The Rich Second-Generation Villain With No Morals

Chapter 10: The Rich Second-Generation Villain With No Morals

Chapter 10: The Rich Second-Generation Villain With No Morals



Chapter 010: He Said It was Your Treat:

(+5 /LuminaDawn

Having had his fill, Wang Cheng wiped his mouth.

Then, he got up and went to the fridge. He took out a bottle of soda imitating Qi Lin's actions, and prepared to leave.

"Hey, buddy, you haven't paid yet."

However, Wang Cheng hadn't taken a few steps before the boss stopped him.

Hearing the boss call him, Wang Cheng was a little confused at first.

When he usually ate breakfast here, Qi Lin always paid the bill, and he was never asked to pay.

Even if Qi Lin had to leave early, he would still settle the bill in advance.

But now, had he misheard something? Did the boss actually ask him to pay?

"Boss, are you mistaken? Didn't my friend already pay?" Wang Cheng turned around, sounding puzzled.

He thought the boss made a mistake.

"Your friend is that handsome guy who always drives a luxury car, right?" the boss asked with a smile.

Wang Cheng immediately nodded. "Yes, yes, that's him."

The boss approached and extended his hand. "Then there's no mistake. When he ordered earlier, he said it was your treat. The beef noodles he ordered and the soda are on your tab."

"Besides, your other friend also ordered a bowl of beef noodles and a soda, and you had a bowl of beef noodles, a bowl of fried sauce noodles, and a soda. Altogether, that's 44 Yuan."

Wang Cheng: "..."

At this moment, Wang Cheng never expected that Qi Lin, who had always been generous when treating others, would actually put the bill on his head without even a word.

"Damn, how could this rich second generation do such an immoral thing!" Wang Cheng's lips twitched, unable to contain his anger.

But he didn't realize that this was simply Qi Lin following his own example, learning from Wang Cheng's usual moral kidnapping.

"Boss, how about we hold the bill for now, and I'll settle it next time I come?" Wang Cheng tentatively said.

He wanted to go back and ask Qi Lin, who had forgotten to pay.

After all, 44 yuan wasn't a small amount in 2002.

For Wang Cheng, who was currently in the third year of high school and came from an ordinary family, it was quite a lot.

"Sorry, we don't hold payments in our small business. If you don't want to pay, I'll come with you to your school and discuss it with your teacher."

Hearing this boy's absurd plan for not paying, the shop owner's expression immediately turned unfriendly.

"Boss, don't get upset, I'll pay." Wang Cheng said, feeling a sudden chill at the idea of the boss going to his school.

At this stage, students were most afraid of teachers, especially Wang Cheng, who was an excellent student striving to change his fate through his grades.


He didn't want to have a record of owing money to the shop owner on his graduation record, let alone being dragged to school.

When using other people's money to do favors, Wang Cheng was extremely generous.

But when it came to paying his own bill, Wang Cheng looked at the soda in his buddy's hand with a pained expression.

That bottle of soda was something he asked his buddy to get.

And soda cost 4 yuan a bottle, which he usually hesitated to pay for.

"Wang Cheng, how about... how about I put this bottle of soda back for now? After all, you don't have much money." Seeing Wang Cheng's reluctance, his friend hesitantly suggested.

Wang Cheng never expected that he would also be subjected to moral kidnapping one day.

"Who says I don't have money? You're my friend. Can't I even afford a bottle of soda for you?" Wang Cheng gritted his teeth. He directly took out 50 yuan and handed it to the store owner.

He had saved up this money over two months of weekends but never expected to spend it all in just one morning.

"Damn it, Qi Lin, you bastard."

Looking at the change he got back, Wang Cheng felt his heart bleeding, and he cursed Qi Lin in his heart.


"Qi Lin, hand in your homework."

Qi Lin had just sat down when a clear and pleasant voice, as melodious as a silver bell, reached his ears.

When he raised his head, he saw a face that was both adorable and charming, with delicate features, fair skin, and exceptional beauty.

However, the owner of this beautiful face looked unfriendly at Qi Lin.

There was a hint of disgust in her eyes, as if she really disliked this rich second-generation who had transferred to the the Huashi No. 1 Secondary School through the back door.

"Homework? I seem to have forgotten what homework was assigned yesterday."

"Class monitor, could you let me copy your homework?" Qi Lin had just been reborn and had long forgotten what had happened more than ten years ago, let alone any homework.

He looked at the visible fair skin on Lan Yuxi's neckline and reached out his hands to take the homework she was holding in her arms.

"Qi Lin, watch your words and actions!"

Lan Yuxi, who already disliked Qi Lin, immediately turned cold and stepped back.

"This is the top-notch school in the Capital. No student has copied homework here. Not only have you not done your homework, but you also want to copy others'. Qi Lin, I despise you. Do you know that?"

After making sure Qi Lin couldn't touch her, Lan Yuxi proceeded to deliver a moral rant.

Facing Lan Yuxi's accusations, Qi Lin's eyes revealed a trace of disdain.

This class monitor, who appeared righteous on the surface, was now planning to copy the exam answers and cheat secretly.

It couldn't be more ironic.

"Indeed, there wasn't one before, but isn't there one now? And being despised by the class monitor, I feel quite honored." Qi Lin's tone was lazy, unaffected by Lan Yuxi's accusations.

"You're simply hopeless."

"I'll go to the staff room and tell the teacher now."

Lan Yuxi glared at Qi Lin, who wasn't worth talking to, gathered her homework and walked gracefully toward the staff room.

Chapter 11: LINK

(+5 )

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-To be continued!


Translated & Edited /LuminaDawn

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