The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

The sight was too dreadful to be seen.

It made Jiang Mu feel sick.

He settled his mind and calmed himself after a long time.

Then he looked at the half of the snakes head and body on the table.

He couldnt help but feel confused.

The Black Water Fury is a Demon God realm, one that possesses the ability to regenerate severed limbs and condense souls to escape.

Basically, its hard to kill he, but yet she was killed by Han Yuqing?

Jiang Mu was very clear.

To kill a Demon God realm, Martial God Realm, one had to destroy their soul.

The soul, on the other hand, resided within the Spiritual Dao.

The location of the Spiritual Dao was in the range of the Heavenly Spirit Gate.

Looking at that half-snake head.

Jiang Mu already knew the cause of Black Water Furys death.

This flawless and smooth, flat cut.

She must have been cut by Han Yuqings Xuanyang Yaodaoguang and her soul was too weak, so it must have been chipped away on the spot.

Ha, Really deserved to be unlucky again.

The heart swore.

At the same time.

Seriously pondered a question: what would happen if the Black Water Fury was not revived?

After pondering for a long time.

Jiang Mu slammed the table in anger and couldnt help but curse.

Damn it, without resurrecting her, the plot cant go on at all.

But if I resurrect her, with her ruthless persona, shell definitely try to get me.

Even Ding Nanrong and Han Yuqing who are beside me.

If she gets rid of the two of them, then the plot wont be able to continue at all.

Fuck! Its hard to choice to make.

An optional task of whether to resurrect or not.

Jiang Mu wouldnt do it.

Could it be that this last reincarnation is going to be a failure?

Ill return to reality empty-handed?

What a dog system!

Jiang Mu opened his personal rewards panel.

Trying to see his current rewards.

[Name: Jiang Mu]

[Temperament: 20/100]

[Face Value: 20/100]

[Reward : Body of Pretending to Take a Beating]

[Reward : Goodly Waist]

[Reward : The Body That Bears All Poisons]

[Reward : Su Sheng of the Dead (Rules)]

[Reward : Celestial One Eye (Spiritual Arts)]

[Reward (vi): Book of Souls (Spiritual Arts)]

[Reward : Transformation Technique (Immortal Technique)]

[Reward : Art of Extreme Dao Shift (Immortal Technique)]

[Hint: Click on the reward to see details]


Transformation Technique

Jiang Mu suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Could I, using the Transformation Technique, turn a character into the appearance of a Blackwater Fury?

And then let this character, instead of Blackwater Fury, go through the plot?


Fuck, its not feasible.

He simply gave up on the idea.

After all, it simply wouldnt work with only the same appearance and everything else being different.

So, in the diary rewards later on

Will there be something like duplicate abilities, duplicate personalities Some kind of reward like that?

And then Ill create another Blackwater Fury out of it?

Jiang Mu couldnt help but run his thoughts wild.

Then he shook his head no again, because it was too ambiguous.

After all, no one knew what rewards would be given tomorrow.


Its hard, hard, hard.

Jiang Mu shook his head and sighed.

He so wanted to drink a bottle of Fatty Happy water right now, lazily lying on the sun lounger and emptying his head of anything. (Notes: another name for Coca-Cola.)

While he was thinking, the door of the room separated from Ding Nanrongs bedroom was opened.

Ding Nanrong, wearing a short bustier dress, came to Jiang Mus side.

She looked at the snakes head and body on the table and asked in confusion.

Where did the snake come from?

Jiang Mu sighed back and said.

This is the golden-pupil snake demon that was killed by Han Yuqing.


Ding Nanrong frowned slightly, puzzled, and said.

This snake looks like its just an ordinary non-poisonous water snake.

Its not even a demonic beast, are you sure its that Golden Pupil Snake Demon?

Jiang Mu nodded back, For sure, she had her soul completely destroyed by Han Yuqing.

The Black Water Fury was the state of the soul.

She had condensed her soul and seized this ordinary water snake.

In other words, this water snake had died long ago, and it was just a vessel for the Black Water Fury.

Ding Nanrong looked at the snake, then looked at Jiang Mu and asked.

Why did this snake bother to find you? And knocked you unconscious but didnt kill?

.I dont know, maybe in the demon beast mountain range, she saw that I was so handsome and wanted to abduct me back.

