The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 180: An Archdemon Of Gluttony’s Powerful Traits And Skills

Chapter 180: An Archdemon Of Gluttony’s Powerful Traits And Skills


Although I stole three Traits from Uroboros, I can only use one right now. The other two have been locked, and I cannot see their information, sadly. Nonetheless, it is a pretty strong one at that. 


[Tail-Eating Snake (Epic Grade)]

An Epic Grade Trait, born from the journey and life of a certain crimson-scaled snake, has been absorbed into your own Story. This Trait was born out of their lives, their choices, their fights, and their struggles. 

You are a snake—cunning, vicious, and stealthy. You can think quicker than most people, do acts of viciousness without overthinking it, and your presence is very dim if you wish for it. 

Yet despite that, you’re always hungry—so hungry that sometimes eating your daily hunt is not enough. The hunger compels you to do something unthinkable. 

You will constantly bite your own tail out of hunger and frustration. Biting your tail, which always regenerates, makes you feel comfortable. 

A flow of energy is generated when you bite your tail, and your energies recover quickly as a result. An endless flow that signifies infinity. 

However, your hunger is too strong, to the point that any of your attacks will sometimes literally “eat” your foe’s powers or abilities. 

And deep down, you feel like you will never be able to stop until you devour everything.

To unlock more Abilities, strengthen your {Dao Foundation}.


Ominous, as always. But the abilities are very good. The power to “devour” things through my attacks is very amazing. Also, I gain the literal ability to shape my Aura or myself as a snake. I haven’t tried that yet, though. And yeah, if a Trait says you’re “x thing,” you can literally turn into it.

I’m already a princess in looks and charm, and with this Trait, I can turn into a snake, and I am cunning, vicious, and stealthy. I feel the same as always, though.

“Let’s see…” I said, focusing on the Trait within my Phantom Dao Root. 


In an explosion of white smoke, my entire body shrank. And suddenly, it felt like the world around me had become much larger than ever before. I felt I had no limbs at all, only a very long body and tail. My eyes could see through mana fluctuations, and when I stuck my tongue out, I could sense the heat of my surroundings.

Wow, this was crazy.

“I’m a snake!”

Gram and Sepa were shocked to see me as I slid through my room and looked at myself in the mirror. I was around four meters long, with shiny crimson scales and sharp green eyes. I had two tiny horns atop my head.

“Wait, what the hell?! You turned yourself into a snake!” Sepa took a while to wake up from her daze.

[“T-This is… slightly fitting. You are indeed a snake sometimes. Hahahah!”]

“Shut it.”

I tried out this new body. I felt much faster than before. And I also realized I could slide through the walls and even the ceiling like a gecko. Is this the natural ability of a snake?!

Anyways, I also found out I can spit venom out of my fangs like bullets and also venomous flames, which are of a red and purple color. I remember Uroboros having a similar ability.

“Hmmm… Can I increase my size, though?”

As much as I tried, I was stuck in this relatively small size. Well, before the apocalypse, I would be considered a dangerous and big snake. But compared to the big monsters out there, I am definitely a tiny one. But this might actually be beneficial—to sneak out of sight, escape through crevices, and so on. Not so bad, I suppose. It could be worse; I can definitely see some uses, especially on tombs full of traps and other things. 


“Back to humans! Ah, but I can still somehow... Do this, right? Yeah.”

I noticed I could grow crimson scales across my body at will. My claws could also get sharper, and my tail could transform into a snake-like tail. Snake eyes and tongues are also included. But that’s all. My transformation is not as extreme as the Demonic Humans that served Uroboros.

“So you can get scales and spit venomous fire, huh? Not bad.” Sepa nodded. “Can you get even more snake-like with your human body?”

“Maybe if I constantly train for this transformation... It feels like it needs proper proficiency.” I analyzed it. “I do have a Demonic Beast Transformation Skill though, so maybe I can get more of that out by using that Skill... Well, let’s move on, though.”

