The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 3 - Chapter 8 - Aspiring Slaves

"Big brother, your expression is turning dark again."

"That's rude; I've awakened to good deeds, you know?"


"Well, you see, Mia's emotional turmoil yesterday was quite interesting. The contrast between hope and despair is good, but when people, after experiencing intense despair, see hope, their hearts tremble a lot."

He seems to be saying something profound, but there's a somewhat chilly atmosphere, making it hard to wholeheartedly celebrate. Didier seems to be fixated on the swaying of the heart, but lately, he should have refrained from such hobbies. I hope it doesn't turn into a game where he deliberately leads someone to despair and then gives them hope.

"So, that woman is in such despair?"

"Yeah, she's pretty messed up. She doesn't seem to have accumulated corruption, but she's a noble, so she might be in danger soon."

Although I learned that the presence or absence of corruption is not visible from the outside, Didier seems to have a sense for it. If there's something that leads to intense contemplation to the point of falling into corruption, maybe it's better to hear her story.

"Didier, if she's suitable, you can buy her. We need to increase Sheriel's servants."

"Oh, right. If she becomes Sheriel's servant, I don't have to take care of her, so it's perfect."

Wait, wasn't there something strange about this conversation just now? It's not that I have any issues with someone being a slave, but turning Didier's observation subject into my servant feels somewhat different...

However, the two of them briskly walked towards the woman. The woman notices us, covered in hoods of various sizes, and her face turns pale as she stops her hands.

Her trembling hands are injured from the needles, and the embroidery cloth, stained with blood here and there, doesn't seem to be of high quality.

Didier and I, both intrigued, approach her immediately and start a conversation.

"Hey, are you aspiring to be a servant? I think if you make it so dirty, it won't be usable."

"I-I'm sorry... I'm not used to needlework."

"So, what can you do?"

The woman tightly gripped the edge of the fabric and lowered her head. Big brother's way of speaking! What happened to hope?

However, if she were to be hired as a servant, it would be necessary to confirm her skills. When I tried to open my mouth to say that she might come to me in the end, my words were drowned out by a high-pitched voice that didn't sound like my own.

"Master! This girl is a bit slow, so we've been teaching her like this. Are you looking for a servant? Please have a look at my embroidery."

This assertiveness was unlike anything seen even within the castle. The woman who barged in seems to be a noble; her hair is a slightly reddish shade of brown. As she takes a step back, similar women increase in number. Naturally, this place serves as a self-promotion platform, fostering an inherent assertiveness.

"Silence. We didn't ask you. Interrupting my sister when she was trying to talk, it seems being a servant isn't suitable for you."

Didier promptly shuts out the approaching women, shoos them away, and rejects them. Since Didier wouldn't get along with them in the castle, it might be better for these women to approach other masters. Regaining composure, I address the woman again.

"Hello. May I ask your name?"

"I'm Sara. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Sara, who stood up gracefully and performed a noble bow, has slightly brown-mingled, deep blue hair, suggesting she might be a lower-ranking noble.

"We are looking for a servant. Do you have any particular skills?"

"Yes, I can do everything from laundry and cleaning to heavy labor."

"Why are you doing embroidery here?"

"I heard that you can't become a maid without being able to do needlework, so I've been practicing like this."

There are people washing clothes with buckets in the square, but she probably did embroidery to overcome her weakness. However, since there are many servants in the lord's castle, if she has one or two skills, she could be hired.

"If you're willing, could you show us your skilled work?"

Sara bites her lip, as if making a decision, and guides us to the edge of the venue.

"I will work here."

Bowing slightly, Sara sets up a large bucket, warms the water with magic, and then efficiently starts washing clothes. It seems that here, they practice all household chores, including dirty dishes, clothes, cleaning tools, and even an ironing board.

Sara, who was timid before, transforms into an incredibly energetic worker. The soiled items seem to be those used by the employees of the slave market or the aspirants, and those proficient are tasked with cleaning them during practice.

She effortlessly lifts the large bucket and changes the water, washing several pieces of clothing in no time. It's impressive, and I can't help but admire her strength. If only Mary were here to see her work.

After that, Sara explains what she is doing while showing her work efficiently.

