The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 1099 - 1099 CHAPTER 1068 MISSIONS


Now that their two heroes were walking besides each other, the children were full of awe, meanwhile, the other residents were looking at them with admiration, they were working hard in order to obtain recognition from Shadowslash.

Right now, only two professions manage to earn Shadowslash’s recognition, the builders and the knights, the rest were working hard to promote themselves and their current professions.

The chefs would gather and discuss their discovery, they might not share their secret recipes or sauces but they would gladly share any discovery they have encountered or found, they would also evaluate each other’s foods.

Not only the chefs but also the teachers, gardeners and many more were trying to improve their mastery over their own professions, Shadowslash was unaware of this but he would certainly start evaluating everyone in his city after he finished completing his current mission.

Building the Adventure Guild, as long as he could promote more adventurers, he could save more lives and increase the security of his territory.

There are some knights or civilians that dislike being bound by strict rules but they have not heard him promoting the mercenary occupation, that is why the Adventure Guild would certainly attract their attention.

Currently, Harley was in total shock after hearing the duty that Shadowslash will give to her, the immense responsibility was too much for such a young girl like her but since she was chosen, she would work hard not to let him down.

“I will not disappoint you my lord.” Shadowslash then creates 10 clones, all of them have no facial features, they look a little bit creepy but in Harley’s eyes, they look extremely holy.

“These would help you build the guild, the orb that I have given you would grant you powerful strength and a partner that will grow with you, remember my words, what you are going to do will change the structure of this world and will save countless lives.” She nodded, leaving the church, her eyes were radiating intense lights that represent her will.


Ivy was startled to see her sister, both of them were so busy in their jobs that they barely saw each other, seeing her expression, she instantly knew that her opportunity had come.

She quickly congratulates her “Congratulations sister! Told you that our almighty lord has great plans for you.”

Harley nodded “Yes, I did not expect that I would be given such a great task, do not worry little sister, I would not disappoint you or our lord.”

Seeing just how serious she was, Ivy became curious about the mission that Shadowslash has given to her sister, she decided to ask him later since she wanted to help her sister.

Meanwhile, Zlander uses this opportunity to greet Harley, trying to get close to her, he had already planned to marry her “Greetings miss Harley, it is once again, a pleasure to meet you.”

She smiled calmly and nodded, she was not trained how to greet or act in front of a noble but because of the mission that she is currently carrying, her pride has risen to a whole new level, a prince is no longer a high deity in her eyes, unlike before, she was no longer nervous.

Zlander was a bit surprised, his first personal meeting with Harley, her reaction was quite awkward, she could not even complete her words.

‘What mission did my lord gave her to make her attitude towards me change this much?’ Just like Ivy, he also became interested in knowing Harley’s mission, unfortunately, he does not have any courage to ask Shadowslash such a question.

“Come in.” A calm voice beckons them to enter the church, snapping out of their daze, the two hurriedly enter the church, they are greeted by Emilio.

Zlander was shocked, if it were not for the fact that Ivy was so calm, he would have never thought that the person in front of them was Emilio.

The average looking individual that he was acquainted with is vastly different compared to the person that was escorting them.

He became a little bit envious but quickly, this emotion disappears, he could not help but think about his family and felt that he was already lucky compared to most people.

“Greetings my lord.” Immediately, upon seeing Shadowslash, Zlander kneels in one knee and bows his head, no one in this world other than his lord would be able to make him do this.

“You may stand.” Zlander tries to calm his raging emotion down, he stands up like he was calm but inwardly, he was extremely excited, this is the person that had changed his destiny.

Shadowslash looks at him with a curious expression “Why are you nervous? You, of all people should know that I am a benevolent deity, I should not warrant such hesitation.”

Zlander shakes his head “It is not that my lord, at first, I felt that I have encountered one of the gods and was feeling lucky, I then searched for other gods in order to facilitate their descent and also prepare for the evil ones.”

Emilio and Ivy were startled to hear this, they quickly became curious about his discovery, after all, their lord have already said that there are other gods, they wanted to know the difference between theirs and the other gods.

“The elves have their own god called Goddess Of Life, it is written in their race that their goddess has created their race by planting one tree.” Shadowslash starts laughing when he hears this, the people were surprised to see his reaction.

“I never thought that the elves would twist their own legend, it is actually the opposite, the tree was the one who had given birth to the Goddess Of Life, that tree is called the Tree Of Life, the fruits it bore would become elves, one sip from its spring would extend the lives of all mortals.” Hearing this, the trio were gobsmacked.

Shadowslash sighs “The elves are truly idiotic for rewriting their own history, no wonder the Goddess Of Life would not descend in this world, so it is because of this.”

Zlander has an expression of realisation after hearing his words “So that is why, according to my sources, the elves were praying for their goddess but their wishes were unfulfilled, they are now on the verge of becoming extinct.”

The elves are known for their aptitude towards elemental magic but during Shadowslash first descent here, he could sense that this world contains only a minuscule amount of Mana.

“Zlander, I will call Arnold here and the two of you are going to rescue the elves, bring them here, I will make them one of the strongest army in this world, they will be led by you and Arnold.” Zlander trembles slightly after hearing this, he was in a state of extreme ecstasy.

Shadowslash then turns to Ivy “Ivy, I have given a very important mission to your sister, I want you to help her in her endeavour, her mission would reshape the entirety of this world so it is of the utmost importance that the two of you will be able to accomplish it.”

Zlander who was imagining his future and Emilio who was listening quietly both take a sharp deep breath after hearing what their lord had said.

Their expression becomes solemn, Zlander was deep in thought ‘No wonder she acted so calmly in front of me, my importance is clearly much lower compared to the mission my lord had given her.’

He took a deep breath and said “My lord, I will definitely help lady Harley complete her mission!”

Shadowslash shakes his head “Your current duty is to gather all the intelligent races of this world, with the difference of ideology and lifestyle, you would certainly have a difficult time accomplishing this, before worrying about others, worry about yourself first.”

Zlander nodded, Ivy, on the other hand, clenched her fist tightly, she was also caught by surprise, Shadowslash could see her worry “Ivy, you may go to your sister, Zlander and I still have a lot of things to discuss.”

Ivy bows and excuses herself, once she gets out, she immediately flies towards the direction of her sister, she is sensitive towards life aura and almost every living being has a different life aura.

In a different location, a golden knight wielding a giant shield and a broadsword was easily killing goblins, with every wave of his sword, multiple goblins would be split into two.

He raises his shield and charges towards a horde of goblins, he was unstoppable, even after using all of their strength, the goblins were unsuccessful in stopping him.

The knights behind him then charged towards the injured goblins, many of them were wielding bows, there were a couple of beastmen that were watching the scene, they were in total awe.

A knight came to their side and started taking out food and clean water “You must have traveled a long way, here, eat and replenish yourselves, we are going to bring you to safety.”

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