Now, to the two new skills I haven’t completely analyzed yet. Both skills were SSS-rank.


[Demonic Snake’s Gluttony (SSS): Lv2]

[Skill EXP]: [11.284/200.000]

The Unique Innate Skill of the Archdemon of Gluttony, Uroboros. A fragment of his former all-devouring prowess resides within this Skill. Its truest powers have been sealed, as neither your world nor your body can take them completely. 

Grants the ability to summon a fragment of the true power of Uroboros into your Aura and Body. Which allows them to devour and absorb the energy and attacks of foes, up to 30% of them. Additionally, your attacks imbued with this Skill’s Aura can also devour and absorb 30% of the damage dealt as energies of your choice, between Mana, Ki, Spiritual Energy, or Stamina for your body.

Your Aura can shape into countless devouring and vicious Snakes, representing the many shapes Uroboros went through as he evolved to become as powerful as he was as a Constellation. Each snake produced by your Aura can deal up to 200% Damage and ignore 20% of a foe’s Total Defenses. There’s a 1% chance per bite to inflict the foe with [Bleeding], [Paralysis], [Poison], [Mana Deficiency], or [Fear] Status Effects.

Lastly, you can shape, transform, and imbue other elements, skills, and abilities into this Aura. Turning it liquid into poison, venomous flames, gases, lightning, winds, or even as solid as stone, as long as you have the elemental power and Mana for it. 

More Abilities will be unlocked once the Skill Ranks Up (Currently not available until Third Awakening). 

Level Bonus (2): Increases the Damage Dealt using the Demonic Snake’s Gluttony Aura by +200%, ignores -10% of Foe’s Total Defenses, and increases All Stats by +20% when using the Aura. 


It is as amazing as I imagined. I did get the gist of it even without checking the description before. I had used it a lot against Heisenberg, and it surely showed. It has been one of my strongest abilities so far. 

And it really narrowed the gap between Heisenberg and my own power back then. It was so powerful that it made him run away from me. I’ll definitely continue using this power. I have to train and learn to use it as a core part of my fighting abilities now. 

Anyway, moving on to the other Skill, this one was acquired by fusing the Mjolnir Skill with this one Skill together. 


[Nameless Axe-Sword: Heracles’ Twelve Labors Manifestation: Lv1 (SSS)]

[Skill EXP]: [37.552/100.000]

A Fusion Skill created by the Fusion of the [Mjolnir’s Manifestation (S)] and the [Demonic Snake’s Gluttony (SSS)] Skills.

Channel Mana to manifest the Ancient and Lost Relic belonged to an old Greek hero, Heracles. This Ancient Lost Relic has no name, as he deemed it not worth his time to give it one. Meaning that despite once belonging to him, it has no true owner and was able to be passed upon you through the replication of its Ancient Records within the Cosmic Root.

This Relic is both a Mana and a Cosmic Construct and cannot be destroyed once summoned. However, it will disappear once the user runs out of Mana or stops imbuing energy into the weapon. It can be summoned and unsummoned at will. The Attack Power of this weapon is based on the Skill Level and the wielder’s Stats, Traits, and Privileges combined. 

As a basic weapon, the massive Nameless Axe-Sword can unleash three basic attacks against any foe by using the Mana imbued into its Cosmic Construct and fusing it with the wielder’s Aura. The stronger the Aura of the Wielder, the more damage these three basic attacks can deal.

Basic Attacks: 

{Cleave}: Coat the Axe-Sword with a thick veil of Crimson Mana and unleash a mighty attack against any nearby foe, cleaving them apart with a single and powerful strike. Deals up to 500% Damage and ignores up to 30% of the foe's Defense. Cost: 5.000+ MP.

