The Regressor Can Make Them All

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

In the bustling heart of Ur’s commercial district stood a super-sized building so unique in scale and presence even among the towering skyscrapers—the Ivory Tower. And today, a procession of students was making their way toward it.

Whew... whew...”

“If I just do well in the presentation...”

“Please, I just need to be able to cast my spell without a hitch...”

Each student approaching the Ivory Tower gazed up at it with stomachs filled with butterflies, their expressions fraught with nerves. There was one student who was filled with so much anxiety that they dashed into an alleyway to vomit and another who froze in place, unable to take another step forward.

However, unlike everyone else, there was one student among them who wore an amused expression as he watched everyone else: Lee Se-Hoon.

I didn’t expect there to be this many participants.

He had expected that only somewhat famous students would participate, but that expectation was soon shattered when he saw what seemed to be most of the magic-involved student body around him. There were even fourth-years, who were usually seldomly seen due to being busy with their hero duties, present in large numbers.

The massive amount of people drawn honestly made Se-Hoon feel slightly awed.

The Ivory Tower is really recognized for its significance, huh?

To him, it had always merely been a large scholarship foundation, but now he knew that the Ivory Tower wielded far more influence than he thought in the magic industry.

Then, those Dawn guys must have infiltrated deeper than I thought.

With such vast influence, it was likely that Dawn would have made sure they had at least one or two members among the leaders, or at the very least, among the directors. And since that was the case, Se-Hoon raised his alertness a level higher.

Soon, he reached the building entrance where guards in suits were loudly directing the participants.

“Students participating in the student scholarship selection competition should enter through the right-side entrance!”

Following the guard’s directions, a line formed at the right-side entrance, with students passing through one by one. A moment later, it was soon Se-Hoon’s turn.

“Please do not resist the brief mana scan that will be run when you enter.”

Taking note of the guard’s instruction, Se-Hoon stepped inside, prompting a thin layer of mana to brush over him, scanning his entire body.

Are they only checking for items infused with mana?

If the Ivory Tower were a more sensitive place, they would likely have asked him to reveal everything in his void pocket on top. However, perhaps due to their confidence in their own facilities, the Ivory Tower only performed basic checks before ushering him into the lobby.

“Please follow the guidelines and walk straight ahead!”

Listening to the guards’ next instructions, he was just about to proceed forward when cries and camera flashes erupted from beyond the guidelines.

“Lee Se-Hoon!”

“Look over here, please!”

Click! Click!

Having been awaiting the famous participants, the many journalists quickly fired off questions upon spotting him.

“What motivated you to participate in the student scholarship selection competition?”

“There’s a rumor you’re transferring from the Department of Blacksmithing to the Department of Martial Arts! Is that true?”

“Some blacksmiths who previously claimed that your abilities were all a lie have suddenly announced that they’re closing down their shops! Do you know anything about this?”

Rather than the competition itself, they were trying to dig up something about him. They were so fervent that he was taken aback, inadvertently showing a surprised expression.

Looks like I’ve become somewhat famous, seeing as how the journalists are all over me.... He knew that he definitely wasn’t their only target, but the intense reaction was unusually flattering.

Confronting the piercing gaze of the reporters, he thought briefly about what to say and then opened his mouth.

“The mass production of sword aura equipment,” he declared abruptly.


“Do you really think it’s impossible?”

Then, without any further words, he walked away and left behind the journalists who were blankly staring after him in confusion. Seconds later, the journalists finally understood and their eyes widened in shock.

“Wait, what do you mean by that?!”

“Are you saying that the mass production of sword aura equipment is, in fact, possible?”

“Just one more word, Lee Se-Hoon...!”

“Please do not cross the guidelines!”

Hearing the cacophony of the cries of journalists and the urgent voices of the guards mingled in a tumultuous mix behind him, Se-Hoon smirked.

Now this is chaos.

He knew the internet would soon be abuzz with claims that he was researching or had already developed mass-produced sword aura equipment, among other wild speculations.

It was a very satisfactory laying of the groundwork for the plan with the Myers.

“You’re a fearless one,” someone suddenly said in a sigh-laden voice from behind.

Turning around, Se-Hoon paused with a puzzled look at the sight of a tall young man with azure hair, confused by his tone which was filled with pity rather than mockery.

“What do you mean by fearless?”

