The Regressor Can Make Them All

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

“It seems like I won the bet... so, what should we do now?” questioned Se-Hoon smugly.

Before he answered, Seon-Woo took a deep breath to calm down.

“Let’s discuss that later. For now, could you shoot a few more arrows into the wind barrier? The bet ended much earlier than expected... so I still need more samples.”

Though Seon-Woo acknowledged Se-Hoon’s impressive ability to strategize and respond in real-time, he knew it wasn’t enough to assess his talent fully. Therefore, he spoke politely, despite his wounded pride.

Because of that, Se-Hoon nodded in agreement and said, “Okay.”

Refocusing, Se-Hoon notched another arrow, aimed at the wind barrier with a much more practiced stance than before, and released it, all in one swift motion.


Again, the arrow smoothly burrowed into the barrier and began moving with the wind.

How is this... possible?

Seon-Woo was in disbelief. After each arrow shot, Se-Hoon’s archery skills seemed to improve, as if a year of training had passed. Initially, Seon-Woo assumed Se-Hoon had practiced in secret or was simply exceptionally talented. However, after observing Se-Hoon with his unique skill, he discarded his assumption.

Rather than learning anew, he seems more like he’s... recalling.

Like a seasoned archer picking up a bow after decades, the more Se-Hoon shot, the sharper his skills became. The scene was so uncanny that Seon-Woo was left both amazed and puzzled.

Is it merely because of his unique skill’s effect... or is something else at play?

He thought back to how Se-Hoon had shown sudden and exceptional growth since entering Babel, becoming the promising talent with an extraordinary array of skills he now was.


Staring at the flying arrow, Se-Hoon reached into the quiver again.

“Should be just like this...”


Unable to react, Seon-Woo watched Se-Hoon shoot a second arrow at the wind barrier, making it fly alongside the first. A few seconds later, both stabilized despite their shaky appearances while Se-Hoon was adjusting to controlling two.

It feels like... each one should take around thirty percent more. around thirty percent, I’d say.

In a flash, Se-Hoon finished calculating the stamina and mental stress required to control each additional arrow, accounting for the increase in demand needed.

“Here they go.”

Twang! Twang! Twang!

He shot another three arrows, one after another, toward the wind barrier. Like the second, the arrows all wavered when a new one joined before quickly stabilizing and surging forward again. And following the same behavior, five more arrows shot toward the barrier, making a total of ten.


Together, the arrows moved in unison against the stream of wind like a school of salmon swimming upstream. Flabbergasted, Seon-Woo fell into a daze as his eyes followed the arrows.

At this level, isn’t he basically a master...?

To think Se-Hoon could perfectly read the wind currents around the ten arrows and control each one individually. Even in Seon-Woo’s family’s archery dojo, only the masters, including himself, could perform such an intricate technique.

“Next... actually, never mind. I think that’s my limit for now.”

Despite maintaining the flight of the ten arrows, Se-Hoon could speak so casually, stunning Seon-Woo again. Just like how when something was too surreal, people tended to accept it as it was, Seon-Woo, who was at a loss for words, was about to do the same.


Snapping out of it, Seon-Woo hastily pulled out his ringing phone and looked at the screen: Great Aunt.

At that caller ID, Seon-Woo tensed and straightened up before picking up.

“Yes, Seon-Woo here.”

—Can you tell the kid in front of you... actually, just put me on speakerphone.

Heeding Baek-Yeon’s request, Seon-Woo quickly adjusted the speaker settings to ensure her voice could be heard by everyone around.

Ah, ah. Can you hear me?

Baek-Yeon’s voice resounded from the phone.

Unsurprised, having expected the situation to some extent, Se-Hoon replied, “Yes, I can hear you well.”

—Good. I’ve had a good look at your archery. You seem to have quite the talent.

“Thank you for the compliment,” Se-Hoon responded politely.

—Did you learn that archery which beat my grand-nephew from Kwang-Soo?

Hearing his name, Kwang-Soo snapped, “Don’t mention me.”


Meanwhile, Seon-Woo blushed with embarrassment. Having his defeat pointed out by someone he admired was humiliating.

“I didn’t learn archery from anywhere; he just taught me how to fight well,” answered Se-Hoon.

