The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 204 Xiaobao Is Leaving

Chapter 204 Xiaobao Is Leaving

Edited by: Xelot

After reading Zhou Yu’s script, Mu Zi had so many questions. He didn’t know if this show would be popular or not. No matter how talented a producer was, no one could guarantee that every program that they produced would be popular. However, he could easily tell from the script, whether the scriptwriter was experienced or not, and whether the script was creative or not.

“Little Muli’s Incredible Maze”, the first season: “The Imprisoned Princess”, the storyline is about the princess of a certain country who was captured by a witch and was imprisoned in the incredible maze. The king has issued a recruitment order to recruit adventurers. He hopes that there will be some adventurers who are able to break into the impenetrable maze and rescue the princess.

It’s a cliched story, but with some fresh ideas. There are twelve adventurers, who must not only push deep into the maze to save the princess, but they also need to both compete and cooperate with other adventurers, because some rooms in the maze require two or more people to work together to get through.

Competition and cooperation, trust, and betrayal, there will be a series of interesting dramas.

In addition, the riddles and puzzles in each room are also very strange but very creative. There are many more puzzles in those rooms than any games that he had seen in the past. There are also games that are full of schemes, completely different from the intellectual games for children in the fantasy city. Those are the cruel games for real adults.

From these alone, Mu Zi could see that someone had spent a great effort on this script. It was not a spur of the moment, as Zhou Fu called it. Mu Zi was very surprised. Originally, he thought that the team behind Zhou Yu was only the top animation team, but he did not expect that there was someone good at planning variety shows!

How many talented people does this guy have in his team?

Regarding Mu Zi’s questions, of course, Zhou Yu would not admit it. Because it was not him who wrote it. It would be too shameless if he said that he wrote it. Therefore, he answered vaguely, “Well, it was written by a friend of mine. Because it looks good, we plan to make it. Mr. Mu, you are the expert, what do you think about it?”

This is more than good, all right? This is almost perfect! The only problem is that animated variety shows are really unheard of. Those, who like animation, may not accept this show, and those, who like variety shows, may not become its fans. There are too many uncertain factors, and he may end up with both types of audiences hating the show.

Out of this uncertainty, Mu Zi still gave a suggestion, “Zhou Yu, your script is very good, if you really plan to make it into an amusement park entertainment project, I think you can try it. But when you want to make an animated show, the question is not the quality of the show, but whether the audience will accept this kind of format or not. To be on the safe side, you can work with a provincial TV station to create a local reality TV show. It’s relatively easy to become successful that way.”

Regarding this suggestion, Zhou Fu couldn’t agree more. While filming the parent-child reality show, there was an unprecedented increase in the number of visitors to the amusement park. This was clearly the result of the show. If Zhou Yu’s script could be approved by Mu Zi, then the possibility of success would be very high.

But what would Zhou Yu think?

“How boring will that be? If you really want to do it, at least do something that no one else has ever done before. You will be honored even if you fail. Uncle Fu, don’t worry too much. If the animated variety show fails, then we will follow Mr. Mu’s instructions. Even then, we only need to change the maze rooms and game content slightly.”

As they expected!

The words flashed through the minds of those two people. How would the playful Zhou Yu honestly take the safe route? In the current situation, it seemed like no one could change Zhou Yu’s mind. Zhou Fu could only do his best to help him.

Helplessly, Zhou Fu left the studio with Mu Zi, along the way, he was constantly seeking advice from him on how to promote this type of program. Although Mu Zi did not understand the animated variety show, the experience of working in the television station could still be used, so instead of hiding anything, he taught Zhou Fu everything he knew.

The novice monk, Lou Xiaobao, was the fourth resident in the residential area of the amusement park. Because he was originally a novice Buddhist monk, he lived in the ‘Zen Villa’. The overall environment of this villa highlights the meaning of Buddhism. People can hardly see the existence of electrical appliances here, and it is a good place for meditation

Zhou Fu used to like this place, but after living there for a while, he completely changed his mind. After all, modern people can hardly live without electrical appliances. Only Lou Xiaobao was able to endure this kind of lifestyle. After all, this villa was tailor-made for him.

After Lou Xiaobao moved in, Zen Villa really became a place for people seeking peace and practicing meditation. Although Zhou Yu did not want to worship any Buddha, Lou Xiaobao never stopped burning incense and doing morning classes every day. Every day after getting up at 6 o ‘clock, the first thing he did was to ring the Buddhist bell, and he has never stopped doing it.

The so-called morning class was, in fact, to study Elementary Martial Arts Instructor Guide Book, which was arranged by Zhou Yu. Every day, he must first review the knowledge he learned in the past then study something new. If he met some words that he did not understand, he would go and ask Wu Yun since Zhou Yu told him that Wu Yun was his senior sister.

This was because Zhou Yu was very lazy. He, who was not good at teaching other people, just assigned the task to Wu Yun. Only when Wu Yun also did not understand, then they would seek help from Zhou Yu. However, the person who actually answered their questions was the old drunkard.

There was some progress, but the old drunkard was still not satisfied with it. Because there was no opportunity for Lou Xiaobao to practice what he learned in the amusement park. He could not always just learn theoretical knowledge, right? The old drunkard has talked to Zhou Yu several times already. It was very rare to have such a good disciple. So naturally, he cared about his disciple.

Zhou Yu was busy with the preparation of the variety show. After being annoyed by the old drunkard repeatedly, he went to Zhou Fu and said,

“Uncle Fu, you still haven’t found a good film crew? Xiaobao can’t just study knowledge from the book all the time, he needs to absorb knowledge by experiencing the actual work. This is something that can not be learned in the amusement park.”

Only after Zhou Yu asked, did Zhou Fu, who was also busy with the promotion of the variety show, finally remembered this thing. So he quickly went back to his office to ask his secretary. In fact, the film crew had already been found, and it was with the help of Mu Zi that they finally found a quite famous martial arts instructor, who agreed to let Xiaobao follow him and learn from him.

However, more than half a year of shooting schedule still made Zhou Yu a little worried. It was not because Zhou Yu was afraid that Xiaobao would not be able to bear the hardship. After all, this boy grew up in a very tough environment. Instead, Zhou Yu was scared that he would not be able to fit in. After all, since he was young, the only person that he could interact with was the old monk. When Xiaobao just lived in the amusement park, Zhou Yu immediately noticed that he did not like to communicate with other people. The only people that were slightly close to him were Wu Yun and Zhou Yu.

However, Zhou Fu did not worry about what Zhou Yu was worried about at all. He just simply said to him, “Don’t worry. He is not like you, he just needs to meet with more people. Besides, I’ve got someone there, too. They will take care of Xiaobao.”

In this way, Xiaobao’s first trip was set.

When Xiaobao was leaving, he was a little sad. During the time he lived in the amusement park, he actually had a very good time. Besides, he had just left his master and now he had to part with his senior brother, so naturally, he would be feeling sad.

“It’s not like you aren’t coming back. Don’t cry. Once you learned the knowledge, this senior brother will need your help to do a lot of things.”

Zhou Yu comforted Xiaobao while checking his backpack, he then waited there until he got on the bus.

Zhou Fu asked on the side, “The amusement park doesn’t make TV series, and your animation team doesn’t need other people. Why do you need to send Xiaobao away to learn some kind of martial art instructions?”

“I will set up an amusement park animation team. If there is no other task, we can still ask Xiaobao to train the students who are joining the summer camp program in the amusement park. Whether it’s a meditation class or a martial arts class, he will be a good instructor.”

But Zhou Yu was more interested in building an animation team in the real world.

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