The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 233 - Dimitri's Decision-part Two-

Dimitri was astonished, he couldn't believe what Artemis had just said.

"Yeah, I know, I know my body really well" Said Mirana.

Dimitri wasn't out of his astonishment went another bomb fell onto his head.

"M-mom?" Dimitri looked back at his mom.

"My powers are weakling, as now, I don't have many soul power to fight the disease" Said Mirana.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SO!?" Shouted Dimitri.

Mirana only chuckled. She stood up and embraced her son.

"Child, you are an adult now, I am very proud if I must say it myself for rising such a strong and good kid, right now, your mother is very satisfied with life, I couldn't ask for more, although I feel grieve for your father's betrayal, I don't actually hate him, because, If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have you" Said Mirana.


"If I am alive, more people will come and try to harm you, we have been in the run for almost three months, and I have to look how you become more and more miserable, I can't allow this to continue, that's why, I decided to resign to my fate… What mother can watch silently when his only child is suffering?" Said Mirana.

"That's cowardly! I never, even once, complained about our situation, you are assuming things on your own!" Shouted Dimitri.

She only smiled at his child and then looked back at Artemis.

When Dimitri looked back, he saw that Artemis was grabbing a small bottle.


"It's your escaped, right?" Said Mirana.


"Are you that stupid?" Interrupted Artemis.

"What are you trying to say!?" Said Dimitri.

"Have you not ever wonder how come, despite the fact that you black out in the middle of a dangerous alley, you never get hurt or robbed?" Asked Artemis.

"…" Dimitri wanted tot talk back but the reality suddenly shocked him.

Dimitri looked at his mom with a stunned gaze.

Mirana flicked her finger and a small blue flame appeared in the chest of Dimitri, the flame came back to the body of Mirana and then disappeared.

Dimitri stood in silence for some time before finally talking

"…Since when?" Asked Dimitri.

"Since the beginning" Said Mirana.

Dimitri suddenly though all the times that he was engrossed in his own fantasies, forgetting about everything and destroying himself, at his side, a shadow was always guarding him, always looking after him, protecting him without asking anything in return.

Not matter how much he sinks in the abysm.

The shadow will always protect him.

Even if it means its death, it will always stay by his side.

"That's the love of a mother, as vast as the ocean" Though Artemis.

"Mom… I… I…" Dimitri couldn't contain it anymore and cried like a child in the embrace of his mother.

"I am sorry I let you suffer so much, my child"

"I am so sorry"

Mirana also teared up and embrace his child with the utmost care, wiping his wet eyes.

After some time, Dimitri looked at his mother, and then, with resoluteness, turned towards Artemis, who had seeing everything from the sides.

Dimitri walked a few steps before kneeling in the floor.

"I beg you, please save my mother" Said Dimitri.

Artemis was surprised by the action of Dimitri.

"What let you think I can save her?" Asked Artemis.

"Because, if you follow me and know about my mother condition, you must have a way to solve this" Said Dimitri.

"Aren't you cheating on yourself?" Asked Artemis.

However, to Artemis surprised, Dimitri kept his head on the ground.

"You are my only hope, it doesn't matter the price, it even doesn't matter if I have to sell you my soul, please, please help my mother" Said Dimitri with a begging tone.

"Dimitri…" Said Mirana.

Artemis looked at the kneeling Dimitri for some time.

"As a god, I shouldn't interfere on this, after all, this isn't on my business, is human problems" Though Artemis.

She turned around and prepared to leave, when suddenly, she remembered something that Alfonso said to her.

"It's not a matter of which is better, it's a matter of what you want to be, the goddess Artemis"

"Or just Artemis"

Those words suddenly echoed on her brain.

She made a small smile and turned back once again.

"Follow me" Said Artemis.


Alfonso was happily sleeping.

The weather of Peringrer was warmer than Wasteland Valley and it made it a perfect combination with Alfonso way of sleeping.

Suddenly, a sound came into his ears.




The sound become nosier, so Alfonso turned around.




"Wake up!"


 Alfonso couldn't stand the voice anymore and waked up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful young woman with green eyes and black long hair looking at him.

In his sleeps, Alfonso grabbed the young lady.


"Artemis, five more minutes" Said Alfonso while closing his eyes.

"Wha-wha-wha-" Artemis was also very confused and make a very, very strange, feminine voice.

"Come, it's really warm here~" Said Alfonso.

"I-I-I-I" Artemis couldn't think straight anymore.

Just went Alfonso was about to enter into the arms of Morpheus, another voice entered his ears.

"Woah! Mom, I think we shouldn't look at this"

"Child, remember, love doesn't distinct in gender, everyone is free to love as they pleased, there is nothing to be embarrass"

"I wasn't talking about; I am talking about THE OTHER kind of situation that is about to start"

When Alfonso heard the unknow voices, he suddenly opened his eyes and waked up.

"Who are you?" Asked Alfonso with alertness.

"I am sorry to interrupt your sleep, lord Alfonso, my name is Mirana, this is my child, Dimitri" Said Mirana while bowing towards Alfonso.

"Hello, Lord Lockheart" Said Dimitri while bowing as well.

"Hello, what is your business here?" Asked Alfonso.

"I am sorry we are visiting you at these hours, however, this is a matter of life or death, and it couldn't be delayed" Said Dimitri.

"Well, although this a little inappropriate, I will listen to you, but first things first, let me chan-"

"How long…"

Before Alfonso could finish his sentence, he felt a murderous intent coming from his side.

"How long do you plan on holding me like this in front of everyone!?" Shouted Artemis.

When Alfonso looked at, he saw that he was hugging at Artemis.


"A-L-F-O-N-S-O" Artemis got out of Alfonso's embrace and lifted her arm.

"Clench your teeth!" Shouted Artemis.

"Ah! This brings back some memories"

That was the last though of Alfonso before being skyrocket out of the room.


"So, that's the situation, I understand it now" Said Alfonso with a purple eye.

"Mr. Artemis told us that, in order for her to help us, we needed to come to you, that's why we came" Said Dimitri.

"Well, first thing first, we need to know who are the people who want to kill your mother, those who you bought the medicine for" Said Alfonso.

On the way to Alfonso's room, Artemis tell Dimitri and her mother about the fake medicine and the plan to kill Mirana without arising suspicion.

"The death of a champion is something important in Leitol, especially if they die under unknow circumstances, however, if she died because of the disease, no one would be blame for, truly a clever schemed" Said Alfonso.

"I already put a mark of the hunter on the man, we can make a visit at any time" Added Artemis.

"That son of a bitch, I WILL KILL HIM WITH MY OWN HANDS!" Said Dimitri in fury.

"Wait, finding the cure its more important right now, for what you have said, it obvious that the man doesn't have the cure for the disease, so, we have no other choice but to do it ourselves, luckily for us, we have someone that have the recipe for the cure" Said Alfonso.

"Really!? You have the cure!?" Said Dimitri with happiness.

"We have the recipe; however, we lack an ingredient, in fact, one of the reasons we came here was to find someone to retrieve it for us in order to make the cure" Said Alfonso.

"I will go and retrieve it!" Said Dimitri.

"It's not so easy, the ingredient that we need is far on the east, it will take at least a month to acquire it" Said Alfonso.

"But… My mother doesn't have that time!" Shouted Dimitri.

"Yeah, naturally, this would be in vain, however" Alfonso smiled.

"Miss, you said that you are the champion of water, Miranda, correct?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's right" Answered Mirana.

"If that is the case"

Alfonso looked at Mirana.

"I have an idea" then he looked back at Dimitri.

"However, you will have to make a choice, young man "

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