The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 143 inventory check

Chapter 143 inventory check

Well, the nice guy finally won the heart of the girl he loved. It should be a happy ending, right? Frankly speaking, Zhou Yu was not optimistic about the relationship between those two people, because the reality was not a romantic story. Even if she had decided to change, she would not be able to change instantly. They still had a long way to go, and no one knew what would happen in the future.

Perhaps those two could really stay together forever, or maybe the girl would once again slip into the abyss, or maybe the young man would change his mind in the future. Both people were still too young, there were still many unknown tests waiting for them, but the only thing outsiders could do was to bless them.

In any case, what would happen to those two, was not Zhou Yu’s business. But the tear, that the girl shed was the “trophy” that Zhou Yu must obtain.

“Bubu, go and catch the tear!”

Hearing the command, Sir Black immediately rushed to Guo Yan like lightning and got the tear before the girl had time to respond. At the same time, the scavenger, who was hiding in the dark earlier, suddenly appeared. With a group of little minions behind him, they roared towards Bubu.

The girl didn’t become depraved, right? But why did the scavenger still want to snatch the tear?

Although they had more people, Bubu wasn’t scared at all. He began to fight the scavenger with Zhou Yu. Sure enough, it was just a bunch of low-level NPCs. Looking pretty scary, but the power couldn’t even compete with small beasts. Zhou Yu, who had been through many battles, could also cope with it, not to mention Bubu, who was even more powerful.

It was just that, to outsiders, Zhou Yu was punching and kicking the air repeatedly. It was very weird. It was okay if there was only one person doing it, but why that strange pigeon also looked like it was attacking something invisible.

The strange fight also made the young couple stopped crying and looked at them in extreme confusion, ‘what is wrong with this man and his pet...’ Whether this masked man had a mental disorder or not, he still saved him and also brought out Guo Yan, so the white-dressed man wanted to thank him.

However, before the words could be uttered from his mouth, the masked man raised his hand and said, “I am just a spectator, and since you have already chosen your own path, whatever happens in the future, it will have nothing to do with me. That big brother Xiong will probably stay in the police station for some time. If you want to leave, you should leave as soon as possible, and take care of yourself.”

Then Zhou Yu left with Bubu, leaving both the man and the woman baffled.

Who was the masked man, why did he help them, and was it a coincident that he appeared at that time? All sorts of questions became a mystery with his departure.

He was a hero without a cape, hiding among commoners.

On the way home, Bubu looked all innocent and constantly acted cute before Zhou Yu, because his boss Zhou Yu was still angry at the fact, that he did not tell him in advance, that someone had been following them.

“Tell me, how many people were following me? And did you find out what they were trying to do?”

“Report to Boss, there were seven people, two of them were journalists, but cameras were destroyed, so they did not have anything on us. The other five were unidentified, but they didn’t seem to have any malice. They helped to call the police when we went to save people.”

As an intelligence officer, Bubu was still quite competent, but not reporting the intelligence to him, he must be punished.

“When we get back, I’ll tell Tina not to make you coffee for three days.”

Suddenly, the face of Bubu became very sad. He went to corner gloomily and squatted on the ground, drawing circles.

Zhou Yu also looked dejected. He just left the village for a simple trip, but there were seven people following him already? He slightly understood why those reporters were following him. But who were those five people? Anyway, there was no point to think about it now. Once he got back to the park, he would not need to worry about people following him.

Zhou Yu was confused about who those five people were, but the faces of the two reporters were filled with ‘you gotta be kidding me!’ expressions. Originally, they thought, that by following Zhou Yu this time, it would help them to dig out some big news, it would be even better if they could find out the two mysterious studios. However, what they discovered was actually, a very boring romantic drama.

A mysterious rich man, left the village specially for an ordinary couple and helped them to get back together? Why was he doing this?

It only became slightly interesting at the end, where in order to save those two people, Zhou Yu was able to summon a dozen different kinds of raptors to help. They had long heard, that this strange young man had trained a group of strange animals in the amusement park, whose fighting capacity was as impressive as that of the security guards of the park. Today, they were finally able to see it.

At the next moment, however, the raptors took away all the filming equipment. Their two days of work was in vain. Not only that but also the cost of information and equipment. They suffered huge losses this time.

Unwilling to give up, the reporters found the young couple, who had been saved, wanting to find out the real reason why Zhou Yu wanted to save them. However, the result was also baffling, because they did not know Zhou Yu. They didn’t have any interactions in the past at all.

What the hell was going on?

‘What the hell is going on’, was also big brother Xiong’s thought at this moment. He did not know who he had offended, it was just an ordinary fight, but he had been interrogated by different officers several times already. They even dug out many things he did in the past. Just drug this crime alone was already enough to send him to jail.

Things have already progressed to this point, big brother Xiong also realized that he must’ve offended some important people. But he still didn’t know who exactly. Recently, he had been pretty low-key, the only thing he did was to play with a female college student. Was it because of that female student? Or did her ex-boyfriend have a serious important background?

And there was also another suspicious guy, that masked man.

However, no matter who it was, big brother Xiong couldn’t escape his jail time now.

Evaluating this trip, Zhou Yu watched a boring romantic drama, rescued two young people from the evil force, learned that there was a group of people, who still have not given up digging his secret. This was the harvest he had from the real world, basically of nothing useful.

In terms of the harvest of the ACG world, the first thing was the level of Bubu’s friendliness. After more than a year of various quests, basically, the villagers’ friendliness was between 3 stars and 4 stars. However, after two trips with Bubu, his friendliness was raised up to 5 stars.

Of course, this was also because Zhou Yu’s choice was in line with Bubu’s. At that time, if he had chosen to sign a fallen contract with the scavenger and decided to sit and watch the girl became depraved, the level of friendliness might not rise but fall.

After 5 stars of friendliness, Zhou Yu could learn the Bird Lance Technique from Bubu. Although it was basically useless because in reality, Zhou Yu could not find himself a bird mount. He might be able to get himself an Ostriche, but they can’t fly.

So he had to learn ordinary lance technique.

Not knowing if he needed to leave the village again in the future or he might encounter a similar situation again, Zhou Yu decided to learn some self-protection skills. Therefore, in his profession list, he added Lance Apprentice. Anyway, learning more skills is always a good thing. He did not want to be as powerful as those, who wear their underwear on the outside, as long as he was able to protect himself when he was in danger, it would be more than enough.

The original purpose of this trip was to get the fallen tear, so Zhou Yu did not know if this quest was considered a success or a failure.

What Bubu got was called – The Tear Of Chaos

Neither depraved nor pure, but chaos, which half depraved and half pure.

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