The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 99

Chapter 99




Lihua was running toward cultivators and screaming in distress.

It made Jiang Mu dismiss the idea of going to rescue Ling Aotian.

He hid behind the hayloft and secretly watched Lihuas movements.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Phew! Thankfully it is alright.

I thought that after Lihuas persona was crooked, she would never put in any effort or run away.

Now it seems.

Lihua is following the original plot just like that.

After she defeated that Qi Hai realm cultivator, she would then rescue Ling Aotian.

In his mind, Jiang Mu briefly and quickly went through the plot of these four days.

Within those four days, Ling Aotian hadnt relied on the Black Water Fury to turn the tide when he was in danger.

This was because Lihua had revealed her cultivation level at the Qi Sea realm.

She wanted to gain Ling Aotians trust as soon as possible, so she was eager to get Ling Aotian into danger repeatedly so that she could save him.

In fact, she was also very successful.

It made Ling Aotians favorable opinion of her skyrocket, which meant that a romantic thread was developing.

And tonight.

In the original plot, When Ling Aotian and Lihua were besieged by four cultivators.

Ling Aotian was overwhelmed and was in danger.

Then Lihua easily saved him.

But the way she looks now . Its not an easy task at all!

Jiang Mu was getting worried again.

In the original plot, Lihua was unharmed.

But now she was limping, and that white dress was stained red with blood.

It looked like the injuries are serious.

Forget it, as long as it turns out to be about right anyway.

Jiang Mu just watched silently and secretly.

After Lihua saved Ling Aotian, he would find an opportunity to stuff the Black Water Seat to Ling Aotian himself.

Xiaohua slash!

Once Lihua ran near the three, she raised her sword and slashed down viciously at one of them.



Dumbfounded, the man was slashed and fell to the ground with a miserable sound on the spot.

Without losing her momentum, Lihua continued to slash at the remaining two.

Xiaohua slash!


One man crossed his sword to block.

The other clenched his fist and quickly used his martial art.

Heaven and Earth Breaking Fist!

The fist gathered full of spiritual energy punched out violently, creating an Aerial Fist.

The air fist struck Lihuas abdomen perfectly.


Lihua was hit on the spot with a careless blow and spat out blood as her entire body flew backwards.

She cried out in the air, shouting.

Sister Dehua! Sister will never be able to see you again! Sister is sorry . i will leave . first!

Finally falling to the ground with a thud, she vomited out a large amount of blood, staining her white dress red.

It was a tragic movement.

The two men, meanwhile, were smiling lewdly and slowly approached the civet flower.

It looked as if they were intent on committing mischief.

Miss Xiaohua!!! Noooo!!!

Ling Aotian cried out tearing his heart out, his eyes already red.

He asked himself, Miss Xiaohua doesnt know him at all, yet she has repeatedly saved him from danger.

What did she want?

It was because she liked him!

And now, in order to save him, Miss Xiaohua had been beaten to death!

And he, Ling Aotian, could do nothing about it!

Ah!!! Why is my master not by my side! I hate it!!!

Ling Aotians face was fierce as he roared aloud.

If Master Black water Fury was by his side, how can this happen?!

He was beginning to blame Black Water Fury.

Since she had brought him into the ranks of cultivation, said she would guide him, and promised to help him achieve his revenge.

Then she shouldnt have left him alone!

Now it was good.

She had left for so long without returning, causing him to fail to save his beloved Xiaohua

No! I still have My ultimate weapon!

Ling Aotians heart rejoiced.

He had finally remembered, the prismatic crystal block of his heart!

Its come to this, I can only risk being hunted by the world .

He stood up with difficulty.

His cloudy gaze stared deadly at the two cultivators in front of him.

Bastards!!! I must kill you all!!!

Ling Aotian touched the location of his heart and secretly transferred his spiritual energy.

This was seen by Jiang Mu who was hiding behind the hayloft.

Very anxious.

Is Ling Aotian going to reveal his ultimate power in advance?

Lihua, at a critical moment, she fell!

Shes a ninth level of the Qi Sea realm and has so many fox clan secret techniques, how could she possibly be seriously injured!

Numb, numb, numb . What the heck!

Lihua has long been crooked, and now she is badly injured, which makes sense!

Damn, in the end, I still have to save them.

Jiang Mu instantly had no choice but to move and go save Lihua.

And so he rushed out.

Hey you F*cker$! Look here!

Jiang Mu sweared in cute voice.

Everyone froze and all looked at the sound and they saw it.

A young girl in a yellow dress, rushing out from behind the hayloft.

Ling Aotian was surprised: it was Dahua Miss Dahua girl? Shes also came to save me? She likes me as much as Miss Xiaohua?

The two men were surprised: Theres actually another little girl? How cute! Tonight, well have a good time!

Surprise for Lihua: The fish has taken the bait! Hehehe!

Jiang Mu didnt know what everyone was thinking.

As he ran to where Lihua was lying.

While raising both arms, each extending an index finger, and pointing them at the two.

Casting an immortal technique.

Finger Thunder!



Purple arcs of electricity twisted out from the two index fingers, flashing out with an ear-piercing sound.


Jiang Mu shouted.

Two purple lightning bolts shot out from his index fingers and shot towards those two men.

Everywhere the thunderbolts passed, they burned into a vacuum!

This is?!

They paled.

But it was too late for them to avoid it, and they were shot through the abdomen on the spot.



Both of them spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

And then they fell down.

They eventually passed out.

This technique of the Miss Dahua . So strong! Even I can hardly handle it!

Ling Aotian was all shocked as he watched the yellow-skirted girl run towards Lihuas side.

Then, the shock on his face.

It then instantly turned into a smile.

The stronger the girl is, then it means that the stronger I, Ling Aotian, am!

Thinking like that, he couldnt help but grin.

A wicked smile was directed at Miss Dahua.

Clearly, He had already regarded Miss Dahua as his woman.

Sister?! You Youre back! Wooooooooo!

As soon as she saw Jiang Mu come to her side, Lihua was ecstatic and let loose fake a cry of pain.

She even suddenly leapt up like a cat.

Hugging Jiang Mu fiercely.

Sister I thought Id never see you again! Wooooooooo! Sister misses you so much wooooooooooooooooooo!!!

It caused Jiang Mu to shiver and almost change back to his original form.

Youre not dead, are you?

Concerned and comforted, Jiang Mu pushed her back down to the ground and checked her body.

Somethings wrong! My stomach . I was hit by that aerial punch and my dantian seems to . crushed! Wooooooooo!!!

Lihua cried looking, very sad and scared.

Finally so scared that both eyes rolled over and just passed out straight away.

Crap? A crushed dantian?

Jiang Mu was stunned.

He thought at first that Lihua was faking but just now.

He had indeed seen that Lihua taking an hit hard in the abdomen by that fierce air punch.

I cant leave this like .

Jiang Mu hurriedly pressed his palm against Lihuas abdomen.

Then he injected spiritual energy.

After a careful inspection.

He found, Lihuas ocean-like dantian world had few cracks.

Crap, shes not lying!

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