—Really? For someone who hasn’t formally trained in archery, you even had your own hidden skills...

“Stop the chatter and just get on with your assessment!” Kwang-Soo grumbled when she paused.

A chuckle resounded from the phone.

—Alright, alright. If I were to give a simple assessment... you were neither good nor bad.

“...Huh?” Seon-Woo couldn’t help but question his great-aunt’s words.

With archery skills comparable to a master’s and the ability to predict and counter his every move, how could her assessment of Se-Hoon be merely so-so?

Tsk, tsk. Did you not see it? He was just using tricks to get by.


Turning, Seon-Woo observed the arrows flying in the wind barrier again and finally figured out the trick.

The lead arrow determines the overall flow... and the rest just follow with minimal adjustments?

By creating a semblance of regularity in the erratic wind barrier, Se-Hoon was able to control the arrows with maximum efficiency. It wasn’t his archery itself that was exceptional, but rather his efficient execution of a specific technique.

Realizing it, Seon-Woo couldn’t help but laugh at himself.

“This is... unbelievable...”

He was unsure whether to blame his own lack of discernment or praise Se-Hoon for his ability to fool even him.

—Regardless, the fact that he can use such tricks means he has the basics down. He can read the flow of the wind pretty well... and his shooting form isn’t bad either.

“But it’s not... great,” Se-Hoon added.

—Exactly. But you are already aware of that, aren’t you?

Observing Se-Hoon from all the way in the Himalayan mountains, Baek-Yeon finished her evaluation.

—That all the techniques you displayed are empty.

Hearing it spoken out loud, Se-Hoon’s expression subtly shifted.

It’s been a while since I’ve been told that.

Se-Hoon had heard it ad nauseam from the Three Dogs and other high-ranking heroes, forcing him to painfully realize his lack of talent in combat.

“It does feel a bit like that,” he said, maintaining his calm.

—Well, don’t be too disheartened.

He could hear Baek-Yeon’s attempt at a consoling tone.

—Being able to pull this much off in such a state is a talent in itself. For example... oh dear, let’s just forget I mentioned that. Anyway, my assessment stands as is. The result of this assessment is... you pass.

“What do you mean by, I pass?” asked Se-Hoon, unable to understand where she was going with this.

—It means you have the qualifications to become my disciple.

The air in the training hall stilled, and Seon-Woo widened his eyes in disbelief.

“A di—disciple, you say!?”

Many had received guidance from Baek-Yeon, but none ever claimed to be her disciple. While she was known for her willingness to offer advice compared to the other Perfect Ones, she was just as known for rarely taking anyone as a formal disciple.

—Your archery skills may be lacking, but I like the perception you have. It’s closer to those of the Trailblazer’s, but it all depends on how you are taught, after all.

At Baek-Yeon’s explanation, Se-Hoon thought, She likes my perception?

Was it his ability to read the wind or his insight into Seon-Woo’s behaviors? With no clue as to which it was, Se-Hoon could only wonder.

—So, what do you think? This does sound weird since I’m the one saying it, but this is not an opportunity that comes around often.

Becoming the disciple of a Perfect One was a rare opportunity. Even if he were dismissed partway through, the lessons that he would have learned would be invaluable.


For an opportunity like this, Se-Hoon had to ponder over it seriously. But he was interrupted.

“No!!” shouted Kwang-Soo, who had been listening, urgently.

Protesting vehemently, Kwang-Soo yelled, “Who said you could take him as a disciple? Absolutely not!”

—Why are you making such a fuss? It’s as if you’re his master or something.

The bemusement could be heard in Baek-Yeon’s tone.

“He learned the Celestial Infinity Blade from me, so I practically am! Anyway, it’s absolutely not okay! You hear me, Lee Se-Hoon?”

Turning to Kwang-Soon, Se-Hoon just stared and asked in return, “Why?”


“I may be taking your class, but we don’t have any other particular interactions other than that, do we?”

“You little brat...”

Kwang-Soo’s face turned red with anger. He had gone out of his way to assist him, even to the point of following him around, and this was how he was repaid?

But before he could say anything further, Se-Hoon continued, “And you called me a rookie earlier. If I’m that level, it shouldn’t matter if I leave and become someone else’s disciple, right?”

