The Royal Contract

Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016: A stepfather

Finally, she could easily breathe as she dropped her shoulder bag on the floor and took off her shoes. The entire day was an experience she could add to her unforgettable ones.

She was exhausted, because of the trip, her nervous breakdown, and the welcoming dinner that their client hosted for them. Thankfully, the meal was superb. Her stomach was certainly not complaining as she tapped her belly.

Then, “Damn!” She scrambled to her feet as she remembered something. She snatched her bag from the floor and quickly dialed a number. She thumped her foot on the carpeted floor as she noticed the time.

It was late.

She hoped that she could still catch him awake. “Hello, Sasha. I’m sorry. I hope I did not disturb you.” She exhaled, glad to hear her voice. “Can I speak with Edison?” She asked in a hurry.

She knew that his son could hardly keep his eyes open as soon as the clock stroke eight, but maybe this time, he had made an exception since she was not there to tuck him into his bed.

“Hi! Ms. Ria. How was your trip? I hope it was pleasant?” The young girl asked in return, seemingly very enthusiastic. “Let me check on Edison.” She answered as she waited for her to answer her question.


“It was tiring, but the people I met today are very kind and accommodating.” She cut her story short, omitting the portion that almost ruined this trip. Luckily, she had some help.

“Don’t worry about Edison because he had a great day today. Just worry about how you can relax. They said the beaches there are to die for, so I hope you will take some pictures.” The kid rattled on how she could enjoy her vacation.

How could she make them understand that this was not a vacation but a business trip? She could not go out parading in her bikini when she had a job to do. But the thought of frolicking under the sun was indeed tempting.

When was the last time she had a vacation? Easy, never. She believed her parents did take her a couple of times, but she was very young then. After that, she hardly remembered it at all. So, she guessed it did not count.

“I will try.” She answered her instead of making excuses. Debating with a teenager was like going against the wind.

Sasha might appear to be listening, but she would not understand half of it as the rest of her words escaped in her other ear. Then, she would insist on what she believed was right.

“Mom!” Sasha shouted over the line. But she heard her mother silence her.

“Not too loud. You will wake up Edison.” She heard Lourdes speak mildly to her child.

That went her chance of hearing her baby’s voice. Of course, she could not ask them to wake him up. He would become grumpy if they disturbed his sleep.

“I guess I will call again tomorrow.” She had no choice but to miss hearing his son’s sweet voice. But at least he was not giving them a hard time.

After a few more questions and answers, she finally felt satisfied. She hoped it would also be enough to give her a good night’s sleep. She had gotten used to caring for him when she was at home.

They had a routine she followed every morning and night before going to sleep. Now, she had nothing to do as she stared at the four walls of the beautiful and luxurious hotel room.

It was weird.

“A long hot bath.” She uttered in the silent room. Yes, the room was quiet, and she was alone.

She might as well enjoy it while it last. When did she have a bath where she did not feel like she was in a marathon? It was a luxury she did not have. Maybe she could also order a snack. She could have a movie marathon before going to sleep.

It would be a welcome change to watch some movies appropriate for her age. It was hard when Edison was around. She could only view some educational movies or something suitable for a child.

“Why not?” Ria told herself as she checked the mini-fridge, stocked with an assortment of drinks. Then, she opened the cabinets. It was like opening a treasure box as her eyes darted at the chocolate bars and the junk foods.

“It is just for today.” She said, suddenly feeling guilty that she was indulging herself too much. When could she possibly do something like this again? Probably never. That was if she decided to quit.

She took one bar and proceeded to the bathroom. She was like a child who received an early Christmas treat as she excitedly prepared her bath and munched on her chocolate, drizzling a few of the aromatic oils she found in the bathroom.

After filling the tub more than halfway, she quickly removed her clothes and emerged her body in the bubbles. The warm water gradually eased her tension. She could feel her muscles relax as the hot temperature seeped through her skin.

“Maybe I should have one installed in my bathroom.” She told herself. After all, if she took the job, she would have an increase in her paycheck. She would have enough to buy things for herself.

She never touched the child support that Edison’s father sent to her account. At least not for her needs. She only took what Edison needed. Then she saved the rest for her son’s future needs.

She never liked using his money, not when it was clear he never believed that he was his son. It was the main reason she wished to work and earn for her and Edison so she could stop asking for his dole-out money.

She wanted to sever all her ties with him. She never wanted her son to know who he was. He was a spineless, heartless prick. He did not deserve to have a son like Edison.

“Stop it.” Why was she even thinking about him? Because you were trying to decide whether you should continue to work.

Her mind was right about him. He was one of her motivations for striving to make a future for herself and her son. That was one factor. But what about her son? How could she balance being a good mother and a career woman?

A few seconds later, her doorbell buzzed. At first, she thought that she might be hallucinating. It was late, and she was a bit sleepy. But it rang again, the second time.

“Wait!” She shouted but realized that the person on the other side of the door might not hear her.

Quickly, she grabbed a robe from the counter and wrapped it around her body. She would dress up but whoever it was behind the door was persistent as another ding echoed inside the room.

However, she had a slight situation. As she was walking and securing the robe around her naked body, she noticed that the robe was far short than what she wanted. It was barely covering her upper thighs.

She tried to pull on her hair, dripping on the carpet and then on her robe as it hiked up with her movement. It was ridiculous. Who would wear a robe like this? Of course, many but not her.

“Wait!” She shouted again by the door, not wanting to hear the bell again. First, she peeked at the peephole, determining the person’s identity on the other side of the panel.

Safety was her number one priority. As a single mother, she had learned how to fend for herself and her child. At least she had secured the doors. Then, she had everything she would need if somebody dared .to enter her apartment.

Surprise! “Zach?” She whispered to herself as she blinked her eyes and peeked again.

She was not expecting to see the man standing before her. What was he doing? She knew his room was just a few doors down the hallway. Still, she wondered what he wanted.

“I am sorry, Ria. I know it is late, but I was wondering if you still want to review the presentation for tomorrow.” He asked when she still had not opened the door. “If you are already tired, we can do it tomorrow.”

She slowly opened the door, finding it rude to talk to him with the door closed. After all, he had been kind to her the entire trip, helping her with her anxiety attack.

She doubted that he would attack her. Suddenly, the incident in her apartment came to mind. She remembered he could not run fast enough when he learned she had a child.

“We can do it now.” She remembered that she suggested that before they met with the clients.

She did not want what happened in their past meeting, where they presented two different views. This time, they had to close this deal without any hitch.

“Aren’t you going to let me inside?” He asked when she had kept the door slightly ajar. Now, she faced another dilemma.

Should she allow him inside her room? It was either here or in his room. It seemed there was no difference in that. Besides, as she had said, she believed she could trust him. After all, they had made a truce.

“Come in.” She opened the door, allowing him entry. But when she saw his eyes rake her body. She realized another mistake. His eyes registered surprise, nothing else. At least, she hoped that was what she read.

“Excuse me. I was in the bath and had to rush out...” She trailed off with her explanation as she rushed back to the bathroom.

Then, she quickly came back out. “I forgot my clothes.” She told him as she pulled her entire suitcase inside the bathroom.

She had no plan to rummage her things in front of him. Moreover, she did not trust the robe she was wearing. She could have a sudden wardrobe malfunction.

The last thing she needed was for him to think she was out to get him. She was not looking for a relationship. She was also not desperate to find her son, a stepfather.

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