“You’re not aware? The technology to achieve the mass production of sword aura equipment is under close surveillance, even by the Demon Force. Regardless of whether what you’ve said today is a lie, the moment the wrong crowd suspects you’re working on it, you could be killed."

There was a reason why even those who often tried to capture the blacksmithing industry’s attention never recklessly talked about the mass production of sword aura equipment, and that was precisely it.

Yet Se-Hoon had spoken so openly about it. He might be safe right now because they were inside Babel, but who knew what would happen once he stepped outside?

“It’s in your best interests to just say you had been bluffing earlier. Otherwise... you really might end up in serious trouble.”

Hearing the serious warning of Howard Grant, the young man, Se-Hoon considered his words momentarily before thinking of something.

“Wait, who are you to act so familiar with me?”

A dead silence followed Se-Hoon’s question, and Howard looked at him incredulously.

“You—you don’t know me? We’re both honor students... how can you not know...”

“Honor student? Oh, are you from Ur?”

Se-Hoon’s genuinely confused expression was like a bolt from out of the blue for Howard, completely wiping away his original plan—taking this opportunity to somehow get close to Se-Hoon—from his mind and leaving him standing frozen, utterly dumbfounded.

“What are you doing?” asked Luize as she walked out from a corridor further down, frowning upon spotting Se-Hoon.

“How can the participant show up earlier than the assistant?”

“I just somehow ended up late. Where’s Lea?”

“She went up first. We’ll see her up there since she’s on the same floor as us.”

“Oh, really? Then let’s head up right away.”

They had several things to check before the competition, so they moved swiftly, leaving behind the dumbfounded Howard.

“Hey, Luize,” Se-Hoon said, glancing behind at Howard, as they walked toward the elevator.


“Do you know who that guy is?”

“That guy?”

Curious, Luize peered over Se-Hoon’s shoulder to look at Howard’s face before quickly making a puzzled expression.

“I’m not sure... isn’t he just another participant?”

“Is that so? Hmm...” muttered Se-Hoon unconvinced, his tone suggesting something was off as he eyed Howard.

“He’s a pretty strange person...”

Having been staring after the two the entire time, Howard took a deep breath when they disappeared out of sight.

It’s okay... this is within expectations. Maybe he’s just trying to provoke me by acting like he doesn’t know who I am.

Shaking his head, Howard calmed himself and proceeded inside with renewed determination to show his best at the competition.

“Hey, he’s following us.”

“Should we inform the guards?”


But upon seeing Luize and Se-Hoon whispering to each other, Howard’s brows furrowed.



—You have arrived at the twelfth floor.

Exiting the elevator on test site three’s floor, Se-Hoon glanced down the stairs to the side.

That guy earlier... what was his deal?

Initially, he thought Howard was just being nosy, but after their brief exchange, he realized that wasn’t the case. From the way Howard scrutinized him to his expressions and actions, every move was carefully calculated.

Would a normal student be able to go to such lengths...?

While Luize could also hide her true feelings and play dumb, hiding expressions and actions to that extent was no small feat. Deciding to keep Howard in mind, Se-Hoon internally made a note that he should be more cautious if they met again and walked into the test site.

Upon entering, five rows of desks, one for each student, could be easily seen. Many students were still trying to find assigned desks to unpack their items for submission.

Scanning the room, Se-Hoon noticed complex magic arrays, scrolls, gem-like consumable items scattered about, and even thick books and ominously glowing axes. Some participants had even brought large boxes and bookcases, creating a truly diverse scene.

After a precursory scan of the other contestants, Se-Hoon began examining the walls and ceiling.

It looks like they’ve expanded the room with spatial magic.

Besides the fact that the competition site was far more spacious than it appeared from the outside, it was unusual that such an open space would immediately follow the elevator corridor. It seemed likely that the Ivory Tower had moved the rooms that were originally on this floor to another level or possibly deployed an entire void space with spatial magic.

Hmm... how large can they make this room?

Meanwhile, as Se-Hoon methodically surveyed test site three, Luize scanned the students within, trying to find Lea.


But having been unable to spot her, Luize made a confused expression.

“Where did Lea go?”

“Why, is she not here?”

“Yeah. She definitely went up before us though...”

Hearing the fluster in Luize’s voice, Se-Hoon tore his gaze away from the ceiling and walls to scan the students again. Stopping abruptly, his eyes narrowed at a sight in front of him.

“I’ll be back in a moment; stay here.”

