The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 210 - The Next Legacy

Dante Alighieri, one of the most famous writers through history, author of the divine comedy, his masterpiece.

To summarize in few words, the story tell us the trip of Dante with his guidance Virgil through the hell, the purgatory and the heaven, all of that, to meet his loved one, Beatrice.

All in all, it's a masterpiece of humanity that is a must read.

But let's stop patronizing the books that this poor author loves.

Anyway, Alfonso was also astonish with his situation, he couldn't believe that he is actually meeting Dante Alighieri, THAT Dante Alighieri.

"Hello, I am a big fan, you are that Dante right!? The Dante Alighieri who wrote the Divine Comedy?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yep, that's me, have you read my novel?" Asked Dante with a happy smile.

"The question should be, how many times I have read it" Though Alfonso.

"Yes, of course I have, it's one of my favorite books of all time!" Said Alfonso.

"Really!?" Said Dante while shaking Alfonso's hand.

Alfonso and Dante began a long, long conversation which included the history of humanity and their inventions since Dante left us.

And a lot, a lot of Ass kissing~

A couple of hours later, they hadn't ended their conversation but Dante stopped talking and looked at Alfonso with a sad expression.

"It's a shame, but we have to end our conversation here, its time for you to go" Said Dante.

"How come?" Asked Alfonso.

"Well, you see, the Underworld its, as it name says, the home of those who already passed away, so, it naturally rejects living creatures, but, as you also know, a lot of living humans have come here and out, there are a few ways to do that, in fact, there are only three ways; the first one is too enter for one of the entrance of hell that are dispersed in the human world, in ancient times, there were a lot of them, however, nowadays, there is none, when I was still alive, there was only one portal, and that was what I used to enter hell, however, when I when out of Heaven, that portal closed up, so, obviously, you didn't use the first method; the second method is to be invited here by the queen of Hell, Miss Persephone, Miss Persephone usual have these… casual encounters when the King of hell its out doing businesses, however, those who are invited by her need to have a strong soul power to pass from the human world and pass the will of the Underworld, obviously, you didn't use that either; so, by process of elimination, you only have the third method…" Said Dante.

"And that method is?"

"Is for someone… or something… that belongs to the Underworld to call you here, and that entity or object must be powerful enough to make the will of the Underworld submit to them, as far as I know, there is only one person that can do that, and that person is the king of hell himself, however, I don't think that he is calling you, because, he has never called anyone before, and, if he did drag you from the human world, he should have come to meet you already" Said Dante.

"… I understand, but, if the king of hell didn't call me, then what did?" Asked Alfonso.

"I don't know about that, but I am sure that something called you here… but that thing hadn't come to meet you, so, It must be trapped somewhere, and the will of the Underworld have already began to reject you, soon enough, you are going to go back to the living world" Said Dante.

"And how do you know about that?" Asked Alfonso.


Dante looked below.

"You are already disappearing"

Alfonso looked below and saw that only his head was remaining!

"What the-!?"

"It was a pleasure to meet you, my friend, please, become more powerful, so the next time you come back, I can fulfill my responsibility and be at my beloved side~" Said Dante with a smile.


Before Alfonso could end the faint sensation invaded him once again and the lost his consciousness.


Back in Wasteland valley, the four gods were waiting in front of the black mirror, it had already been eight hours since Alfonso disappeared and everyone was still waiting for his return.

"Its already morning" Said Aphrodite.

Artemis looked at her with annoyance.

"So?" Said Artemis.

"I was just saying" Said Aphrodite.

"Both of you, shut up" Said Demeter.

"If you want to leave, be my guess Aphrodite, I wouldn't be the first time anyway" Said Dionysius.

"You-! I didn't say that I would leave" Murmured Aphrodite.

Suddenly, the blackness of the mirror trembled.


A voice came from the mirror and a human was expulsed from the mirror.

"It hurts" Murmured Alfonso.

""Alfonso!"" The four gods ran towards and looked at him.

"Guys?" Asked Alfonso.

"Alfonso, are you okay?" Asked Artemis.

"Yeah, more or less" Said Alfonso.

"What happened?" Asked Dionysius.

"It was like this…"

Alfonso explained the events that happened before he went to the Underworld and how did he got out, of course he also tell his encounter with Dante, however, the four gods didn't know who the hell was Dante.

After hearing Alfonso's experience the four gods, they though hard.

"I didn't know that there was an object so powerful that could drag you from the living world to the underworld, as far as I know the only objects that are so powerful to do that are the three godly objects" Said Aphrodite.

"Three godly objects?" Asked Alfonso.

"The three objects that were forget to defeat the Titans, The trident of Poseidon, The Helmet of Hades and the Thunder of Zeus" Answered Artemis.

"I see" Said Alfonso.

"Alfonso" Suddenly a gloomy voice came from the furthest side.

Alfonso turned around and saw Demeter with a sad expression.

"Alfonso, I know that you aren't lying, but… perhaps… you didn't heard about my daughter from that Dante guy right?" Asked Demeter.

Alfonso looked at her and shook his head.

"I only heard about her causal encounter with mortal form the living world, but more than that…"

"No, no, don't worry, I… I already expected something like that" Said Demeter.

"…" Alfonso wanted to say something, however, he didn't know where to start.

So, he only sighed.

"One day, We will go and see her" Said Alfonso

"Yeah…" Said Demeter, she left the room with a sad expression.

However, Alfonso couldn't go and comfort her, because his feeling wasn't in accordance to her will.

"I know that your wish is to save her, however, does she really need to be safe?" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso knew about Persephone, since he met Demeter, he had recalled every piece of information that he knew about Persephone and her kidnap to the Underworld, and, as far as the evidence goes, Alfonso reached a conclusion.

"Persephone could have left the Underworld a long time ago, however, she hadn't do it, so, there must a reason for that, maybe… she is happy with Hades" Though Alfonso.

The causal encounters that Persephone had might not support this theory but… gods used to have love encounters every now and there, so, it wasn't that uncommon for them to cheat… but, nevertheless, it was still suspicious.

"However, how I am supposed to tell her that, I can't…" Though Alfonso.

He turned around to look at Artemis, she only shake her head and followed Demeter.

"Its been a long night, let's go and slept at least a couple of hours before meeting everyone" Said Alfonso.

"Sure, I am still sleepy" Said Dionysius.

"… Can we talk before you go?" Said Aphrodite to Alfonso.


"I will be going then" Said Dionysius.

Dionysius left the room and Alfonso and Aphrodite remained in the room.

"You know the reason why I asked you to stay behind, right?" Asked Aphrodite.

"… You want to repeat why I did right?" Said Alfonso.

"Yes, I have been under this curse for far too long, so long that I have forgot my own face already, If by any chance… this was fated, then I can finally lift this curse, so… please" Said Aphrodite with a begging face.

"I understand your feelings, however… I am afraid that we will have to wait for some time" Said Alfonso.

"Why?" Asked Aphrodite.

"If I am not wrong, what triggered my way to the Underworld was the excessive use of the power of time… and, if I make a wild guess, the thing that called me from the Underworld… has to do with the power of time" Said Alfonso.

"The power of time!?" Said Aphrodite.

Alfonso nodded and showed her his cane.

"I am cursed as well, I have to find the items of time in the next 9 years, this cane is one of them, as for the other ones, I don't know their whereabouts yet, but, this give me a clue, MY guts tell me that the next legacy of time, is there"

Alfonso looked at the mirror with a serious face.


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