The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 220 - Pacefull Days Gone(part Two)

It happened all of sudden.

Far away from Wasteland Valley, in the east, people form a village started to desperately fly from the place, coincidently, a merchant from another town passed near this town.

"What is this… this looks like a ghost village, it gives me the creeps" Though the merchant.

He was quite familiar with this village and even had some friends in here, when he entered, he saw nothing more than some rats on the way.

"Is smells like hell" Though the man.

He went to the house of his good friend.

He knocked a few times, however, nobody answered.

"Emilio, are you there?" Shouted the man.


The man suddenly froze, he heard the voice of his good friend, however, the voice sounded too weak, like the man inside was dying.

The merchant didn't doubt and force the door with a kick.

"Emilio!" Shouted the merchant.

However, when he saw his good friend, he couldn't what he was seeing.

Covered with some blankets, something was trembling, this creature had protuberance like things on his body, even more, it had this yellow like appearance, the thing was trying to scratch this protuberance, however, every time he did it, his skin feel off. Like an old skin.

"E…Emi…lio?" Asked the merchant.

The thing turned around and saw the merchant; his eyes turned wet while he looked at his friend.

"I am sorry, my friend" Said Emilio with a weak voice.

"I have condemned us both to this hell" Said Emilio with a heartbreaking voice.

The next thing that was informed was that this merchant flee from the place at once, however, he carry with him…

A deadly guess.

A few days later, the nearest town, Gulgesh, received two patients that had weird symptoms, both patients didn't look alike, however, both of them had the same protuberances on their body.

They grabbed their own heads and smashed them towards the wall constantly.

"LET ME DIE, LET ME DIE!" Shouted both.

Gulgesh had their own rustical hospital, of course, it wasn't as advantage as the modern hospitals, not even close, however, it was well known in all Leitol, it was even more known because of the fact that, in contrast with all the hospitals in Leitol, it was opened for everyone, not only for royalty, it was an initiative that started with the current lord of Gulgesh.

Of course this had a lot of benefits; however, it also had disadvantages.

One of the most crucial ones of the later is that every patient was inside of one room for a long period of time…

In just a couple of days, Gulgesh suffer a crisis without precedent.

The lord of Gulgesh traveled towards Lucky town, home of the Terkins, with grave news.

[Trebol Manor]

Trebol manor was the mansion where the kings of the east lived in, the current head of the Terkins was Lionel Terkin, he was a middle aged man with orange hair.

All in all, he wasn't a bad lord, he always looked for the best interest of the east, which was his hometown.

That's why, when he received the report of the lord of Guglesh, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Are you completely sure of what are you saying?" Asked Lionel.

The man in front of him, who was covered up with a lot of clothes, nodded.

"The east, no, all Leitol, is in grave danger, your highness, if we don't act immediately, this will become impossible to contain" Said the lord.

Lionel looked at the report once more and sighed; he took a few seconds and then turned his towards the window.

He stood up and walked towards the lord.

"What's your name?" Asked Lionel.

"…Gary, Gary Crow" Said Gary.

"Gary, you have a notorious thing for me and for all Leitol, which is why, I will be sure that everyone remembers your name" Said Lionel.

"Thank you, your Highness" Said Gary.

Lionel looked at Gary, whose face could not be seeing because of his mask.

"Are you ready?" Said Lionel.

Gary nodded and lifted his head towards Lionel.

Lionel suddenly took out his sword and…


The head of Gary was sent flying while his blood spread on the floor.

Lionel took a few steps back and looked at the now corpse of Gary.

Gary, on his finals moments, couldn't help but smile.

"At least, this torture will end"

This was the last though of Gary.

"You were a good man, I promise that I won't let your sacrifice be in bane" Though Lionel.

"GUARDS!" Shouted Lionel.


"Burn the body, don't let anything remain, including his clothes" Said Lionel.

"And be careful, when you touched him, if is possible, don't let any part of his touch your body" Said Lionel.

The guards nodded.

The used their heavy armors to protect themselves and lifted the corpse of Gary, then, they went out of the room.

"Reynold" Said Lionel.

"Yes, your highness!" A middle aged man kneeled in front of Lionel.

His name was Reynolds, he was the current right hand of Lionel and also his brother.

"Reynold, go and put in red alert Lucky city, nobody enters, nobody goes out; send some letters to the other Dragon families about the situation, this must be done as quickly as possible" Said Lionel.

"I understand" Said Reynold.

"Also, go with a group of the best soldiers and hunt the survivors of Gunglesh, remember, when you kill them, do not let the body there, burn the body" Said Lionel.

"My lord, by now, those guys should have escaped already" Said Reynold.

"Then, put in alert all the power houses in the east, those who try to protect the infected are traitors to the Terkin family and to all Leitol, those who had the audacity to defy the orders shall meet the same destiny" Said Lionel.

"I will give the order" Said Reynold.

Reynold nodded and went o his way.

Lionel looked at the window once more and pondered.

"I hope that we are on time before this becomes something impossible to manage" Though Lionel.

The word spread out in all the east, all the towns began to close their doors and don't let anyone enter, even the residents that always lived there had to report themselves to the authorities for a check out, everyone was afraid and didn't know what exactly was happening.

After a month, the word had already spread in all Leitol, which put all the power houses in red alert, soon enough, a few houses joined the Terkins in the house of the ''dark ones'', that's how they name the survivors of Gunglesh.

Near fifty dark ones were hunted and killed in the east, everyone was happy thinking that everything had ended there.

However, a few days later, in a town near the west, four people began to present symptoms similar to the ones of the dark ones, the town entered in chaos and the lord of the town flee from the town at once. The situation reached the ears of Invincible, who ordered to all the houses in the west to prohibited the entrance of people to their town and kill anyone who presents even the smallest symptoms, at the same time, he decided that the town in question shall be obliterated at once.

All in all, Leitol was in chaos, and nobody knew what to do anymore.


"And this is the situation right now, my lord" Said Ribeiro.

"This is a pandemic" Though Alfonso while reading the report.

"A pandemic, one of the worst possible events in all human history, and in this moment, that medical technology isn't so advanced, this is an Armageddon kind of catastrophe" Though Alfonso in alert.

"This is serious, way too serious" Said Alfonso.

"My lord, this is not the worst part of the situation" Said RIbeiro with a serious face.

"There is more?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yes, I recently received some news from my friends in Tulip town" Said Ribieiro.


"It seems that, in a town near Floritia, a town that is one month apart from here , some people began to felt extreme headache and protuberance like marks began to appear in their bodies" Said Ribeiro.

"What!?" Allfonso was surprised.

"That's right, your highness" Said RIbeiro

"The disease has arrived to the north!"

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