The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 77

Chapter 77




Hey! Look here! Jiang Mu yelled softly in a cute voice as he ran forward.

Everyone turned to look at the voice.

They saw a girl in a yellow skirt, empty-handed, rushing out from behind the debris.

Could it be Jiang Mu?

That was Lihua was first suspicious.

Given this current situation, if someone were to appear to save Ling Aotian, it would be Jiang Mu ninety-nine percent of the time.

After all, the Black Water Fury had already become Jiang Mus slave, and he needed to restore the outcome of the plot, but he was a man, so how could he look like a young girl.

Could it be that ..

This young girl, he hired her to do the work instead of him? Or maybe hes pretending to come here?

Lihua did not quite understand.

So curiously, she decided to watch for the time being, as the young girl rushed near the two Lightning Spirit duo.

When the two brothers saw this, they both sneered and tried to warn.

Little sister, this place is very dangerous ..

They hadnt even finished their words.

Jiang Mu then cast a transformation spell on them at the same time.

Transform for my master!



The two big macho men were turned into two little kids in crotchless trousers.

After Jiang Mu succeeded, he immediately turned around and ran away.

The two kids who were looking at each other in confusion and disbelief as they were left behind.



This sudden and unexpected turn of events left them unable to react for a while.

And Ling Aotian, who was lying on the ground, instantly, taking the opportunity like a protagonist as he made a move and rolled over to the side and leapt up.

His fists gathered spiritual energy at the same time and dealt a fierce blow at the two little brats.

Die for me!!!

Boom boom!!!


One man went berserk. Two little brats cried out in pain, and smoke and dust rolled.

It was a fierce spectacle, but the Lihua was not watching at all.

Her gaze, all the time, was glued to the back of Jiang Mu, who ran away.

Her face was still stunned by what she had just witnessed.

That young girl actually Can actually transform someone into a child?!

What a powerful transformation technique!

This is a hundred times more powerful than my white fox clans Thousand Faces Technique!

I want to learn this!!!

Lihua excitedly chased after Jiang Mu.

For one thing, she personally was fond of spirit arts like transformation and disguise.

Secondly, if she learned this transformation technique and taught it to her clan, then it would be more convenient and easy for her White Fox clan to blend in within the Kyushu Continent!

I didnt expect that.

I came here on a whim, just to have some fun with Jiang Mu.

Instead, I met such a magical girl!

This trip was not in vain!

Lihua was going to take this opportunity to get in touch with that young girl and get on good terms with her.

From there, she hopes to learn this powerful transformation technique from her!

Even if she had to pay a great price, she wouldnt hesitate to do so!

Shit! Why is this Lihua thing coming after me?

Jiang Mu hid behind a ruin.

Peeking out, he saw an innocent and sweet white skirt girl running towards him with a face full of excitement.

Whats she so excited for, is she rushing to be reincarnated!

Its not enough that she didnt help Ling Aotian, now shes chasing me for no reason?

Shes crazy in the head!

As he cursed, Jiang Mu prepared to use Extreme Flash to escape.

However, Lihua suddenly burst out with powerful spiritual power and accelerated to leap in the air, and instantly flew behind Jiang Mu.

She quickly grabbed his hand, revealing an innocent yet sweet smile.

Hello there~ My name is Xiaohua, whats your name?

Call me your daddy!

Are you looking for a fight? Why dont you just go through the plot instead of running to me.

Do you think I wont let a snake bite you?

Jiang Mu wanted to call the Black Water Fury this instant to kick her ass.

But he could only think about it.

After all, if he exposed the Black Water Fury to her, it would be even more chaotic.

So he put on an air of indifference and said coldly back.

My name is Dehua, please let go, I have to leave.

With that, she tried to pull her arm out.

However, he could not, because the real cultivation level of Lihua was Qihai Mirror, and her strength was greater than his own.

Your name is Dehua? Then were a good match eh! You can be my sister!

Lihuas two eyes flashed with a fox-like light, with a were good sisters expression.

Be your sister! Youre an old hag who is 400 years old!

Jiang Mu secretly scolded while undauntedly pulling out his arm.

To avoid unnecessary trouble, he definitely wouldnt have anything to do with her.

After pulling his arm out a few times, still to no avail, he angrily said.

Let go of my arm! Dont force me Ill beat you up!

Woo~ my good sister, youre so thin-skinned, sister Im so sad~

Lihuas eyebrows were sad and pitying, and she was sad to cry.

Secretly, however, she was casting the technique of Same Fragrance Enchanting Technique.

Her fair skin emitted an invisible enchanting fragrance.

This enchanting fragrance possessed the effect of same-sex attraction, and could charm the soul of the same sex, making the same sex feel good and dependent on her.

And to make the effect even better.

Lihua then wrapped her hands around Jiang Mus small waist and pressed her whole body up against him and made an intimate bumping motion.

At the same time, she raised her fragrant and smooth knees and rubbed them against his.

Crap! She is playing foul!

Jiang Mus whole body shuddered.

He was so turned on by her bumping and rubbing that he almost undid his transformation spell.

So he hastily clamped his legs together and used his hands to push her fragrant shoulders away.

Stop it! If you do that again, Im going to get rough!

Huh? This Dehua girl Why is she Fragrance Enchanting Technique?

Lihua was so stunned that she stopped moving.

This was the first time she had seen a female who was immune to the Same Fragrance Enchanting Technique.

It couldnt be.

As long as the other partys soul was female, they could never remain unaffected.

Could it be due to Too little fragrance?

After thinking about it, Lihua resolutely cast the Same Fragrance Enchanting Technique but this time with all her might.

Her skin, emitted a strong enchanting fragrance.

So much so that her entire figure, at once, became fragrant.

Cough cough cough .. Ah-choo-ah-choo!!!

Jiang Mu was choking and sneezing terribly.

And with this look on his face, it was obvious that he hadnt been affected.

How could that be!

Lihua was really shocked this time.

This enchanting fragrance was so strong that it could captivate the soul of a person of the same sex, regardless of species!

But why was this girl

Wait, could this young girl Is actually a man?

For some reason, Lihua thought of this absurd possibility.

But the sensation of impact and friction just now told her.

That was clearly a female characteristic.

Then why?

Lihua was surprised by this insane girl. Never once had she met someone like her.

Turning her thoughts in the opposite direction.

She immediately used the Different Fragrance Enchanting Techniqueto conform her guess.

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