The Regressed Mercenary’s Machinations

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: I Won’t Be Fooled Twice (2)H

Thanks to Ghislain’s quick response when performing chest compressions, Fergus barely managed to start breathing again.

“Where did you learn something like this?”

“That’s not what’s important. You almost had your body and soul split just now. Do you think coming back to life is easy?”

“Urgh, my heart’s gotten weaker with age… It sometimes acts up when I’m startled.”

Ghislain had wished him a long life, but they had almost parted ways right after meeting today. Clicking his tongue, Ghislain massaged Fergus’s hand.

“Later, I’ll brew some mandrake root tea for you. For now, go get some rest.”

“But I still need to escort you, Young Master…”

“No, please, just go rest. You’re driving me crazy with worry. At this rate, I’ll have to be the one escorting you.”

“Then, at least let me stay by your side while you train.”

Unable to win against Fergus’s stubbornness, Ghislain reluctantly nodded.

Even if Fergus was called a bodyguard, it was only in name. In reality, he was more like a nanny who followed Ghislain around the castle. Due to his age, there wasn’t much Fergus could do. If Ghislain had taken this away from him, Fergus would have lost the little joy he had left in life.

After briefly looking around the castle to get his bearings, Ghislain headed straight to the private training grounds.

The place was filthy and abandoned, with no one guarding it or keeping it clean. Looking at the neglected training ground, Ghislain became lost in thought.

‘Why was I like that back then?’

An environment where he could entirely focus on mana cultivation and training was something he couldn’t have even dreamed of during his mercenary days.

Indeed, leaving home leads to a life of hardship.

As he reflected on this newfound realization, Ghislain called a servant to clean the training grounds.

“Are you really planning to train?” Fergus asked.

“Yeah. I need to work hard now.”

“You’ve made a wise decision. Absolutely.”

Fergus was genuinely happy. Others would mock whatever Ghislain did, thinking he was just all talk. But Fergus was always the only one who believed in him, saying the young master was just temporarily lost.

While Fergus guarded the entrance to the training grounds, Ghislain entered and began his mana cultivation.

‘I don’t have much time left, but I need to push myself as far as possible.’

He had the knowledge and experience accumulated from his previous life. If he used it well, he was confident he could grow stronger faster than anyone else. But there wasn’t enough time.

“A week… It’s tight, but it’s not impossible.”

Compared to his past life, his current body was in such terrible shape that it made him sigh.

To turn such a weak body into one of steel in just a week? That would be impossible, even if he were reborn several times over.

However, if he could just manage to control mana, his physical abilities would improve drastically.

“At the very least, I need to get to the point where I can handle mana.”

If he combined it with the experience from his past life, even with this wretched body, he could handle most knights.


Under Ghislain’s will, the surrounding mana began to move, flowing into his body and gathering once again in the core below his navel. He had swiftly reached the stage of absorbing and converting mana into his body—a remarkable feat considering he had previously been unable to sense mana at all.

If others saw this, they would have been startled. However, for Ghislain, who had practiced mana cultivation even on the battlefield, this was as easy as breathing.

The excess mana that couldn’t be stored within his body scattered outward, becoming a reddish haze.

‘What a waste.’

Ghislain’s method of mana cultivation was still incomplete. It was a technique he had recklessly modified from his family’s original method, adjusting it to suit his own body.

Because it had been refined through actual combat, the technique carried a dense aura of killing intent and lacked stability, but it was fast and effective. Even in his previous life, this modified cultivation technique allowed him to rise to the ranks of the powerful.

‘I had a stroke of luck, too.’

His position as one of the Continent’s Seven Strongest was thanks to a grimoire he had accidentally discovered in an ancient ruin.

An incomplete grimoire with no name, old and tattered, with only half of it remaining. Yet, it was from that grimoire that Ghislain drew inspiration to recreate his mana cultivation technique.


Mana gathered in Ghislain’s right chest, forming a new core. Unlike others who only used the core naturally present in their bodies, he had artificially created one in an entirely different location.


Another core soon formed in his left chest.


The cores, arranged in a reverse triangle, including the one below his navel that he had from birth, quickly interconnected and circulated mana. This was the advantage of Ghislain’s unique cultivation method, which only he could use.

The explosive power produced by these multiple cores working together was extraordinary.

This very strength allowed Ghislain to carve his name among the Continent’s Seven Strongest and earn the title of King of Mercenaries.

However, where there are strengths, there are also weaknesses. Ghislain’s cultivation technique was problematic because of the extreme instability of the energy.

