The Regressed Mercenary’s Machinations

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 – Birds of a Feather (3)

A dagger flew toward Ghislain, aiming for his eyes.

He lightly dodged it with just a slight movement of his head, then swiftly stabbed the dagger into Kaor’s side.

“Ugh, you… you bastard…”

Kaor glared at Ghislain, grimacing in pain.

‘It must be a coincidence!’

He immediately extended his arm, trying to strike Ghislain’s temple.

But Ghislain effortlessly tilted his head back to evade and, in an instant, spun the dagger in his hand to hold it in a reverse grip.

“You better give it your all.”

With those words, Ghislain slashed at Kaor’s arm.


Realizing that the first attack wasn’t just a coincidence, Kaor gritted his teeth.

He glared fiercely, launching a barrage of attacks, but Ghislain blocked every single one. Instead of landing hits, Kaor’s body accumulated more and more wounds.

“You bastard!”

In a fit of rage, Kaor suddenly yanked the hand that was tied to Ghislain.

His intent was clear: to disrupt Ghislain’s stance and go for his neck.

At that moment, Ghislain’s body moved uncannily, dodging the attack with ease.

He used his opponent’s strength to regain his balance, moving fluidly with precision.

It was an artful display of perfected technique.

While dodging, Ghislain didn’t miss the opening Kaor revealed and slashed him with his dagger.



Another crimson gash appeared on Kaor’s chest.

The mercenaries watching the duel were left speechless, their mouths hanging open in shock.

They could tell that Ghislain’s movements were far from ordinary.

Unlike Kaor, who was locked in combat with him, the spectators, viewing from a distance, could see Ghislain’s remarkable skill even more clearly.

“How is he moving like that without using mana?”

“He looks so young, but what are those techniques?”

“Even knights can’t fight like that, right?”

The mercenaries buzzed in amazement, but Gillian wasn’t listening.

His hand, which had been gripping his sword to strike at Kaor, had already fallen away from the hilt.

He had unconsciously relaxed his grip, mesmerized by Ghislain’s movements.

‘What incredible technique! How can someone that young move like that?’

This was Gillian’s first time seeing Ghislain fight, and he was in utter shock.

A genius, perhaps?

No, it wasn’t that.

Gillian had also been through countless battlefields, and he could tell.

If a flash of insight was the realm of genius, then Ghislain’s composure and experience were honed through countless drills and trials—through effort and the passage of time.

That’s why Gillian felt even more confused.

Where did the immense experience and wisdom behind every one of Ghislain’s movements come from?

While Gillian wrestled with his thoughts, the duel continued unabated.

The sound of fabric tearing and groans of pain overlapped repeatedly.

Thud! Thud! Thud!


Kaor’s attacks continued to miss, while Ghislain’s dagger relentlessly pierced Kaor’s body each time.

“Wh-why! How are you this skilled!”

Kaor hadn’t been able to land a single blow on Ghislain.

The arm holding the dagger was already covered in wounds, and the pain made it impossible to straighten his back properly.

He couldn’t believe that the young noble, who looked like a rookie, had such skills.

He had been confident in his own abilities.

Among mercenaries, he was regarded as one of the strongest. His bravery and viciousness were such that even knights were a step below him.

Yet, none of his skills worked against the young noble standing before him.


Kaor, with his already wounded arm, raised it again, aiming for Ghislain’s vital point.

Striking the opponent’s vital points in a single blow was his specialty.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t reach Ghislain’s weak spots.


Ghislain effortlessly blocked Kaor’s dagger strike.

“Focusing solely on vital points isn’t always the best strategy. Even a beast can do that much.”

Ghislain spoke as if he were teaching Kaor a lesson and thrust his dagger again in all directions.

Each strike cleverly avoided the vital areas of the side, shoulder, chest, and abdomen.


Kaor, now drenched in blood, finally let his arm fall limp.

But the look in his eyes, filled with fierce determination as he glared at Ghislain, remained unchanged.

Even on the verge of death, he refused to surrender. Seeing this, Ghislain nodded.

“Your grit is impressive. I’ll commend you for not using mana until now.”

