The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 3 - Chapter 16 - Ceremony of the Subjugation Contract

After explaining everything to the nobles of Klayla, I moistened my throat with the tea Mary had brewed. I had already informed Sergio upon returning to the mansion, but he hadn't uttered a word, which was starting to make me uneasy.

To commercialize Klayla's soil as a beauty product would require further research. However, even just diluting it with water made the skin smooth and shiny after rinsing, almost as if it were making a sparkling sound.

As I explained to the Viscount, some processing was needed to remove impurities, but it was bound to be more effective than the clay packs from my previous life. After all, it contained magical properties.

Ah, before commercializing it, I should propose another kind of pack to Dior. If I could pique their interest in the pack itself, they'd likely accept the clay pack smoothly. This would be a better business than soap, which has difficult-to-source raw materials.

"Sheriel, thinking up mischief again?"

"It's a good thing, not bad."

Didier brought me back to reality, reminding me that we were still in the midst of discussions. We needed to finalize the details of the wyvern-guidance strategy. Communication with the castle should be fine, thanks to the magical communication tools.

"By the way, may I set up a teleportation gate here? Don't worry; I won't misuse it."

"Of course, please do. Having the Lord set up a teleportation gate is an honor for this place."

"Was it such a grand thing... Father, is it alright?"

Sergio, with a calm smile that seemed to indicate he understood everything, replied, "Of course."

I'm not sure if Sergio truly listened, but his calm smile implied he understood everything.

"Since it's troublesome to apply to the Mage Guild, shall we ask Julius? He seems capable of god-tier magic too."

"Is it different from a regular teleportation gate?"

It seemed more important than I had initially thought, and I began regretting mentioning it so casually. If I were to say I'd reconsider, the Viscount and the others would likely be disappointed.

"It's a permanent teleportation gate that non-magic users can use. It's entirely different from an individual's teleportation spell."

"Um... I'll ask the teacher myself."

While advising Sergio not to overly rely on Julius, I began to question if I myself wasn't relying on him too much. But the teacher does manage most things... I just end up depending on him without realizing it.

"After collecting the mud, I'll contact you again once the research progresses."

After discussing the details, it was time to complete the subservience contract for Sarah and Kyle. Zaris prepared the contracts, and I asked the two of them to confirm the terms.

Sarah and Kyle's contract was set for a one-year trial period, followed by a four-year commitment. Provided they proved their worth during this time, they would officially become our household's servants. During the subservience contract, they couldn't leave of their own accord or marry, but Sarah had expressed her desire to serve for at least five years.

"Perhaps a one-year contract is enough for mere formalities?"

"No, this is a symbol of our loyalty."

Conversely, during the contracted period after the trial, the master couldn't simply discard the servant at will, which might assure Sarah and Kyle's security. Just as I was beginning to feel convinced, Sergio glanced over the contract with a sly smile.

"Sheriel should have servants under subservience contracts. There are many secrets, so absolute trust is necessary."

"Even without subservience contracts, I trust Mary and Sarah."

"Well, you'll see."

With his cryptic remark, Sergio also made the contract with Kyle. Although Kyle didn't strictly require subservience, he claimed it was still a symbol of loyalty.

Afterward, using the contracts, we conducted the ritual of subservience. We used the Claira family's altar, and Sergio drew the magical sigil.

"Now, proceed."

On a smaller, simpler magical sigil compared to the Baptismal ceremony, Kyle and Sergio faced each other. After reciting incantations and reading the contract aloud, when the two touched the sigil, it immediately glowed.

As the light enveloped them, it vanished quickly, and Kyle seemed to check his neck as if he felt something.

"It went well."

Sergio said this, rolling up his sleeve, and at first glance, there was no change in appearance. However, when he rubbed his arm lightly, five circular imprints appeared.

"What's this?"

"These are slave marks. Kyle should have an engraving like a collar around his neck. Each connects to a personal mark on their neck; if you channel magic here, it will choke the other person."

What? That's scary. It's really creepy to suddenly have a slave-like feature like that.

"Um... Does it pose any problems during enhancements?"

"No, it only activates if magic is channeled specifically to the mark from outside, using a wand or fingertips."

If that's the case, well... No, is this really fine?

"Sarah, are you really okay with the subservience contract? You can still change your mind now. Are you fine wearing such a dangerous collar for five years?"

"Yes! I'm honored!"

It's not something to cheer about, but buoyed by Sarah's enthusiasm, I proceeded with the ritual using the incantation I just learned. Gradually, my arm heated up, and I could feel Sarah's presence there.

