The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 222 - Blank

"Saint Maria's tears" Asked Alfonso.

"Yes, my lord, I need that ingredient to make the cure" Said Hygeia.

Alfonso though for some time

"Hygeia, how much time would you take to go to your hometown and come back?" Asked Alfonso.

"Two months, maybe less deepening how much water I can bring" Said Hygeia.

"Mmm… If you go with some escort, I don't think that you can make that much…. Is not efficient either…" Said Alfonso.

"Well, that's true" Everyone though the same.

"My lord" Taylor raised his hand.


"My lord, I understand that, in the town of Paringrer, there are groups of caravans that have people who do this kind of jobs for money, maybe we could contract some" Said Taylor.

"That's a good idea, coincidently, I want to have a talk with the lord of Paringrer about the commerce between our two towns" Said Alfonso.

"You promise that you wouldn't go out from Wasteland Valley" Said Demeter.

"Its different this time, I am not going on a mission this time, I am just going to talk about commerce with the people in Paringer, nothing else" Said Alfonso.


Demeter looked at Alfonso for some time, before saying

"It just looks that you are quite bored and want to have some fun" Said Demeter.

Everyone looked at Alfonso who blushed a little.

In fact, not all, but some part of Alfonso wanted to leave his office for some time.

As someone who was use to travel around the world, being in an office, isn't exactly comfortable.

"Is only a business trip" Answered Alfonso.

"Well, If it's only a business trip" Said Artemis.

"Yeah, nothing more" Added Alfonso.

"HAHAHA, they don't trust you at all, uncle" Said Dionysius.

"I deserve it" Said Alfonso with a laugh.

Everyone stayed for some time before going back, the things were settle and Alfonso was alone with Artemis.

"Seems that you need to say something" Said Artemis.

"You can tell?" Said Alfonso with a smile.

"Of course I can" Said Artemis.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Said Alfonso.

Artemis looked at Alfonso and said coldly.

"I was thinking, why are you so pushy about the fact that the black ones are coming to Wasteland Valley, it doesn't seem like you" Said Artemis "So, I thought for some time and though, why would you do that, what would you gain with this disease…and It came to me"

Artemis made a smirk.

"You want to do business with this disease, isn't that right?"

Alfonso looked at her and made a bitter smile.

"I can't compete with you, by the way, it seems that you aren't the only who noted it? Isn't that right, Io?" Asked Alfonso.

Io appeared and nodded.

Alfonso made a small sigh and looked at both master and student.

"As you say, I saw an opportunity when Ribeiro told me about the disease" Said Alfonso.

He stood up and looked thought the window.

"Health, is one of the most delicate businesses, nobody wants to die, so, they would do anything to buy a cure, however, its morally bad, I always thought that medicine should be free for everyone, however, now that I had the opportunity. I can only see a market that is free for me to enter" Said Alfonso.

"That's not something a good person would do" Said Artemis.

"I never consider myself a good person, nor a hero, I… I only want what's best for my people" Said Alfonso.

Io wanted to say something but she looked at her master and stayed in silence.

"It's selfish, but, It's also a relieve, in fact, I would be worried if you suddenly become a goody two shoes" Said Artemis.

Alfonso only smiled and didn't say anything.

"Anyway, it seems that you are going to ask me something?" Said Artemis.

"Yeah, I actually have a favor to ask you" Said Alfonso.


 Outside of the manor of Wasteland Valley, Alfonso and Artemis were walking side by side.

"So, here is it right?" Asked Artemis.

"Yep, it's quite, so nobody will heard anything" Said Alfonso.

Artemis stood and Alfonso walked a few centimeters more before stopping and turning around, now, both were in front of each other.

"Are you ready?" Said Artemis.

"Go" Said Alfonso.

Artemis took a deep breath and run towards Alfonso.

Io looked from the sides while taking good attentions to this small training.


A couple of hours later, Alfonso was grasping for air on the ground while Artemis was sat at his side.

"Nice moves, I almost lose" Said Artemis.

"Al…most…it's not…good…encouragement, you know?" Said Alfonso.

