The Royal Contract

Chapter 1047 - 1047 Kill or be killed

1047 Kill or be killed

It was dark in most parts of the vicinity, with only a few lamps working in a few segments of the area, but he could still see his friend standing alone in the middle of the playground.

He used to go to a similar place like this when he was a child to escape his father and the life his father wanted for him. His mother brought him to a place like this a few times which was not far from where they lived.

He loved going there before his father forbade him to play with the other kids.

“What are you doing?” He could still hear his father’s voice, furiously shouting and echoing in his ears.

He remembered his father standing not far while he was running with the other kids, happily laughing. When he saw his angry face, he quickly rushed to his side, knowing he had done a terrible thing.

“I was only playing with the other kids.” He reasoned, thinking why the other kids could play while he could not. Maybe even for this once, his father would allow him some freedom.

No, he did not. “I already told you that you are no ordinary kid? You are the future leader of our organization. You have no time for this nonsense. If you want to play, I will teach you something better than this.”

His father dragged him out of there and back home. He told his mother never to let him go back to that place. But when he still got the chance, he sneaked away from home to play with the few friends he had met there.

Then, one day his father caught him again. This time, he did not take him home but somewhere else. “Where are we going, Dad?” He was slightly frightened since he knew how frightful his father could be when he was angry.


“Just wait patiently, and you will see.” His father told him, having no choice, he sat quietly in the passenger seat and watched the road instead.

He did not wait long before his father entered what seemed to be an abandoned place. He could only see a few of his father’s men scattered on the ground with their long guns slung on their shoulders, but other than them, it was silent.

It was the first time his father had taken him to such a place, and honestly, it gave him the creeps, seeing the old condemned building with its dilapidated walls.

“Are you working on rebuilding this place again?” He had seen his other offices, and it was great. But not like this one.

“No, this is perfect, just the way it is.” His father answered, confusing him more, seeing that no one would want to enter such a place.

“But why would you want to work in a dirty and old place like this?” He did not understand the logic of it as he stared again at the structure before him.

“Because it served my purpose. And before you ask me another question, I want you to observe as quietly as possible what will happen inside that building.” His father pointed at the broken door where they were about to enter.

“But...” He still had many questions, but his father silenced him with a glaring stare.

But he stopped him as soon as they crossed the line and faced him. “Remember.” He held him by the shoulder as he leaned down on him. “Observe quietly. No speaking.” He reminded him.

“Promised me.” He only nodded, afraid to utter another word.

“Then, we will never talk about this in front of your mother or anywhere else, but I need you to remember everything. What you will see will be your life now.” His father’s words stuck in his mind.

It was the words he had lived by ever since that day, ever since he witnessed how they tortured a man. Gerald wanted to close his eyes, but his father would not let him.

His father cruelly made him watch as the man begged for mercy. He wanted to think that it was just his imagination, but the stench of the man’s blood, vomit, and pee reminded him that it was real.

The sound of his voice as the man cried in anguish and shouted in pain was like a broken record playing in his brain. He could not switch it off even if he wanted.

But the last part had been the worst part of his ordeal when his father asked him to take his gun and aim it at the broken man. He did not want to do it, but he kept saying to shoot him, and even the men around them cheered for him.

“Go on, son. Pull the trigger.”

It was sick that he finally dropped the gun and puked his guts out. He could not do it. How could anyone hurt and kill a man? He did not understand why his father would do such a thing.

He knew his father was a strong and courageous man. He could be angry a few times, but he never imagined that his father could do this. Yet, he witnessed the full extent of what his father could do. He finally realized that his father was an evil man.

Then, his father called him. “Son, I need you to look.” Then, two of his men grabbed him and forced him to watch as his father pointed the gun at the head of the man and shot him point blank.

From then on, that had been his life. At a young age, his father had taught him that the life of others had less value than theirs. To survive, they had to live by the rules of their organization.

Then, he heard his friend’s voice calling him, snapping him back to the present. He must have spotted him as he stood not quite far away but under the cloak of the shadows.

“Gerald?” He called again when he did not respond right away.

His eyes scanned the place, looking for any other signs of life. Once again, he remembered that the park was the only place where he could remember he had been happy as a child.

But now, he wondered if this was where it would all end as he felt his gun underneath his jacket. He remembered again what his father had said to him.

Kill or be killed.

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