The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001: Ereena

“All in favor of retaliation, please raise your hands,” a quiet vote, many chose silence of thought. Weighing the pros and cons – years of peace laid in the balance. Alphia showed their teeth and the message, confirmation of war grasped the heart of the room. Hesitation would bring downfall – therein laid the quandary of battle. Mutual destruction, one sends one, the other retaliates by sending three, then, the former sends their whole arsenal. Regardless of the angle, the thoughts carried – destruction laid as the final destination. The tide shifted. Minerva rose her palm, Ela followed, and so, many council members, ministers, and noble homes accepted their fate.

“I see,” the king scanned the entourage, majority rose their hands. Minority laid with Eira, Elixia, and éclair.

“Fighting fire with fire,” added éclair, “-is the best option when dealing against a stronger opponent. However, as we are the strongest, is it not fair that we ought to set an example?”

“Set an example how exactly?”

“Pardon me,” Elixia pushed shoulders and stood in the forefront, “-my lord, might I be permitted to speak?”

“Go ahead.”

“Hear me,” she took a step and swept the room with her words, “-we are strong, that much is true. Hidros’ become a pinnacle of strength, fortune, and intellect. Culturally speaking, by a core driven by the adventurers will; we seek blood. We seek vengeance. Most importantly, we don’t falter. Under his majesty’s close direction and lady Minerva’s close guidance – our military compromises one of the best units the world’s seen. Amount of money we spend training our soldiers, the technological marvel brought by GateSix and the University of Rotherham – esteemed council members, we have an option that doesn’t result in mutual destruction. When deadlock stares two opponents, there is but one way – overpower the adversary. If Alphia’s willing to use bombardments as a threat, then, by all means, we should reply in kind,” she clapped, a holographic display materialized, “-as shown on this map, we’ve marked the spots where a potential launch can occur. It’s a broad area. Under normal circumstances, coordinating such a large attack would be reckless and foolish,” she smiled; “-however, we don’t need to bring an army.”


“Say no more,” Igna interjected, “-military affairs will be discussed in private. We must not risk the chance of leaks. This council holds greater minds within our kingdom. Elixia’s hint should have given a glimpse into what lays ahead. Therefore, when war breaks, the military and royal family will centralize their power. Will you put your trust in my hand?”

“We’ve done it before,” said one.

“-and will do it again,” they nodded, “-majesty, as protector of our nation, we humbly ask for thy strength in defending our nation.”

Lavish business of war. Elvira saw her stocks diminish from various buyers all belonging to a single point; Alphia.

So it was, preparations for war. Lucifer Dawnstar’s engagement with the current Empress of Alphia had a greater effect. The council room emptied and the king was spotted heading for his office. There, as he entered and settled in his chair, the door tapped and a strong presence entered. White hair flowed as it shut, sharp eyeliner and unblemished skin stared a hole through Igna.

“Big sister,” the head rose, “-I see you’re doing well. Take a seat.”

“Listen,” she walked, “-I know we’ve stayed distant for the past few years. My duties and your responsibilities saw us under the same roof but never on the same page. I heard all about the conflict from my spies. Alphia’s bluffing. They don’t have the means to launch an aerial attack. Besides,” she sat, “-the protective barrier we’ve powered and raised should be enough to counter any attacks. I don’t see the reason why we must act so harshly.”

“Big sister, as wise and dignified as you are – I won’t make the mistake of underestimating a foe. Lucifer’s there, that is all we have to know. I’ve restrained his wings and channeled its influence in bettering my element,” he paused, “-big sister, the years have taken their effect. The presence is strong to the dismay of your expression. There’s a chipper side – the ice-empress’s living her best life. A nice family and happy atmosphere. Hidros is no longer a single man’s court. Earlier, abstaining from the all-out attack and choosing safety, doesn’t befit what I’ve learned to expect. You forgave the empress and all of Alphia’s wrongdoing.”

A messenger tapped, “-may I enter,” they asked from outside.

“Mine,” said her gaze, “-enter,” she spoke, and the lock clicked.

“My lady Eira, we’ve received news from our contacts in Alphia. The leadership is willing to negotiate on the matter of battle. At the risk of destroying the world, both parties share the same concerns. It would also seem that the free lords have protested their selfishness.”

“There,” she turned, “-you heard the man, they’re willing to give peace a talk.”

“Think so?” he averted her gaze and pondered in the distance, “-Ministry of Internal and External affair, the matter falls into thy domain. Do as you please. I do warn thee, once they declare war – we shan’t hold back.”

“Give us time,” she rose, “-I will make sure it doesn’t have to come to war,” Eira hurried out of the office where a crowd of ambassadors waited. She checked her watch, “-is the flight ready?” they stormed into the main hall and hastened.

“Yes ma’am,” answered another, “-both parties have agreed to meet at this location,” a mark showed a familiar location; north of Dorchester, past the Vigrant Archipelago deeper north-east, lays an island hailed as the Ocean’s pitstop. The merchant nation of Dermolise.

Clocked figures brushed through Igna’s window, “-majesty, allow us to handle the matter.”

‘The order of Nightwalkers,’ he paused, ‘-are the key to victory. To win without the destruction of what I hold dear, there must be change,’ a ripple in space and time heightened his focus, the very same chill went down Eira’s spine, her heavy lashes turned at the fading ground, ‘-Igna...’