Leaving Luize behind, he approached an unoccupied desk and peered underneath, finding Lea inspecting an item wrapped in cloth.

“What are you doing down there?”



Startled by Se-Hoon, Lea bumped her head on the desk.


Seeing Lea holding her head and squirming, Se-Hoon began massaging his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. Then, with utter disappointment, he asked, “Are you trying to be funny or something?”

“No, no, that’s not it... I was actually...”

Lea was completely flustered, to the point that she was struggling to continue.

“She’s probably worried it might explode again,” said a voice, which Se-Hoon had heard moments ago, from behind them.

“She was quite the nuisance with that sphere in her freshman year.”

As he had expected, the owner of the voice, Howard, walked up to them. Se-Hoon turned to face him.

“A nuisance?”

“According to her explanation back then, that sphere was supposed to enchant only designated objects by the user to connect them together... but the device suddenly went berserk and started connecting everything on its own.”

As a result, the items the other students had prepared for their submissions were randomly connected and tangled with others. And then, every amplified force created by resonance phenomena between items exploded in an instant.

“Thankfully, the competition site’s safety devices ensured no one ended up dead, but there were still quite a few injured. Also, I’m not sure if that was the cause, but some of the students who had been affected by the incident showed poor academic performance afterward and ended up dropping out.”


During Howard’s explanation, Lea's expression had gradually darkened more and more. Even if it had been almost two years, she found the memory of the first time she caused harm to others hard to completely forget.

“Well, that’s all in the past now. And the fact that you’ve brought the device today... means you’re confident it won’t happen again, right?”


“I’m looking forward to it. A lot of people are interested in what you’ve created.”

Done with what he had to say, Howard gave them a slight smile and returned to his desk. Lea, however, remained still under the desk, clutching the cloth-wrapped item without saying a word.

Seeing her like that, Se-Hoon sighed deeply and said, “Didn’t you see it working properly yesterday?”


“And you also checked it tirelessly for days just in case.”

“I did it about 103 times.”

“And you’re still worried?”

Unable to respond, Lea closed her mouth. But then, she managed to barely eke out, “This device... just makes me anxious.”

She knew logically that the enchantment she created this time was different from the one before, but her emotions were not easily assuaged.

Was this the cause of her slump all along? Se-Hoon thought, exasperated.

He had thought that her continual testing of the device, despite being fairly certain there would be no issues, was due to the fear of possibly having to drop out. Now, however, it seemed it was because the past was still haunting her.

The reason for her slump aside, he still had to do something about her cowardly state, so he opted for the simplest approach.



Lifting up the large desk like a sheet of paper with one hand, he quickly scooped up Lea with the other.


Slinging Lea over his shoulder, he set the desk back down and gently sat her down on top. Then, he wrapped several layers of Black Weaver around her waist and anchored the ends to her desk.

Forced Fixation.”


With that Incantation Inscription, he turned the threads of Black Weaver into ropes tougher than steel.

“...Wait, wait a moment.”

In the blink of an eye, Lea was bound to the desk. And since she was significantly taller now, her head popped up noticeably in the crowd, attracting stares from all around them.

“Uh, Se-Hoon, I don’t think you should be doing this right now. We’re not even in our classroom...”

Even Lea, who was no stranger to unusual behaviors and unabashed actions, couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by the situation.

But despite noticing her beet-red face, Se-Hoon just looked her directly in the eyes and said, “You can do it, sunbae. Keep your head up.”

Giving her that sincere cheer, he returned to his seat.

“Ah... no, wait, Se-Hoon! It was my mistake. I feel energized now... so... hey, hey, you basta—”

Completely ignoring the sounds of protest coming from behind him, Se-Hoon took out Hati.

“We should start preparing too. You can do it, right?”

“Well... I did practice a bit.”

Taking Hati from him, Luize was about to put on it when she glanced toward Lea.


Lea’s pleading look for help made Luize’s eyes tremble momentarily, but forcibly turned her head like she hadn’t seen anything.

“You do know how much of a bastard you are, right?”

Her question, laden with various implications, made Se-Hoon smirk.

“If I did that without knowing, I would be a devil.”


Thinking that Lea should just endure the tough times now since it ultimately would be a good experience, Luize silently cheered her on in her heart.

“The preliminary round of the student scholarship selection competition will now begin! All students, please remain in your places!”

The announcer’s booming voice finally announced the start.

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