The slave marks seem to be unique identifiers for individuals, and the five slave marks on Sergio's arm all had different patterns. Passing magic over his arm as if caressing it caused a single mark to appear. Simultaneously, Sarah had a black, vine-like pattern circling her neck. At best, it resembled a choker and looked kind of cute.

"Doesn't it feel uncomfortable?"

"Yes! I feel fulfilled sensing Lady Sheriel's presence."


She had an excessively bright smile, enough to question her sanity. Is Sarah really okay? Normally, this wouldn't be visible, so unless I show it like this, others shouldn't know from the outside...

"Father, there were commoners at that slave market, right? How do they enter into contracts?"

"It's customary to conduct the ritual at the slave market. It involves using blood, just like the Baptismal ceremony, remember?"

When channeling magic into the marks on the body, they use a ring embedded with a magic stone. By always carrying it, their own magic accumulates slightly, serving as personal verification. Since the cost of slave upbringing and the crucial magic stones are expensive, only wealthy individuals like major merchants can afford to buy slaves.

"Now, submitting a copy of this contract to the slave market and paying will complete everything. As the envoy will catch up later, shall we depart first?"

With various details sorted, it had only been a day since I arrived in Klayla. At this pace, there shouldn't be any delays in our travel plans.

Before returning to the prepared guest rooms, I decided to check on Mia and Leo. Although I was advised not to engage too much with commoner children, I wanted to explain the future to them personally.

Visiting the room where the children were gathered, except for Mia, they were still lying on one bed, seemingly out of it.

"Mia, have you rested a bit?"

"Yeah, it's my first time in such a pretty room."

Leo still didn't respond, but he didn't look unwell and seemed to have eaten. I decided to speak to Mia about the future.

"Mia, you said you have nowhere to go, right? How about living in this town? It's small, but it's expected to develop rapidly, and there's a shortage of workers."

"Are we... going to be left behind?"

Anxiously, Mia's eyes wavered. Due to my insufficient explanation, she seemed to think they'd be abandoned in an unfamiliar place.

"No, you'll go to the north together. Once everyone's feeling better there, you can settle. The townsfolk will take care of you until you grow up. When you're older, you can work and buy a house or start a family."

"Really? Will we become slaves?"

Ah, right, Mia and Leo went to that slave market for registration. But they don't need to deliberately become slaves. The townsfolk here wouldn't have the means to support them as slaves.

"Not as slaves, but as foster children. Living together as a group is fine, but which would you prefer?"

"If I'm with Leo, anything is fine."

Mia laughed awkwardly, seemingly relieved, and held Leo's hand.

"Understood. I'll make sure you both stay together."

I was contemplating whether to find individual foster parents or have them all live together like an orphanage. If they could develop a good relationship during the treatment, being together might provide them with more reassurance. As an initial investment, I might cover their living expenses from the business profits. Though I haven't launched it extensively yet, the business is making decent profits, enough to cover these kids' expenses.

"Mia, we're going to start a business in this town. Will you help when you're older?"

"Me? Lady Sheriel, are you going to give us jobs?"

Mia's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth in surprise, resembling a fledgling bird. Her childish gesture was almost the same age-wise, and it was so endearing that I couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, when you grow up and learn to work."

"We're already old enough to work, you know? Everyone starts helping their parents when they turn seven."

"Really? Isn't that too early?"

Seven years old is like first grade, right? Even though I've been working for quite some time, considering I've lived through life two or three times, I think I'm an exception.

"They say starting handiwork early makes you better at it. That's why I want to work early too."

"Alright, I'll think of some easy work. Can you read?"

Doing paperwork might still be challenging for them, but in the future, office work seems more suitable. Mia, being a girl without the ability to use magic, might find mining challenging.

"Among commoners, only merchants or wealthy people can read and write. It's surprising that Lady Shieriel doesn't know anything."

"R-Really? Then will you teach me various things? In return, I'll teach you how to read and write."

"Really!? Is that okay!? If you can read and write, you can become wealthy!"

I don't think just being able to read and write will make you wealthy, but there's no need to shatter a child's dreams.

When I return to the castle, I'll discuss this with Rainer. There's a limit to what I can teach directly, and it's related to the new business, so Rainer will surely be able to help.

After explaining to the now cheerful Mia that the journey will continue for a while, I return to my guest room.

However, as soon as I opened the door, I was left speechless by the drastically changed state of the room.

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