The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Chapter 537: Now, To Mizuho

A few days after Sieg requested to go to Mizuho, a visitor came from the imperial capital.

"We've got ourselves into a tough situation, Arnold."

"I suppose if you're here, it must be."

It was Henrick, who was supposed to be taking care of things in the capital in my absence. Essentially, Henrick moves according to Grandfather's instructions. I assume that this time, too, he sought advice from Grandfather after explaining the situation.

"So, what happened?"

"A personal request for Silver from the Adventurer's Guild."

"Decline it. Leaving the Principality right now wouldn't be prudent."

The empire still needs time to prepare. Uncle won't be back anytime soon either. That's how challenging the order I issued is. However, that's only about the empire. We can't predict how the surrounding countries will act. If the kingdom launches a preemptive attack, what I have to do will change. So, unless absolutely necessary, I don't want to leave the Principality.

"It's a personal request directly from Mizuho's Sennyo. It seems the Celestial Prince says Silver owes a debt to her?"

"That's the worst..."

I unintentionally held my head in my hands. At this time, she's using that promise... Surely, as Silver, I promised Orihime. To accept any request free of charge, no matter what it was.

"I owe a big debt to Orihime..."

"So, will you go?"

"There's no guarantee it will be over quickly. If it drags on, my true identity may be exposed, and I may be late for the war with the Kingdom."

"So, won't you go?"

"Without Orihime, I couldn't have participated in the Spirit Turtle battle. It wasn't just Orihime, I promised right in front of the emperor. If I break the promise, the trust Silver has built would waver."

"So, what will you do?"

At Henrick's question, I couldn't answer immediately. This is bad. Very bad. The trouble is that the fact that Orihime is using this promise means that the task is too much for Orihime. No matter what it is, it's definitely troublesome. That means I must assume it will drag on.

"...Henrick. Can you act in my place?"

"I can if I just stay in the Principality. But I will need support from those around."

"I'll leave Fina and Sebas behind. Please impersonate me with illusion magic."

"Understood. But what if you are late?"

"Lead the allied fleet in my place."

"You're asking for too much."

"I know it's unreasonable. I'll try to hurry so that it doesn't come to that."

"Do so. While your appearance can be mimicked, your abilities can't. If it comes to war, it will eventually be revealed."

Henrick's words are correct. If I entrust him with the allied fleet, I'll have to entrust everything to him until the moment of sortie. If he makes a mistake in his judgment, Leo will be in danger.

"I have no choice but to return no matter what."

At my words, Henrick nods. If I don't return, everything will fall apart. Why is it always me who gets into trouble?

"I wouldn't recommend making your brother the emperor to future generations. It's too busy."

"More than that, I think the cause is that you are playing two roles as an SS-rank adventurer and a prince. Unlike before, you are now entrusted with important tasks as a prince."

"That's why I didn't want to. It makes it harder for me to move as Silver."

"Then why did you make public moves?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? Because it's necessary."

If it weren't necessary, I absolutely wouldn't get into such trouble. Troubles here and troubles there. I feel like throwing everything away.

"I wish it could end soon..."

"As long as each side has its own argument, the end will come when one side falls. If you want it to end soon..."

"I have no choice but to defeat them quickly..."

Despite thinking that this is an impossible task, I sighed and put on the silver mask.

"Sieg, we've prepared a means of transport."

"Really? That was quick"

Henrick, disguised as me, had called for Sieg. Sieg must be overjoyed. But, his tone seems a bit low.

"I hate to ask, but instead of a ship, what do you mean by 'means of transport'?"

"As it turns out, I'm going to Mizuho as well. Prince Arnold has asked me to take you."

In the room, there's a silver-masked wizard. Sieg must have had a bad premonition. Hearing my words as Silver, he freezes.

"It's faster than a ship. You should be happy."

"Are you insane!? Don't use an SS-rank adventurer as a substitute for a ship!!"

"It's just that the timing worked out. You should express your gratitude to Orihime."

"Gratitude? I'm not just moving within the empire! I'm going to the eastern edge of the continent! How many times do you have to teleport? What happens if a person with no magic aptitude repeatedly teleports?"

"You might feel a little sick, that's all. Don't worry."

"Don't worry?!"

Sieg is screaming, but I grab him by the scruff of the neck and lift him. There's no escaping now.

"Well, I'll take care of this."

"Ah, please be careful."

"I'll do my best."

After a brief exchange, I activated the teleportation magic and headed towards Mizuho.

After several teleportations, Sieg and I arrived in Mizuho. Sieg, who has no magic aptitude, seems a bit drunk and worn out.

"Pull yourself together. We've arrived in Mizuho."

"Just because you're fine"

While voicing his discomfort, Sieg raises his eyes. We've arrived at the Adventurer's Guild branch of Mizuho. As the request came through the Adventurer's Guild, we needed to stop here. Without hesitation, I opened the door of the branch. It's more like a courtesy visit. I was going to hear about the task from Orihime. I was just here to let them know I had arrived. But...

"Damn it! We're short-handed! What happened to the monsters in the south?!"

"The south has been pacified! But we can't handle the monsters in the east!!"

"What about the west?!"

"The west is almost under control!"

"So, it's just the east... Whoever can, follow me! We'll hold them off as much as we can!"

The Mizuho branch is in a state of chaos. It seems like the monsters are on a rampage.

"What's going on!? You there!? The Adventurer's Guild is busy right now! If you have a request, come back later and step back!!"

The man taking charge tells me to step back as I stand at the door. He must be the branch chief or something. He's a different person from the branch chief when I last visited Mizuho. It's understandable that he doesn't recognize me, but it's regrettable he doesn't realize who I am.

"Seems like your reputation isn't as widespread as we thought, boss."

"Seems like it."

Sieg, sitting on my shoulder, speaks with a mildly exasperated tone. I thought I was one of the more well-known among the SS-ranked adventurers.

"I've come to accept a request from the Celestial Princess through the Adventurer's Guild headquarters. I am Silver, an SS-ranked adventurer from the Imperial Adventurer's Guild. If you're busy, how about I lend a hand?"

Upon hearing my self-introduction, the color drained from the man's face.

TL's Notes:

Double Chap for both series this week !!

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