Silhouettes wrapped in white and gold, ‘-the students are here,’ *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* from office to the well-cared orchard, “-welcome to Orin.” Before he rose students bearing the crest of Lucifer. ‘-Strong auras,’ he observed, “-mutes.” No response, “-I heard much of Lucifer’s academy having their top students become mute and faceless. The masks are dashing to the extent of... well, let’s say it’s not that attractive.”


“I at least expect some courtesy,” the shoulders lowered, he tapped his waist to summon Orenmir, “-hear me loud. I will not hold back, not even against students.” No response, smaller of the group of five lunged. Claws of pure essence rose in wings, a golden armor materialized ethereally – the outline and stance pointed to martial arts. First, attack the student dove head first and threw a punch. Igna side-stepped effortlessly and forced the student into changing stance for a counter-attack. A sudden tremor shook the ground, Igna’s lightning-fast palm halted shy of the student by which, before he could step away, Igna dug into the student’s skull. ‘-show me your memories.’

“My friends, I promised that I would become the best one day. Making good on my promise, I was granted the honor of becoming our lord’s direct servant. I know what it means, my soul is going to be eaten for our lord’s revival. I will do what is needed, and for that, I ask that you forgive me, my friends, I will remain the best and fight. Nothing will ever change my mind,” the young student fell, the mask cracked to reveal a dashing boy.

“First down, four to go,” he stared at the remainder, “-who’s next?” two figures teleported behind. Blades narrowly missed Igna’s neck and heart for he ducked, the small opening allowed for a swift counter – Orenmir’s cries resounded – the blade sheathed, “-make a bit of sound at the most,” Igna held a beheaded head by the hair. The third attacker was spared – he fell to the ground with a missing arm, “-what are her memories?”

“To change the world, we must change ourselves. I was born into nobility; my power and strength are assured. Lucifer’s academy hasn’t seen the best of me... then why, why do I find myself in a locked cage, why am I alone, why doesn’t anyone listen. He always listened, he was there for me, I will become strong, I will serve my master – wait for me, I will give my all,” the shrunken cheeks dropped, a flash of threads impaled the maimed third attacker, “-to save my friends, to save my family, I have to defeat the Demonlord. The one who stole our lord’s wings, he who made our realm grieve, I’ll do anything to make it right. I want to see her smile; I want to see her happy. I don’t care if I have to sell my soul, I will become a weapon, I will become the heart behind our master’s rebirth.”

The remaining two, a boy and girl from the outlines; summoned weapons. The stance was refined and well-balanced, “-Too bad,” he vanished and instantly summoned crimson daggers, “-I don’t care to prolong a worthless fight,” they died instantly from stabs to the heart, “-your memories.”

“Please, don’t make me do this. I don’t want to die yet, I have to support my family, I have to live for them, I have to fight for them. Please, don’t take my soul, I’ll do anything else, please just don’t kill me,” the boy’s body fell, the girl’s memories followed, “-my lord Lucifer, please, allow me this favor, let me become you, let me take all your pain and grief. Let me appease your soul, take my soul, take my body, take my sanity; anything to satisfy my lord’s wishes.”

A gust blew. Igna exhaled at the bloodied mess, *Souls who’ve been lost and are bound to this world for perpetual suffering, heed my call. I, humble servant of death, grant thee salvation. Follow my voice, tis the place where the dead are reborn, tis the place where wrongdoers are to be purged – in my name, those who are to be judged, will be judged, and those who are to be saved, will be saved,* a purple orb opened and swallowed the fallen. He bowed in prayer, “-your memories won’t be forgotten, foolish children,” the eyes opened, “-come out already, Ereena.”

“My, was I so easy to figure out?” reality itself fazed, a demoness approached dressed in the dark. Blood-soaked regard, leather outfit and spikes at the end of her boot and accessories, “-Ereena, I told you, that getup is only realistic in games, not real life. What’s Lucifer’s whore doing here?”

“Oh come on, don’t play cold with me. Are we not friends?”

“Ah, a friend is a rather harsh label. I prefer we remain strangers. What’s the idea with them?”

“Didn’t you find my present amusing?”

“No, what’s the point?”

“The point is,” she reached into another dimension and pulled a severed head, “-take a look at this,” the charred morsel fell at Igna’s feet, “-check,” she said. Protrusions left Igna’s fingers and snapped, more memories saw the other make sense, “-Artanos, Lucifer, Zeus, and Lixbin,” he smiled, “-they’re working together. Why should I worry about that head?”

“Take a closer look,” she breathed, “-a closer look.”

‘What’s wrong with her?’ the focus heightened, ‘-wait, why do I see myself... this body, these people, I remember,’ the eyes widened, “-ACHILLES!”


“What have you done?”

“Achilles,” she smiled, “-didn’t you feel the change in time, didn’t you feel the way destiny evolved?”

“Don’t tell me...”

“Yes we did,” she smiled, “-we don’t need the sickle of Kronos. Trust Artanos and his unsurmountable prowess to find a way for us to control time. I must say we’re grateful. Miira’s teaching has greatly benefited the Eipea Empire. The higher you are, the harder you fall. I would truly consider checking on your comrades – the timeline’s changed. This is the meaning of going against gods – be careful,” her amusing nature straightened, “-been a long time coming. In focusing on yourself for the past decade, you’ve allowed us to move freely. Not a good look, Igna. Anyway, I’ll take my leave, I hope you liked my present, sweetheart,” she blew a kiss – the rupture shut.

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