“Don’t make me laugh. This isn’t over yet. I’ll kill you for sure.”

“Do you really think you can? One more stab and you’ll die.”

Ghislain sneered, then casually tossed his dagger behind him.


Kaor’s face showed confusion. Why would he throw away his dagger after clearly winning the fight?

Could it be that he had already judged the match over and would end it on his own terms?

“You bastard…!”

He couldn’t accept it. This duel wasn’t over until one of them surrendered or died.

Kaor, seething with rage, shouted.

“Are you mocking me right now? Who said the duel is over? Pick up your dagger right now! This isn’t finished yet! I’ll kill you!”

Watching Kaor’s outburst, Ghislain casually scratched his ear before speaking.

“Who said it’s over?”


“I don’t plan on finishing it yet either.”

“Then why did you throw your dagger…?”

Before Kaor could finish his sentence, Ghislain raised his fist with a grin.

“Now, it’s time for your lesson. You need to learn how to control that temper of yours.”


Caught off guard, Kaor couldn’t comprehend what Ghislain was saying. That’s when Ghislain’s fist flew toward his temple.



Kaor staggered heavily from the unexpected blow. Even then, he swung his dagger, trying to attack Ghislain.

His reaction speed was shockingly fast.

Ghislain, inwardly impressed, smiled in satisfaction.

But admiration and teaching were two separate matters. He grabbed Kaor’s wrist, which held the dagger and twisted it in the opposite direction.



The sound of bones grinding echoed as Kaor dropped his dagger. Ghislain kicked it up lightly, sending it into the air.

Catching the dagger mid-air, he swiftly cut the rope, binding their hands together.


Kaor, who had been pulling against the rope with all his strength, suddenly lost his restraint and stumbled backward.

It was only a few steps, but it was enough for him to step outside the ring.


According to the rules, one more way to lose without dying or surrendering was to step out of the ring.

Realizing what had happened too late, Kaor’s face turned grim.

Though he had never feared death before, this… was an unavoidable situation.


Kaor spat bloodied saliva onto the ground and glared at Ghislain.

“Looks like I stepped out of the ring without realizing it. Consider yourself lucky, rookie. Unfortunately, I guess we’ll have to end this here. I’ll concede defeat. Hard to believe a day like this would come.”

He hadn’t died, nor had he surrendered.

It was only because the rope had been cut, causing him to step out of the ring accidentally.

He could now end the duel while saving some face, pretending it was due to the rules rather than a lack of skill.

For Kaor, it was the best possible outcome.

The mercenaries watching from the sidelines had pity in their eyes, but he didn’t care.

‘…To be honest, that bastard’s just too strong.’

Running a hand through his hair, Kaor continued with a smug expression.

“So, as promised, I’ll tell you all about the request you wanted…”

“It’s not over yet.”

Ghislain interrupted Kaor, pulling his fist back.


With a sound like the air exploding, Ghislain’s fist shot forward.

Kaor, startled, crossed his arms to block the blow, but it was useless.



Kaor couldn’t withstand even a single punch and was sent flying backward.

The pain was excruciating—far worse than being stabbed or slashed with a dagger. His arms throbbed as if his bones had been broken.

Rolling across the ground, Kaor quickly regained his senses and stood up.

But before he could even assume a proper stance, Ghislain’s fist flew at him again.


“Wait! According to the rules, stepping out of the ring means—”

“Rules? What rules? Are you going to fight by the rules on a battlefield?”

“But you’re the one who proposed this duel!”

“Don’t try to bind me with rules. I fight when I want to and hit when I feel like hitting.”

With that, Ghislain swung his fist again.


‘Ah, this guy’s just a total lunatic.’

The “Mad Dog” of the town had genuinely run into a crazed opponent.

“Fine, let’s take this to the end! I’ll kill you no matter what!”

Kaor gritted his teeth and launched a counterattack.


But his attacks never landed. Every time Ghislain’s body blurred, Kaor’s fists only struck empty air.

It felt like he was fighting a ghost.

“I can’t accept this!”

Kaor glared at Ghislain with eyes full of malice.

Thanks to acquiring a decent mana technique and being born with extraordinary talent, he had lived without fear of anything.

