The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 230 - Tyrant-part Two-

"Father! He is here!" Carlo run towards the main hall.

"Carlo… where is he?" Asked the agitated king of Peringrer, Oliver Peringrer.

"He is at the garden looking at the garden, I don't know why though" Said Carlo.

"Does he likes flowers?" Said Oliver.

"I don't know, however, he seems to be pretty interesting in one flower in particular, he has been looking at it for some time" Said Carlo.

"Oh! This is good news! What flower?" Asked the king.

"…" Carlo murmured something in the ears of Oliver, who made a funny face.

"Really?" Asked Oliver

"Yep, really" Said Carlo.

"Maybe he is really mad after all" Though Oliver.


Alfonso was indeed seeing a flower right now, however, he did have a reason to looking at it.

"Alfonso, when we first came here you said 'something smells really familiar', where you talking about this little plant?" Said Artemis while touching a small plant with white flowers.

"Indeed, this little one is especial, I have been looking for it since I came here, finally, I see it, haha, I knew that this had to exist in this world!" Said Alfonso with ecstasies.

"What is this plant call by the way?" Asked Artemis.

"Its scientific name is Camellia Sinensis, however, is mostly known as the plant of tea" Said Alfonso.

"Tea? I think I have heard that name somewhere…" Murmured Artemis.

"MY LORD! IT SEEMS THAT YOU HAVE TAKING A LIKING TO MY GARDEN!" Said a respecfull voice from behind.

Artemis turned around, however, Alfonso didn't he keep looking at the plant.

"Alfonso?" Artemis looking strange at Alfonso

"I thought that you were busy today, Mr. Peringrer" Said Alfonso.

Oliver was a little ashamed.

"No, you see, Mr. Lockheart, the thing is I actually-"


A calm voice travel through the ears of Oliver and Carl, they were a little stunned, however they suddenly felt that something was… strange.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

"Eh? Why is my heartbeat… slowing down?" Though Oliver.

"I suppose that you have heard the rumors about me, yes? That's why you came running with your tail under your legs, like a dog" Said calmly Alfonso.

However, this calmness made everyone shiver, even Artemis shiver a little after hearing Alfonso.

On the other side, Oliver felt his heartbeat slowing down even more!

*Thump* *Thump*

Anxiaty invaded Oliver's mind and the agitation should make his heartbeat accelerate.

However, this didn't happen…

The heartbeat kept decreasing.


"If… if this goes on…!" Oliver became alerted.

 "Please…please, have mercy, my lord, I… I was wrong… I was wrong" Said Oliver.

Carlo wanted to add more, however, he couldn't talk anymore, the fear invaded his mind, the ghost of death was more clearly than ever.

Alfonso's figure slowly but surely began to transform in the parch!

"Monster..., monster!" Though Carlo.

"I came here not to cause troubles, just to talk about business, however, you saw me like a crippled who isn't worth a second look, you looked down on me" Alfonso voice turned cold all of sudden.

Artemis was surprised to her core!

She had never seemed this side of Alfonso!

"Its… quite terrifying" Though Artemis.

"I-" Oliver was about to talk again.

However, to his horror…

He couldn't heart his heartbeats anymore!

"I- I am going to die!" Though Oliver.

"I planned to make some gifts today as I did it in the funeral, however, this little plant has caught my interested" Said Alfonso.

The vision of Oliver was already blurred and his eyes were about to closed.


Suddenly, when he heard Alfonso's voice, he felt his heartbeat.

Like a light of hope in the abyss, his senses came back.

"Haaa!" Oliver kneeled on the ground.

He grasped for air and touched his chest hearing his own heartbeats coming back to normal.

He hadn't been so alleviated at something so simple as hearing one own's heartbeats.

Oliver looked up and saw that Alfonso had turned around. His eyepatch was gone and a green eye welcome him, the sight of that eye almost make Oliver piss himself.

Alfonso put back his eyepatch and slowly walked towards Oliver.

Oliver back up a little bit, however, his strength was gone due to the fear and he stood on his place with a pale face.

"This plant" Alfonso's voice came to his ear.

"I want to commerce with you with this plant" Said Alfonso.

Oliver looked at Alfonso for some seconds, he only nodded stupidly and throwed up on the place.

"Artemis, come with me, let's wait inside, it's getting colder" Alfonso walked towards the manor while leaving the father and son duo plus the soldiers there stupefied.

Artemis followed Alfonso closely from behind.

After walking inside the manor and making sure that nobody was looking at them, Alfonso was the one who had to grasp for air.

"Alfonso, are you okay?" Asked Artemis with worry.

"This new ability was given to me by the fucking kid, or, to be more precise, I was already planted on my brain when I came back to my body, it's called [Death touch], It's basically a torture ability that uses the power of time to stop the time of an specific area, it doesn't use a lot of power of time, plus, its very effective against enemies who doesn't have soul power" Said Alfonso.

Artemis though back to the time when Chrono also used this ability to torture the guy who made a protest back when Alfonso was training with Prometheus.

"However, the kid didn't let the complete ability to me, he left a hole on purpose, I don't know where is the hole because I didn't think that I will ever use this technique" Added Alfonso.

"What is the consequence of that hole?" Asked Artemis.

Alfonso become angry and touched his chest.

"When I used this ability, I also stop my own heart!" Said Alfonso.

Artemis was stunned when she heard this.

"That's why he didn't turned around! He was also enduring the consequences of the heart stopping ability!" Though Artemis.

Alfonso could even hear the mad laugh of Chrono on his ear.

"Fucking kid" Though Alfonso.


It took some minutes to Alfonso to finally settle down, he looked at Artemis and smiled.

"How was my acting?" Asked Alfonso

"Perfect" Said Artemis.

"Yeah, I was surprised by own talent, maybe I should have been an actor" Said Alfonso.

"You can ask my twin brother; he knows about arts" Said Artemis.

"You mean Apollo?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yes" Said Artemis.

"Oh, maybe when I meet him, I will ask him" Said Alfonso.

"By the way, Artemis, how is the training of Io going on? I can find her presence at all now; she has improved a lot" Asked Alfonso.

"Of course, I can't let my only pupil be a slacker, however, she has a lot of way to go, for example, the only reason why you can't find her now is because you don't have my powers now, so, your awareness has become almost null, speaking of which, I thing that should also train you on that aspect, if an assassin comes to the manor, you won't be able to notice it" Said Artemis.

"Mmm… good idea, however, let's make a deal, I train with you, but you have to study math" Said Alfonso with a cheeky smile.


While the two of them were talking, outside, Oliver was being helped by Carlo.

"Father, are you okay?" Asked Carlo.

"Sorry about this son, you also passed for that torture, however, you have to help your old man" Said Oliver.

"Father, what the hell was that?" Asked Carlo.

"I don't know, as far as I know, Alfonso Lockheart isn't a champion, but his abilities are very strange, if he was a will user, that would explain it, however, something, will power is something that has a lot of limitations, will users can be separated in two types, the physical ones, that use the will force to reinforce their own body, making them surpass the limits of humans; on the other hand, we have the ones who materialize their will and use it as weapons, this weapons have the ability to attack the soul, in any case, both cases use the will power as a catalyzer or as a reinforcement, however, this Alfonso Lockheart didn't use neither, his ability attacks without detection and its very lethal, and what's worse, we don't know the range of attack he has, sure, he was relative close this time, however, who know if he can attack from further away" Said Oliver.

Carlo felt a chill running from his spine.

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