"Thank you, it was helpful."

"I don't really understand the work of a maid, but well, isn't it good? The rest depends on aptitude, right?"

Our household's servants need a certain level of common sense and a strong spirit. In that sense, Sara, who seems to be cornered, might not be suitable, but Sergio doesn't seem to object in particular.

"Sara, let's talk a little more. There seems to be a private room, so let's go there."

"Thank you, I appreciate it..."

The vigor she had when she was focused on her work disappears, and Sara, once again timid, guides us to the back. At the far end of the venue, corresponding to the backstage of the stage, there is a facility for employees and aspirants to sleep. It seems to be a renovated noble residence, with the entrance immediately inside serving as a reception area.

On both sides of the reception, there are stairs, and part of the second floor is a private room used for interviews and contracts. Some tea was prepared for the employees, but since there is no taster, I can't touch it. Only Sara is offered tea, and the interview begins.

"Can you tell me where you're from and why you became an aspirant?"

"Yes, I was born into the Baron's family in the town of Klayla in the Beriard territory. It's a land with only volcanoes and rocky mountains. I earned a salary as a dragon shepherd from the lord and managed to live somehow."

Oh, it seems we're from the same place. I glance at Sergio, but he's sitting in a chair, so his expression is not clearly visible due to the hood.

"I graduated from the academy last year, but I couldn't find a residence to serve or a marriage proposal, so I came here seeking a subservience contract."

"Is there something untrue? Lies are not allowed in the interview."

A sharp intake of breath is audible, and Sara starts trembling. I also don't know where the lie is, and it's the first time we've met, so her confidently exposed lie makes Sara's heart shrink. Although I feel a bit sympathetic, I'm curious about Sara's lie.

"S-Sorry, I deeply apologize!"

Sara, with an air of desperation, but seeming to have made a resolution, began to speak.

"I was engaged to the lord of the Earl's family in the city next to my hometown. However, I absolutely didn't want to marry that person, so I ran away... I'm sorry."

Oh, she ran away from a political marriage. Although love marriages were encouraged, it was not uncommon to marry for the sake of the family, so I was a bit surprised. If it's an Earl's family, even among mid-level nobles, it's higher than a Baron's family. Moreover, if they govern a city and hold a title, it wouldn't be a partner that a Baron's family could easily refuse.

"That much, huh? It's like saying it's better to die than to marry that person. What kind of person is he?"

While Sara was perplexed by Didier's laughter, she explained, choosing her words carefully. The Earl is almost forty, and the engagement talks have apparently been going on since Sara was ten. He used to fondle the small Sara excessively and, in addition, both of his previously married wives were young and died within two years of marriage. Klayla, despite being called a town, is all mountains as far as the eye can see, and the town where people live is very small and poor. Still, they manage somehow because the lord provides allowances to dragon shepherds.

Does that mean there are dragons in Klayla?

"Have you ever seen a dragon, Sara?"

"Uh, no... Well..."

"Oh, this child doesn't really think much of dragons, just as rare creatures or something, so you don't have to mind."

What a rude thing to say. I thought it might be a divine guidance to talk about dragons and encourage her to come, but forcing Sara, who came to escape from a political marriage, to guide us to Klayla is quite harsh...

"But couldn't you refuse? Beriard territory should not allow forced political marriages, right?"

"Since crops don't grow in Klayla, if we can't sell things to the neighboring town, we can't make a living. Because of that, my parents couldn't refuse. However, since I ran away, I wonder how they're doing now..."

"Oh, so you were overwhelmed by guilt. Hmm, but that's not the only reason, right?"

Didier laughs as if enjoying solving a mystery, and I begin to wonder what has happened to Klayla. Klayla is the lord's entrusted land and people. Choosing between the people and the child would be a difficult problem. Well, it seems there might be an issue with the Earl, who demanded handing over a child younger than almost twice his age as a hostage to Klayla's people.

Sergio remains silent without saying a word. I'm starting to get anxious, wondering if he might be asleep.

"Father, what will you do? I think it's okay."

"Yes, let's go to Klayla. Our princess also seems to want to meet a dragon."

"Um, were you listening to the conversation?"

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