Jiang Mu didnt know how to explain, so he had to make up a perfunctory story while averting her gaze.


Ding Nanrong looked at him with an odd expression on her face.

Even though she was not interested in men, she felt that Jiang Mus looks were indeed Quite eye-catching.

Since the snake was dead now.

Then there was no need for her to stay by Jiang Mus side all the time to protect him.

Im going to the cliff at the back of the mountain to meditate.

After dropping a sentence, she headed out of the room.

Looking at her departing back.

In Jiang Mus mind, he felt something flicker.

Ronger wait!

Ding Nanrong turned and looked back at him in confusion.

Jiang Mu came to her side and circled around her.

And under his breath he muttered.

Hmm Thats strange What is it?

He had a feeling that he might be able to find something to solve the Black Water Fury predicament from Ding Nanrong.

But that was something that eluded him for a moment.

What are you doing?

Perhaps annoyed by the turn of events, Ding Nanrong said indifferently.

You should cultivate well when you have this free time, I can save you once in time, there is no guarantee that there will be a next time.

What is it What is it

Jiang Mu acted as if he hadnt heard her words, still circling around her on his own.

Ding Nanrongs face gradually turned cold.

Dont think you can be so rude to me just because you sucked out the Black Water Snake Poison from my body and saved me.

Blackwater snake poison?

Jiang Mu gave a start and stopped to think about it.

Blackwater snake poison

Blackwater snake poison

Blackwater snake poison Poison Explosion Pill?

Crap! Thats right, I got it!

Jiang Mus eyes lit up with excitement and he almost jumped up and down.

Hed thought of a solution!

A solution that specializes in curing the Black Water Fury!

A solution that would definitely work!!!

Thats right! Its the Black Water Snake Poison! Ronger, youre so right!!!

Jiang Mu excitedly and subconsciously hugged Ding Nanrong in his arms.

He even picked her up and spun her around a few times.

The spin made Ding Nanrongs long braids flutter beautifully.

Put me down, or die, one of two choices.

A cold voice reached Jiang Mus ears.


Jiang Mu shuddered in fear and immediately put her down.

Then he snorted and smiled sarcastically and said.

Ronger, dont mind, I just want to weigh how heavy you are.


Ding Nanrongs gaze flinched as the spiritual energy aura on her body suddenly surged out.

Shit! Shes angry?

Shes going to beat me up!

Jiang Mu really wanted to give himself a slap in the mouth.

It was all his fault for saying the rude thing in his excitement.

That Ronger ah, I mean, you have everything you should have and nothing you shouldnt have, no need to lose weight at all!

He said, holding his arms out and holding his head high.

Prepare yourself to be punched by her.


Ding Nanrong said coldly.

Then withdrew her breath.

Without looking back, she walked out of the room.


She didnt beat me up?

Jiang Mu felt strange.

I remembered that I had hugged her during the first reincarnation.

It was when flying with the sword, and since he was uncomfortable with the swordsickness, he had to hold her behind him.

I dont know if it was the wrong position to hug or what.

Anyway, the result was that I got beaten up by her and was thrown off the flying sword and broke my leg.

Could it be that because I saved and healed her, she forgave me for transgressing the rules this time?

Forget it doesnt matter, her persona is already off anyway.

The most important thing now is to resurrect that dead bitch!

Jiang Mu came to the table excitedly.

Glanced at the head and body of the snake on the table.

Then opened [Su Sheng of the Dead]

Check out the information.

[Reward: Su Sheng of the Dead (Rule)

[Description: Heaven is the father. Earth is the mother, and the master is the god of reinvention. May revive any one dead character, only once.]

[Note: Characters resurrected through Su Sheng of the Dead can be brought back to the real world after passing the level.]

[Note: Characters resurrected through Su Sheng of the Dead will randomly receive one of the following rewards from the host.]

[: Temperament (20 points)]

[: Body of Pretending to Take a Beating]

[: Goodly Waist]

[: The Body That Bears All Poisons]

[: Book of Souls (Spiritual Arts)]

[: Transformation Technique (Immortal Arts)]

[Note: The rewards gained by the resurrected character will be permanently lost by the host.]

[Current resurrectable characters.]

[ Black Water Fury (3rd female host)]

[Resurrected characters.]