“As expected, it’s difficult to manage.”

The mana stored in the three cores began to struggle, trying to burst out of his body. Ghislain focused his mind, suppressing the resistance and forcing the mana to obey his control.

‘I’ll have to fix this slowly as well.’

While he could release immense power explosively, it consumed an enormous amount of mana in a short time.

In his previous life, with a vast reservoir of mana akin to an ocean, it hadn’t been a significant issue unless he faced an opponent of the same caliber. But now, things were different.

He had to reserve the explosive bursts for critical moments to use his limited mana efficiently.


‘For now, three cores will have to do.’

With just three cores, he could handle most knights. Ghislain decided to focus on stabilizing his mana rather than increasing the number of cores.

Even during my time as the King of Mercenaries, controlling five cores was the limit. The burden multiplies every time an additional core is added.

‘Anyway, my body won’t be able to withstand more than this.’

Although the amount of mana stored in the three cores I had just created wasn’t entirely satisfying, this was my limit for now.

But Ghislain did not intend to be content with this state forever. He would perfect this incomplete martial technique and grow even stronger in this life.

The source of Ghislain’s power was revenge and anger. In his previous life, the only reason he was able to reach the pinnacle of strength was because he endured bone-crushing suffering, driven solely by vengeance.

He constantly recalled the final moments of his past life, never forgetting that resolve.

‘Aiden, this time I will sever your head.’

Aiden, the ‘Noble Knight’ with whom Ghislain had last crossed swords in his previous life. As he remembered him, Ghislain furrowed his brow.

‘The more I think about it, the more furious I get.’

Aiden had already worn him down and had the audacity to bring his knights to fight. Aiden was an opponent Ghislain couldn’t guarantee victory against, even in a one-on-one duel, and now he had to deal with them attacking in unison. There was no way to hold out.

‘That coward… If we had fought one-on-one, I would’ve won.’

Ghislain ranked seventh among the Seven Strongest on the continent, while Aiden ranked fifth. But the rankings meant nothing. They were just arbitrary numbers people assigned based on timing and reputation.

In reality, their skills were almost identical, and the outcome of a fight could change depending on their condition that day or the surrounding circumstances.

‘I know this all too well…’

When you’re one of the Seven Strongest, you can’t help but have immense pride. So, even when ignorant people said such things, it made him strangely irritated.

In his previous life, his last drinking companion, the ‘One-Man Army,’ who was also called the Archmage, would occasionally tease him like this:

— “I’m ranked third, and you’re ranked seventh. Yup, you really suck at fighting.”

— “Quit talking nonsense… Are you bored? Want to spar for old time’s sake?”

Whenever they bantered like that, the area around them was devastated, and the terrain changed so much that their subordinates begged them many times to stop.

‘Damn it, now I’m pissed again.’

Thinking about it now, he got worked up all over again. Even though they both knew it wasn’t true, it was infuriating when the other person acted childish.

Maybe it was his innate fighting spirit, or perhaps the desire to assert his rank was a primal instinct embedded deep within him.

‘Fine. This time, I won’t just be one of the Seven Strongest. I’ll become the strongest on the continent.’

After all, even in his previous life, he never thought he’d lose to any of the other members of the Seven Strongest. He always believed that you wouldn’t know until you fought. His opponents probably thought the same.

Except for one person… but that was the only exception.

“The Continent’s Greatest Sword… That man was certainly strong.”

The first spot in the ranking of the Seven Strongest on the Continent, acknowledged by all.

Even Ghislain, who was confident in his own skills, had thought, ‘Ah, this might be tough…’ when facing him. The moment he recalled that overwhelming prowess, his heart cooled.

Even though he had returned to the past, he still felt like he couldn’t beat that massive wall.

‘No. Ghislain Ferdium, you idiot! What pathetic thoughts! What reason do you have to feel intimidated already?!’

Sure, the ‘Continent’s Greatest Sword’ had indeed been strong back then, but there was no reason to get scared in advance.

‘I’m young now, too.’

Ghislain had the experience and knowledge he accumulated in his past life, and now he had the youth to fully use them.

He could give it a try.

Of course, the most important goal was to prevent the destruction of his territory and family.

However, if he didn’t have the desire to become the best—a fighter’s thirst for challenge—he wouldn’t be able to improve his skills either.

‘I’ll crush them all.’

In this life, he would put an end to the duchy and the bastards hiding behind it, and he would become the strongest, no matter what.

Ghislain’s eyes glowed red as he clenched his teeth.