"It's the true though" Said Artemis.

"Master, my lord, here, some water" Said Io with two cup of waters on her hand.


"Master, my lord, you two are incredible" Said Io.

"You will eventually learn this way of fighting, against opponents like Alfonso, we, hunters, have the advantage, however, as you can see, not everything is written, you have to be prepared for anything, got it?" Said Artemis.

"I understand" Said Io.

"As you can see, Io, your master is incredibly picky, I told her to go easy and, because she was going to lose, she went serious as she was trying to kill me" Said Alfonso with a smirk.

"Alfonso!" Shouted Artemis.

"Anyway, let's go back, I am tired, I just want to lay in bed" Said Alfonso.

"Sure" Said Artemis.

She stood up and extended her arm, Alfonso grabbed her hand and she pulled him from the ground.

"I will need a little help, my leg is killing me" Said Alfonso.

"Let's go" Said Artemis while letting Alfonso use her shoulder.

Both returned to the manor where everyone were doing their own things.

Like this, days passed and it was getting near the day when Alfonso and Hygeia planned to go to Peringrer.

On this trip, Alfonso would go with Hygeia, Io and Artemis. Demeter decided to stay with her disciple because she couldn't use her powers yet, as for Dionysius and Aphrodite, they wanted to go, however, giving the fact that they were a bit problematic, Alfonso decided to left them in Wasteland Valley.

In other words, they were troublesome so he couldn't bring them into an adult business.

"Okay, everyone is ready, let's go!" Said Alfonso.

Artemis nodded and she pulled the carriage, Demeter saw how the carriage passed the cold road until it was out of sight.

"I hope that everything goes okay" Though Demeter.

She turned around and saw that her student, Anastasia was also there with Hans.

"Master, I have a small issue here" Said Anastasia.

"What is it?" Asked Demeter.

"You see… I can't find them" Said Anastasia.


"You know… those guy that you wanted me to look after, the mummy and the drunker" Said Anastasia.

"Mmm… where could they be? I hope that they are not creating trouble" Though Demeter.

 Demeter's intuition was scary sometimes…


 It were exactly on point.

While Alfonso and company were going on his trip, inside the wagon, the bag of food was making some strange moves…

"Aphrodite, are you sure, that they aren't going to find us?" Murmured Dionysius.

"Shh! Be quiet, you want them to find us!?" Murmured Aphrodite.

"Aunty is going to get angry… I shouldn't have followed you!" Murmured Dionysius.

"You were also in agree when I told you the plan, why are chicken now!?" Asked Aphrodite.

"Your words were too good to resist!" Said Dionysius.

"What is done is done, stop complaining so much! Don't you want to see more of this world!? I am getting sick of seeing the same gloomy weather every single day!" Murmured Aphrodite.

"Yeah, but…"

"NOT BUTS! Now, shut up, your breath stinks of Alcohol" Said Aphrodite while grabbing her nose.

"You! Shut up…you….ummm…mmm… you…you cow!" Said Dionysius.

"What did you say brat!?"

"Who are you calling brat, ugly!?"

"What did you say!? I am gonna kill you!"

"Try if you can, old woman!"

Aphrodite and Dionysus where so focus in their fight that they didn't realize that the carriage had stopped some time ago.

On the carriage four pair of eyes were looking at the bag with different expressions.

"That… the bag is moving! There are mouse inside!" Said Hygeia.

Alfonso touched his eyebrows.

"This is going to be a real pain in the ass" Said Alfonso.

"Should just throw the bag?" Said Artemis coldly.

"Master, I think that they are going to destroy the bag any time soon" Said Io.

Sure enough, after some seconds the bag make a rip sound and two bodies left the bag.

"You brat!"

"Ugly old woman!"

Dionysius and Aphrodite keep fighting for some seconds before they realized that the bag had already broken, when both turned around and saw four people looking at them, their reactions were pretty interesting.

""Alfonso/Uncle, He/She forced me!""

Both looked at each other.

""Alfonso/Uncle, He/She is lying""

Said both while signaling each other.

"Ah, the headache is coming back" Though Alfonso after hearing them.

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