The Royal Contract

Chapter 1034 - 1034 Pride and joy

1034 Pride and joy

He vigilantly sat by her side since they transferred her to a private room, accompanying her until she dozed off. She had been through an exhausting labor, and her body had taken a tremendous toll.

The doctors recommended she had a good rest before she could see her baby again. As much as they would like to see him again, they knew it was for the best.

He finally stood up when he saw her breathing had fallen to a steady rhythm. With her eyes closed tightly shut, he knew she had succumbed to a deep slumber. Although he was also tired, he still had a few things to do.

“I love you, Dani. Thank you for all your sacrifices. Ares is a lucky child to have a mother like you.” He tenderly whispered into her ears as he leaned over, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, careful not to wake her up.

He hoped that in her subconsciousness, she would still hear his words. He wanted to say them when she was awake but forgotten through the excitement of seeing their child.

But he noted never to forget to tell her again how precious she was to him. Now, he realized the sacrifices that his parents had gone through for him. This time, it was his turn.

“Excuse me, Sir. I don’t mean to be a bother, but I need to check on your wife.” The nurse who entered the room asked him.

He quickly stood aside to give her space as she quietly worked on examining her, checking her vitals and other things, careful not to disturb her sleep.

“Can you call me if she wakes up?” He requested as he decided to step out for a few minutes after she finished her task.


He walked out of the room, hoping to give his wife space to rest. Besides, their entire family and friends were still waiting for an update. He would have run to them as soon as their child was born, but he could not leave his wife in her condition.

Then, he also had to speak to the doctors about his son’s condition. They had mentioned a complication in his delivery. Therefore he had to know the details.

Fortunately, the doctors assured them that it seemed to be a minor one. But they would like to conduct several tests before declaring the baby as a healthy young boy. It was standard procedure, so it was relatively safe.

“Hello, guys! We have a son.” He exclaimed as he entered the room, almost packed with his family and friends. “Dani is doing great, just resting. You are now grandparents.” Pointing to his parents and Laura, whose lips beamed widely.

“Congratulations!” Boomed in the air as, one by one, they greeted him. Those sitting seconds ago suddenly stood as they came closer to him to give him a congratulatory shake and a hug.

He felt ecstatic. It was the best feeling ever. It was the greatest gift he could ever receive in this lifetime. Better than the crown that was laid down on his feet but declined.

“Thank you all for all your support and love.” He was not emotional, but today, after seeing his son, he could not hold his few tears from falling.

Katherine immediately enveloped him in her arms while his father tapped him on the shoulder, and Laura smiled at him. He did not care if a Prince should not cry because this was the best tear he had ever shed in his entire life.

He was overwhelmed by his blessings, marrying a great wife and producing a handsome son. How could he regret choosing this life and leaving his birthright when he seemed to have everything that mattered to him?

“I am so happy for you, son.” Duke Frederick cheered for him. “But what name did you give my grandson.” His father asked as he recomposed himself, wiping with the back of his the wetness that glistened on his cheeks.

He could see everyone was interested as they all had gone silent and waited for his announcement. He could see several genuine smiles on their faces surrounding him, but he could also see the look that might have another meaning.

He was sad to see his friend Marcus and Jacky, who seemed happy for them, but deep in their eyes, he could still see the hurt that cut through their hearts.

“Yes, we are dying to hear it.” Haley hollered on the other side. She looked positively radiant as she smiled at him. He sensed something was different about her but could not pinpoint what it was, while her boyfriend seemed pensive.

Gerald smiled at him when he noticed that he was looking, but something seemed to be bothering him. With his underworld activity, he would not doubt that he had something cooking in his mind.

As long as he was not plotting against his family, he would not touch him as he promised his wife. But once he learned that he was using his position in the family to propagate his schemes. He would do everything he could to destroy him.

“Soon, you will meet our son, Prince Ares Ethaniel Hamilton Blackstone.” Alex watched his father’s reaction to the name, knowing he followed it in his late father-in-law’s name.

He was not disappointed as he beamed with pride at the name. Even his mother nodded her approval at their chosen name. He thought his father might be hurt since he did not choose his name. But he was glad he understood his reason.

“That is a great name,” Laura spoke up. This time, Dani’s mother had tears in her eyes. “You don’t know what this means to me. You deeply honor my late husband.”

His mother, Katherine, quickly enveloped her friend in her embrace. “It is a great way of remembering him and his legacy.” His mother told them.

“This is a day of celebration.” Duke Frederick announced to everyone. They would have opened a bottle of champagne, but the hospital rules did not allow it.

But the noises, laughter, and constant chattering were enough to fuel the festive moment. Alex could not be happier to share this moment with their family and friends.

He knew that if Dani could join them, she would laugh with everyone and brag about their beautiful and adorable son. She would also enjoy this moment with the people they loved.

But he could not also wait to show everyone his pride and joy.

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