{Wave}: By unleashing the Mana inside the Axe-Sword, release an explosive long-ranged slash of Crimson Mana, which can pierce through several targets and then explode, damaging many foes at the same time, as long as they’re within range. Deals up to 600% Damage to the primary target and up to 300% Damage to any foe near the explosion, ignoring 15% of the foe’s Defenses. Cost: 8.000+ MP.

{Rampage}: Rush towards your foes and unleash dozens of crazed consecutive blows, making sure to tear them to shreds with your brute force. Once activated, move your body automatically toward the nearest foe and attack them 12 times, Dealing up to 400% damage per Attack, which ignores 5% of their defenses with an additional +5% with each blow. You restore 50% of the damage dealt as HP. Cost: 15.000+ MP.

As the Ancient Relic of Heracles, this Nameless Axe-Sword possesses a Fragment of his Myth, in the form of the Twelve Labors. Due to the restrictions of your world, only three Labors are available. When using the Labors, both your MP and Ki are constantly drained.  

Available Labors out of Twelve (3/12):

{First Labor: Nemean Lion’s Wrath}: The might of the Nemean Lion takes 50% of your HP as a sacrifice and engulfs your foes on a barrage of 30 attacks that deal up to +1000% damage and ignore -50% of their defenses. After the attack, the foe’s defenses stay reduced for 5 minutes, and the Nemean Lion takes another 50% of your HP and covers your body with his fur, reducing 50% of all damage taken for 5 minutes. Daily Uses: 2/2

{Second Labor: Hydra’s Regeneration}: The powerful regenerative abilities of the Hydra dwell within you; any damage you take is instantly regenerated for the next 5 minutes. Even if your head is cut off, even if your entire body is reduced to shreds, you will regenerate it. The Hydra’s heads will grow from your back and neck, attacking any nearby foe and dealing up to 300% damage while infecting them with {Hydra’s Venom} that decreases their regenerative abilities. After 5 Minutes, the Hydra takes 99% of your HP. Daily Uses: 1/1

{Third labor: Ceryneian Hind’s Golden Horns}: You grow a pair of gigantic golden horns, which the Ceryneian Hind is so proud of. You can manipulate them as you wish and make them grow up to ten times their original size. If used defensively, they can absorb up to 500.000 Damage and if used offensively, they can deal up to 600% Piercing Damage and ignore 30% of the foe’s defenses. When struck by the horns, your foe’s Movement Speed and Agility decrease by -90% for 1 Minute, and cannot stack. Once the durability of the horns is depleted, the Ceryneian Hind will seal one of your Skills for 1 Hour. Daily Uses: 2/2

Level Bonus (1): Increases Damage Dealt using the Three Basic Attacks by +100%. Recovers 10% of the Damage Dealt using them as HP. 


They were incredible. I definitely have to use this Skill for… literally everything. I need to increase my MP and Ki pool as much as possible to use them effectively, though. Nonetheless, it’s simply amazing. From the basic attacks to the labors! Although the Labors have to make some sort of sacrifice or debuff, they’re totally worth it for what they can do.

Without a doubt, a combination of these two skills would already make me someone at the top of the S-rank! However, the enormous energy cost of constantly using both is a really big problem. While other S-Rank Hunters naturally have such strength in their bodies, I need to rely on absurd skills and equipment to get to their level. And that by itself is exhausting for my body.

I also need to keep cultivating this small body of mine so I can properly utilize these overpowered abilities effectively.

[“So that’s the giant rock weapon you wielded with me back then… It is a very ridiculous skill.”]

“W-What in the world… Heracles Myth Fragment?! How did you even get your hands into that?” Sepa asked. “Your powers are so strange, Anna… I wish I had them!”

“Okay, stop staring at me with so much envy, we’re not done here yet.” I smiled, taking a look at my inventory. 

After checking these Titles, Traits, and Skills, it is time to finally use some of these items. I won’t wait until the situation where I need them arrives; instead, I will prepare as much as I can first.

Should I start by checking these Skill and Privilege Fusion and Evolution items?


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