* * *

Until the festival began, Ghislain focused on rebuilding his basic physical condition.

While concentrating on training, he also made efforts to eat and converse with Elena whenever he had the chance.

‘It’s still a bit awkward, though.’

But Elena seemed to be slowly accepting his changes, and their relationship was improving compared to before.

“Have you started training again lately?”

“Yeah. As the heir to a knight’s family, I can’t afford to slack off.”

“You used to hate that kind of thing, didn’t you? You’d say stuff like, ‘Only idiots study or train. If I just give the orders, they’ll handle it. Why should I bother?’ You even used to frown like this.”

“Did I say that?”

Elena mimicked a scowling expression, and Ghislain just shrugged.

He knew he had always been full of complaints, but honestly, he didn’t remember every stupid conversation in detail.

“Yeah! Dad said it was annoying, too. He mentioned how it’d be nice if you’d hurry up and take over as lord so he could retreat to the countryside.”

“…Well, I guess I was a pretty terrible son.”

It was a line that clearly drove home how much of a mess he’d been in his past life.

“If you work hard, maybe Dad will return and be happy?”

“Who knows.”

Ghislain’s father, the Count of Ferdium, was currently on an expedition in the northern region.

Only the troops meant to maintain public order were left in the territory.

If the main force was away and a chaotic festival was approaching, it would be the perfect time for external forces to cause trouble and flee.

This was something Ghislain had never realized in his previous life.

Now that he was aware of it, he became even more convinced that Elena’s death back then hadn’t been a mere coincidence.

“Alright, I’m off to train.”

“Since when did you start working so hard? I wonder how long it’ll last this time.”

Leaving Elena, who was muttering to herself, behind, Ghislain headed back to the training grounds.

* * *

Time passed, and the day of the festival finally arrived.

‘It’s today.’

After strapping his sword to his waist and finishing his preparations, Ghislain headed to Elena’s room.

Elena, who was about to enjoy the festival, looked puzzled when she ran into him.

“Aren’t you training today? Are you going to the festival too, brother?”

“Yeah, let’s go together.”

“Wow, this is a surprise. You’re actually coming to the festival with me?”

“Well, it’s only right to enjoy a festival.”

“Hmm, you’ve really changed.”

Elena turned to her maids and told them to take the day off.

They were still either afraid or uncomfortable around Ghislain, so she had dismissed them.

As Ghislain escorted her, he fell deep into thought.

‘It’s different from before.’

In his previous life, Elena had always been the one to ask him to go out with her because he was constantly in a foul mood.

Her suggestion had been a gesture of consideration, hoping that the festival might cheer him up, even just a little.

But now, since Ghislain had changed his behavior in this life, Elena no longer felt the need to ask first.

How he acted affected how those around him responded, and even his future was shifting subtly.

‘Even if the major events remain the same, I can’t calculate every small change. I have to adapt to the situation.’

He knew those were targeting the Ferdium family, but the more he interfered with their plans, the more their methods would evolve.

Even if he knew the future, it was up to him to use that knowledge appropriately based on the current circumstances.

‘There can be no mistakes.’

As he reminded himself of this, Ghislain wandered through the festival with Elena.

While Elena seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself in the bustling crowd, Ghislain’s mind remained clouded, unable to immerse himself fully in the festival atmosphere.

‘This is strange. How did we end up near the slums?’

Elena had been enjoying the festival in the crowded central area and showed no signs of wanting to go to the slums. No one had called her there either.

Perhaps the future had shifted slightly just because he had decided to accompany her this time.

After wandering around for a while longer, Elena stretched and muttered with a hint of boredom.

“It’s fun, but since it’s the same every year, it gets a little dull.”

Festivals were typically repetitive, and given that their impoverished territory had limited resources for preparations, it was no wonder she found it monotonous.

“Isn’t there anything more exciting?”

As she aimlessly glanced around in mild disappointment, one of her escort knights approached and whispered something.

“My Lady, shall we go somewhere else then?”

“Hmm? Where?”

The escort knight, who smiled warmly, was named Jamal. He had been one of Elena’s personal guards for a long time and had a good reputation within the castle.

“I heard that something special is happening a bit further out, near the outskirts.”

“Really? What is it?”

“Well, that’s just what my friend told me. I don’t know the details, but they said it’s supposed to be quite… stimulating.”

“Really? Let’s go! I want to see it!”

Elena’s eyes sparkled as she excitedly exclaimed, eager to go and check it out.

Ghislain quietly observed Jamal’s face.

‘So, it was you.’

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