The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 132: 17) The Hidden realm...

The Runes suddenly covered Yang Khan's body, instantly erasing the attack in him.

The next moment, his eyes glowed with a bright orange color, his hands covered in ancient runes that seemed menacing.

The Supreme Elder of the Gu family frowned slightly looking at the Runes, however, he quickly composed himself, his aura surging forth, creating a huge titan-like magical avatar on his body.

"You seem to have some tricks up your sleeves, Junior... Good! Good! Good!"

Elder's titan-like magical avatar loomed over the scene, a testament to the Gu Clan's immense power and influence. It was a ancient art that had been passed out through the Gu Family.



The titan-like avatar surged forward, its massive demon-like fist crackling with pulsing arcane energy.

The very air trembled as the colossal construct swung its devastating blow towards Yang Khan.

"Taste the wrath of the Gu Clan, foolish youth!" the Elder bellowed, his voice echoing like the rumble of thunder, vibrating through the air for multiple seconds.

Yang Khan's eyes narrowed, his body tensing as he prepared to meet the onslaught.




With a swift flick of his wrist, the ancient runes on his body flared to life, weaving a shimmering barrier of light that clashed against the Elder's attack.

The impact was earth-shattering, sending shockwaves rippling outwards and shattering the very foundations of the area, lands cracking into multiple parts.

Yang Khan gritted his teeth, his muscles straining as he channeled every ounce of his cultivation into maintaining the barrier.

Muda! Muda! Muda! ( Magical avatar punching rapidly, nonstop )

But the Supreme Elder's assault was relentless, the titan's massive fist pushing against the shimmering shield, slowly but surely overwhelming it as cracks are already appearing.

"Your defenses are impressive, Young Master Yang... I am awed," the Elder growled, his eyes narrowing with grudging respect.

"But they will not save you from the Gu Clan's might! Though my cultivation base is suppressed here, I am far superior,"



With a sudden surge of power, the titan's fist shattered the barrier, the sheer force of the impact sending Yang Khan hurtling backwards in the air.

The young heir crashed through the nearby giant tree, dust and debris billowing in his wake creating a cinematic scene.

Undeterred, Yang Khan pushed himself back to his feet, his body glowing with an otherworldly light, his fist bleeding.


Holding out his hands, he summoned a whirlwind of razor-sharp wind blades.


The whirlwind of razor-sharp wind blades Yang Khan summoned whipped and swirled around him, their edges gleaming with deadly intent.


With a flourish of his hands, he sent the vortex of blades hurtling towards the Supreme Elder's massive avatar, without uttering any words.

The titanic construct raised its arms, conjuring a shimmering shield of pure arcane energy to meet the attack.


The wind blades slammed against the barrier, their keen edges screeching as they were deflected, carving deep gashes.

"Impressive, Young Master," the Elder's booming voice rumbled. "But let us see how you fare against the true power of this Gu!"

With a sweeping gesture, the Elder's avatar gathered swirling tendrils of mystical energy between its palms, condensing them into a glowing orb of pure destructive might.


The sphere pulsed and crackled with raw power, its very presence causing the air to hum with tension.

"Behold, the Celestial Annihilator!" the Elder roared, hurling the pulsing orb directly at Yang Khan.

Yang Khan's eyes widened as he witnessed the devastating attack hurtling towards him.

Reacting with superhuman speed, he summoned a spiraling vortex of wind to envelop him, forming a tornado-like shield just as the Celestial Annihilator slammed into it.



The resulting explosion was cataclysmic causing strong earthquakes to occur.

Chunks of stones were sent flying in all directions, the shockwave causing other people to lose their balance.

As the dust began to settle, Yang Khan emerged from the dissipating vortex, with a main character energy, his eyes closed, blood flowing like a long rived from his forehead to his neck.

There was a strange aura around him.

He looked menacing.

His clothing was tattered but his expression was resolute.

The impact of the Celestial Annihilator had left him bruised and battered, but his unwavering determination shone through.

"Is that the best you can do, Supreme Elder?" he taunted, his voice laced with barely contained power.

"The Gu Clan's vaunted might seems to be nothing more than empty boasts..."


The Elder's titan-like avatar let out a rumbling growl, its massive fists clenching in fury.

"You insolent whelp! You dare mock the Gu Clan's legacy?" The elder's eyes turned cold.

Channeling his anger, the Elder summoned a swirling maelstrom of mystical energy, the air crackling with raw power.

Multiple bolts of lightning danced across his finger, converging into a blinding spear of pure destruction. That slowly went toward the magical avatar.

The magical avatar, grabbing the lightning spear looked like angry Zeus ready to rape every single woman in the area.

( Maybe Not )

"Taste the fury of a thousand suns, Yang Khan!... 30 years in the east, 30 years in the west, killing you is socially best," the Elder roared. The magical avatar above his body hurled the spear with earth-shattering force.

Yang Khan braced himself, his body glowing with an otherworldly bright radiance.

Raising his hands, he once again conjured a shimmering barrier of light, its surface rippling with arcane runes.




Swoosh~ Fwoosh~ Loosh~

As the spear of lightning slammed against the shield, the very fabric of reality seemed to distort, the air itself trembling with the clash of such immense power.

Gritting his teeth, Yang Khan poured every ounce of his Qi into reinforcing the barrier, refusing to be overwhelmed by the Elder's relentless assault.

The shield shuddered and cracked under the strain, but held firm, deflecting the spear of lightning into the surrounding chamber walls, leaving a trail of scorched destruction in its wake.

'Hmm? This guy is interesting...' Gu Changgee who was looking at the scene, thought seeing how Yang Khan was about to fight against the Supreme Elder despite despite having his Luck sealed.

However, his smirk widened as he summoned his cheat... The Man-eating furnace!

'Supreme elder you are a great force and figure for Gu Clan however, as said... A good pawn is better than a useless queen, Your sense of righteousness blinds you and stops my motives, it's better did me to end you and Yang Khan here...'

Gu Changgee was ruthless, willing to sacrifice his supreme elder to further enhance his strength and primordial spirit root.

In an instant, a giant magical figure of furnace appeared taking both the Supreme Elder and Yang Khan.

The Supreme Elder and other elders frowned seeing the development.


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