[ Han Yuqing (female villain)]

[ Ding Nan Rong (female supporting character)]

[Hint: Click on the character to see details]

Holy shit.

How come even temperament is included in the options?

This damn bitch, she actually has 6 options.

Han Yuqing and Ding Nanrong, only had 3 or 4 of them?

Is it because of her being the main female character?

But luckily, not all the rewards are optional.

And dont ever take away my best Body of Pretending to Take a Beating

Silently prayed.

Jiang Mu clicked on [Black Water Fury (3rd female lead)

to check her information.

[Name]: Black Water Fury]

[Age]: 997 years old]

[Race]: Blackwater Serpent race]

[Role]: Third female protagonist]

[Identity]: Ling Aotians master, The Patriarch of the Blackwater Serpent Clan]

[Cultivation Realm]: Demon God Realm (Zero Turn)]

[Physique]: Demon Ancestor bloodline (Blackwater Serpent God)]

[Remarks]: A lonely soul who has lost everything]

[Status]: dead (can be revived)]

[Action]: click to revive]


Jiang Mu poked [Resurrection] without hesitation


[You used: Su Sheng of the Dead (Rules)]

[Resurrected character: Blackwater Fury]

[Character is being resurrected. Please wait]

[. .1%. .49%. .99%.]


[The Blackwater Fury has been successfully revived!]

[Blackwater Fury has gained your reward: Book of Souls (Spiritual Arts)]

[You have lost your reward: Book of Souls (Spiritual Arts)]

After the system voice.

A dark mist appeared in front of Jiang Mu out of thin air.

With Thud! A little loli with a black dress and long black hair fell from the black mist onto the table.

Looking at the sleeping Black Water Fury on the table.

Without hesitation, Jiang Mu jumped up, straddled her, and pressed his palm over her little head.

Then he used the Immortal Technique.

The Art of Extreme Dao Shift!


His palm emitted a dazzling arcane light.

At the same time.

In the back of his mind.

An interface for Black Water Furys [Abilities], [Spiritual Arts], [Immortal Arts], and [Physique] appeared.

[Character]: Blackwater Fury]

[Abilities]: Human Language, Spiritual Pressure, Skin Residing, Disenchantment Divine Awareness, severed limbs regeneration, soul condensation]

[Spiritual Arts]: Shapeshifting, Serpents Breath Black Death Pool, Serpent God Poisonous Water Fist, Black Serpent Divine Thunder, Black Water Soul Etching Technique (forbidden), Serpent God Chrono (forbidden), Spatial Transport, Spatial Lock, Spatial Barrier]

[Immortal Arts]: None.]

[Physique]: Demon Ancestor Bloodline (Black Water Serpent God)]

[Operation]: Click to select one to strip and transfer to another character.]

Thats it! Black Water Soul Etching Technique!

Without hesitation, Jiang Mu chose the Spirit Art: Black Water Soul Devourer (Forbidden)

Since he wanted to revive Black Water Fury and have her follow the plot properly and stop messing with himself.

Then the best way is to turn Blackwater Fury.

Turn her into his loyal slave!



[Black Water Soul Etching Technique (Forbidden)], disappeared from the interface.

It finally transferred to Jiang Mus body.

The next second, in his minds memory, it was as if he was inherently familiar with the Black Water Soul Etching Technique spirit technique.

After roughly looking at it.

It was found.

Conditions for the use of this forbidden technique were: Black Water Snake Clan, Void Practitioner Realm, life expectancy limit over 400 years. Loss of life expectancy of 50 years.

To use it, one needs to consume: Blackwater Snake Poison, Soul Power.

Thanks to the Art of Extreme Dao Shift.

Jiang Mu was now able to use it unconditionally.

As for the Blackwater Snake Poison, the Poison Explosion Pill within his own dantian just happened to have it!

Good job! Jiang Mu decisively stretched out his hand and clenched his five fingers into a fist.

A dense soul of power coalesced on his fist.

Black Water Soul Etching Technique!


The fist turned into a snake head shape, but there were no eyes, only a snake mouth like an abyss.

Damn it.

This dead bitch.

Lets see how the hell youre going to keep that attitude from now on!

Jiang Mu forcibly opened the Black Water Furys small mouth to the maximum.


Become a loyal slave of Laozi!

Jiang Mu shoved his snake-like fist into her mouth fiercely.

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