushes. How should we respond?”

Elixia appeared behind, “-allow me to handle the matter,” she reached into her bag and pulled a pistol, “-should be a simple fix.”

Julius grabbed her palm, “-don’t shoot.”

“Oh, I’ve had enough,” she summoned a display, “-the will, Scott expressly said not to give any of his belonging to Laia. I dug deeper into her past – the paper trail stops. Laia here is no ordinary sister, she works for a defuncted international intelligence agency. They transferred leadership when the Alphian and Wracian alliance was formed. She’s been in hiding ever since Scott moved to Alphia.”

“What’s sleeping with Darwin got to do?”

“Darwin’s an idiot,” returned Elixia, “-son of a baronet granted access to the police force. He got in on his own merit... some personality issues have kept his promotion off the table,” a quick search brought various charges of assault and harassment to show, “-dude loves to bond.”

“Allow me the honors.”

“No, don’t kill her, not now,” said Julius, “-we’ll decide after Scott’s peacefully laid to rest. Does she know about the will?”

“No, no one does.”

“And I won’t ask how you gained access. Good job as always Elixia. I’ll inform Serene, we’ll discuss the will at the palace later.” Scott was laid to rest on the 2nd of February X127.

Apexi, headed by Julius, would hold a press conference later that day. 13:00, Apexi’s press room carried many reporters from various news outlets. Some national and others international. He’d arrive at 13:05, the crowd rose from their seats, “-please, sit,” he said and took center stage, “-I do apologize for the suddenness, and appreciate the swiftness. It warms my heart, truly,” the audience sat and waited, a live broadcast followed. “-Due to the ongoing investigation, questions about the case won’t be revealed. I can say this much, as of yet, no cause for foul play has been found. As you know, Scott was found dead at his apartment. It’s not just him, many others also died by their own hand. Suicide is a rampant problem facing Hidros, especially the youth. It’s a problem only awakening and encouragement can help. We pride ourselves on the culture of, ‘-survival of the fittest,’ and thanks to that, we’ve become a very prosperous nation. I speak with confidence when I say, our cultural intermingle with Arda and our many comrades overseas has broadened our society. It’s a treat to see every race getting along with each other. There are outliers, such is the nature of a community. People come in different shapes and sizes – our open-mindedness is the only weapon able to bridge the gap. In honor of Scott, Apexi’s decided to hold a charity concert to raise funds for the suicide awareness society. Not only Apexi, Phantom, the king, and many other massive companies have pledged a considerable amount to provide aid to the needy. Though it’s true the strong decide, tis also the strong’s duty to help. To make good on their message – we plan for the concert to be a recurring annual event,” he bowed at the camera, “-together, let’s make Hidros a place where younger folks don’t have to contemplate their own lives. Suicide’s plague is an illness we must eradicate. Without your help, the fight will be lost.”

Mention of the charity event went viral over the Arcanum. The heartfelt sentiment and focus brought those who thought of ending their lives together. The shining light was the first step. As the populous banded under the ‘-life matters,’ charity event, Igna found himself on his knees. The kingdom rallied under an honest and humble cause. Marches and non-violent protests were held, and capitalist businesses were forced into joining the fold.

A beacon shone over Rosespire, as for Igna, he knelt emptily inside his bedchambers. He ordered none to enter his room. Curtains were shut, total darkness permeated the large space. ‘Cleopatra, I tortured and tortured and tortured. It felt amazing, I loved when she cried and begged for her life, I loved it when she bled, I loved every single moment of it. Why... why then does my heart feel nothing? The brief moment of joy is gone. I feel regret, have I grown weak-hearted, or have I always been a coward... Getting back to the Death element, I thought I’d change, I thought I would become stronger mentally. No, I was wrong – something snapped, and I feel my mind going crazy. What should I do?’ two figures appeared on each shoulder, “-Death element’s back. No one can defeat us in battle.”

“They can’t kill us, and even if they did, we’ll return twice as strong. The resilience you have, Igna, is to be the perfect vessel. We can take over nations singlehandedly, we can defeat gods with ease... there’s no fun in being strong.”

“Becoming strong without trial feels empty, and you should feel empty. Igna, you’re one of us, act like it. The mortal realms don’t need us anymore, it’s time to ascend.”

“Transcending our limitations,” he stared at his palms, “...”

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