But now, he was getting beaten down by a young noble who seemed like a rookie.


Kaor charged with a roar, but Ghislain swung his fist without mercy.

“The only medicine for a Mad Dog is a beating.”





With each blow, Kaor’s consciousness gradually began to fade.

By now, thoughts of the duel or proving himself had vanished entirely from his mind.

‘Why? Why am I getting beaten up like this?’


‘What was I even doing?’

The blood loss and continued beating made it hard for even a sturdy mercenary like him to endure.

His eyes grew hazy as if he were drunk, and he staggered. The mercenaries watching swallowed nervously.

“Can someone even beat a man like that…?”

“He’s going to die at this rate. Shouldn’t we stop this? The duel’s basically over, isn’t it?”

“He should’ve just killed him earlier… After all, you don’t mess with nobles. I knew this day would come.”

And this was precisely what Ghislain had been aiming for.

These were the types of men who would always try to overthrow their master if they didn’t establish dominance.

*Thud! Thud! Thud!*

Even then, Ghislain’s punches didn’t stop.

In Kaor’s fading vision, he could see the face of his long-deceased grandmother.

‘Ah, Grandma! When did you get here? I miss that omelette you used to make!’

Seeing the nostalgic look in Kaor’s eyes, Ghislain stopped his assault.

It was impeccable timing.

“Hm, is this the end?”


As soon as Ghislain stepped back with a nod, Kaor collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.


The mercenaries rushed over to check on Kaor and shook their heads.

“He’s done for. His breathing is too shallow. He’s going to die soon.”

“To think our captain would die so pitifully.”

The mercenaries cast their gazes down, keeping a close eye on Ghislain.

There wasn’t a single one of them who could stand tall in the face of such overwhelming violence—enough to even make the hot-tempered Kaor kneel.

As he silently observed Kaor lying on the ground, Ghislain spoke.

“Gillian, bring the person I called for.”

“Ah, yes, understood.”

Gillian, having no time to be astonished by Ghislain’s display of skill, quickly vanished from the scene.

He returned in less than a few minutes, carrying a priest on his back.

It turned out that before Ghislain had even arrived, he had paid a hefty sum to have the priest on standby at a nearby inn.

‘Lord Ghislain really plans for everything.’

At first, Gillian didn’t understand why they needed to call a priest.

But now, it was clear that Ghislain had anticipated this very situation. No, he had likely orchestrated it to happen this way.

The more he saw, the more Gillian realized how far ahead his lord planned and prepared.

“Begin the healing immediately.”

As soon as Ghislain finished speaking, the priest rushed over to Kaor and poured divine power into him.

The wounds healed faster than expected. Despite the numerous cuts and heavy blood loss, Ghislain had avoided striking Kaor’s vital points and organs with precise accuracy.

Watching Kaor’s recovery, the mercenaries were in awe.

They had enough battle experience to grasp Ghislain’s intentions and methods quickly.

“How did he avoid all the vital spots with strikes like that?”

“Just how skilled is he with a sword?”

The mercenaries couldn’t stop marveling as they watched Kaor heal.

After the treatment ended and some time had passed, Kaor slowly opened his eyes and muttered,


“Grandma? Get a grip already.”

At the sound of Ghislain’s voice, Kaor snapped his head up and scrambled backward along the ground.

“I’m… still alive? I swear I saw my dead grandmother!”

“There are a lot of guys who claim to meet loved ones after I hit them. Anyway, I’d appreciate it if we could sign the contract today. I’m a bit busy.”

Kaor, looking up at Ghislain, who now wore a carefree smile—completely different from when they were fighting—staggered to his feet.

Scratching his head a few times, he spat on the ground and said,

“Let’s… write it now.”

He had no more intention of arguing or resisting. After seeing Ghislain’s handiwork, he could believe this man was a devil rather than a noble.

And since he had lost the duel, he had to abide by the outcome.

Seeing Kaor’s compliance, Ghislain smiled with satisfaction.

“Good. You won’t regret this.”

This was the moment when Ghislain took control of the Cerberus Mercenary Corps, commonly known as the Mad Dogs.

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