His blunt response left Kwang-Soo speechless.

He had assumed it was because Se-Hoon was eager to join a Perfect One’s side, but it turned out Se-Hoon was upset about his earlier comment.

What a petty guy...

As Kwang-Soo floundered, unsure how to salvage the situation, Baek-Yeon’s laughter echoed through the phone.

—Your expression right now is just so priceless. You should walk around with that face more often.

“Shut up,” Kwang-Soo retorted, his eyes twitching with irritation. Seeing that, Baek-Yeon chuckled again.

—Well, you can think it over as you don’t have to decide right away. I understand you might have your own plans.

“Thank you.”

—Sure, until then... right. Sunwoo, you can assist him, the senior disciple.

“Understo... Wait, what? Senior disciple?” asked Seon-Woo in bewilderment.

A senior disciple was a fellow student of one's master. In other words, it meant that he had to treat Se-Hoon with the respect due to a senior.

—If that guy becomes my disciple later on, he’ll be on the same level as your master, your father. So, he’s technically your senior.

“But, but still...”

—But what?

“No matter what...”

—No matter what, what?


At her repeated questioning, Seon-Woo sighed.

“Understood... ma’am.”

—Good. Now, I have something to discuss with that Kwang-Soo guy, so you two can go and settle that bet from earlier.

“Yes, ma’am...”


The call ended, and an odd silence filled the training hall.

After dejectedly staring at his phone for a while, Seon-Woo slowly looked up at Se-Hoon.

“Please take care of me from now on, junior disciple,” greeted Se-Hoon, grinning widely with delightment.

Seeing that grin, Seon-Woo's eyes twitched, and he inaudibly mumbled for a while.

“I'll be in your care... senior.”


Once the energetic Se-Hoon and the utterly defeated Seon-Woo left the training hall, Kwang-Soo’s phone vibrated.


Annoyed, he let the call from Baek-Yeon, who had been waiting for the moment Se-Hoon and Seon-Woo left, ring before answering.

—You were going to answer anyway, so why the delay?

“Shut up! More importantly, what were you thinking?”

She had previously told him that she would be casually observing the fight, but then suddenly mentioned taking someone on as her disciple. And while the fact that it was Se-Hoon annoyed Kwang-Soo even further, there was a bigger reason behind his reaction.

“No matter how you look at it, he’s not at the required level to be your disciple. Why did you change your mind suddenly?” Of this, Kwang-Soo was confident.

Kwang-Soo and Baek-Yeon had known each other for decades. And since most of that time had been spent on battlefields, they were well aware of each other’s tendencies, skills, and standards.

—Well, to be honest, he is a bit lacking.

“Then why did you take him?”

—I told you. I like the way he perceives things.

Moving her gaze to Se-Hoon, who was walking out with Seon-Woo, Baek-Yeon quietly observed him before continuing.

—That kid has a rather twisted perspective. It’s like he has a bit of the future mixed in his gaze.... It’s all just quite unusual.

“The future? Are you saying that he has some kind of foresight or precognition?”

—It’s a little different. It’s more like he’s already seen it rather than seeing it in real time.... The point is, his eyes aren’t common at all.

Depending on the perspective one viewed objects, the same vision technique could have vastly different effects. So from that standpoint, she deemed Se-Hoon’s perspective had enough potential to be refined and honed.

—Even if I take him as a disciple, it’ll only be for a while. With such an unusual perspective, it won’t take long to see what he’s capable of.

“What about Ludwig?”

—That guy always goes around telling everyone to teach his students. Can’t you tell by how I’m leisurely handling this right now?

“Damn it... If only he’d help me out a bit too...”

For a moment, Kwang-Soo silently cursed Ludwig, wondering if he was being discriminated against for not being a Perfect One

—Plus, it wouldn’t be that bad of a thing for you if he learned from me.

Still irritated, Kwang-Soo asked, “What do you mean?”

—That kid. He’s pretty similar to Doppelganger.

Kwang-Soo’s expression instantly hardened at her words, and he turned his head in her direction instead of looking at his phone.

His frigid eyes conveyed that he wouldn’t tolerate any nonsense.

However, when Baek-Yeon met his gaze, she smiled.

—If he receives my teaching well, he should help you find what you’re looking for.

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